Chapter 8


chapter tw: suicide, self-harm


Time was strangely slow. Yuju's shift will end in half an hour, and she's wishing that half an hour would pass by right now.


After her shift, she was scrambling to fix her things quick, with the thought of talking to SinB afterwards. This thought, however, was immediately brushed off when she heard her phone notification ring upon a received email. It was from her boss.


“Yuju!” She quickly turned around upon hearing her name.


“Hey, your shift isn't over yet, right?” She asked SinB, who seemed to be hurrying to get her things.


“Ms. Kim emailed us, right?” SinB said, searching her computer for it. Once she clicked on the email, she gestured for Yuju to come closer.


“She's giving us a work-at-home benefit? Seriously?” Yuju opened her eyes as wide as she could, unbelievably reading the email.


“Yes,” SinB nodded. “It's such a sad thing though, because she did that only because five employees left the company.”


“Five employees left? Since when? Wait, where are you going?” Yuju consecutively asked.


SinB pouted. “I'm really sorry, Yuju. I wanted to talk to you later today, but I really need to go now. I need to—” She was cut off when her phone rang.


“Sorry, Yuju. I really have to go, my mom's calling me.”


Yuju frowned. “And you're leaving me here?”


“Of course not! I'll walk with you until the bus stop. I'll treat you next week, if you plan to go to the office.”


Yuju made face. “Fine, but only if you give me a basketful of sweet potatoes.”


SinB laughed. “Alright, noted.”


Yuju smiled. It's okay, maybe it really is urgent. I can wait.


As soon as SinB reaches the bus stop, they parted ways. Yuju's mind was wandering through different things, which made time pass by faster. She didn't notice that she was already standing in front of her apartment door.


Yuju reached for the keys, opening the door slowly. She placed her things on her table, and opened her laptop. She saw the unread email from Ms. Kim, their CEO, regarding the same thing that she and SinB discussed earlier.


She took a short bath and quickly changed her clothes, slipping into her pajamas. It's just 7 in the evening, but she already feels more than sleepy.


She was already dozing off to sleep when she heard her neighbor's cries. She was jolted awake and remembered how she wasn't able to give a sticky note yesterday and today. Shrugging it off, she went back to sleep.


Waking up early in the morning has become a routine for Yuju, which is why today was strange. She quickly stood up when she saw her phone screen indicating that it's already 10 AM. For others, it's still early. For Yuju, it's late.


She immediately washed her face and opened her laptop to her whole day working. She tried her best to focus at work, but she feels like something is off. Ignoring the thought, she was able to work all day. As soon as she was finished, she closed her laptop and stretched on the bed.


One thought crossed her mind… the neighbor seems to be very quiet today. No sobs, no muffled cries, entirely nothing. It wasn't Yuju's business, but she already had a bad feeling earlier—she can't just shrug that off.


Did the neighbor go out? But she didn't hear the door open… What if they're in danger? No, but what if they're completely fine?


Yuju frustratedly shook her head. She can't bear with the feeling that something bad might happen without her doing anything. Sighing, she stood up and took her jacket. She went outside her door and knocked on her neighbor's door.


No response.


“Hello? Are you okay there?” Again, no answer.


“I'll open the door now, okay?” She called out. For the third time, there's no answer.


tw / suicide , self-harm


She shook the doorknob and realized that the door is open. Her heart started to race.


As soon as she opened the door, she saw a blonde woman's body lying on the floor, unconscious.

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