Call You Mine

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PLAYLIST: “Call You Mine,” Jeff Bernat




I have done wedding gigs close to a hundred, if not more. I’m not new to this. Not just that, I’ve done Dohee’s hair many many times. Why are my hands shakier than normal? Is it because across me, in front of her is my makeup artist colleague, Jiyeon? She does Dohee’s makeup while I do her hair. It’s nerve-wracking. Shim Dohee has been the most beautiful woman in my eyes, I don’t know what I’d feel once I see her all glammed up later in full makeup, hair, and formal dress. I’m terrified, I need to stay calm. I cannot falter.

Since the dress that my designer friend put together for her has a pretty low back, I decide to give her an updo—as advised by the designer himself. Personally speaking, I’d be a gentleman and prefer to keep her hair down in case she gets insecure but at the same time … why hide her beauty? I don’t know, I guess I can’t really know until I see it. I don’t know exactly how low the back is, he just said it’s low, whatever that means. I don’t really know how it works.

I just told him to pick based on Dohee’s best features or whatever suits her.

I saw a little bit of the dress; it’s the color maroon and I could tell there’s a combination of silk and laces around it. I didn’t inspect it fully as I didn’t want to spoil the surprise. I’d rather see the full dress on her, rather than … having to imagine it alone when I had the chance. That’s more dangerous. “Ah—it’s pulling my hair—ah Baekhyun.” Dohee winces and her hand reaches up to mine, stopping me. “Sorry, is that better?” I adjust the bobby pin and she nodded. I’m almost done here; I just need to pull through this so we can both finally change.

As much as I try to hide it, I can’t wait to see her in the dress. I already know she’s going to be gorgeous in it, no matter what kind of dress it is. I don’t know why she hasn’t even checked it out, it’s almost like she doesn’t care at all. Most girls would even participate in the whole dress picking but she didn’t say anything at all. I hope she’s not … being insecure about it again. I’ve been waiting for her to initiate checking the dress out but it’s still in its case, all zipped up and untouched by her.

I wish she’d be more appreciative of her beauty. She has it, a lot of it. Both inside and out.

“Baekhyun, aren’t your parents going to meet you up before the party though? They’re here already, right?” Dohee suddenly asks. That reminds me, my mom actually asked me if we could do that but I said I have some things to do with my date, including her hair but I allowed her to still come and wait—she decided not to. I guess she doesn’t really want to watch her son doing a beautiful updo on a beautiful woman, it’s not a very manly sight to see. We didn’t see each other for a long time so I actually thought she was going to ignore it and still come anyway.

At the same time … I am not so surprised.

Regarding my father, I already know he’d rather see me at the actual party where we are surrounded by a ton of people so there’d be no chance for our conversation to turn any sourer than it usually is. My brother and Eunmi, well, they’re busy with their own preparation so I totally get that. My brother even called me last night when they landed which I appreciate very much.

I know they miss me, it’s just that … they have other priorities too. I’m not upset, I shouldn’t be. It’s nothing new, really. “Uh, my parents are busy helping in the party and catching up with my aunt. Hyung and Eunmi are of course, also busy with their own thing. We’ll all meet up later in the party.” I answer with a forced smile. I feel Dohee’s tilting her head a little and so I move it back to a proper position. “But didn’t you say you haven’t seen them for like, three years, is it? I just thought they’d want to still meet you privately before the party and have some quality time with you. I don’t know, I kind of mentally prepared for that part, sorry.” She chuckles in guilt.

I sigh. She’s right. I understand why a normal person would assume that. Everybody would assume that.

But I guess my family’s different.

I smile again. “It’s alright, you’ll meet them at the party. Thanks for asking though.” I try my best to focus only on her hair. Her question might have triggered me a little bit but I fight to maintain my composure. I don’t want this day to be ruined by negative thoughts. I’m with the woman I really like and we are going to get through this party, one way or another. I can’t waste her expense of coming here with me, I know it was hard for her too but she did it anyway.

That’s how I know she really cares for me.

Finally, hair and makeup are done. Dohee turns around to face me and I finally get to see the masterpiece more clearly. Wow, I stand there in awe. “Beautiful, right? I didn’t overdo it because she already has a natural beauty in her, I just had to accentuate it.” Jiyeon claims. I totally agree. Dohee, however, gave her a sour smile as if disgusted by the statement. “Yeah, you’re—” I try to come up with the right words but nothing came out of my mouth. I clear my throat to try it again. “You’re gorgeous.” I genuine smile finally forms on my lips as our eyes meet.

She looks back reluctantly, her head lowered. “Well, I have two professionals here to create a huge miracle.” She glances at herself in the mirror, moving her head left and right. “Wow, I look different. I’m amazed.” She laughs in disbelief. As Jiyeon said, she didn’t overdo the makeup at all. What Dohee’s seeing right now is just a highlighted version of the beauty she already owns. She’ll never acknowledge that of course. I wish she could.

She holds onto the strap of her robe and turns around. “Well, it’s time to change then.” She walks to the bed and grabs the case of the dress. She gives me one last look before walking into the bathroom with it. Once Jiyeon and I are alone, her smile turns mischievous. “Are you two dating?” She asks me. I roll my eyes as I chuckle to mask my panic. Jiyeon and I actually attended the same high school and later on went to the same beauty school—of course, with her taking up makeup artistry instead, while I took hairstyling. “No, uhm, I’m interested but … we’re not like that yet,” I answer truthfully.

She folds her arms, giving me an impressed smirk. “Yet, I like the confidence buddy. Well, you two look great together.” She nudges me on the arm

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I will be back, this will only for a very short time. And thank you for the condolences, I will make sure it reaches my boyfriend. I love you.


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0 points #1
Chapter 1: whdbxndjd i nearly forgot how savage he was in the early chapters😂 LOVE IT
Chapter 31: Goddamnit i am loving this story so much!!!!
ByunBossHyun #3
Chapter 1: First chapter and I already have this stupid crush on baekhyun
Chapter 36: Too early for these tears but ugh she breaks my heart
Chapter 32: Best boyfriend best man written
Chapter 31: What miserable people to speak like that and tear down their child. No one deserves that kind of treatment
Chapter 28: This whole chapter with how she feels for him and the slow realization that he’s always treated her like he likes her, that he in fact has liked her and that she’s crushing on him and the “mine” thoughts she’s having of him make me smile the whole time I’m reading
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: We should all be so lucky to have a first bf like him
Chapter 17: I keep holding my breath as of Byun Baekhyun is looking at ME like that lol
Chapter 15: I forgot what an utter miserable asss his father is as well as the whole family is to him