A Date.. for Feb. 14th..


click it.. you won't regret it. ( i am accpeting friends, too.)


this isn't just an ad for a valentine's date, i promise. i'm just in dire need of friends who can match my energy and know how to keep the conversation going?! if you're reading this, you're about to meet the absolute love of your life, your one true love to the end. you won't regret it.

i know you've seen plenty of ads, and have probably been ghosted by a good handful of people that have made them ( i was the same, i'm sorry ). we're all lonely, we're all in need of someone to be there for you, and guess what? i'm lonely, you're lonely.. you see where i'm going with this? kidding, kidding.. or am i? but let's cut to the chase, yeah? you didn't come to see me rant. 

let me break down my personality, my interests, etc.

  • i am a genuine and sweet kind of person, so i'll always be there for you whenever you need someone. you need a shoulder to cry on? i'm there. need someone to tell you like it is? i'll always do that, never sugarcoating anything. i'll always, and i mean always, will lend you my ear whenever you just need to let it all out. i'm practically your therapsit friend, you don't have to hold back on anything.
  • i love music.. i am listening to music twenty four seven, so i am the type to recommend you music on a daily basis. oh, have you heard this song? this artist? no? say no more, love. i will literally make a playlist full of music i'm discovering, or just blow our chat up with different song links. (or, again, if we reach a level of comfortability, we can hop on call and listen to groovy together.)
  • i'm slowly getting back into anime and i'm new to kdramas, so if we've watched similar shows, we can go back and forth about our love and hate for the characters, the plot, you name it, or you can recommend me some to watch so i can be on the same boat as you. we can even watch them together. movie dates? movie nights? i'm all for it. (especially if you like horror.)
  • if fcs are something you worry about, i don't have a main fc. i shift between whoever i come across. from insatgram models to random idols i find on tumblr or whi, i am literally everyone. my current fcs right now are astro's eunwoo and cix's seunghun. i shift between male and female, but my pronouns will remain they/them.
  • i don't have a preference, for friends or an oomf, if we get there. ladies, gents, nonbinary friends, everyone, you're all welcome as long as you're of age. err, if this matters, i am biromantic and a switch. if you're looking for someone to straight up dom you, this not the ad for you, baby. scratches head. 
  • honest to god, i have idea what else to put here. i am super affectionate, i'm super loud and cam be obnoxious sometimes.. you'd have to get to know me more to know what's up. 

as you can see, i'm terrible at words.. extremely terrible, but don't mind that. i can be an amazing friend if you accept me into your life. i am on fltwt, dc, or ig. you can leave your social handle within my pms, and i'll be sure to get to you soon.


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