Walk The Talk

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Kang Seulgi always expresses about her crush on Bae Joohyun — possibly the most prettiest girl she ever saw — openly to everyone and would say she's going to ask her out. The only problem is...



She can't walk the talk.

And Joohyun? She's just patiently waiting.

Joohyun's side of the story everyone??¿¿


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533 streak #1
Chapter 2: these two dorks are too cute omo
Chapter 2: So cute😭
Sir_Loin #3
Chapter 2: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 1: Too adorable to function. Cute and funny 😄
2288 streak #5
Chapter 2: I enjoyed reading this thank you authornim<3
Chapter 2: Awww, I envy their love story :(((
Chapter 2: Loved to read Joohyun’s pov.
Chapter 2: Hoooomaigad I thought first chap was super cute but added with the second chap now they’re painfully cute and I’m suffering in rainbow and unicorns!! Goshhh thankyou so muchh author nim!! I can’t seem to get rid of the smile on my face, it keeps staying like this the whole time reading it xD even until after!! Lovee itt!
Chapter 2: bruh
why are they so cute 🥰
rish08 #10
Chapter 2: uwwwwuuuuu!!! that's too cute! Didn't expect that Joohyun will notice her first but I'm glad all worked out for good.