Is You??

Let Be Together Again.... (Just Go To Her Sequel)



“Your appa is dead??” ask Eunhyuk with tears fall down on his cheeks.

“Uncle… Why are you crying? That my appa who dead not your appa…” ask little Eunhae.

“I’m sorry..” say Eunhyuk while sweep his tears.

“Its okay uncle… I know you sad when you hear my story…” say Eunhae and hold Eunhyuk hand.

“Uncle… why your hands so soft and smoothly like a girl?” ask Eunhae while he holds Eunhyuk hand.


“Nothing.. just asking…” say Eunhae and still holding Eunhyuk hand tightly.

“Ohhh… Your appa…….”

“Yeah… my appa? My appa what uncle?”

“Emmmm…. Is your appa sick before he die?” ask Eunhyuk with sadly voice.




“So, what happened?”

“He leave me.. that why he die….”

“Huh??? He leave you…” Ask Eunhyuk but suddenly they heard someone call Eunhae name.

“Eunhae…. Eunhae…Where are you??” call that person but for Eunhyuk that voice sound familiar.

“Shhhh….Dont answer it…” say Eunhae while give a sign to Eunhyuk.

“Eunhae…. Where are you? Please answer me…” begged that person.

“He leave me.. Now he wants me… Hate him…” pouts Eunhae.

“Eunhaeeeeeeee…. Here you are.. I’m looking for you everywhere….” Say that person and Eunhyuk really shocked whiles he looking at that person.

“Hae……” call Eunhyuk with tears.

“Hyuk….” Shocked Donghae.

“You still alive??” ask Eunhyuk and without thinking anything he run then hug Donghae tightly while crying so hard.

“Hae……” crying Eunhyuk.

“Hyuk…” say Donghae with try to hold his tears without hug Eunhyuk back.

“I miss you so much…”

“Hyuk… i….”

“Uncle.. Uncle…” call Eunhae at the same time pulling Eunhyuk shirt.

“This is my appa… That mean i the one who should hug him not you…” Pouts Eunhae.

“I’m sorry…” blushed Eunhyuk then release the hug.

“Omooooooo…. Uncle so cute…..” giggled Eunhae.

“But… Eunhae say you already dead….” Ask Eunhyuk.

“Aishhhhh…..So… Dare to tell me now my little eunhae.....” say Donghae and look at his daughter face angrily.

“Emmmm…. Yeah… You leave me.. That why I’m say you already dead…” pout Eunhae cutely.

“When did I leave you? I told you to waiting for me at that stall and don’t go anywhere but you…Aishhhhh….” Angry Donghae.

“Huhuhuhu…. Appa angry at me… Appa don’t want me anymore…” crying Eunhae ang hug Eunhyuk.

“Nooo… Your appa love you that why he mad… He worried about you..” coax Eunhyuk while caress Eunhae hair softly.

“Really??” ask Eunhae with teary eyes.


“I’m so sorry appa…. I’m really sorry….” Say Eunhae and hug his appa.

“Its okay my baby Eunhae... Don’t do something like that again okay?” say Donghae with smile and kiss his daughter cheek.

“Appa….Is this cute uncle your friend?” ask Eunhae while point his finger to Eunhyuk.

“Emmmm… hrmmm…. Y-yeah….”

“What his name?”


“Hyuk Jae but you can call me uncle Hyuk…” answer Eunhyuk with smile.

“Oooooo… That mean the person who appa always call while he sleep is…..” say Eunhae but before she can finish it, his appa already close his mouth.

“I think we should go now….. Your omma waiting for us…”  say Donghae.

“Okay… Bye cute uncle… Hope can meet you again…” smile Eunhae then kiss Eunhyuk cheek.

“Yeah.. I hope so…” smile Eunhyuk back.

“Let go now…” without say any words to Eunhyuk, Donghae pull his daughter hand then walk away.

“Bye Hae and I love you…..” say Eunhyuk but he know that Donghae don’t hear what he say because Donghae already far from him.

“Hope you are happy with Eunhae and your wife…” say Eunhyuk because he know Donghae wife is still alive based on Donghae words before… “Your omma waiting for us”….



Dont worry to all my reader...

Of course i dont kill Donghae in my story..

But i cant promise that this time is happy ending..

*evil smirk*

Thanks you so much for subcribing my story ^_^

The next chapter will coming soon... =)


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sagigirl94 #1
Chapter 10: y can't i get through dis sequel...?????It says that that page does not exist..??????? Yyyyyyyyyyyy.......????????????
esmeberta #2
Chapter 8: Ok this is really strange...I mean, at first Hyukkie can't give Hae kids and now he's pregnant???...never mind great story <3
I really love it.
It's simple but cute,sweet,angst and funny fic.
And I really love Eunhae here,,she is soooooo cute like her HyukMma.
Now,,I'll go to the sequel.
Meet me there soon..hehehe...
I really love it.
It's simple but cute,sweet,angst and funny fic.
And I really love Eunhae here,,she is soooooo cute like her HyukMma.
Now,,I'll go to the sequel.
Meet me there soon..hehehe...
TheSunnygirl67 #5
I love your fic but it's to simple
i want eunhyukkie to punch donghae for leaving him and tell him to explain how the he could do this if he loves hyukkie... Maybe i want hae to suffer a
Well i still love the plot and the fic so <3
So cute and a happy ending!! ^_^
143 readers voted for yes ^^ plzzzz do. Asequell !!!!!!!!!!
Happy ending! Yaaaay~
But I hope you'll make a sequel. *puppy eyes*
MaiSong #9
SEQUEL! Omo. Wae so cute? ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaa i love it so so much
sequel pleaseeeeee