How Could You...

You're Mine


Kiseop and Jaseop just stayed quiet as Soohyun finished telling them the story, Kiseop’s hands where trembling he was having a hard time accepting the information he was receiving at the moment. More like his mind was trying to reject the ridiculous idea of him and Jaeseop being past lovers but deep in his heart he knew that Soohyun was telling them the truth.

“This is ridiculous! I think I would have known this!” Jaeseop said as he stood up from the couch yanking his hand out of Kiseop’s, leaving Kiseop feeling more afraid than he already was.

“Would you have Jaeseop as far as I know you have no memory of your human life.”

“I think I would have remembered ruining my life for him!” As soon as the words left Jaeseop’s mouth the room went silent.  Jaeseop quickly faced Kiseop whose eyes where glistening with unshed tears.

“Kiseop I’m sorry I didn’t mean it that way I just-”

“You have said enough.” With that said Kiseop ran past Jaeseop and out the living room.

Jaseop just watched Kiseop walk away with a sinking heart “Damn it!”

Soohuyn sighed as he tried not to pull his hair out “I wasn’t done with the story you idiot!”

“You mean there is more!?”

Hoon stood up and glared at Jaeseop “Finish telling him, I’ll tell Kiseop the rest.”

As soon as Hoon left Soohyun smacked the back of Jaeseop’s head “You idiot! Do you know what you just did?”

Jaeseop groaned “I’m sorry it’s just… it’s too much to process at once!”

“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”

“I know it just… If what you said is true, how could I forget Kiseop then?”

Soohyun pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a frustrated breath “I was going to explain that next.”

“Why could you have said that sooner!”

“Because you started to freak out! And stop yelling at me and sit your down so I can tell you the rest before you do anything more idiotic than what you just did.”

Jaeseop did as he was told, but first he needed to know if Kiseop was ok. Closing his eyes he concentrated on trying to hear Kiseop’s voice and when he did his heart broke. He could hear his sobs coming from upstairs as Hoon tried to calm him down. Jaeseop stood up with every intention in heading upstairs to comfort his crying angel, but before he could Soohyun grabbed him.

“And where exactly are you going?”

“I need to see Kiseop.”

Soohyun shook his head “I don’t think that would be a good idea right now.”

“Please Soohyun, you know that I’m not going to pay attention to anything you say unless Kiseop is with me.”  Jaeseop all but begged.

“Fine but if you make things worse I swear I will hunt you down.”

Without another word Jaeseop ran up the stair but quickly came to a halt when he was in front of the bedroom door. Truth be told he was kind of scared to face Kiseop right now especially with Hoon in the room. Taking a deep breath he slowly opened the door.

“What do you want?”

Jaeseop flinched at the ice cold tone Hoon used “I wanted to talk with Kiseop.”

“And what exactly makes you think I’ll let you anywhere near him.”

Before Jaeseop could think of a response Kiseop spoke up first “It’s ok Hoon, I’ll be fine don’t worry.”

Hoon threw one last glare before walking out of the room and closing the door. Now Jaeseop just stood there awkwardly trying hard to think of something to say “I’m sorry Kiseop.”

“You said that already downstairs.”

Jaeseop kneeled next to the bed “But I really am sorry it’s just that it was too much for me to take in and I really didn’t mean that.”

“What you said really hurt me Jaeseop.”

Jaeseop cradled Kiseop’s face in his hands as he wiped the tears that where falling down on Kiseop’s flushed cheek “I know and I’m so sorry, I just couldn’t wrap my mind in where I would forget you if I had met you before. Please forgive me.”

Kiseop bit his lip “What hurt the most was you leaving me alone on the couch.”

“I promise I won’t leave you.”

Kiseop gave him a small smile “Fine but you’ll only be forgiven if you cuddle with me.”

“Anything for you and if what Soohyun said is true than I don’t regret the decision I made to save you.”

After a few minutes Jaeseop and Kiseop made their way yet again downstairs.

“Ok this time please no freaking out until I say that I’m actually done with the story, please.”

Jaeseop just rolled his eyes but Kiseop felt dread seeping through his veins, what if what they were going to hear now was worse than what they already heard. As if sensing Kiseop’s dread Jaeseop pulled him closer to himself.

“It’ll be fine Kiseop.”


Soohyun remember how Jaeseop tried to run inside the house to save his Kiseop but was held back by Soohyun. He knew that it was already too late for Kiseop as much as it pained him to admit so he knew that he at least needed to keep Jaeseop alive even if he failed to save Kiseop.

“You bastard how could you!”

Soohyun had forgotten about Hoon, he felt his heart break even more as he saw that Hoon was a crying mess too. He wondered why.

Jaeseop was now a sobbing mess on the grass, he was gripping his shirt where his heart would be quietly whispering “Kiseop please it hurts, it hurts.”

Soohyun saw Alexander walking towards Jaeseop “This is what you get for trying to get what I was denied.” With that said he grabbed him by his neck, Soohyun felt terror hit him full force as he knew what the clan leader was about to do. A sickening snap was heard and Soohyun knew that Alexander had stilled Jaseop’s heart forever, much like his own.

*End of Flashback*

“When you woke up I tried to ask you about Kiseop but you didn’t remember him at all. You didn’t remember anything from the time of being human.”

“And why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Soohyun scoffed “If I did you wouldn’t have believed me, I know you are even a hard time believing me know.”

“Point taken.”

“So this is why we are taking you to a special friend named Dongho who will hopefully get you to make this a little bit easier to take in.”

Kiseop who was keeping quiet finally spoke “How?”

Soohyun just gave them both a small smile “You’ll find out soon.”



***I'm finally back you guys T.T I'm sorry I made you guys wait sooooo long for this update, hopefully is long enough of an update. Is the story still making sense? I feel like I am all over the place...

It has been crazy with me right now I finally started college this year  ^.^ I'm learning American sign language right now its so confusing 0.o and the worst part is that the classes I got most ppl already understand the basic AND the whole class is done in sing language so I just sit there trying to read the teachers lips as best as I can. Plus I got sidetracked with a one-shot that is killing me to write everything I type for it is argh so fustrating it doesn't want to come out the way I want too OTL *** 

@RangerDanger1315: Yes he did, evil me killing poor innocent Kiseop.

@kagaki: OTL sorry for making you confused hopefully it will become clearer in the next chapter or two ^.^

@ForbiddenLove: It means a lot that you like this story T,T thank you for reading it 

@ShinShinHolic: I love vampire stories too! Thats why I am trying to write one as horrible as it might seem ^-^

@WookieCookie: That will be answered soon enough:D hopefully

@Sarapyon: Ohh you have a guess? Tell me! You might be right ^.^ Sorry it took so long to update

@Ayumiichann: That is what I do best confuse the readers lol my stories always take a very different path from when I think about the plot to when I actually write it 

@Aki_Hikari: Welcome to my story! Hope you enjoy reading till the end ^_^





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Yema_kim #1
Chapter 15: I love this story so much T_T its just perfect i lpved everything about it i couldnt stop reading it so i read it at once ^O^ amazing
RainbowJo #2
Chapter 15: OMG I love this story it is sooo amazing and I cried sooooooooo much.I love 2seop so much and this story is justt perfect. Do you watch supernatural by any chance??
Aki_Hikari #3
Chapter 15: OMG! I'm crying like crazy... I'm so happy, that they are finally together! I love this ending... Thank you ;)
BLoved_97 #4
Chapter 15: Aww!! yeah!! finally their happy ending <3
Chapter 15: Ahhhh! Yay, happy ending x3 Just wondering what happened to poor Dongho, though... xD Loved how you finished the story up, though! Nice job~
RandomShrooms1045 #7
Chapter 14: Le gasp! They all went bye bye now :(
Well, except for Kiseop. However,he'll probably kill himself too and go on an adventure to save everyone and HAPPY ENDING! :D
cloudy_icyng #8
Chapter 14: this is the bummie and xander sacrifice?
so saad :(
i want them happy
RandomShrooms1045 #9
Chapter 13: Aw... I;m torn! I want Jaeseop and Kiseop to have their happy ever after, although I want Alexander and Kibum to have a happy ending as well... :(
Chapter 13: Wahhh~! After so many chapters, I have finally been able to catch up. What a wonderful, but sad story. TT-TT
Let's make thwm have a happy ending this time, okie? XP
Kekek, kidding, even if it's unhappy, it's your story.