Miss Bae


“It’s nice knowing how our stock increase because of our current collaboration with the game company also it’s really a great move for reqruiting EXO as our new brand ambassador”

“Yes. This will sure increase our stock in the next launching event of the brand new technology we developed”

Hearing all the shareholders seems to be very satisfied with all the achievement for the past few months made Irene happy inside. All of this work have to go to her employees. They are the one that done this things perfectly. She just help them on the process.

Like always she would remind the shareholders to give all the credits to her employees. They all agree and also still keep praising Bae Irene for doing such a good job in leadership.

While on the corner of the meeting room, there sitting Kang Seulgi who witnessing all of this. Wondering how long this meeting will end because just in an hour, it’s Miss Bae schedule to meet her uncle.

But she hope somehow the next merting is cancel because sure she doesn’t want Miss Bae to get angry yet again at her for her dumb mistake. Well of course because she accidently split out her schedule to Wendy.

Certainly Miss Bae won’t be please once she see Wendy in the meeting later. Fidgeting her finger while waiting for the meeting over, she keep her eyes on Miss Bae. Waiting for her to end the meeting and there she would rush towards Miss Bae.

And what will she do? Anything to stop her from going to the meeting. Why not asking Wendy not to come to the meeting instead? She already did! But Wendy is stubborn and she had no other way to stop that blonde hair girl from coming to the meeting.

“Meeting dismiss” said Miss Bae.

Finally! Said Seulgi. She rush towards Miss bae handed her the meeting summary and inform her about her next meeting with her uncle.

But the way she delivering the next schedule sounded very odd for Irene. She notice the slight nervousness behind Seulgi’s voice. 

Wanted to ask but her mind is too occupied and too tired to even speak. She need to eat right now. Maybe her uncle already order her favorite food by now.

Soon they got inside the car and drive to Busan which only require twenty minutes of driving. 

At the front seat, Seugi keep on updating Miss Bae schedule. She need to make sure she didn’t miss anything for tomorrow and after Miss Bae’s meeting with her uncle.

Sure today they have a lot of things to do. Even during night Miss Bae would have dinner meeting with her fellow partnership.  Then suddenly a call came. Seulgi take out her phone and see the caller came feom the office receptionist. She excused herself and answer the call.


“Miss Kang. I received an invitation for Miss Bae”

“What invitation?”

“It came from her mother and it looks like charity event”

“Okay just put it on my desk. I will inform Miss Bae. Thank you”

Seulgi ended the call and she take a peak to the back sit. Only to see Miss Bae staring blankly through the window car.

“Miss Bae your mother sent you an invitation for charity event. Seems like it. I already asked the receptionist to put it on my desk to make sure it is an invitation” said Seulgi.

But Miss Bae didn’t say anything. She just sigh heavily and lean her head on the back sit.

It always bother Seulgi on how Miss Bae react to whatever that involve her family. She hate her sister. She hate her mother.

What is wrong with this family? The thought about Miss Bae living a happy life suddenly become too blurry for Seulgi to imagine. But she still slightly believe that Miss Bar probably more comfortable

Living her life by herself.

Once they finally arrive at the hotel lobby, Seulgi quickly get out from the car and follow Miss Bae right behind her. They are led towards a meeting room where Miss Bae would always meet her uncle. 

Seulgi task for now is to wait for Miss Bae outside the room. But before Miss Bae could even get inside the meeting room, she stop before that.

As her secretary, Seulgi job is to make sure everything run smooth. Clearly this is not one of them. 

“Newbie” call Miss Bae.

“Yes Miss Bae?”

“Spill it” said Miss Bae which Seulgi couldn’t really comprehend.


“Don’t hide something from me if you don’t want to see Jennie right now and take you away imidietly” said Miss Bae firmly as she turn around and facing Seulgi.

Eyes look very cold as always and her body language show no mercy at Seulgi. Miss Bae is damn serious right now. It’s still her first day yet Miss Bae already gave her a very hard time. Mentally. Like she always do for the past few weeks even when Jennie was around.

Seulgi gulp as she gather her courage to say it but seems like there is lump in he throat making it too hard for her to speak. Before she could even say anything, suddenly the meeting door open. Revealing a very familiar blonde hair girl.

, curse Seulgi.

“Fantastic! I’m so hungry, Irene! We were waiting for you for hours!” Said Wendy.

And there she goes. Glaring at Seulgi asking for some explanation. Sure Seulgi life is at stake right now. Not only her job but also her soul.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” Asked Irene.

“Well I know you’re going to meet Uncle Wang so I thought why not joining the two of you? Wouldn’t it be fantastic?”

“No” said Irene firmly as she walk pass Wendy and get inside the meeting.

Before Wendy get back inside she wink at Seulgi. But Seulgi don’t have the energy to joke right now. All her energy are drain away because of Bae Irene.

“First day of hell. Great”


"Remind me when was the last time we saw each other, Seungwan?" ask her uncle who sit right across the girls.

"I think it was five years ago, uncle! Woahh, it's been really a long time!" said Wendy.

This whole family reunion never been in her schedule. Her schedule clearly said she suppose to meet with her uncle. Meeting with her uncle will only mean business nothing more. Since overall, her uncle was the one who help her develop the company.

And she know when her uncle called her for a meeting that mean he want to talk about something urgent. Yet here she is. Stuck in a family reunion with Wendy.

Something she never expected to happen and something she never like before. Even in her first day officially become her secretary, the newbie brings her a headache.

Not really fond with this whole family reunion, Irene decided to stay quiet as she continue to eat her favorite food which is tteokbokki. Yes. She prefer tteokbokki to eat in a five star hotel.

She could have order something more fancy and nice but her uncle know her very well. A fancy meal means nothing if the taste is bland or just usual. It just they decorate the dish beautifully.

Irene prefer to eat something simple and felt like home made. Basically her uncle know more about her than her own mother. As she was enjoying her dish, her uncle suddenly call her.

"Joohyun, you didn't come here to just eat tteokbokki," said Uncle Wang.

"A-ah, yeah. I'm sorry. Are we going to talk about it now?" asked Irene while taking glance at Wendy. Making sure her sister receive the message. She doesn't want to talk about business infront of her sister.

"What? Am I excluded in this meeting?" asked Wendy sounded a bit offended but she was just joking.

"I'm very happy to see you, Seungwan. But me and Joohyun have to talk about something" 

"Uncle. I think you're being so rude right now. I'm hurt!" said Wendy while faking that she's having a heart attack. Irene roll her eyes seeing her dramatic sister.

"Get out" said Irene firmly not even letting her uncle say anything again because seems it's going to be so long if she didn't ask Wendy to go right now. 

"Aish. You're being so harsh, unnie. Okay. Good to see you uncle! Let's see each other more often since I'm going to spend a month here!" said Wendy excitedly.

"Just arrange the time, Seungwan" said their uncle simply. 

Once Wendy out of the meeting room, Irene sigh. She feel the need to apologize to her uncle for the sudden uninvited guest. Which completely her new secretary fault. 

But of course infront of her uncle this is pure her fault. When she was about to speak and say sorry to her uncle, the older man speak first.

"It's okay. Been a long time I haven't seen Seungwan. She's doing pretty well, I guess" 

What possible good answer she should respond to her uncle? Of course Wendy doing really well! That spoiled girl got to do what she want and anything she want. 

Meanwhile she can't. She's stuck as the older sister who are given the responsibility to manage their family corporation. Something she never wanted but has been planned since she was born.

Irene would always see herself as a pathetic person. A young pretty CEO who become other people role model appears to be a very pathetic young woman who can't have what she want.

A normal life. Just a simple favor yet hard for her to get it.

"I'm sorry for the sudden visit from Seungwan, uncle. It won't happen again" said Irene only to receive a soft chuckle from her uncle.

"Why are you saying sorry? It's not like Seungwan is our business enemy. Anyway, about the next technology you will launch. How is it?"


During time like this, what would Seulgi do? Waiting for Miss Bae and do what? Of course there is no rest for her also. She can't even get a single bite of her french fries which she order.

Currently sitting in the hotel restaurant, her hands are busy scrolling down her iPad. Checking all Miss Bae schedule and future event the CEO need to attend.

Then she need to check the new update in Miss Bae email. She would choose the email that very urgent for Miss Bae to read. Then some soft copy of paperwork Miss Bae should read and sign.

Then she will be looking all of Miss Bae outfit that has been prepared by her maids. She need to give it to Miss Bae for her to decided which of this outfit she should wear according to the dates for next week.

Seulgi doesn't have time to rest and she hate it the most. Moreover since Miss Bae never give her time to rest only for five minute. Jennie would always told her to take some rest even in a very busy meeting.

Miss Bae is indeed a cold person. But why would Jennie told her she's not? Seulgi don't know and just thinking about it really confusing and she prefer not to think about it.

When she get herself busy with her own job, suddenly a soft knock on the table being heard. She look up only to see Wendy there. Again. She need to fake a smile infront of Wendy.

Inside she's boiling with fire because apparently Wendy was being so damn serious she's going to see her uncle. Obviously it was a private meeting with Miss Bae only.

But this girl over here ruin the meeting that suppose to end five minutes ago.

"Well, look at you! Being all busy as Miss Bae secretary. Aren't you tired? You can have a rest you know"

"Miss Bae don't let me. Also I have a lot of things to check" 

Wendy nodded and soon she take the sit across Seulgi. Her eyes watching every move Seulgi make and slowly her smile being form on her face. Obviously amaze at how diligent Seulgi is.


But no answer. 

"Seulgi" said Wendy more softly this time.

The fact that Seulgi heard that tone of voice really bothers her. She's trying to focus with her job because she doesn't want Miss Bae to get even more mad when she found out she's talking with her sister.

Well, just by sitting together like this would probably starts fire in Miss Bae heart. But seems like Wendy didn't notice the uncomfortable feeling Seulgi have right now.

Because Wendy still Miss Bae relative, she make sure that she still in her right mind and respect Wendy just like she respect Miss Bae. Though deep down she hate the young CEO very much for her cold attitude towards her. But she still her boss.

"Yes?" said Seulgi trying to sound friendly enough yet still hiding the annoyance tone behind it.

"Why do you want to be Irene's new secretary?" asked Wendy.

The only person that knows about her reasons is only Kim Jennie aside. Other than her best friends.

So why, Seul? Why do you want to be Miss Bae secretary?

It's a good opportunity and she need the money obviously. But if she know that being Miss Bae secretary would drain her enegy away so much, would she still accept it?

She don't know. 

But to answer Wendy's question she rather stay silent. Because that question sounds a bit too personal for Seulgi. 

Just like the perfect timing, that familiar cold and firm voice suddenly pop out of nowhere. Seulgi imidietly stand up from her chair and she definetly can feel the cold aura Miss Bae is giving her right now.

"Having fun you two?" asked Irene sarcastically.

Though Seulgi want to argue more, she decide it's best to hold everything in and change the subject.

"Your next meeting with your business partner is in two hours, Miss Bae. I also have few emails you need to read and few softcopy of paperwork you should read and sign"  

Irene didn't say anything. Though she know Seulgi is trying to distract her, she prefer to focus with her job instead of her newbie secretary. 

While for Wendy she stare at the two girls quietly and deep inside she pity Seulgi. She know how Irene has been treating Seulgi. But how odd knowing Seulgi look completely fine with tones of workload she receive everyday.

"Aren't you going to let her rest, Irene?" asked Wendy which make Irene glare at her.

"Mind your own business. Let's go" said Irene. 

Seulgi sure can feel the tension between the two sister yet she shrugged it off because she need to follow Miss Bae. 

Seulgi already prepare herself for getting scold by Miss Bae as soon as they get into her car. But not even a word was heard in the car. 

It would be better if Miss Bae say anything but even after the next meeting is over, Miss Bae act careless. She didn't even talk about what happened in Sangrila Hotel.

This whole situation just make Seulgi even more nervous and scared. Right now they are walking towards the restaurant lobby. Seulgi still following Miss Bae right behind her.

When all of a sudden the young CEO stop in the middle of walking. This is where Seulgi get very nervous and scared. As much as she want to take a deep breathe, all of a sudden even the lobby is in open door, Seulgi felt like air being away from her.

Making her unable to get fresh air from nature. This is the power of Bae Irene. Something she really amaze yet very torturing for her.

"Never ever involve my sister in business related. Understand?" asked Miss Bae with her firm tone of voice.

Takes a lot of time for Seulgi to answer because apparently there is lump being stuck in . Making she's unable to speak properly even if she want to.

At the end she just nodded and once Miss Bae car arrived, Seulgi bow at her sight seeing Miss Bae leaving her. She can finally breathe properly after Miss Bae car really gone from her sight.

First day...really drain all her energy away that she doesn't have any energy left to celebrating her pathetic life of Miss Bae secretary. 

Moments later, a very familiar SUV Hyundai Kona arrived infront of her. The car window turn down only to reveal two person sitting inside the car. Grinning happily. They look so damn happy and excited.

But Seulgi is not.


Joy is a director. A very respected director in their office yet this is how she behave outside the office. Like a teenagers.


A loud sound of two bottles being bump together lightly fill the air. Two of the girls really excited for Seulgi's first day celebration. Yet the main person of today's party have her energy drain away moments ago.

Doesn't even have any energy left to do a simple cheer. What are they celebrating for actually?

It feels like they are celebrating Seulgi being torment by the devil herself. It really feel like it and the two girls are the devil followers. 

"You survive, Seul! I can't believe you actually survive as Miss Bae new secretary for today! I didn't heard any rumor she's going to fired you today"

Seulgi scoff. She was about to get fired today. But seems like God spare her life. Weird at how God been treating her so nice this pass few weeks.

Bringing herself to sit properly after laying herself down on the cold wooden floor of Joy and her apartment, she grab a glass and pour the soju. Drink it one shot and feel the burning sensation in . 

She need it. After a long day with Miss Bae that felt like years! If only she wasn't trained by Jennie herself, she would probably resign by now due to the tones of workload.

With Jennie, she was guided to manage her time very well. Selecting which of the information is more important and which that can put hold for awhile. 

Though it just three week of training, Jennie amaze at how fast Seulgi learn. Is this the perk of majoring in art? No one knows but Seulgi just doing what she have to.

Without complaining. Well maybe she is. But that's because of Miss Bae. How to please her? Like everything she did Miss Bae would never be please. But she did what Jennie did.

Jennie herself taugh her and almost making her hundred person similiar to Jennie's work. But Miss Bae seems not satisfied nor please at her work. Why? What is wrong with her? 

How can she survive and learn so fast? How? Because of the money. Tell everyone Seulgi is a greedy as young woman. But she wouldn't be here surviving her life to get that money and get over with everything related to her mother.

She want to finish it fast. That's why she work very hard. Days and nights just to be like Kim Jennie. Just to make Miss Bae satisfied with her work and make sure she's not getting fired in her first day.

Which really a very good accomplishment because she survive the first day. Which mean she survive another month with Miss Bae. But will she hear Miss Bae compliment her work?

Seulgi don't know. Her only main reasons she can survive this because she need the money. Other than that would probably because the ambition of getting Miss Bae to compliment her work and to finally hear those beautiful words coming out from Miss Bae's mouth.

"Good job, Kang Seulgi"

That's all what Seulgi want. No. She's not an attention seeker or hungry for compliment. No. She's not. But she just want to see the other side of Miss Bae Jennie keep on telling her for the past three weeks.

She want to witness it herself and belive every word Jennie said to her. That Miss Bae is a very nice person. And just like Joy said to her too. She desperately want to see that with her own bare eyes.

But seems it won't be happening so soon because apparently Miss Bae doesn't like her at all. Look at her getting scolded for like how many times in one day?

Seulgi lost count of it.

"Girl you surely work hard today" said Joy.

"Yeah unnie! I never seen you so lost energy like this. Beside you're a drinking person. You would never drink just a glass" said Yeri.

"Oh shut up you guys. I need to work tomorrow and I need to be completely sober if you guys still want me working for Miss Bae Irene!" said Seulgi sarcastically saying her boss name.

As night goes by so warmly inside the small apartment, three girls are having so much fun talking about works, thesis, and other life stuffs. It was very warm and normal for everyone to see from far.

But everything is different the moment you step inside a big house. Lightning only shining in the dining room. Revealing a petite little young woman already in her pajama.

Eating her dinner which were prepared by her maids. Sit facing the long dining table which can fill up to ten person there. Yet she sit there all alone with tons of food she probably won't eat all of it.

The house that used to fill with laughters even it just the two of them. Now it's only her...all alone. 

Who would have thought the famous Bae Irene, the young CEO of Bae Entreprise is a lonely young woman that pleaded for someone to accompany her everynight during dinner even breakfast too.

Don't bother about lunch. She never even get the chance to eat lunch.

Deep down she feel very lonely. But her face hides it very well. Who should she call right now? Kim Jennie? Lalisa? You guys are probably crazy and selfish.

All her life she has been very selfish. Owning Jennie for herself while Jennie already own by Lisa. No. She's not calling Jennie. That girl deserve to be away from her for awhile.

After everything that girl had done to her, it's time for Jennie to actually have her own life with Lisa. The girl she love. 

Just like every other day, here she is sitting in the dining all by herself. Eating the dinner she prefer not to finish it all. She lost her apetite after having five spoon full of rice and japchae. 

Moreover with what everything that happened today, her energy is drain away. Not because of the workload and the meeting.

It's because of the newbie and her sister. them both. Especially her new secretary. Why does it annoys her everytime she see her? Because the fact that someone else fill Jennie position really bothers her.

Moreover, the fact that the newbie actually did everything similiar to Kim Jennie just make her even more annoyed.

Bae Joohyun drop the spoon she has been holding and sigh. She need Kim Jennie. No. She's not. She can control herself. After all being alone has been her life since then.


Whatever. Bae Joohyun doesn't want to talk about it. It will only bring bad memories and headache. She still have long day ahead and the fact that she will meet the newbie again sounds very frustrating.

Nevertheless, she need her or else who would help her with all of her schedule and paperworks? 

, said Bae Jooyun.

Why? Because whether she like it or not, she knows she will grow attach to the newbie. Just like how she grew attach with Jennie. If only...

If only she is here with her...

If only her life never mean to be like this...

If only she listen to her and run away with her....

If only she brave enough to run...

She sigh. There will be no end to 'If only'. It will only drain her energy even more. What she need right now is nice rest for the night. Then next day she will welcome a new day with the newbie.




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sorry guys for the long wait for the epilog. I'm still trying to find the best scene. A bit struggling here. Hehe...please wait a little more. I'm a bit busy with my studies.


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AnneTokki #1
Chapter 36: Re reading this again🤭💛💗
KangBae22 #2
Chapter 22: Omg your story is so good 🥺🫶
Sir_Loin #3
Chapter 34: Didn’t know Seulgi is that petty 😖 in a not cute way. To me, at least. Welp, it worked for the Bae. So there ya go
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 23: Drama queens. Honestly XD. It’s not really that bad, the family thing. And is she like… under 25 or something? She should be able to see the big picture. Seulgi is confusing. Or maybe i’m reading it wrong. Is she or is she not thankful of her mom pushing her towards arts? The only thing that i could still kinda accept is the dead gf bit. But still. It’s somewhat over the top. And the best friend doesn’t seem like a best friend tbh. Only Joy and Yeri and Lisa seems normal in this 🤣
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 12: I’ll be honest… didn’t even cross my mind that it will be her😆
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 1: Cauver = chauffeur?

I feel like..i’ve read this premise before… maybe in AO3 tho.
EnginearOy #7
Chapter 42: This is so cute
Eunjober #8
Chapter 42: Bravo! Good job Author-nim.. thank you for the great story! I'm glad that I stumbled upon your story, I really love it.
13be10bear #9
Chapter 42: Thank u so much author nim for the best story I ever read thank u so much for hard work can't wait to the next story of seulrene^_^(。♡‿♡。)
Gom-tokki #10
Chapter 42: This was so good 🤧💗