
Under the Sea
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“I really cannot believe this! We are given 2 weeks by our parents as temporary humans and you decided to go to Korea instead of Europe or even the US? And that’s just because you’re addicted lately to Korean Dramas? Geez!” Wendy complained openly and told her older sister how she actually disagreed to go to Korea instead of Western Countries.


“Blame your position in the family then. As an older sister, I have the ability to vote first in everything. Besides, you’d love the food, Wendy!” Irene, the older sister, chuckled at her sister’s protest.


They were mermaids, living under the sea with life which wasn’t that different from the kinds that happened on land. They had the technology, educational systems, politics & economic conditions shared through the morning news, unemployed people, the rich and the poor, and everything else that people with feet had there. What made it different was the fact that they were daughters of a Sea God slashed Eric, their father while their mother named Tiffany who was of course, Eric’s wife.


As been said that the life was pretty much similar under the sea, Irene had the access to watch her favorite Korean Dramas where the men acting in the drama were totally romantic, sweet, meticulous, and protective to the men they loved. Whilst, most of the women would be hard to get at first just to end up living happily ever after. And yes, Irene had been heavily affected by the dramas that once she got the offer to be human temporarily, she had decided she had to go to Korea at least once in her lifetime.


Irene was 23 while Wendy was two years younger which made her 20 within the year. The educational system was not that much different. They were both in colleges right now with Irene studying Political Science since she was mandated to be an influential minister when she’s older while Wendy was studying Social Economic. Well, not that they actually liked what they were currently studying but they knew it’s important for their world to keep on moving forward, and thus they would do anything to help their parents to make it happen. As additional info, yes they were more or less immortal and would be powerful as they get older later.


“We have arrived here since yesterday, mind you and I have eaten what? Grilled intestines? How do you expect me to love the food, sister?! Ugh! I really can’t believe this! I will tell Father later to ban you from watching too much drama once we’re home!” Wendy fisted her hand before crossing it over her chest.


“Why not mother?” Irene’s lips curved upward.


“You know why! Because Mother watches the drama with you too! Well, it’s been common info that Mother is lacking ability to cook, but still. Sighed.. I would never win this debate, would I?” Irene glanced at her, shaking her head while laughing a little.


“Then why the hell I keep yapping like fish in the water?” Wendy muttered and exhaled loudly.


“Can I argue about another thing then?” Wendy was known to love talking, aside from singing. She was sometimes called as someone who would keep on talking regardless of how trivial the topic would be. Perhaps, that’s why the siblings got along with each other very well; Irene loved to listen to her younger sister telling stories while Wendy… Well, she loved to talk endlessly.


“Why are we walking along the shore in the middle of the night? Aren’t you getting tired of the water already? I mean.. We live under the sea if you cannot remember, sis.” Wendy halted on her track. She turned her body sideways and was greeted by the night view of the vast sea with the moon and stars helping them to have a better sight.


“Can’t you see the difference? We always view the land from the place we live, from the sea, trying to figure out how the people of the land live their life while trying to stay hidden and undetected. But now.. We live our lives as humans albeit temporarily and the things we always imagine are now coming true.” Irene couldn’t hide her smile as she was seeing the waves crawling, rolling forward gently to the shore before it crushed the sand and diminished as water particles and finally gone.


“I know you’ve always been in love with puns, quotes, and such, and I’ve always called you cheesy for that.. However this time, you’re right. It’s something we should have stored inside our minds before we come back to where we live. I bet this is one of the reasons why they often change their form into humans and leave us for the umpteenth honeymoon.” Wendy followed Irene’s line of sight.


“What are other reasons?” Irene turned her head to Wendy.


“Duh! Are you that oblivious? Of course, because they can wreck each other!” Wendy said excitedly but when Irene gave her nothing but her flat and steeled expression, the younger sister could only let out another sigh.


“I mean they can have with the s only human with feet has! Father with his and mother with her ?” Wendy tried to give hints. Irene furrowed, tilting her head. Irene was still aimless about what Wendy said. The younger woman palmed her face.


“Oh come on! Make sure you watch Korean Drama with rated next time, okay? Or I can always lend you my collections! I have been preparing myself ever since Mother informed us that we shall get our chance to be human last year! I mean, I am so ready to open up my legs widely and welcome-“ Wendy’s mouth was covered by the older woman’s palm when Irene suddenly knew what the hell was her sister meant.


“You’re definitely not getting pregnant by a stranger while you’re here! Not under my watch! Pregnancy at our age is not preferred. Father and Mother will definitely rage to have their descendants as half-human! As an older sister, I won’t let that happen!” Irene scolded her sister with her strict and scary expression.


“We can always use protection, Sis! Please? I mean, I have been dreaming to have with humans! Mermaid Men’s are so tiny compared to humans’ ones! It’s like a ballpoint hidden under the colorful tail!” Wendy reasoned out, trying to change her sister’s determination.


“I bet father and mother would have rounds of whenever they change their form into humans too, Sis! Then, why can’t I have the same treatment from a lucky human? I promise I shall have different men every day! I won’t have twice with the same person!” Wendy clasped Irene’s hands, pleading.


“I cannot relate to those facts, sis! I know you love talking but you should know I am not dumb. You having with different men cannot change the possibility of you being penetrated and end up being pregnant in the end. The answer is still no!” Irene shook her head with stronger convictions.


“You are no fun.” Wendy mumbled and walked ahead, leaving her sister behind. Irene sighed and walked behind Wendy, following her sister.


“How if I can find a sterile man? Would you allow me then?” Wendy suddenly turned her body around and made Irene’s shoulder collided with her younger sister’s.


“You won’t stop until I get to say yes, will you?” Wendy grinned, confirming that Irene’s statement was nothing but the truth.


“You really know me-“


“Wait! Let’s save the conversation for later! There’s a human trying to conduct suicide there, Wendy! We need to save her!” Irene shoved Wendy’s body to the side and ran forward to get a better view of the person who kept walking to the middle of the sea.


“What do you mean? Hey! Irene, wait!” Wendy turned around, chasing her sister who ran faster than ever.


There was a person who walked toward the sea. The gender was female, assuming from the shoulder-length hair and slender figure. She was swaying from side to side with a bottle grasped tightly by her right hand. Irene was getting closer to the person but her feet hadn’t touched the water just yet, knowing what it would cause her if she had her feet drowned in the water for more than 3 minutes.


“You’re not going there, Sis! She might just want to have late night swim or whatnot. Either way, it’s none of our business! You know what will happen if you’re recklessly swimming to the sea, Irene.” Wendy held on to Irene’s wrist, standing in front of her, and tried to put some sense into her sister’s head.


“She is obviously drunk, Wendy! And she can get herself killed if we do nothing about it!” Irene stepped aside to see how deep the woman was already. The water had reached the woman’s stomach by now.


“And I don’t care! There are many people in the land anyway. One person gets killed won’t affect the population rate! But if you go there and save her, you will be turned into a mermaid again, risking our disguise to be exposed. It will ruin everything! Humans already damage our world enough, Sis! The garbage, pollution, fish robbery, explosion! We don’t need more disasters coming from them!” Wendy held Irene by her shoulder since her sister was obviously a very stubborn one.


“Then I promise you that we won’t get exposed no matter what.” Irene removed Wendy’s hand from her shoulder.


“How will you do that?”


“We’ll see!” Irene pushed Wendy aside and jumped into the sea. It’s too late now. Irene had gone swimming toward the woman and yes, the purplish mixed with pink color tail had been distinctly shown and there’s nothing Wendy could do about it, but to wait for her sister to come back to the shore, hopefully with the woman she just persisted to save.


“Dammit! Amongst other things, why your stubborn trait must stand out the most?!” Wendy massaged her temple in stress manner. She decided to just sit down and wait, hoping that no one was around to watch how her sister had magically transformed herself into a creature only found in children's storybook, or a tale people could barely believe in.


Irene empowered herself to swim faster, moving her tail rapidly to reach the woman’s location. The woman, whoever she was, definitely had to thank later because she just risked herself and Wendy for being exposed, if they got unlucky. Irene moved her head to the left and right to find the woman. Good thing that her eyesight was totally incredible under the water. She could easily detect her and pulled her by her shoulder to the shore.


“Help me, Wendy!” Irene shouted as she had difficulties to swim when they almost reached the sandy shore. Wendy quickly ran and dragged the woman to the land before she got changed as well.


“How is she?” Irene crawled using her hands.


“She hasn’t woken up. She is not breathing as well.” Wendy tried to feel the pulse and it was very weak, but it’s still beating at the very least.


“You have to give her CPR, Sis.” Wendy stated.


“Why me? You do it.” Irene was tired, not from swimming but from bringing herself out of the water with the tail was still perfectly wrapped around her lower body parts.


“I won’t do it. You got yourself into this mess in the first place, there’s no way I would want to be the one who end it. Quickly, Sis! Or your effort shall be futile.” Wendy got up, pulling Irene by her wrists so she could reach the shore faster.


“Fine. Let’s hope she will still be alive by then.” Irene sat down and started to pump some air into the woman by leaning down and fused their lips together.


“Oh my God, they are kissing right now. And just a few minutes ago, my sister yelled at me not to have with any man while she’s here.” Wendy commented as she was rolling her eyes. Irene could hear it just fine but tried to ignore it since she got a woman to save underneath her.


“And she even got a chance to touch her s. Is my sister a proud lesbian now? Oh please… We got numerous here to dear sister~” Wendy continued mocking her sister playfully and Irene swore if not because the woman she just brought back to the shore needed her help, she would have already wrestled with her sister by now.


Few attempts later with Wendy’s non-stop blabbering about her and the victim was the woman laid down underneath her finally coughed out some water she probably accidentally swallowed before. It took her more seconds until the woman who had slightly high cheekbones, fluffy cheeks, pointed nose with its nostrils looked like heart form, thin lips with the lower one was thicker than the upper lip, and rounded face. The woman eventually fluttered her eyes open, showing her warm brown orbs with the monolids as her distinctive feature among other things.


“Please don’t tell me you’re in love, Sis because I am truly worried now. If you are not, you surely look like you’re not not in love. Wait.. that’s a negation. You look like you are in love, Sis and if your brain is freezing now, I’d be glad to be the one who tells you that she’s a human and we’re forbidden to be in love with different creatures. Secondly, she is a woman for God’s sake! She doesn’t have the thing that can penetrate you deeply and precisely which can make you-“


“Shut up, Wendy!” Irene blushed and warned her sister.


Because hell, Wendy was right this time! She never had her eyes landed on something or more like someone who was as beautiful as the woman before her. She had herself more than a few invitations for the date by numbers of men. She was known for her ethereal beauty while Wendy was famous because of her angelic voice. However, Irene was never felt attracted to someone before, not until the woman she just saved open her eyes, letting Irene saw her own reflection through the inviting brown eyes owned by the woman, whoever she was.


“Uhm.. Who are you? Where am I?” The woman asked with her slightly deep voice that made Irene fell even harder, if possible. Yes, it was still physical attractions; called it admiration, infatuation, or whatever it was for now but given the chance, Irene was pretty sure she could like the woman, even more, judging from how sweet, addictive, and tender her voice sounded.


“You are helpless.” Wendy shook her head and approached them, pushing Irene aside and punched the woman right on her face. Granted, the woman got unconscious and fainted.


“The hell did you just do!?” Irene yelled.


“I should’ve been the one to ask you that! She almost saw your tail just now, Irene!! Will you get your act together now!? You have saved her and that’s should be more than enough! She doesn’t owe you anything or if she does, then let be her silence as a gesture of being thankful for having you to save her life.” Wendy exclaimed sternly.


“You are right. What are we gonna do now?” Irene apologetically smiled.


“What else? We have to wait until your tail turns into feet again which would be around 2 hours more from now.” Wendy said.


“How about her? What if she got conscious before my tail returns to feet?” Irene asked.


“We do what I just did before. Whenever she got conscious, we just need to get her fainted again and the motions repeat until you got your feet back.” Wendy explained. Irene felt bad for the woman but her sister was right. She shouldn’t do something foolish again just so she could stare at the woman’s brown eyes longer than before.


“I know the answer to the question already but still, I just feel the need to ask. Do you like her, Sis? I don’t have any idea what makes you attracted and I never believe love, at first sight, exists so I assume you’re ?” That earned a smack on the back of Wendy’s head.


“Ouch! Yah! What’s that for?”


“For being stupid! I am not , okay?! And yes.. I think I like her. She is very beautiful, Wendy. I know she is a human but her eyes.. I just can’t take my eyes off of her. And if you look closer, her features are totally adorable. Her long neck, her lips, her nose, even her eyebrows are perfectly sculpted. I thought Lee Min Ho is the most handsome Korean actor I’ve ever seen but it seems that I am wrong. This person is both handsome and beautiful at the same time.” Irene couldn’t help but touch the woman’s cheek softly with her palm.


“You know love shared between two worlds never work, right? You’re the one who loves many dramas involving love and imagination, Sis. You know better. But I know few titles who define two worlds can’t ever unite into one.” Wendy stared at her sister with concerns and worries.


“Like what?” Irene was still having her eyes glued to the stranger.


“The Walking Dead, Alien and Predator, Annabelle, The Nun, and-“


“Those are not movies about love, Wendy!!” Irene protested almost immediately.


“Those are movies about two different worlds, Sis. Zombie with human, Alien and well.. Predator? Ghost and human.. They can’t ever be united into one when they cannot even live their life peacefully with each other’s presence.” Wendy shrugged casually.


“Can’t you try Twilight as the example?” Irene frowned.


“Nope. Because vampire and human forms are still more or less similar. The difference is only the fangs and the greater abilities owned by the vampires. What I am trying to say is, don’t start playing a game you cannot win, Sis. Don’t write a story if you are unsure about its ending. I don’t want you to get hurt.” Wendy scooted closer to her sister.


“You know I am very competitive when it comes to game, right?” Irene smiled.


“You know that’s only a parable, right?” Wendy raised one of her eyebrows.


“I know, Sis, and thank you for looking after me. Besides, we’re only here for 2 weeks so if there’s anything I want to happen between me and her, it’d eventually end before I go back home with you. I can trust you won’t tell mother or father about this, right?”


“Does it mean I can have intimate sessions with different men for as long as we’re here?”


“Are you threatening me, Wendy?”


“I am just asking.”


“You are not. You are demanding and if I don’t say yes… Sighed. Fine. Promise me you won’t get pregnant, okay?” Irene felt her head was already heavy, imagining how her sister would be involved in intimate sessions with strangers and she couldn’t do anything but wish she wouldn’t end up having a stranger’s baby inside her womb.


“It’s a deal then. Thank you, Sis!” Wendy hugged her sister excitedly.


“Excuse me.. Where am- *SMACK*”


“Wow.. I never knew you had it in you to implement violence to another person! Way to go, Sis!” Wendy clapped her hands.


“Shut up!”



After two hours passed and more smackings were given to the stranger, Irene’s feet finally returned. Both women brought the stranger back to their bedroom with Irene did the liberty of changing the stranger’s clothes into dry clothes to prevent the stranger from catching flu. Irene and Wendy were the daughters of a King slash God back in their world so money was never an issue, to begin with. They booked one presidential room contained two separate bedrooms with a kitchen, personal bar, lounge, beautiful view, and private pool. The stranger was now lying down in Irene’s bed with her face was slightly bloated and spots of purplish marks as result of their ‘accidental’ beatings.


“I am sleepy, Irene. Are you sure you can handle her on your own?” Wendy yawned and she wore her blue cute pajamas.


“It’s okay, Wendy. I can take it from here.” Irene reassured. They had agreed to make some stories about how the stranger was being beaten and punched by thugs when they came and saved her.


“Alright. Good night, Sis! And don’t wake me up early tomorrow! I deserve hours of sleep no thanks’ to you.”


“Understood.” Irene chuckled


“What I really meant is, please don’t be too loud if you decide to bang each other!”


“Yah we won’t do that!!” Irene defended herself.


“Sure sure.. Let’s pretend my sensitive nose cannot smell your pheromone emanating from your body whenever your eyes stare at her.” and Wendy excused herself to her own bedroom before Irene had a chance to argue more. The older woman made a note to teach her a lesson the day after.


Irene locked the bedroom, knowing how her sister had the ability to come back again if she’s tempted by the curiosity if not worse, coming back to tell the stranger a random dramatic story to the stranger which would.. Well, let’s just say Wendy would form a calamity if Irene didn’t prevent her from proceeding. Irene applied some cream to her face since being in land made her face got dry faster and it could form wrinkles if she didn’t do something about that. After, she applied lotions to her skins and lastly combed her hair before she went back to the bed, staring down at the stranger’s face.


“Uhm.. Ouch.. My face feels hurt.” The stranger woke up for the umpteenth time. Irene sat up more properly and got ready to answer some questions the stranger would ask later.


“You’re awake. You must be thirsty. Wait, let me get you water.” Irene got off of the bed and gave a glass of water to the stranger.


“Thanks’.” The woman felt was dry and her tongue could barely feel anything. She gulped down the water, emptying the glass in one attempt.


“You must have so many questions inside your head right now but since you just got awoken after hours of sleeping, I am sure you’re still exhausted.” Irene sat on the edge of the bed. It was hard for Irene not to get pulled by the curious gaze. She tried her best and composed herself.


“My name is Irene and I with my sister, Wendy just save you from being totally abused physically by thugs. You were drunk and there were few men trying to rob you. Fortunately, we were not too late to save you but well.. As you can feel, your face has been punched several times before we came.” Irene started explaining.


“That’s weird because I know how to defend myself. I learn martial arts, not for nothing. I must be very drunk if I let myself be beaten then.” The stranger replied weakly. She pulled herself together to sit up and leaned her back to the bed rest.


“My name is Kang Seulgi but you can call me Seulgi. Thank you for saving my life. I don’t know what would’ve become of me if you and your sister weren’t there.” Seulgi touched her face and winced when she accidentally touched the area where it hurt.


“Let me get you wet towels and some ointments for your bruises.” Irene quickly escaped before surrendering herself further to the innocent brown eyes of Seulgi.


“This is not good.” Irene said to herself inside the bathroom. She touched her chest and felt her heart was exploding against her ribcage. The attractiveness of Seulgi was undeniable and undoubtedly unbearable for Irene. She didn’t know if it’s because the woman had monolid eyes, or was it her sweet voice? Maybe it’s her kissable lips that-


“Irene? Are you still long? Uhmm.. I am sorry but I need to use the bathroom if you don’t mind.” The knocking sound stopped Irene from her muse. She immediately grabbed the towel, drenched it with hot water. Then, she took the small bucket along with the ointment.


“You can use the bathroom now.” Irene got out and smiled.


“Thank you!” Seulgi returned the smile and thankfully the latter was already inside the bathroom or she would see how Irene lost control over herself after seeing the sweetest smile she had ever landed her eyes on. Seulgi’s teeth were even, white, and bright that Irene’s heart became weaker after seeing the smile for the first time, and hopefully wouldn’t be the last time either.


“I don’t think I should trouble you further, Irene. I should just go back to my room.” Seulgi said once she went out of the bathroom.


“You’re not troubling me at all, Seulgi. Besides, I have prepared the ointment and towel with me. It’s late too and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Spend the night here and you can go back tomorrow morning.” Irene tried to persuade Seulgi not to leave her just yet. She needed to spend more time with Seulgi and it might sound desperate, but a night was better than nothing.


“You are too kind as a stranger, Irene. I stay in this hotel too by the way. But you are right. I’d be a mean person to leave you when you have the tools ready to heal me.” Seulgi chuckled and dragged the chair in front of the mirror near the bed. She then sat down across from Irene.


“I don’t mean to be nosy but you were drunk when I found you. You staggered, swaying your body aimlessly until the thugs came and attacked you. It’s only my assumption but something must have happened before that tempted you to drink more than you could handle.” Irene started the conversation as she tried to wipe Seulgi’s face with the towel carefully.


“You have saved me so you have every right to ask me why I did what I did and ended up troubling you.” Seulgi tried to chuckle but ended up grimacing when Irene accidentally pressed the bruise.


“I am sorry.” Irene said.


“It’s alright.”


“I don’t actually live in Busan and supposedly I came here with my girlfriend.. Uhm.. I hope I am not scaring you with the fact that I swing that way. I..” Seulgi bit her bottom lip quietly, cursing her lousy tongue while trying to find some appropriate words to say when Irene intruded her.


“I am alright with that fact, Seulgi. Continue your story.” Irene stifled a grin and transformed it into an understanding smile instead. At least now she knew that Seulgi liked women and if she was lucky enough, she could be the one for Seulgi, although temporarily.


“Thank you.” Seulgi smiled in relief.


“Well, it turned out that she’s cheating behind my back all this time. We’ve been together for over 2 years and going here would mark our 3rd year anniversary. However, just a month before we departed here, I caught her making out with a man inside our shared apartment. I just got back from abroad, wanting to surprise her but ended up being surprised instead.” Seulgi bitterly chuckled. She still could vividly remember how the man’s hands wrapped around her ex-girlfriend's waist with her ex’s hands tightly held on his neck, pulling the man toward her so she could disgustingly kiss the man deeper.


“I have bought the tickets, booked the hotel, and everything had been planned smoothly. I have spent too much that I feel it’d be just a waste not to come here. I thought I’d be strong enough not to get my feelings hinder me from having fun but it turns out, I must have underestimated my feelings for her. I met her in Busan and stupidly I arranged the vacation to retracing the memories of how we’ve met and ended up being together.” Seulgi tried not to flinch and not to move when Irene was applying some ointments on her bruises.


“I planned to stay for a week and I just arrived yesterday. It’s been barely one day and I am already on the verge of giving up. Maybe I better go home and catch the earliest flight the day after tomorrow.” Seulgi ran her fingers through her hair desperately after Irene had done applying the ointment. Her face felt cold but the pain coming from the bruises was much more bearable now.


“I have a crazy idea and you might not approve it but I personally think it’s better than you’re going back home before it’s time.” Irene smiled genuinely. Surely, God took her side or she just got awesomely lucky because everything Seulgi told her was screaming how Irene should step up the game and used her chance well.


“What is that?” Seulgi asked curiously.


“Do you think I am pretty, Seulgi?”


“Does it have anything to do with helping me?” Seulgi innocently asked. She returned the chair to its original place and sat down on the bed, beside Irene.


“It does. Say.. Be fair and tell me, who is more beautiful? Me or your ex-girlfriend?” Irene turned to her side, gazing closely at Seulgi.


“Do I really need to answer that? I… I don’t think I have any obligation to answer the question.” Seulgi stumbled with words. She was always amazed by her ex-girlfriend's beauty. Krystal looked like a model with her slender figure and a gorgeous face but after seeing Irene… She knew better than anyone that the answer was absolute; that Irene had easily beaten Krystal’s beauty just like that.


“You do or I change my mind and you can go back to where you belong.” Irene smiled graciously and Seulgi looked away, didn’t think her eyes could take it anymore.


“If I have to be fair and put my feelings aside, I have to say you are slightly more beautiful than my ex, Irene.” Seulgi said the white lies since slightly was supposedly replaced by abundantly.


“Slightly is more than enough. By tomorrow, I will take your ex’s place and be your temporary girlfriend, Seulgi. You don’t need to retrace the memories of you and your ex alone anymore because I will be there for you, every step of the way.” Irene mustered her guts and touched Seulgi’s hand softly.


“Wh.. How.. Why would you do that?” Seulgi found it hard to form a sentence filled with a simple question. She didn’t just hear the offer wrongly, did she?


“Just like you, I also don’t come from around here, Seulgi. I am only here approximately for two weeks and after, I have to go back to where I come from. I come here unplanned and I don’t have an itinerary like you. You just got your heart broken while I don’t have any plan about how I’d spend my days here.” Irene looked up, having her eyes boring into Seulgi’s warm gaze.


“What sounds better than having I, someone who is SLIGHTLY more beautiful than your ex to accompany your solo journey while I shall have you as my tour guide while at it?” Irene tried to make a negotiation. It’s not completely honest but at the same time, it’s not totally a lie either. There’s no way she could confess suddenly that she liked Seulgi and how she wanted to spend every minute and every hour with her while she could, right? Right.


“You can always say no if you don’t want to, Seulgi.” Irene’s spirit was reduced to none when Seulgi didn’t say anything as her answer. The silence was enough to confirm that maybe, Irene was reading things wrongly; that the condition might be supportiv

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Excited for this!!! xD
Baebaebear #2
Chapter 1: I love it and I need the next chapter haha
Chapter 1: This is interesting.
Tfyrep_ #4
Chapter 1: I always love your story.. Kudos to you and your incredible mind 💜