Chapter Seven

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Three weeks have passed since the day Seulgi saw Joohyun for the last time, at the park with Totori. Where she got mad at her because Joohyun wouldn’t tell her what she wanted to hear, but left Seulgi hanging with a warm touch, perhaps it was the first touch Joohyun gave her, but it stopped the anger from getting bigger. 


Every single day of these three weeks, Seulgi spent the night thinking about the fairy girl.


She knew that, for normal people, if you think too much about certain things before bed time and fall asleep with them on your mind, there’s a high chance of you having dreams with them, because your sub conscience induces you to. 


But it seemed like her sub conscience didn’t care much about her thoughts. Staying up until Totori joined her to the bed thinking about Joohyun didn’t bring anything good, neither dreams or nightmares, but only dark and deep eyes caused by exhaustion. Thinking was exhaustive.


She couldn’t help but imagine a friendly life with Joohyun being normal. That’s the word, something that Joohyun wasn’t. Normal.


Seulgi wanted to exchange messages with her, hangout, be friends and watch movies together, spend time with her. Of course she enjoyed the moments they had together. The deep conversations, the lessons she often gave her, learning new things with her was different, she loved every second.


Joohyun carried a different vibe, her energy was good. And Seulgi couldn't explain the feeling she had when she was around her. 


She felt free with Joohyun. But she didn’t understand why the girl didn’t want to stay around as well, what was the reason for going away like that?


But waiting to see her helped to grow and practice her patience.


Seulgi finally spotted the girl at the park, it was nearly 5pm. Actually, Totori was the first one to see her, barking as if he was asking for Seulgi to let him go. She took his leash off when she noticed her, looking around to see if there was any danger towards the small dog. He ran straight to Joohyun’s feet, wagging his tail. 


“There’s my big boy!” She caressed his favorite spot behind his ear. “You've grown so much since the last time we saw…”


“Yeah, Yerim has been feeding him pretty well, following Sooyoung's instructions.” She approached them while watching their affective interaction, sitting beside her.


“Hi, Seulgi.” She smiled. “I see… You two are doing an amazing job with him. And Sooyoung seems to be a dog expert.”


“Actually, she’s an expert of a lot of things. Sooyoung’s very smart, she reads a lot and it’s always studying something new.”


“She has a dog too?”


“Mhm, you should see his legs. They’re so small, but he has strong muscles, they look like chicken thighs.” She giggled while gesticulating. “But, Sooyoung told me something that I wanted to check with you. About what you said last time.”


“Why do you need my confirmation over her statements? You don’t trust her words?” She lifted an eyebrow while talking.


“I do. But I wanted to hear it from you.”


“Will you get upset if I tell you I need to cut the conversation to leave?” Seulgi ignored, looking down. “Alright, what do you have to ask?”


Seulgi got excited about her initiative, it meant that she would answer her questions. She bounced her legs happily, as if she was on a swing at the playground. “So, you said that dogs can see the spirit of other animals, isn’t it?”<

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Thank you!
This was written with love, I hope you learned a few things from it.
Be nice to other people, take care of yourselves!
A reminder: everything written about spiritism here are facts. If you have questions or would like to talk to me about it, check the foreword!
Thank you all for reading 💕


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dDferent #2
Chapter 13: what an amazing story! I lost count of how many chills I felt with this reading! congratulations for your sensitivity and writing, thank you so much for this!
What a gem. I learned so much from this. Thank you for this! :)
aiisaka #4
Chapter 13: I'm confused most of the time but this was so well written. I think I'm gonna re-read to focus on the information about spiritism.
aiisaka #5
Chapter 13: WOW
Chapter 13: GAH! I’m getting goosebumps reading this, its soo beautiful!! My first time reading about all this knowledge and it was so intriguing! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Your fic not only beautifully written but it also give out lots of informations, which I love tremendously! Aaaa thank you agaiiinnnn~~
Chapter 13: Wow! Can i borrow you beautiful mind for 2 days?
12 streak #8
Chapter 13: Aww.. " she's my date for the rest of this incarnation... " ~rdj
Chapter 13: 2 words. Absolute masterpiece.

Bruh you write amazing stories and I love them both very much ;-;

Last chapter to go ;-;