
you jumped out of the bed when you heard a scream. you initially thought it was from the neighbours, but it sounded near.
you turned around to check on krystal and a pillow landed on your face.
"kyaaaa! who are you!" she screamed.
you raised your left hand to block another incoming pillow. "krystal, wait! it's me, amber! amber liu!"
she abruptly stopped to finally look at you. "amber?"
"yeah." you lowered your arms to show your face. "i'm your classmate, remember?"
she said nothing. she still looks shocked. you think she said '' under her breath.
"you know me, right?" you asked again, hoping she'd say yes.
she nods slowly, not taking her eyes off you.
you felt relieved. but as you were moving forward, she threw another pillow at you.
"don't come near me!"
"don't you dare take another step closer!" she warns, throwing the next thing in her reach which is your book.
you could have evaded quickly if you knew krystal is a sharpshooter.
because the spine of your thick architecture book hit you right in the face, in the middle of your eyes. the hit causes you to feel dizzy and you had to sit on the floor to support yourself.
"i said don't come near me or i'll throw everything in here at you!" she added.
you crawled over to her. "krystal, you don't under--ow!" a shoe hit you this time.
"don't move!" she grabs the picture frame on the bedside table, that's when you came back to your senses.
"w-w-w-w-w-wait!" you stood up, both hands in surrender. "please, not that one!"
she halts.
"it's my late cat's," you said, almost whispering. "that's the only photo i have of him."
she quickly eyed the photo and looked at you again, slowly putting it back on the bedside table.
"but please, just stay right there."
"i will." you let out a relieved sigh. you sat your on the floor, your legs crossed.
"where are we?" she asked.
"my room."
"and what am i doing here?"
"if you're thinking something happe--"
"i asked you what the hell am i doing here?"
you sighed. what happened to your sweet krystal last night? gone? jeez. you wanna cry. "well, it's a long story..."
"tell me everything then."
you're not sure where to start, but you had to. so you told her what happened.
"are you sure you're not making up stories? you're accusing tiffany and jimin of drink spiking me," asked krystal after you told her all the details of what happened last night, except the kissing part.
"i'm not. that's the drug they put in your drink," you said, pointing at the bedside table.
she turns her attention to it but something else caught her eyes first. "what's this?"
your eyes widened when you saw her raise the thing the cab driver gave you last night.
. of all the things you could forget to throw away, why forget that one?
"uh. well. it's a... a dental dam," you said.
"i know it's a ing dental dam. i'm asking you what this is for," she said.
"uh... for protection...?"
"you're using it?" krystal stared at you, confused. "so, you're gay?"
"it's not like what you're thinking," you said, defeated. "i mean, yes, i'm gay, but i don't do that casual stuff as others do."
"oh. really? then why are you keeping one in your room?"
"it's not mine. the cab driver last night gave it to me."
"well, because she thought we're a... you know... a couple with raging hormones..."
"oh." krystal looked away, blushing a little.
you always daydreamed about talking to her but you never imagined it would be in this way.
"so... you like girls, huh?" she asked, looking hesitant.
you pressed your lips together, unsure of what to say.
krystal turned her attention back to the bottle and observed it. she flipped her hair when she sighed and you just can't believe how can she be so beautiful.
"do you know what it is?" you asked, distracting yourself.
"it's a drug men usually use to get a girl they met at the bar to bed," she said. it sounded so casual you were wondering if she has done that before.
"some kind of friends you have there, huh?" you said, trying to sound humorous.
krystal shook her head, still looking at the bottle. "i don't know. i'd have to get their side on this one first." she flipped the bottle on her hand. "don't worry. i'll take you out of the picture. mentioning your name might affect your scholarship. jimin can ruin it for you if she doesn't like you."
you didn't expect she knows that much about you. somehow it's flattering. "thank you."
"oh, and one more thing..." she raised the bottle midair and pointed at it. "i know what exactly happens to a person intoxicated by this. now tell me..."
you tried recalling how disoriented and weak she was last night so you could perfectly describe it to her. but your jaw dropped with what she said.
"... tell me what exactly happened to us last night."
last night was the fruition of your dreams, the realisation of your fantasies.
you've been dreaming of being with krystal for over two years now and last night was the magical night you've been waiting for.
the sad thing is, it may be just only you who thinks of it like that. because as much as krystal can't get over you last night, the krystal in front of you now is sober and remembers nothing from her drunken state.
"... tell me what exactly happened to us last night."
"l-last n-night...?" you asked to reassure, swallowing a lump in your throat.
"yes, last night, here in your room."
your eyes uneasily darted around the room, carefully choosing your words.
"well, i... i piggybacked you here since you can't walk. after that... i... uh... i tucked you to bed."
"okay. what else?"
"a-and then y-you asked me to s-sleep beside you..."
"could you please stop stuttering and tell me everything in one go?" she said, slightly irritated.
"uh... s-sorry..."
"ugh... amber..."
"l-like i said, you asked me to sleep beside you and that's what you woke up to."
"you mean nothing happened between us?"
you raised a confused eyebrow. "happened like what?"
"?" she waves the dental dam in the air.
you immediately looked away, feeling embarrassed. "no. nothing like that."
"so, you did nothing to take advantage of me?"
you raised an eyebrow. "huh? i'm not that kind of person."
she shrugs. "how would i know? i don't remember a thing from last night."
"c'mon, krystal," you started, sighing. you don't like the fact that she doubts you. "you still have your clothes on. i'm in my pyjamas. do you really think something happened between us? and if i want to take advantage of you i should have banged you in a cheap motel and left you there before you wake up. that will be a lot easier for me."
krystal looked somewhat shocked. maybe it's because that's not the normal way you speak in school. but you're glad you casually added 'banged you' in your sentence.
you secretly hope one day it would come true.
"you have a point," she said, sighing in defeat. "but something's bothering me..." she looks at you and pointed a finger. "what's that thing on your lip?"
okay. you haven't gotten the chance to check yourself in the mirror and you're not sure how that evidence looks like.
you cleared your throat. "uh. well, it's a blister."
"a blister?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "it doesn't look like one to me."
"uh. i... uh... i accidentally bit my lip last night, and it bled."
"accidentally bit your lip? you're not a good liar," she said, and she's not the first person who told you that. "did someone bite that last night?"
you couldn't answer. the scene from last night is now playing on your mind again. you remember how she was freely offering herself to you, how vulnerable and willing she was.
you closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself. however, the warm feeling on your face is exposing what you've been trying to hide.
"why are you blushing, amber?"
you covered your face with your palms. "i don't know. i don't know!"
"what?" she asked. "i thought nothing happened last night?"
"well, if you're pertaining to , nothing like that happened!"
"then what happened?"
'we kissed!' that's what you want to say but you find it hard to tell it to her face.
"did we kiss?" she finally asked.
you hid your face behind your palms and nodded.
"my gosh, amber. why did you kiss me!" she asked, offended.
"hey, i was not the one who made the first move!" you retorted. "you're the one who kissed me first!"
you could sense how surprised she was, but that didn't prevent her from blaming you. "then why didn't you stop me?"
"how can i stop you when you cornered me there?" you pointed at the wall.
fell agape. she brought her hands to her head and massaged her temples. "..."
seeing her reaction somehow hurts you. so, that sweetness last night was all because of the drug?
krystal plopped back on the bed and kicked her feet up in the air like a kid. "aish. what have i done?"
"don't talk like it's your loss," you said. "you're the one who started it. and for your information, that was my first kiss. thanks to you, i lost my precious first kiss in a school fire exit. very romantic."
krystal got up again. "fire exit?"
okay. so she's not bothered that she's the culprit of your stolen first kiss.
"you said fire exit, right? so, i kissed you in the fire exit even before we got here?" she asked.
you nodded shyly.
krystal groaned in disappointment. "so... i did that?" she pointed at your lips. you nodded and she sighed loudly. "i can't believe it. you took advantage of my condition, amber!"
"hey, like i told you, you're the one who kissed me first!"
"then why did you kiss me back?"
great. why did you kiss her back? how are you supposed to answer that question?
you could have just pushed her away last night, right? but how can you when you don't have the courage to do that? her kiss is so enchanting you're already missing it.
you let out a loud exhale. that question was a dead-end for you.
"i don't know why i did it. it must be the drinks i had from the party," you lied, eyes on the floor. "like you, i was drunk too. but i swear nothing happened beyond that. we stopped after you bit me."
krystal brought her hands to her head and ruffled her hair in frustration. "uuuuuuugh... i can't believe i did that..."
tok... tok... tok...
you both turned your attention to the door.
tok... tok... tok...
"who's that?" krystal asked. you shrugged.
tok... tok... tok...
both your eyes widened when you heard the voice behind the door.
"amber, are you there? it's suzy."
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Chapter 6: No more Cheetos for you my friend😂
Chapter 1: Ho ho ho 😏
You'll know a good story when u choose to sacrifice your sleep to continue reading. Thanks author! Hope to see more kryber fanfic!
Chapter 6: I missed cupcakes/muffin so bad instead of pringles 😭😭 sorry author, I'm a hard fan of kryber & wenrene instead of sr 🤧
Chapter 24: Awwww i love ittt. My heart 😍😍
amhar03 #6
Chapter 24: Hello im your reader since the first version of this kryber fanfic (which you deleted and rewrite it matching with seulrene version) and reread it like more than 4x already including this newest version. I want to say that i like the first version better than this one since it have more complexity in plot, and thrill (?) Especially when kai try to lock krystal and sulli to lure amber and beat her in kai home it had more interesting twist and storyline, but all in all i still love every kryber version story you wrote. Hope to see more of it, fighting author nim
1141 streak #7
Chapter 24: Love this story
2074 streak #8
Chapter 3: That taxi driver is so funny!
2074 streak #9
Chapter 24: Oh my god I’ve been looking for this for so long
bluesky2275 #10
Chapter 24: Thank you for completing this story.