
you were in awe when the car entered the gate. like tiffany's, krystal's house seemed like a mansion in the middle of a huge compound.
as you make your way to the parking area, you got a clear view of their garden. there were bushes, flowers, and even trees surrounding the entire compound. you would have mistaken this place to be a park if you didn't know this is where krystal lives.
after you realised how big-time your girlfriend is, you looked at krystal, amazed. she's busy texting her mom, not knowing how you're envious of her for being born with a golden spoon.
then you realised it should not surprise you to see people like her around the school. you are enrolled in an exclusive university and having a house like this could just be a normal thing for students there.
taeyeon even had the budget to rent an entire bar for her party, remember?
you got admitted to that school as an aikido varsity player. they provide seventy-five to one-hundred per cent scholarship to students who could represent them in districts or even national competitions.
"we're here," said krystal, touching your hand. "are you all right?"
"yeah... i didn't you know you live in a palace."
she chuckles. "i can assure you i feel more at home in your apartment."
"hmm? why so?"
"well, this house is too big for me and my mom. we rarely see each other."
she taps your hand again. "let's go?"
"welcome to my room!" krystal closed the door behind her as you made your way inside. "what can you say about it?"
"it looks neat and girly." you pointed at the pile of stuffed toys that are covering almost half of her queen-sized bed. "i didn't know you were sleeping with plenty of creatures here."
she laughs. "i always wanted to fall asleep hugging you. but you're not here all the time so these are your substitutes."
you smiled. "who's your favourite substitute then?"
"this." krystal sat on the bed and picked the four-feet-llama stuffed toy. "i bought it because tiffany said it looks like you. and it's so huggable."
you walked over to sit beside her. "and you agreed it looks like me?"
"well, yes..." krystal put the llama to your side to compare your faces. "see? there's hardly a difference."
"oh, c'mon. i'm way cuter than this," you said, throwing the llama back to other stuffed toys. you held her and pulled her to your chest. "i'm even more huggable than that."
"totally agree..." and then, with all her might, she pushed you to lie down on her bed.
you were about to praise how soft her mattress is but krystal caught you off-guard by straddling you, pulling you against her, and pressing your mouth to hers.
you find yourself getting caught and lost in her sweet, long, intoxicating kisses again.
but who are you to not give her what she wants?
you responded with the same eagerness, your arms wrapping securely around her to support her body while she continues to ravish your mouth. and as her kisses get deeper, you her back to reciprocate the pleasure.
she hums in response.
and you were already lost.
but just as when you're ready to take it to the next level, krystal pulls away to breathe.
"i... i need to feed you first," she whispered against your lips, her chest rising up and down.
"well, you can feed me here," you said.
"with food, amber. real food."
you smirked, driving your fingers into her hair. "you're so beautiful."
a ghost of a smile crossed her lips. she closed her eyes and kisses you gently one more time before pulling back, searching for your eyes.
"you're giving me that look again," you said.
"what look?"
"the look like i mean the world to you."
"you mean the world to me," she said, shifting her position on top of you. "i enjoy every single moment with you."
"well, speaking of that, i'm doubting now if you're enjoying your stay in my apartment." you tapped one hand on the mattress. "your bed is way softer than mine. i thought it would eat my body when we plopped down."
krystal smiled at the exaggeration. "i find your bed soft and comfy. and i don't care even if we sleep on the floor. what matters to me is i sleep beside you."
you looked at krystal with a relieved smile on your face. you brushed a hand against her cheek. "what did i ever do for you to fall in love with me like this?"
"you already know how it started right?"
"it's just still hard to believe it. it didn't even occur to me there's a possibility you'd notice my existence."
"trust me, amber, it's hard not to notice you. i should be the one asking you why me right?"
"that's something you don't have to wonder about. trust me, your beauty is something that nobody can just ignore."
krystal shrugged. "still, why me? i am not someone your level..."
you put your index finger to her lips. "shhh. stop saying that. i couldn't explain in words how much you struck me when i first saw you. and the funny thing about it is, even though you were known for what you do, something tells me there's more than what we are seeing. that is the same thing i've been waiting to see ever since i met you. and i was right, you weren't really what they think of you."
krystal avoided your eyes as a faint smile drew upon her lips. after a little while, her eyes turned red. she rested her head back on your chest.
"hey, are you crying?" you asked.
"i've been always dreaming of something like this before," she said, sniffing against your chest. "you, looking at me like that, telling me things like that. i always thought it was impossible. but now you're here, flesh and blood, making me feel that i'm the best thing that has ever happened to you."
"well, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
krystal looked up. "i wanted to be close to you since day one. and i know myself that i could take on anyone in school no matter who he or she is. but when it comes to you, paradoxically, i just don't know how to do it. i don't have the courage to do it."
you wiped her damped cheeks with your thumbs. "being afraid held me back for a long time. i still should've made a move so we could at least be friends."
"yeah, you slowpoke. you got me really frustrated." krystal poked your cheek. "do you have any idea how hard it was for me to handle it? i was used to getting everything i desired since i was a kid. then you came and for the first time in my life, i couldn't get this something i wanted so badly. mom's money is even useless."
you chuckled. "i'm sorry... i hope you didn't have issues with your mom because of me."
"we're starting to patch things up that time," she said. "she's the one who suggested i make an effort to have classes with you every sem. she said you'll surely notice me if i do that."
"well, that surely worked," you said, smirking. "i remember a time i plotted on doing something different too. i was hoping i could get your attention with that. but i end up doing nothing."
"you're not gonna be my amber if you become someone like kai. i've admired you because you are who you are."
"but you still dated him."
"only because i wanted to protect you."
"don't you find him attractive at all?" you asked, remembering the fangirls swooning over him.
"i do. i won't deny that. i even tried working out things with him, remember?"
"same here. feeling hopeless, i tried doing that with suzy as well because i thought you really love him."
krystal's eyes widened. "you did?"
"i tried liking her because i wanted to forget you too. but it just doesn't feel right."
"you sure nothing happened between you and suzy?" she asked.
"nothing more than friendship. i promise."
"are you sure, amber?"
"one-hundred per cent sure, my princess," you said, guiding her to your chest again. "there was only you, it's just you now, and it'll be just only you."
krystal raised her head to look down at you. "you better, amber, or else th--"
the only way to stop the worrying princess is to kiss her. she didn't expect it at first but she kissed you back right after she recovered.
"i love you," you said after you pulled back.
she blushed. "i love you more."
tok... tok... tok...
"miss krystal, dinner's ready."
"we're going down in a few." she looked at me. "hungry?"
"yup. we got the whole weekend to ourselves. what's our agenda for tonight?"
krystal went to her closet and took off her blouse to put on a new shirt. "do you have anything in mind? i just plan on watching movies while hugging you."
"could you show me around your palace after dinner, your highness?"
she laughed. "sure. i haven't been around here lately. i'm warning you, we might get lost."
you laughed along. "we're no hurry to get back, anyway."
"all right."
the dinner was more like a feast. you were served with exquisite meals like you are in a hotel. krystal kept on encouraging you to eat because those are all for you.
after getting stuffed, you began your adventure. you started outside going around the garden. krystal showed you all the flowers and plants they are growing in the compound. it gave the whole place a peaceful ambience.
you went back in after the tour outside. she showed you around their three-storey house and introduced to you each room.
"what's in here?" you asked as krystal led you to the last room of the house.
she usually tells you what to expect before entering a room. but this time, she's unlocking the door without telling you anything.
"just wait and see."
krystal opened the door and it was pitch black. she turned the lights on and you saw the surprise waiting for you. the room is filled with different canvasses, some done, some still in process, one small chair, a few scattered pastel colours, and one long table.
"you paint?" you asked, surprised. you never imagined she has this artistic side.
she gave you a coy smile.
you went around looking at all the canvasses. there were over twenty of them stacked on the side. you looked at each and got more excited at this newfound information.
"wow. these are good." you turned to her. "you did these?"
she nodded. "i'm not that good. you're only saying that because you love me."
"hell no. i mean, i love you, yes, but these are all awesome."
"you just haven't seen the previous ones i created. those were all messy." she chuckles.
"well, everyone starts at that. but judging from these, i can already say you've improved a lot. where did you learn to do this?"
"practice. it served as my outlet. i've always felt alone in this house and this room is the only place where i can let my thoughts go free."
you went back to look at the other artworks. she's more of a semi-abstract artist. her works always portray a caricature of people, or a person and the backgrounds are usually blurry. there's also a painting of her own portrait, the view outside, and...
"m-me?" you saw a cartoon version of yourself in your aikido gi holding a trophy.
"i did that after your last game," she said. "i was thrilled you won."
"so, you watched the entire game, huh?"
"i didn't get the chance to get there early." she gets close to you and ran her fingers on the canvass. "i don't want kai noticing i left the gym. i was glad i made it in time for your game."
once again, you stared at her, amazed on how you were able to make her fall in love with you.
"what?" she felt conscious.
"i love you."
"i love you more." she gave you a quick kiss. "drop that. let's go outside."
krystal led you to the glass door which you initially thought as a window, opened it, giving you access to the balcony.
you couldn't count how many wows you've said that night. aside from krystal's paintings, this is the best thing in this mansion you've seen so far.
the balcony is facing a scenic view of a mountain and a sea. you felt totally relaxed just by looking around. and because it's dark, the city lights from afar added to the nice view.
"it's even more beautiful during daylight," said krystal, leaning on the parapet. "want to have breakfast here tomorrow?"
"i'd love to."
"great. i was planning to do that as well."
you turned your back on the view to look at her. "are you sure your mom is okay with this?"
"why won't she be?" she asked. "are you worried she would not like you?"
krystal chuckled. "gosh, amber. my mom would rather want to have a daughter like you than me."
"hey. don't be too hard on yourself."
"well, it's true. i'm not an ideal daughter," she admitted. "even so, my mom loved me unconditionally despite the things i've done."
"you're still her daughter. and you're her only daughter. that's why i'm worried. i would understand if she'd want you to date a kai-type guy rather than me."
krystal tucked her hair behind her ears. "she doesn't like kai, fyi. in fact, she's not impressed with kids who were born rich."
the wind was blowing hard. krystal had to fix her hair with both her hands. "ever heard of self-made millionaire stories? the typical ones who started at the bottom and slowly climb their way up the ladder? that's my mom. she grew up in a family where her parents have this mindset that there's nothing more in life for them than what they are having. and one time, she just woke up and realised that she has the power to control her own life. from there, she went to sales, got training and seminars, became the top sales agent, and the story goes on."
"that's inspiring. i wish i could talk to her," you said.
"that's the reason she likes you. you might not have much now but she knows with that attitude of yours you'll be on top in the future.
"that's seriously encouraging, krystal."
"you ought to know that because you keep worrying," she said, ruffling your hair. "she loved your effect on me. she liked how i wanted to change for the better after i met you. you're this very person whom my mom wants me to end up with, okay?"
you nodded. "okay."
"we should get back. it's getting cold now."
"what's our next agenda?"
"my room. movies." krystal held your hand again as you walked back to her room.
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Chapter 6: No more Cheetos for you my friend😂
Chapter 1: Ho ho ho 😏
You'll know a good story when u choose to sacrifice your sleep to continue reading. Thanks author! Hope to see more kryber fanfic!
Chapter 6: I missed cupcakes/muffin so bad instead of pringles 😭😭 sorry author, I'm a hard fan of kryber & wenrene instead of sr 🤧
Chapter 24: Awwww i love ittt. My heart 😍😍
amhar03 #6
Chapter 24: Hello im your reader since the first version of this kryber fanfic (which you deleted and rewrite it matching with seulrene version) and reread it like more than 4x already including this newest version. I want to say that i like the first version better than this one since it have more complexity in plot, and thrill (?) Especially when kai try to lock krystal and sulli to lure amber and beat her in kai home it had more interesting twist and storyline, but all in all i still love every kryber version story you wrote. Hope to see more of it, fighting author nim
1141 streak #7
Chapter 24: Love this story
2074 streak #8
Chapter 3: That taxi driver is so funny!
2074 streak #9
Chapter 24: Oh my god I’ve been looking for this for so long
bluesky2275 #10
Chapter 24: Thank you for completing this story.