Chapter 10

Let it be
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Seconds converted to minutes and then to hours. Time spun fast, leaving Byul who already been swept away by his feelings. The temperature of the day was quite hot, reaching 38 degree Celsius. However, his body felt cold and had to put on his thick jacket.


Byul leaned his head at the car window where the mirror had been lowered. The evening breeze greeted his face. His mind drifted away, leaving his body alone there.


The image stuck in the box of his mind was like a piece of jigsaw puzzle that fell apart. The sequence of events of that night cannot be remembered its entirety. Probably because of the side effects of the drugs that Sodam put into the drinks he took.


The last thing he still remembers was when he arrived at the hotel room, looking at the whole body that was lying on the bed. What happened next didn’t keep its memory in Byul’s mind. He only regained consciousness after being woken up by Hyejin.


Suddenly his mind wandered, thinking about the picture he saw in Minhyuk's room earlier. The woman in the picture looked as if he had seen it before. Could it be that looked at the art gallery around the world. 


No. He, who was an art lover, has visited mostly art general that being exist. There was not a single work of art there that was exactly the painting that was the background of the picture taken by his brother.


Perhaps Minhyuk took the picture in Paris, Rome or Great Britain. Minhyuk was indeed a traveller when every time on holiday he will be gone visiting others counteries.


Not even the question about the background of the picture was answered, another question arose. Why the picture became a decorator in his brother's room. Where was the importance of the woman in her brother's life? Since when was Minhyuk crazy about art?


Don't say oil painting, even drawing a stickman has shown how weak Minhyuk's art skill level was. Even though there was an art gallery located near her brother's old campus, Minhyuk never set his foot there. Not to mention attending a painting exhibition.


"Byul, did you hear what I said earlier?" repeated Minhyuk again after his question was not answered. Byul's reverie died instantly.


"What's wrong, hyung?" said Byul like people who just woke up from sleep.


"Is the house number right?" Minhyuk asked while stopped his red car nearby the house numbered 163. The kittens that were playing around on the ground in front of the house greeted their eyes. He went silent for a moment, waiting his brother's reaction.


"Same, right?" Byul asked while showing his handphone's screen to Minhyuk.


The address on Byul's phone screen was carefully checked by Minhyuk. He was sure they have reached the destination they were looking for.


"One six three," said Byul as soon as he glanced at the small number printed on the wall of the house adorned with flower pots.


The trunk of the flower tree, which was shaped almost exactly like the bongsai tree, had climbed to the wall of the house, almost covering the number on the wall.


The roof of the house looked old and piled up. The doors and windows of the house were closed with wooden boards that looked old. One of the window glass was cracked and was pasted with tape. Byul glared. Guilt filled the space of his heart.


A woman in her early 50s was busy sweeping fallen leaves in the front yard. The dried leaves he had collected were put into the garbage plastic before being tied. After a while, the woman sighed for a long time while rubbing her waist which was probably sore.


There was a feeling of sympathy in Minhyuk and Byul's hearts who never swept even a single dry leaf that fell in the yard of their house even though their physical strength must have surpassed that of the old woman. The woman's actions continued to be followed by the both pair of eyes until she finished her works. Then the gaze of the two brothers shifted, looking at each other.


"I know what you're thinking, Byul," Minhyuk said without waiting for his brother's words.


"Sometimes we forget how lucky we are until we see people who are much more unfortunate," said Byul. 


Shame gripped his chest, recalling his lifestyle that had being spoiled by their father. He used to living a happy, luxurious life with money. All his wishes were granted by Mr Moon and Minhyuk. Their money was never running out.


Minhyuk nodded.


"Come on Byul, don't regret about past. Time cannot be rewind. But what we do today, will determine tomorrow. We are already here, I'm sure we can change something," said Minhyuk with full confidence .


"I want to meet Yongsun's family myself, hyung. Please wait for me in the car. Let me be the one to face them," said Byul.


"Don't be silly, Byul. We need to plan something. It won't be that easy for you to enter people's houses, tell them that you have their children and now you come to be responsible. Who wants to accept your explanation." said Minhyuk, reminding Byul about the complexity of their situation.


They needed to be wise in managing their explaination, so that their actions will not kill the trust of Yongsun's family.


"Then, don't want to tell me to wait here, wait until Yongsun to come out, like a stalker. I can't. I'll go inside, have a talk with them," said Byul, uncomfortable to wait long in his brother's car without doing anything.


"It's not about stalker. You can't just go into people's houses. The bottom line is now, we know they live here. It's good that we plan a strategy before meeting them." Minhyuk said without thinking long.


"I'd rather take care of this myself, hyung. It's all because of me. I'm responsible. I myself don't know how to restore dad's name that has been tarnished because of me. If possible, I don't want to involve dad in this problem," said Byul.


"Do not be silly, Byul. This is not a small matter. It is necessary to involve our parent," said Minhyuk, trying to prevent his brother from doing anything that could aggravate the situation. Wrong step, they will faced disappointment later.


"I don't want to wait for dad, hyung. I have to meet

they now and explain. I don't want to continue to deceive myself, hyug, "said Byul in a weak tone.


"What if they report it to the police?" guessed Minhyuk who was attacked by worry.


"I will accept with open heart. At least I get a punishment compatible with my action. I cant run away, hyung," Byul replied calmly.


"In that case, let we go together. At least I can help persuade her family later," said Minhyuk while removing the seat belt that was still tied to his body in the driver's seat.


"No, hyung. Trust me. I have to do this thing alone. Don't let your name be tarnished again because of me," begged Byul.


"But Byul-ah..."


"Wait for me here, hyung. I'll be leaving soon. Whatever her family said, I'll accept it ,"


Although Minhyuk's heart insisted on joining Byul to meet Yongsun's family, he had to comply with his brother's wishes. His head nodded slowly, acknowledging Byul's request. He leaned back in his seat, trying to stay calm even though his heart was pounding with worry.


"Hello maam, good evening." Byul said after approaching the distance between him and the woman.


Mrs Kim raised her face for a moment, looking at the handsome man with pale face.


"Yes hello. Who are you looking for, son?" Mrs Kim replied. 


"I ... I am Moon Byulyi, maam, from Seoul. I'm here, looking for Kim Yongsun," Byul explained slowly.


"Is she here, maam?" Byul asked again. He coughed for a moment after finishing his sentence.


Mrs Kim's expression changed instantly as her daughter's name minced on the man's lips. The tears almost seeped out but were successfully held back. Her legs felt weak, shaky to stand.


"Are you Yongsun's friend?"


In a state of guilt Byul nodded, just admitting Mrs Kim's guess.


"We've met at US before," he said, trying to give her a brief overview.


"Come in first, son. Let we talk inside," Mrs Kim invited.


Mrs Kim's weak step was followed by Byul from behind. He took off his sneakers before stepping inside. There was a skinny man leaning back on a old couch in the living room while holding his cane as Byul entered. In front of him was a plate of meal that he did not touch.


"Honey, why don't you eat the food that I made? You used to like that. Are you fed up already with my cooking now?" said Mrs Kim. But the old man still quiet.


"Can you just take a bite, honey. You havent eat for a long time," Mrs Kim persuaded softly.


Mr Kim did not answer. His gaze was thrown out the window, to see the kitten playing around. He did not even look at his wife or their newly entered guests.


"Mister," Byul sais as he bowed to the old man. But his greeting was not cared by the man. Even looking at his face, Mr Kim did not want to. Byul sat on the other side of the couch. He still looked at Mr Kim, seeing the man's face that was devoid of expression. 


"He isn't well, maam? What had happened? " Byul asked worriedly. He forgot for a moment that his own health condition was precarious. His appetite also had long died.


Mrs Kim frowned at her husband. For months, he did not want to talk to anyone, including herself. Her husband seems to have lost the will to live since Yongsun's departure.


Sometimes he spoke in his sleep, calling out their daughter's name. He rarely touches the food served by her as his body size was getting thinner. Their farms were also left neglected, full of grass and bushes. He didnt want to work on it anymore.


"That's ... there's a child, he kicked her out. After she did not want to comeback, he didn't want to eat, didn't want to talk. Even I dont even know what to do anymore. It's been months already, he still being like that." said Mrs Kim while holding back a tear.


Mr Kim's tears dripped down his cheeks that were already wrinkled as Mrs Kim leveraged the story of their lives. The look in his eyes was thrown out the window, expecting the daughter he had kicked out coming back to apologize.


This time, he promised not to push Yongsun away. His daughter's mistakes will be forgiven. He was willing to accept his daughter back.


But no! Yongsun never came back. He had been waiting for news from her for a long time. Not a single call was given. Had Yongsun forgotten about he and her mother? Is their daughter healthy? What about her baby?  He wanted to know. Yongsun was his daughter.


Everywhere he had looked. He searched the whole village until he reached the town. Here and there he asked if anyone had seen his daughter. However, he got no good news.


The night after Yongsun disappeared, he returned home empty-handed, greeted with sobs by his wife who was sitting outside of their house after he told her that he had failed to find Yongsun. That was the last time Mr Kim talked. His passion for getting on with life continued to fade along with the sense of loss that had pierced her heart since Yongsun left. 


"Why? Why did Yongsun went away, maam?" Byul asked as he was shocked to receive the news. Various questions hit his mind and he wanted to find the answers for all those questions. He wanted to know. He needed to know. Why Yongsun was kicked out of the house and did the incident have anything to do with his mistake? Byul was getting restless. If earlier he pretended to be calm, now his uneasiness was clearly reflected all over his face.


"Son, did you know Yongsun well when you were in US? Did you know all her male friends?" Mrs Kim asked.


Byul nodded, even though he knew he wasn't right. Yes, he had lied, admitting something even though the answer was no. Byul felt guilty for his lies.


To be honest, he never met Kim Yongsun. It was only destiny that played into their lives, uniting the lives of two human beings from different worlds. 


"So, you know who Yongsun was in a relationship with at US? Do you know who Yongsun's baby father is?" Mrs Kim asked again


"Yongsun's baby father?" said Byul, repeating the last words he heard, as if unsure whether his ear was in problem or indeed what his eardrum had caught was authentic.


"She's pregnant... Yongsun, our child pregnant before marriage. Yongsun is pregnant," said Mrs Kim while sobbing. She was embarrassed and disappointed with the fate of her family. Yongsun had disappeared without news. Her husband has changed, not the same as before. Sometimes she felt that he was living next to a living statue.


"I asked who the father is. She said she didn't know. Our daughter never lying to us. This is the first time she lied. She's pregnant, it's impossible that she doesn't know who her child's father is,"


"Yongsun is pregnant," Byul said in a weak voice.


He was still wondering the truth even though Mrs Kim had clearly explained the real situation to him earlier. Byul was still in a state of shock, hard to accept the statement.


It was as if acid had been poured on the wound in his heart which had been bleeding for a long time. The story of Yongsun that Mrs Kim told had never imagined in his mind before. The burden on his shoulders felt heavier and heavier.


Not to mention when remembering Yongsun, a girl who did not know why she was punished for the wrong-doing committed by other human beings.


Byul bowed regretted. Various accusations he hurled against himself. As he locked himself in the room, blaming himself for what had happened, Yongsun was tormented by a dark future. If he had known from the beginning that the woman he had defiled was not Hyuna, he would have tracked down Yongsun from the beginning.


Perhaps, the pride of the Kim family can still be saved. Yongsun didn't need to accept that much. For God's sake, Byul would not be able to let the girl be alone to bear his wrong doing.


When the story of their family's grief was brought up by his wife, Mr Kim got up from his seat. He walked with his cane, trying to leave the living room. Mr Kim was no longer able to hear the story again. But after taking two steps, he fall on the floor. Byul rushed to help him but his hand was roughly deflected.


"Honey!" called Mrs Kim, embarrassed by her behaviour who was considered to have gone too far.


"It's okay, maam. I deserve to be treated like this. My wrong doing to your family cannot be erased forever," said Byul, upset and ashamed to face Mr and Mrs Kim.


Mes Kim looked right into the young man's face, expecting an explanation from the young man he had just met.


"... Yongsun didn't lie to you. When she was at US, she has been rapped..."


Mr Kim's heart seemed to stop beating. He rubbed his face with his palm, remorseful at his reckless action. Had he listened to Yongsun's explanation, perhaps the misunderstanding he and his wife would have been able to unravel. Yongsun didn't have to go. The fates of his daughter and grandchild, he was willing to defend even if the whole world will curse their family.


"Maybe she didn't want you to be upset, so she just kept quiet. She was unconscious during the incident. She really didn't know who her child's father was. Yongsun never lie, maam. She wasn't wrong! Maybe she was embarrassed, That's why she never made a report, "Byul said. 


"Honey, did you hear that? Our daughter is not wrong! Yong did not intend to disappoint

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BeMOO1 #1
Chapter 13: Welcome back author-nim. I see lot of heartaches from Yongsun before she can really be happy. Imagine her falling in love with Byul only to find out he was the one who her and took away her chance with Eric.
Ichig02101 #2
Chapter 13: Poor kibum🤣
Oh yong...pls do paternity test then u know without a doubt byul is the father
Chapter 1: this seems interesting
Snowmanmoo #4
Chapter 13: If I were yongsun I would hate byul when I find out the truth.
bbyjayyy14 #5
Chapter 13: Yayyy!! Finally an update!!
Just gtfo of yong’s life sodam >:(
zetyaffendy #6
Chapter 12: Please update soon, authornim..
DayaKinda #7
Chapter 12: Just get marrieddddd !! ASAP😂😂
lazygirl18 #8
Chapter 12: Im afraid when the time comes yongsun learn that byul was behind everything . 🤧🤧
Ichig02101 #9
Chapter 11: Finally!!! 😍