
Just Another Love Story

Winter was on her way to her tutor's apartment, hoping against all odds that Wendy would let her in. It is, after all, the middle of the night, and she just needs to vent our her feelings. It's not that she doesn't have any friends, heck, she has a lot of them! It's just that she sees Wendy as her elder sister, and was thinking she is the only one that would listen to her without judgement. 

After a few more minutes of walking, she finally reached Wendy's place, abruptly knocks on the door. She hears a shuffle of feet from the other side. And then, a muffled voice was heard.

"Who's there?! I'm on the phone with 911! And I'm warning you, I'm armed!!!"

Seriously?! WHat?! She thinks I'm a robber or some other sort of criminal? My gosh this unnie.

"Wendy unnie! It's me!!! Winter!" 

The door opens in a flash and a hand grabs Winter's arm, pulling her inside.


"Winter! What the are you doing here?! Don't you think it's a little late??? Does your parents know you're here? Oh my gosh Taeyeon's gonna think I kidnapped you or something!"


"Wow. Oh gosh unnie calm down. Stop drinking too much caffeine at night, its making you so nervous! First of all, criminals don't knock at their victim's house! Second, yes I know it's like 12 am but this is an emergency, so  I hope you understand. Lastly, no. My parents and my sister doesn't know where I am."

Wendy just stares at Winter, taking in the latter's clothes. She's wearing all black, her blonde hair tied in a bun. Then, she notices a huge backpack with her.

"Winter... are you, perhaps, running away from home? Are you gonna elope or something?"

"Gosh, no. I was on my way to Karina's, we were supposed to have a sleepover, just the two of us. You know... And then she cancels. Right when I was already halfway to their house. Luckily, I remembered you live around here somewhere, and I don't want to go home yet... so.... uhhh.... Tada?" 

Wendy rolls her eyes at Winter. Kids these days are spontaneous this way. Gosh, such a headache.

"Why didn't you just called me? That way I wouldn't have been so nervous as to having someone visit me this time."

"Uhh.... I turned off my phone. She's been calling me non-stop and I don't want to hear excuses... Sorry." Winter replies, with her eyes looking down on her shoes, not wanting to look at Wendy. 

"Okay... well, fine, come on in. Wait for me at the couch, I'll get some snacks. And I'll send Taeyeon unnie a message, in case she wonders where you're at."

The best unnie. I thought to myself as I was heading to the couch and rest. Oh gosh, I didn't even realize how tired I was. "That would be great. Thank you unnie!"

I have been to unnie's place before, but this place never cease to amaze me. She really does have a nice apartment. A tall af bookshelf with all her favorite classics and fictions, a big flat screen tv, and looking up, I wonder why the hell she has a chandelier?

"Hey Win, I got pringles here, jellybeans and some kisses. What do you want?" Wendy asked from the kitchen. I held in my laughter, before I replied. "Aww, you're so sweet unnie, come here and give me some kisses." "HAHAHAHA you're gross, but I get what you mean." She answered, and threw me 3 bags of kisses. "Wow, 3 for I love you?" "Shut up kid, now tell me what brings you here". Oh wow, that indeed shut me up. 

"She says she forgot tonight was the deadline of all her homeworks, and that her classmates are coming over as well. They had a project to work on, and that she's sorry to cancel last minute." I paused, chewing some jellybeans and gummy bears. "Being the whipped cream I am, I just said okay, no big deal, I was just about to get out anyways. Then, I turned off my phone, because I know she won't believe me and will call Taeyeon unnie to check. I bet she's worried as now, since she can't reach my phone at this time of the night."

Wendy unnie opened a can of pink pringles, munching slowly before she looks at me with a smile, and says "You do realize you should not make her worry and tell her you are upset but it's fine and you can go sleepover any other day, right?"

*sigh* Yeah, I know. Karina is a really hardworking girl. Her only flaw is maybe having a short term memory and always forgetting about her deadlines, only remembers it when she's about to be hit by it in her face. She does love studying and I always tell her she would no doubt be successful in any field she takes in the future, with a personality like that. 

I was deep in my thoughts, when my  eyes landed to the unnie in front of me. I have always admired her. She has everything I wish and I dream I can have. She's rich. She doesn't even have to work, she just loves teaching. She is pretty, inside and out. She can do very much anything she likes. There's just one thing I think that's missing. Wow, late night talks are really the best, I hope she'll open up. 


She looks at me, still munching on pringles. "Hmm?"

"Mind if I ask you a question?"

"That sounds serious... but no I don't mind. Go ahead."

"Wendy unnie, why are you still single?"

As soon as I asked her the question, she stopped chewing her pringles. A few seconds passed, before she just shrugged and said "I love myself, I'm happy, I think I'm fine."

Welp, that was kinda vague and obviously fake. So, being the nosy kid I am, I pushed my luck.

"We all love ourselves, don't we? But unnie... you know what I mean. Have you... have you ever been in love?" I have known this unnie for about two years now, but I never heard her mention anything related to her love life. I'm curious, okay? 






oh wow she's taking her time. I guess I won't pry, she can always tell me whenever she feels she can or she want to. 

As I was about to give up and just think of another topic, I saw Wendy look at her pringles with a sad smile. "Yes, Winter. I have been in love. Just once."

"Wow, who's the lucky one? And what happened? Oh, wait, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to talk about it. I understand. I'm just asking, out of curiosity, that's all. Hehe"

"Nah, Win, it's fine. It has been years.. seven years to be exact. And I think I have moved on now. You better listen, kid. I'm not telling this story twice, and I would always deny I told you this."

I sat forward, ready for her story. She just laughed, thought how cute I was and said I look like a kid waiting for a bedtime story. 

"Well, it all started when I was in college..."



"What the Kang, remind me to never accept your invitations to a party!" I said to my bestfriend, Kang Seulgi. It was the first day of summer vacation, so Seulgi together with her girlfriend Joy, dragged me to this party, which they said is the coolest party in town. 

"Oh come on, Wan you need to loosen up a bit. Who stays at home reading textbooks on a vacation?! And stop complaining! Just enjoy the party and have some booze!" Said Seulgi. 

I tried to do as they said, but being in a room full of teenagers doesn't seem right with me. Excusing myself from the circle I was sitting with, I tried to just explore the house, maybe find a vacant room and just pass out. I'm getting sleepy anyway. 

I was on the second floor, and found myself facing three doors. I tried the first one, it was locked. The one in the middle was not, but there was a couple making out. Unfortunately, no I am not up for a . So, I entered the third one. There was nothing I can see. It was too dark anyway. I was about to lay on the bed and sleep, already texted Joy to call me if they're leaving, when a petite woman suddenly appeared from the bathroom (I assume) and asked, "Who are you and what are you doing in my room?"

Oh my, she's... she's pretty. 

"Uhm... I'm Wendy, I was just looking for a place to lay down... I'm a little bit sleepy, and I can't just leave my friends in the party downstairs so... uhh.... I'm so sorry, I'll go and find another room."

"ugh. Tiffany and her stupid parties." She said, then ran her eyes up and down my body. Is this angel checking me out? I don't mind. 

"You look harmless. Fine, you can sleep on the couch." 




"So, that was how we met. I remember Seulgi being so mad at me for making them take a cab ride home." Wendy said, after telling me how they first met. "I'm confused, why did they took a cab home, when I thought you were their ride?"

With a playful smirk, Wendy answered "Let's just say I was not able to sleep, and instead had a few swigs of whiskey with her. When we finished the one bottle of whiskey she has in her room, we decided to have more and sneaked out through her window, went to the nearest bar and drank some more. And that was how it all started. We hanging out, drinking every weekend, then we grew close to one another, and the next thing I knew, I was falling in love. With my bestfriend."

She paused, and opened the rootbeer, poured two glasses. "We were always together you know. A lot of people thought we were dating, but no. We were not."

"What?! You never confessed to her?!! Why not?"

"I was afraid, Win. FYI, she did went on a lot of dates with other men from her office. I really thought she was straight. She was clingy, yes, but I assumed that was how she acts with her friends. And mind you, she always shows me pictures of dudes who asks her out. She even asks for my opinion on what to wear and how to do her makeup when she has a date. I can't live that life of being her bestfriend, then getting jealous when she's out on a date. That's why I left."

"You did what now?"

"I left, took a Master's degree abroad. She was indeed sad, when I told her I was leaving, but she said she supports whatever decisions I make."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you are an idiot, Wendy unnie."

"I'm so glad you are no longer my student. Anyway, when I was back overseas, I realized how much I missed her. Sure, we still communicate through our social media accounts, but it's not the same as before. The texts got shorter, what used to be hourly updates turned to just Good morning and good evening texts. And then, when I was on my final year, I told her I would be going off the radar for a while, I just really needs to focus on my studies, since it's the final year. I know it was such a stupid move, but I did it anyway. I just want to make sure of my feelings towards her. I want to know if I just miss her as a friend, or if I am literally still in love with the girl... So, yeah."

"What happened after you finished your final year unnie? Did you finally admitted to yourself that you love her?"

"Yeah... I was dumb to realize that after so long, when I am on the other side of the earth. So, I planned on surprising her when I finally came back here in Korea. I made up my mind and was so determined that I would confess my true feelings. So, I asked my friend Seulgi, if she knows where I can find her. Turns out, she was a reporter in MBC! I came in, uninvited. When I reached her office, she was very surprised to see me. I still can feel the hug she gave me that day you know? Then, we catched up with our lives, she even congratulated me for getting a master's degree. We were talking so much our feet seemed to have a life of their own and led us to this playground we used to hang out."

"And... did you finally confess?"

"Yes... I told you, I was determined."


This time, there were tears, running down unnie's cheeks. Her eyes says it all, but she still managed to finish the story for me. 

"She said I was too late... And showed me the engagement ring she was wearing. She then proceeded to tell me everything. She told me she went to a lot of dates, to make me jealous. She told me that she asked my opinion on what to wear and how to do her makeup because she just wanted to look pretty for me. And the saddest part was that she never got to confess, because the day that she planned to do it was the day I told her I was leaving."

"Oh... I'm sorry... Wendy unnie..."

"She said she thought she can wait for me to come back. But when I deactivated all my social media accounts, she just lost it. She said she thinks I may be avoiding her, and that she wasn't even sure if I will be back. So, all those time I was abroad, there was another one who was with her. Who lent her a shoulder to cry on, everytime she missed me. Who made her realize that she was probably being dumb, waiting for someone she was not even sure would reciprocate her feelings. She realized that maybe the love and happiness she was looking for, was actually with that person, who accompanied her through it all."

"What did you say to her then...?"

"Nothing... I just smiled at her. Gave her one last hug, and told her that as long as she's happy, I'm okay with it. I'll move on. And that, Winter, was exactly seven years ago."

"Wow... but uhm... have you? Moved on?"

"Honestly, I don't even know what moving on really means. But if that includes going on with your life without having to cry everytime you think of the past, then yes. I have moved on. You can't expect me to just forget about her. I love her still up to this day, but you know. I would never forget her. She would always be The One That Got Away."

I just nod. I think time and fate can sometimes be cruel huh? And there are times that following your heart may actually lead you to happiness... That you always have to seize the moment because it is not everytime that you would be able to get a second chance. Sometimes, you just have to dive in. See where it leads out. If it turns out good, then congratulations! You made the right decision. If not, it's still a win. At least you gained another experience, and thus gaining another life lesson. Just be sure to not make the same mistakes twice tho. That would be pretty dumb. 

"Do you know where is she now today, unnie?"

She pursed her lips, and looked out the window. I looked at the clock, it was almost 3 am.

"You know her, Winter." She said, with a little smile on her face. "She's your Irene unnie, Taeyeon  unnie's wife"

I have no words, I think I was just staring wide-eyed with shock at Wendy unnie. Say what now?!

Wendy unnie was giggling a little at my reaction, although I can see the sadness in her eyes. 

Then suddenly, a knock on the door got our attention.

"Hello??? Anybody home???? Winter Kim, you there????" asked a panicked voice outside. I recognize that voice....

Wendy unnie was already walking towards the door, so I followed her, still carrying a bag of kisses. 

"Hi, I'm sorry for disturbing you... I'm just wondering if Winter's here? I called her unnie, she said Winter's here..."

"Karina unnie?! What are you doing here?!" I asked, peeking over Wendy unnie's shoulder. I just can't stop myself, I can't believe she's here!

"YAH! Why are you not answering my calls! I was worried about you! I thought you may be kidnapped, or was in an accident! Don't ever do that again!"

"Why are you here? I thought you're busy with schoolwork?"

"I may have copied my classmate's work... I rushed out of the house as soon as I was not able to reach your phone for the 3rd time. Win, I was really worried..."

"I'm sorry..." "Yeah... sorry too. For cancelling last minute..."

"No, it's fine... I understand... We can always do it anytime we're both free anyway."

*ehem* Gosh, I forgot about Wendy unnie. "Karina, get in. It's too late for the both of you to commute all the way home. Stay here for a while."

"Oh.... uhm, Thank you, uhh...." "Wendy." "Thank you Wendy unnie."

We both let Karina get in, and let her walk ahead. Before we reach the living room, Wendy unnie held me back, and with her motherly smile, she said:

"Don't make the same mistakes I did, kid. Take care of her too."

And before I can even reply, she just winked at me and went to Karina, showing her the guest room and offering her some food if she wants.

Today's gonna be a start of something new. Thank you, Wendy unnie...



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winrina__09 #1
Chapter 1: oh nooooo wendyyyyyy, why so saaaaaaad :'( well, at least shes got closure. thanks for this author-nim
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Wendy 😭😭
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 1: Ugh I hate it here. My heart broke for Wendy 😭😭😭
i may have cried a little bit on the inside
xoloveskimmy1 #6
Chapter 1: that's just Taeyeon with Irene? like mom and daughter???!🙄😂
18 streak #7
Chapter 1: Wendy’s story was soo sad its okay wannie I love you.. but yes winter don’t make the same mistakes 😭
Paparapakyaw #8
Chapter 1: Wendy's love story is so saaaaad ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ wendy be mine instead hehe