Baby, I like it.

Signed Love.


You turn towards him. You death glare him because you know he just muttered something about you. You and Woohyun are now facing each other, arms crossed and ready to fire each other.

 “What? You got something to say to me?” You demand, annoyed at him.

 “Um, why so moody? That time of the month, I’m guessing?” Woohyun smirked.

 You were taken aback by that… You somehow hated it when a guy spoke about periods. Eeek.

 “So, now that we’re married and , I guess we can do stuff, yeah? Woohyun said. Clearly he’s some sort of ert, you thought but you knew better.

“Um…I’ve been thinking about that and I think we should just sleep with each other…you know, like friends with benefits? You like that?” Your suggestions were getting him excited, you your lips and that got him excited.

“Uh..uh…yeah! Let’s go-…now!”

You chuckle and walk up to him. Your hands outline his cheekbones and then down his neck. Your fingers start trolling his pecks and slowly the bottom of his shirt. You slid your hands inside and trace his abs, it feels so bumpy…you kind of like that. You continue towards his v-line. You feel him tense and he lets out a nervous moan.

You pull away and chuckle. “Ehehehe….no. Touch me and I’ll rip your nuts off.”

Woohyun sighs but then laughs at the situation.
Oh , what just happened? Aish, and I actually thought it was going to happen…sobs.

 You turn around and walk towards the door. You can’t help but think about what you just did. The image of his well toned body keeps popping up in your head. You shake your head to try to get rid of the thoughts and then assure yourself that you’re not attracted to an like him…you’re not.


The next day, you're almost at the Nam household to share a room with that husband of yours. You're scared and excited at the same time. You've never really gotten used to living with people before since your parents are divorced and both live with the new partners.

*DING DONG* *DING DONG*  ...No ones opens.

*DING DONG* *DING DONG* get frustrated at the fact that still no ones answering.. so you decide to knock!

*KNOCK KNOCK* one opens. You close your eyes in preparation to bash your knuckles on the door. *KNO--AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*

You quickly open your eyes because you heard  the door open and someone yelp! , you thought! You just knocked someone to the floor.... you quickly look to see if the person is alright and you see Woohyun sprawled all over the floor, bleeding through his nose.

OMG OMG OMG! WHAT HAVE I DONE! He's going to kill me! Is he okay! Ew...look at him. No! No...don't think that _____! You just knocked him out....ehehehe. *slaps face to stop yourself from laughing*

"Are yooh lah-bing ah me? Do you wan die?!" Woohyun tried to talk through his now blocked nose.

You couldn't hold it in anymore. You burst out laughing in his face, you're sure that some of your saliva had come in contact with him but you didn't care cause he looked funny!

Woohyun walks away, hurrying to the kitchen. You follow him and you see him with a bag of frozen peas on his nose.

"Haha so what's new with you?" You ask taking a seat on the kitchen table.

"Nothing. You know, just getting punched in the face by my wife. No biggie."

"You love it!" You winked at him, jokingly of course.

Then suddenly you see Woohyun approach you. Your seat begins to turn towards him and you're now trapped between him and the kitchen table. His face is only centimeters away from yours. You look at his eyes then his lips and then back to his eyes.

"I love it, do I? Perhaps I should show you how much..." Woohyun progress towards your face...he kisses your forehead and moves down to your chin, leaving a trace of hot, sweet breath...he kisses your chin and your eyes automatically can feel him breathing on your lips and you don't know why but you just want his soft lips to meet yours. But suddenly, you hear a crunch. You open your eyes and see Woohyun chewing on an apple and smiling at you. You snap out of it and give shoot him a glare and kick his shin. He screams in pain and that's when you notice the bruise on his nose.

You walk off deciding you'll find the room by yourself. You can't stop thinking about what just happened. You keep your fingers on your lips
Wh-what was that? But he doesn't like me >< How could he, after I punched him in the face and left him that bruise. OH CRAP! The bruise..I feel sorry for him. But the almost kiss. I...I bet he's done that to 50 other girls

Finally, you find his room which will now be your room too. You open it and gasp at the amazingness of the room.


 (pic from:

You mouth made a perfect O shape. You walked in and poked the pillows to see if they were soft and yes, they were. You threw yourself on the bed, wriggling your feet like a little kid. You've never really seen a room like this before. Woohyun limps in and sees how happy you are with yourself but you don't notice these things.

Hehe look at her. She's cute like a little kid, how can she possibly act so violent towards me? Keke look at her :3

Suddenly, you feel a thud next to you. You turn your head and see Woohyun lying next to you. You make an attempt to get up but he flings his gigantic left leg on you and pins you down. So you throw your arm on his chest. Next thing you know, you both end up play fighting and then thud! on the floor.

"______-ah! Woohyun-ah! What's this?!" Yooshin-ssi walks in with the 'wtf is going look' on his face.



Sorry for the lame chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I was contemplating on deleting it and starting something else TT_TT
Lemme know what you think  and how you'd like it to be XD

Subscribe and comment! <3 Thanks you XD PS: WOOBABY IS DAEBAK!


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update. :)
asdf-honeybunny #2
and she and woohyun are drunk.
update soon <3