Chapter 1: To catch a thief and to be mistaken as one


A/N: Some helpful terms: 

Gold is the highest form of currency whilst

1 hwan = 50 dollars

1 nyang = 10 dollars

1 mun = dollars   

1 jeon = cents


Horse Hour = 11am to 1pm 




Funny how things worked - one second you could be relaxing on your day off while looking for a suitable birthday present for your daughter and the next you could be listening to something that could change your life forever. This was exactly the case for Ahn Jinyoung, who is a nobleman who worked in the royal courts. A righteous, kindhearted family man, he had his priorities set straight - family first and work second. 


It was just like any other day off with a bonus of the weather being exceptionally nice. Jinyoung made his way around the market, trying to find something - anything, that his little girl would be happy to receive as her twelfth birthday present. He looked around staring hard and contemplating between the various items presented at the stalls.


Would Yujinnie like this? Or maybe she’ll like this one? 


‘Good day, sir! Are you interested in this hairpin? It’s handcrafted and would look beautiful on the lady you're intending this for!’


‘Ah, I’m still having a look around kind sir.’ 


‘How about this one? This one is popular with the ladies and you're definitely going to woo some together with your good looks and this present for them! The price is great too!’


‘In that case...may I ask, how much does it cost?’


‘Just a mere nyang would do!’


Reaching into the pouch he had with him, Jinyoung pulled out five coins and handed it to the awaiting merchant’s hand.


‘...I’ll take the one that resembles the ocean. Thank you kind sir.’


‘No problem. Anything else I can assist you with today sir?’


‘Not right now, but thank you for the kind offer.’


Jinyoung shoots the merchant a dimpled smile and nods before moving along to the last stall in the market. He was hoping to find something interesting for his daughter, yet he ended up buying a beautiful blue gemmed butterfly hairpin for his wife.


So much for Yujin’s present huh…


Seeing the various items laid out in front of him, Jinyoung had a hard time choosing what his daughter would like. What would an energetic twelve year old like? What if this energetic twelve year old loved moving around freely in the house, rather than sitting down to learn more from books? Jinyoung kept asking himself questions hoping something would give him the inspiration he needed to find an appropriate present for his daughter. Yujin was his only surviving child so both his wife and him tried their best to provide everything Yujin wanted without spoiling her.


‘Hello kind sir, can I interest you in anything?’


‘I’m...looking for something that would motivate someone to study.’


‘I’m not sure if this would help motivate someone to study, but I definitely have a calligraphy brush that is beautiful and is handcrafted?’


Jinyoung’s interest was piqued. Handcrafted calligraphy brushes were not common in this area, let alone one made with a fading blue stone with intricate designs etched in. Knowing his daughter, she'll definitely like this brush. Not only was it different, but Yujin has always been fascinated with beautiful patterns and the color blue. Hopefully, this can motivate her to study harder and be a little more like the hardworking Chaewon.


‘How much for the brush, kind sir?’ 


‘Sir, you really have an eye for beauty huh? This one’s a little more expensive. It costs three nyangs. Are sure about this one sir?’ 


Jinyoung thought for a little while. Three nyangs for a brush is nearly triple the price of a regular good quality brush. But being a loving father, Jinyoung didn’t take long to arrive at the conclusion of buying it for his daughter’s birthday. He trusts Yujin to be careful with a more expensive gift. 


‘Yes kind sir, I’ll be taking this one. Thank you!’ Jinyoung said as he handed the nyangs over. 


‘Pleasure doing business with you, kind sir. Have a good day!’ the merchant said while handing a beautiful patterned box to Jinyoung, where the brush laid comfortably on the cushion inside. 


‘You too kind sir! Have a good day.’ Jinyoung said with a smile on his face, nodding to the merchant before turning around. 


Jinyoung didn’t realize that the streets got busier as it approached the end of the horse hour. 


I should hurry up before everyone starts worrying. I’ll also have to go meet up with Howon at the food stalls before he gets worried...


Jinyoung quickly made his way to the food stalls two alleys away to meet up with his best friend and bodyguard, Kim Howon. He spotted his friend leaning against a nearby wall, some type of meat wrapped in cloth dangling from the rope in his hand. His face displayed nothing but nonchalance. 


‘Howon! Sorry for running a little late! I was looking for Yujinnie’s birthday present,’ said Jinyoung, a grin stretched across his face. 


Howon gave him a side glance - choosing to silently look at the grinning man to his right. 


‘You bought something for both Yujin and Chaesook didn’t you?’ commented Howon with a raised eyebrow and a small smile tugging on his lips. 


‘Hahaha mayhaps, I suits her and I know she’ll love it,’


Pushing himself off the wall, Howon stood up. Jinyoung watched as Howon gave him a pat on his shoulder accompanied by a smirk and said ‘Come on lover boy, let’s go home to our families!’ Before heading off to the left. 


Snapping out of the scene he grew familiar with all the years spent with his best friend, Jinyoung couldn’t help the smile that stretched across his face. 


‘Hey! Wait for me Howon!’ said Jinyoung as he scrambled to make his way over to his friend. 


Only to bump into an unsuspecting lady who had her head down. The sack the lady carried fell onto the floor and various items spilled out of the bag. 


‘Oh my! I’m so sorry. Are you alright? I was not watching where I was going. Please let me know what I can do to make it up to you,’ said Jinyoung as he bent down to gather the lady’s fallen items and return them back in the sack it had fallen out of. 


‘Thank you, young man. I am alright but would you be so kind to bring me over to a bench so I can rest my weary legs?’ 


‘Certainly! Please hold onto my arm and I’ll guide you over to the nearest bench.’ 


The lady held onto Jinyoung’s arm as they made their way over to the nearest bench. The lady sat down and made herself comfortable while Jinyoung left the sack next to the lady, guilt written all over his face. He stood up to signal the awaiting Howon in the distance to come back and only turned his attention back to the lady when he was sure Howon was coming back to him. 


‘Young man, you’re not only handsome but you have a kind heart. Thank you for taking the time to pick up my fallen pieces’


‘No, it’s alright. It was my fault in the first place. I’m once again terribly sorry, and I sincerely hope you are alright…’


The lady looked up and stared at Jinyoung for a while before shaking her head and sighing. 


‘What’s wrong? Does anywhere hurt? I can have my friend take a look at it for you?’ offered Jinyoung. You can’t blame the poor man for being overly worried as he was tall and well built while the woman resembled the elders who lived in the villages that were located outside the town.   




Jinyoung turned to face Howon who had a worried expression on his face. 


‘Howon, I’m okay but I don’t think this lady is. Could you have a look at her for me? I wouldn’t be able to get this past myself knowing that I’ve hurt someone and the injury they sustained would affect their life...’


‘Jinyoung, you’re thinking too much...but I’ll have a look.’ Turning to face the lady sitting on the bench, Howon knelt to the floor and asked the lady for permission to have a look at her foot. The lady nodded as she watched Howon perform a checkup. 


While Howon was busy checking the lady’s foot and Jinyoung looked on with guilt written on his face, the lady looked up once again. She studied both men for a little while before muttering something to herself. She spoke up, startling both Jinyoung and Howon with the sudden address to the two. 


‘Both of you are handsome and kind hearted. So I shall do you both a favor. The blankets as dark as ink will cover your families in a nightmarish slumber on the night of the ocean’s seventeenth blood moon. However, the both of you shall need not to worry. Played by the strings of fate, it’s inescapable. Heed this warning, oh kind fellows. I suggest you prepare emergency sacks for both the child that resembles the ocean waves and the child that resembles the calm spring breeze. They will walk till the end of this journey together, right wrongs and restore honor to the fallen family name.’


‘S-sorry?’ stuttered a confused Jinyoung.


‘May I ask, albeit it may be a little rude. But are you by chance a passing shaman?’ 


‘Howon, a what?’


‘Yes kind sirs. I am a passing shaman on her way to the town just behind the second mountain. My services are needed there in which I will provide. Thank you for showing kindness to someone who is merely another face in your fleeting life. I hope we shall meet again. Please, heed my words as a sign of goodwill from me.’


Howon and Jinyoung both watched as the shaman gathered her belongings and made her way towards the other end of town. 


‘What...was that?’ 


‘I’m not sure...but Jinyoung, about what she said before...You think it’s trustworthy?’ 


‘Who knows...but she seemed serious so I’ll take it. We should probably put our brains to use and try and decode it hm?’ 


‘...Let’s do this when we get home?’


‘Sure,’ Jinyoung said, shrugging his shoulders. 




A cheeky twelve year old rushed towards the front gate when the sound of the heavy door was opened. A calmer and fourteen year old could be seen briskly walking, following the former closely.


‘Dad! Uncle Howon! Welcome back!’ 


‘Our Yujinnie! Dad’s back with Uncle Howon and we bought extra meat for tonight!’ said Jinyoung as he knelt down to hug his beloved daughter.  


‘Hello Yujinnie, how was your day today?’ 


‘It’s boring, Uncle Howon...but Chaewonnie managed to get full marks again in today’s lesson!’ Yujin directed her bright eyes to her favorite uncle as an adorable pout made its way on her face at the prospect of studying and still not doing well. 


Howon raised a single eyebrow and directed his gaze to the quiet child who stood a little behind the father and daughter pair. 




‘Yes father?’ 


‘Is what Yujinnie said, true?’ 


Howon can see the way the little girl hesitated. He can see the way she contemplated whether to lie or not about what the other girl has said. 


‘...Yes, father.’




‘Chaewonnie good job! I’m proud of you! If only Yujinnie here is as hardworking as you are!’ said Jinyoung as he laughed and let his daughter go. He moved to the side and gave Chaewon a brief hug. 


‘...Thank you, Master Jinyoung,’ muttered the quiet girl shyly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. 


Jinyoung could see the way Yujin’s grin stretched wider as she saw her best friend grow shy under her father’s enthusiasm. Jinyoung let the little girl go, stood up and subtly nudged his friend's ribs. The way Chaewon was addressing him bothered Jinyoung a lot. Howon glanced at Jinyoung quickly, not very sure what he was supposed to do. A hushed whisper of ‘tell her to call me uncle’ could be heard, leaving Howon in his thoughts. He only snapped out of it when a quiet ‘‘Father, let me help you with that’ piped up from his side. Chaewon quietly grabbed the hanging meat from her father’s hand. Howon could only watch on as his diligent daughter adjusted the package in her tiny arms. 


‘Alright, let’s head in!’ an enthusiastic Jinyoung exclaimed while wrapping his arm around his equally excited daughter. The father and daughter duo were skipping into the house as Howon noticed the way Chaewon looked at them. Clearing his throat, Howon saw the way Chaewon tensed up a little before starting to head in as well. 




She paused in her step. 


‘Yes father?’


‘Good job...I’m proud of you,’ said Howon awkwardly as he reached out and ruffled his daughter's hair. He kept walking straight, not once looking back to his daughter. If he did, he would notice the way Chaewon’s eyes grew a little brighter and the way she couldn’t stop a smile from appearing on her face. 


A quiet ‘thank you’ was muttered and lost with the breeze that brushed past. 




‘You know, something really interested happened today,’ said Jinyoung with a mouthful of rice while reaching out to grab more food. 


‘Swallow before you talk. Yujinnie is picking up all your bad habits. See?’ reprimanded Chaesook as she glances as both her husband and daughter. 


‘Sorry,’ said the father and daughter pair as they both shot her sheepish smiles. 


‘Howon, you tell them! I’m too busy with this piece of me-’ Jinyoung couldn’t even finish talking when his wife slapped his arm softly. 


‘Finish first.’


‘Yes, my love!’


Howon could only shake his head at the loving couple in front of him. Sure, his friend is a bit reckless at times. But he is a man of his word and when he is serious, he becomes someone that many admired for all the right reasons - kind, righteous and loyal. Howon looked up from his bowl and swallowed. Everyone was watching him, anticipating what he was going to say. 


‘Jinyoung and I were in the market when Jinyoung bumped into a lady. Jinyoung felt bad and told me to take a look at the lady’s leg...turns out she’s a shaman and was thankful that we were kind enough to help her. She gave us a warning of some sorts though...we have yet to figure out what it is.’


‘The blankets as dark as ink will cover your families in a nightmarish slumber on the night of the ocean’s seventeenth blood moon.’ recited Jinyoung as he put his chopsticks down. 


‘However, the both of you shall need not to worry. Played by the strings of fate, it’s inescapable.’ continued Howon, eyes not leaving the center of the table. 




Chaesook can see the gears turning in her husband's head. Something ominous seemed to loom behind those words. 


‘I don’t want to jump to conclusions...but...’


‘Death...on Yujin’s birthday,’ muttered Chaewon quietly. All eyes turned towards the scrawny child sitting beside Yujin. 


‘Chaewon honey? What do you mean?’ said Seolyu, eyes wide with surprise from what her daughter had muttered. 


‘Mother, I think what Master Jinyoung said meant death will be upon our families on the night of the ocean’s seventeenth blood moon. Blood moons don’t just randomly occur yet the closest phenomen I can think of is on Young Miss Yujin’s seventeenth birthday.’


‘Chaewonnie, was that what you were reading today?’


‘Uh- yes. Yes I was, Young Miss.’


‘HEY! I told you to stop calling me that! It’s Yujinnie for you!’


‘R-right. Sorry, Young Mi-’


A glare was thrown to Chaewon as Yujin huffed next to her. 




‘That’s better!’ said Yujin happily, before digging into her bowl again. 


‘Wait Howon, I think Chaewonnie is onto something...think about it, if Yujin is the ocean waves, then wouldn’t that mean Chaewon is the spring breeze?’ said Jinyoung, a familiar glimmer in his eyes. 


Ah...he’s serious now...


‘Heed this warning, oh kind fellows. I suggest you prepare emergency sacks for both the child that resembles the ocean waves and the child that resembles the calm spring breeze.’ said Jinyoung, thinking over each word he recited. 


‘They will walk till the end of this journey together, right wrongs and restore honor to the fallen family name...’ finished Howon, before another pregnant pause brought the dinner table to a stand still. 


Both men sat still and looked at each other, seemingly coming to the same conclusion. A foreshadowing of them and their loved one’s befalling. An inescapable fate. The look in their eyes already foretold what the two fathers had concluded. They were going to protect their children with what they know and help them survive, just like the prophecy has said.  




Both Jinyoung and his wife counted themselves lucky that Yujin is not a spoilt child but instead, grew up to be like her father. Both Chaewon and Yujin studied hard in both academics and arts. In addition to the usual training, Chaewon was subject to a tougher training regime as she grew older. She knew she was to be Yujin’s bodyguard, and she was more than happy to protect the younger girl. Afterall, she considered her more than just a ‘young miss’ - she was her little sister from different parents. 


‘Chaewonnie! Are you nervous for tomorrow?’


‘...I am. It’s finally your seventeenth birthday, and we all know what is going to happen tomorrow night...’


‘We literally prepared ourselves for the past five years, yet I know I won’t be able to let’s still going to hurt so much.’




‘Chaewonnie, it’s ok! I’ll- No. We’ll get through this together.’


‘...Of course Yujin.’




Two figures can be seen walking along the crowded streets. People bustled about here and there and merchants loudly advertising their goods. Different smells were wafting through the air, painting the air in an abstract painting. Banters between merchants and buyers could be heard while the two figures made their way through. They came to an abrupt stop when the taller of the two noticed the barbecued meats that were on display outside a stall, glistening under the sun.




‘Yes, Yujin?’


‘What do you think of adding this for dinner?’            


‘You know I have no preferences. You can choose.’


‘Aw, Chaewonnie come on! You must have a preference of some sort. Chicken or pork?’  


‘Uh, chicken I guess?’


‘Nice! Dinner sorted!’ said Yujin happily as she went up to the vendor. 


Chaewon stood a little away as she watched Yujin buy their dinner. Watching Yujin smile and politely buying the chicken, reminds her of just how strong Yujin is. Chaewon could see the way her parents bought her up through the girl’s morals, values and personality. 

Yujin, it must be hard for you...although I’m not much but I’m glad you can rely on someone like me 


Too lost in her thoughts, Chaewon failed to notice anything out of the ordinary. She was only brought back to reality when someone harshly bumped into her shoulder while running past her.   




Huh? Where?


Yujin was already making her way over to Chaewon when the merchant’s loud shout was heard. Chaewon’s eyes widened when her mind registered what the merchant had shouted and her mind went into overdrive. 




Without another word, Chaewon turned around and chased after the person who bumped into her. Trusting Yujin to chase after the thief, Chaewon looked for an opening. Spotting an opening to her right, Chaewon ran into the alleyway and pushed an empty basket into the street. Just as she predicted, the thief tripped on the unexpecting basket and landed face first into the concrete ground. Chaewon grabbed the groaning man’s arm and twisted it back, holding it in place while digging her knee harshly onto the thief’s back. The man was groaning in pain and Chaewon could hear the pants behind her. Turning her head slightly to the left, Chaewon could see the panting figure of one tired Yujin coming up to her while picking up the expensive looking butterfly hairpin that had fallen a few feet away. 


‘’ panted Yujin, desperately trying to catch her breath. 


‘God why are you so stupid and want to run so much!?’ huffed Yujin, evidently tired from the impromptu exercise. Her face was scrunched up in a slight grimace.


‘I swear there’s more. Where’s the rest of the stuff you took?’


‘I didn’t take anything!’ came the voice from under Chaewon’s knee.  


Chaewon faced the thief underneath her knee and placed more weight down. Her facial expression hardened as she realized how the thief wanted to waste more time. 


Maybe a plan for backup? You can never be too careful with these things... 


‘Did you hear what he said? Clearly, the young master asked you a question and you need to answer it before I break your arm.’ 


‘OK OK! I’LL TELL YOU! Just please spare me! The rest of the things I took are in the pouch just in front of my leg!’


Seeing Yujin’s signal, Chaewon kept a tight grip on the thief and slowly turned him around. The pouch that was once facing the ground was now facing the two. Yujin quickly tried to grab it but the thief decided that it was the perfect time to break out of Chaewon’s grasp. 


He kicked Yujin in the head and tried to break free from Chaewon - only to have a fuming Chaewon tackle him down. He received multiple punches and kicks from an angry Chaewon before a hand gave her shoulder a few pats, signalling it’s alright. 


‘Let him go...we got what the merchant owns anyway.’




‘It’s alright! It’s only a kick in the head, nothing much!’ grinned Yujin as she stood up and walked back towards the market with the pouch in her hand. 


Chaewon could only watch on with questioning eyes, wondering if it’s alright to leave the unconscious man on the floor. 


‘Hurry up! I’m not going to wait for you!’


Chaewon sighed and picked up her sword that had fallen out of her grasp when she rushed in to hold the thief down. She spared one last glance at the unconscious man on the floor before turning around and making her way to Yujin. 




‘Here you go sir!’ said Yujin with a smile on her face. She handed the stolen goods back to the worried merchant whose expression changed into one of relief when he saw the items in Yujin’s hand.


‘Thank you so much for helping me retrieve these goods! I really appreciate it. Please, let me know what I can do to make it up to you kind sir!’


‘Oh no, I didn’t do anything! I just carried it back haha’ chuckled Yujin as she shyly rubbed the nape of her neck. She looked up again, only to turn to the side and stretch out the same hand while directing it towards the silent girl who was gripping her sword next to her. 


‘He’s the one who did everything sir! He was the one who managed to catch the thief and make him return everything. I simply carried the goods. If it makes you feel better, please reward the real person who caught the thief for you!’ grinned Yujin, fully knowing how Chaewon does not like attention nor the way others feel in debt to her. 


The merchant had turned towards the silent girl and was about to start talking, when a hand was held in front of him - palm facing the merchant's mouth. 


‘Please. I don’t need anything. I am doing this purely because I wanted to help.’


‘But if it wasn’t for-’


‘Please don’t think of what ifs...’ said Chaewon firmly with her eyes looking down.

Sensing the way Chaewon’s mood had lowered significantly, Yujin stepped in and diverted the topic. She decided that after handing the goods back to their rightful owners, it was a time for a break. Time to bring Chaewon back to ‘normal’ herself. Pushing Chaewon by her shoulders towards the busy street, Yujin turned her head back and grinned at the merchant, bidding him farewell.


‘Young Master-’


‘Not now Chaewon, not now Chaewon~’


‘Young Master!’


‘Not now Chaewonnie~’


Chaewon tried to get the girl behind her to stop pushing but Yujin was going along happily pushing her - totally oblivious to her surroundings. As a last ditch effort, Chaewon firmly put her feet in front of her to stop and turned to face Yujin who was happily walking next to her. Chaewon shoved Yujin - hard enough for her to notice but light enough for her to not get hurt. But Yujin’s over dramatic self decided it was a good time to show up.    




‘Young Master-’ 


Believe her when Chaewon said she really tried warning the oblivious idiot on the street. But sometimes accidents are unavoidable. Like Yujin now - acting all dramatic on a busy street. Absolutely idiotic. But what can she do when she sadly loves this idiot to bits? Accidents are bound to happen and that is exactly what had happened as the fool decided it was a good time to throw in a spin as she dramatically ad libbed. Only to find herself bumping into something hard. 




A feminine scream resounded as Yujin turned around, trying to register what had happened. Rubbing her sore arm, her first landed on Chaewon whose eyes were wide open - clearly taken aback but still relatively calm about everything. Or not. Her eyes were shaking a little as she looked back at Yujin. Yujin turned towards the direction where she could faintly remember the feminine scream came from, only to see the hard something she bumped into.  


No. That wasn’t something. 


It was someone.   


Sitting on the ground with her head down, a doll-like girl dressed in a beautiful white hanbok and light pink dress appeared in Yujin’s vision. 




Yujin couldn’t take her eyes off her, curious to see what the girl looked like. As the girl on the floor tilted her head up with a grimace on her face, Yujin couldn’t help but stare. 


She looks...pretty…


‘Young Master, are you ok?’




‘Are you ok?’ asked a soft voice filled with concern.  


‘I think I scraped my knee...’ came the reply, the voice laced with a hint of pain. 


Opening her eyes, the girl slowly got up from the floor only to look on with a glare on her face. Yujin couldn’t help but to feel guilty over what just happened. She really didn’t mean to bump into the girl hard enough to make her fall.


‘So you’re the one who wasn’t looking at where you’re going?’




‘All I wanted to do was to escape for a little while. Argh, I can’t believe it’s ruined now. First the traditional sweets were sold out, now my knees are scraped. We are leaving.’


Yujin stood there as the girl and her friend walked off together roughly bumping past her. The two of them froze from the sudden outburst from the girl. Chaewon was the first one to snap out of it, quickly noticing a beautifully woven pink pouch on the floor. 


‘Hey, I think she dropped this when you bumped into her...’


‘Chaewon...I feel bad...I didn’t mean to-’


‘I know. Here. Give this to her and apologize.’


Yujin looked at the pink pouch that was in her hand and weighed her options. What are the chances that you’ll see a pretty girl again? Let alone apologize to her and maybe appear as a decent human who had a ‘one-time’ stupid moment?


‘I’m going!’


Shaking her head, Chaewon followed after Yujin as she ran after the girl. Spotting the beautiful white material and the intricate white butterflies on the sleeves, Yujin was sure she caught up with the right person. 


‘Argh. Can you believe it? The audacity of that blue vested dumb perpretrator! I knew it was a plot! I knew it!’


‘Uh, but-’


‘No, I am very sure. You really can’t judge a book by its cover. You would think that a slightly noble person of that status would not do something as petty as this. But NO. Stupid blue vest still managed to pick pocket me. And of ALL days, I bought the one you made for my birthday!’


‘Hey, it’s ok! I can make another one for you for your upcoming birthday! Don’t worry about it so much.’


‘ spent so much time making me something so beautiful...I’ve been taking such good care of it too...’ the girl trailed off as she looked at the various items that were on display at the vendors lined up to her left. 




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KpopAnimeLover01 #1
Chapter 3: I don’t know about anyone else but I will continue reading. This is a good story with lots of potential, I hope that you continue writing but of course take your time. Just like Iz*one, I will continue to support this story.
Chapter 3: Author nim I will be waiting for you!!
Chapter 3: it's okay author nim, take your tine. btw I'm new reader hehe, hope you can continue this amazing story
Chapter 3: We understand author. Please have a rest for yourself too. We can wait for your stories again. Thank you and take care!
bearbear16 #5
Chapter 3: I honestly love to see more of your works even after the disbandment. It hurts yes, but izone fics are the only ones that makes the most of us happy. And besides, you should keep writing! If you love it then why not right? Also, pls write for yourself and not bcs of us. We respect you and your decision, really. I hope for the best with everyone, and that includes you. Take careeee!!!
Chapter 2: that's two girls really wonyo and minjoo, and they finally meet again...
yujin must be brave to asked minjoo and wonyo to have meal at their hanok. i don't know if yujin ask it because she just want chaewon to cook for them today or maybe she has another reason?
nice chapter, can't wait to see what will happen to yujin and chaewon
bearbear16 #8
Kamishil #9
Chapter 1: This interesting and I can’t wait to see what’ll happen next! You are doing a good job and I’m excited to see how the story will continue.
Chapter 1: waaah~ so far so good! can’t wait for the next chapter:D