Hourglass (3/4)

Objects of Love

The next day, Kyuhyun greeted his roommate normally as if he hadn't stolen a bunch of kisses from that full lips. Fortunately, Jongwoon didn't seem to notice it. The pink-haired boy woke up and immediately injured himself by accidentally knocking the back of his head on the wall. He didn't understand why Jongwoon was that startled waking up in his arms but he checked out the clumsy guy worryingly anyway. He placed the pink head on his chest and took a look at the impacted area. While he was massaging the swollen bruise, the smaller boy was as still as a dead fish and refused to move away even after he was done.


"Jongwoon, I'm done checking your injury."

"I-I feel slightly dizzy so let me stay like this for a while longer..."



Kyuhyun thread his fingers into the cherry blossom locks and played with the soft hair absentmindedly. After debating, he finally brought up the message from his father to his friend.


"... Actually, today is the day my mother passed away and father wants me to greet her together."

"Will you go?"

"I never replied to his messages unless it's necessary."

"Then, let's go this time!"

"No! Why should I meet him after everything! I can just visit mother another day by myself."

"But today is the only day your mother can see you two together, isn't it?"



He didn't say anything because he never looked at it that way. True, his mother probably wanted to see them together but...


"I'll go with you if you want."



Jongwoon finally looked up from his chest and nodded. Such a simple offer but it made him very happy. An urge to kiss his friend suddenly attacked him but he squashed it down. If he had Jongwoon by his side, even meeting his father might be tolerable. He agreed to go and got up. That was when he noticed that the pink-haired boy's cheeks were slightly redder than usual. He shrugged it off in the next second. It was probably just a trick of the light.




Kyuhyun did go to the cemetery with his roommate. He met his father at the entrance and awkwardly nodded as a greeting. The older man nodded back as awkwardly and looked at the shorter boy beside him. He coughed and introduced the boy.


"Father, this is Kim Jongwoon. He's my roommate and my best friend since the first year. Jongwoon, my father."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir. Your son is really cool at school! He's very smart and always helps me with my study!"

"A roommate..."


The old man answered half-heartedly but his eagle-liked eyes still stared at the pink-haired boy with distrust. Kyuhyun frowned. Did his father notice the way he looked at his roommate? Did he notice that he liked Kim Jongwoon more than just a friend and roommate...? As soon as he thought of the possibility, he quickly stood in front of the smaller boy to shield him from the older man's doubtful and judgmental gaze. Then, he dragged Jongwoon to his mother's grave and they paid respect together. During that, his father wouldn't stop looking at his friend and it bothered him. He knew well that his roommate was very perceptive. So, Jongwoon definitely noticed that his father was wary of him. He didn't want Jongwoon to feel bad. It was enough that he suffered alone because of this person. For that reason, he turned down a request to have lunch together. He used studying for the final exam as an excuse and just left.




Under his strict tutoring, Jongwoon passed mathematics with an above-average score and his overall grade improved significantly. His friend was very happy that he suggested holding a party. So, they celebrated it at Jongwoon's home. After the party, Kyuhyun chose to stay with his friend again during the summer break even though his father asked him to come home. He didn't want to come home before but after seeing the way his father looked at Jongwoon, almost as if he considered his friend as a bad influence on him, he never wanted to contact the older man again. Plus, he loved staying at Uncle Jungsu's home. Not only was the judge very kind, but he was also a great cook. He decided to learn cooking from Uncle Jungsu after seeing Jongwoon's satisfied smile while eating. Although he didn't explain his reason, the wise man seemed to know anyway because he always smiled teasingly at him during the lesson. He had a wonderful time staying over at his friend's house, although it was hard sometimes to be near the pink-haired boy... No. He didn't hate Jongwoon. On the other hand, he liked his roommate very much. That's why it was hard for him to be near the cute guy...


He kept getting an accidental whenever he looked at Jongwoon.


His newfound feelings and bustling hormones made him want to pounce on his friend so badly, especially when he slept beside the pink-haired boy's bed at his home. He thought that he would be fine once the new semester started but he was completely wrong. True, he often got hard looking at Jongwoon's slightly-open lips when they slept together, but those torturous times were nothing at all compared to his last year in high school. Now, he got hard almost all the time even though they slept in separate beds. The reason?




"Hm~ Hmm~ Hn~"



Kyuhyun took a deep breath while averting his eyes from a tempting sight. His roommate was lying on his stomach while playing with his phone in the lower bunk bed. That wasn't a problem. The problem was his dear friend's choice of clothes— a loose white tank top and very short, fitting black shorts that barely reached the thighs. From where he was standing, he could easily see the smaller boy's round bottom and milky slender legs. His friend's posture was... Kyuhyun gulped. His hands suddenly itched and he wanted to feel those gorgeous legs, maybe taking a bite of that slim thigh too... It almost looked like his friend was inviting him to pounce on him from behind and rub his against those soft—


Kyuhyun quickly climbed to the upper bed before his mind finished imagining the dangerous thought.


He brushed off his roommate's worry about his weird behavior with a noncommittal grunt, before thinking of everything that didn't relate to his friend. He turned to see a turtle plushie and hugged it. It was soft and smelled sweet from a fabric softener, just like— No! He mustn't think of Jongwoon!! Kyuhyun shoved the plushie away and looked at polaroid photos on the wall instead. He shouldn't think of his roommate when looking at pictures of other classmates, right? He nodded and looked at each photo. For example, this girl had a pair of beautiful eyes though Jongwoon's were more mesmerizing. This guy's build was similar to Jongwoon but his friend was way ier. And this guy's lips seemed dry and rough unlike Jongwoon's luscious and—


Kyuhyun put a pillow against the wall to block the photos.


Damn it! Even when he looked at other people, his mind still wandered off to Jongwoon! He cursed in his head while glaring at the white and fluffy pillow that probably felt as good as Jongwoon's bottom when squeezing— NO THIS ISN'T RIGHT! Kyuhyun desperately tried to distract himself from the thoughts of his beautiful roommate because he started to feel... something... Relax. He needed to relax. He grabbed the hourglass and flipped it, watching the falling sand while counting his heartbeat. It worked wonderfully. His body temperature slowly decreased and he no longer felt uncomfortable at his crotch. Kyuhyun smiled. Although Jongwoon was the cause of his ual frustration, it was also Jongwoon who helped calm him down. His peculiar roommate was like a whirlwind that suddenly blew into his life, made his head and heart spin, and swept him off his feet. Jongwoon had taught him so many invaluable lessons and gave him many precious things, one of which was this hourglass that he treasured it as much as its owner. He liked it very much because it reminded him of Jongwoon— beautiful pale-pink sand that resembled Jongwoon's hair, polished black wood that reflected light just like Jongwoon's cat-liked eyes, and its smooth, curvey glass body that was a replica of Jongwoon's slender figure, thin waist and—


Kyuhyun scrambled out of the bed and dashed to the bathroom, ignoring his friend's call.



God, please give him the strength to last through the rest of the high school.




Kyuhyun somehow managed to avoid committing a crime and survived until the winter break arrived. After working hard for months, he was now taller and slightly stronger than his roommate. So, it would be a piece of cake if he really wanted to overpower his friend and... Cough, anyway, he could do it didn't mean that he should do it. After all, he still had no idea what Jongwoon thought of him. Sometimes the pink-haired boy acted like they were dating but then acted overly chummy with other men the other times. Ambiguity was really the best way to explain their relationship. Plus, he didn't forget (never forgot) that he wasn't Jongwoon's type... Anyway, Jongwoon was his first friend and he treasured their bond so much that he didn't want to risk losing it. So, unless his cute roommate made it clear, he would never lay a single finger on the shorter boy. (Those kisses that dawn didn't count because he just realized his feelings for Jongwoon).



Even though it meant being on a verge of losing his sanity...




"Kyuhyun~ C'mon~ Let's binge watch series with me! Who in the right mind would study during Christmas?"



Rub rub 


"We're literally the only people on this floor. Let's seize this perfect chance and turn up the volume to the max!"



Rub rub 





Kyuhyun grasped a pencil so hard that he almost broke it, trying his best to focus on the chemical formulas in the book instead of a pale foot on his thigh. Yes. His dear roommate was rubbing his thigh with his foot. For this year's winter break, he decided to stay at the dorm, hoping that his dirty mind could get some rest in his friend's absence. Sadly, Jongwoon decided to stay put too because he didn't want to leave him alone. Kyuhyun tried to preoccupy himself with studying but the pink boy didn't help him at all. First of all, his friend rummaged through his closet and stole his t-shirt to wear, saying that he forgot to do the laundry. Second of all, despite it being December, his friend still chose to wear the damn shorts that barely covered his thighs. Third of all, when he turned down watching the series together, his friend pouted and came to sit on the desk, distracting him with those beautiful slender legs. Last of all, his friend begged him to play together while rubbing his foot on his thigh, dangerously avoiding his crotch. He was literally a millisecond away from pushing the smaller boy on the desk and—


"You know that it's just the two of us on this floor, right? Sooo, no matter how loud we are, no one will know..."


Smirking, Jongwoon's foot further caressed his thigh until the toes brushed his lower abdomen.


"Say, Kyuhyun, why don't we snatch this golden opportunity and do something fun to— AH!"


Kyuhyun grasped the shorter boy's ankle and yanked it upward, causing the other boy to fall back on the desk. One hand gripping the thin wrist to prevent an escape, he shifted his hand down to support under the knee instead and sank his teeth in the flawless back thigh. When his roommate tried to stop him, he the soft meat and draped his tongue over the smooth skin. He kept doing it until he was confident that a mark had been left. Then, he let the tempting back thigh be free to look at his friend. A predatory smirk painted his lips once he noticed how burning red Jongwoon's face was, even redder than his luscious lips. Still smirking, he held a gaze with the blushing boy while kissing the reddish bite mark on the fair skin.


"What's wrong? I thought I'm not your type?"

"K-Kyuhyun, I, I-I,"

"I'm a little bit offended though, Jongwoon, that you're this flustered with a man not of your type. I can't fathom how much more adorable you'll look if you do it with the man of your dream."

"I, um, I mean—"

"Hmm? I mean what? I'm not your type? I already knew that. So, what is your type?"

"T-That, uh, um, I-I,"

"I can't hear you, Jongwoon."


Still smirking wolfishly, Kyuhyun nuzzled his nose against the gorgeous thigh and made his way upward. When his face was an inch away from the pink-haired boy's private area, he stared into the widened dark eyes and kissed the soft inner thigh.



"You should save your voice for something else, Jongwoon."


Kyuhyun smiled and pulled his cute roommate to sit on his lap instead. He let go of the wrist and enveloped the baby hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing the knuckle while still staring at the magnetic eyes. The smaller boy blushed impossibly darker when he felt something hard poking at his bottom. He admired his beloved friend's flustered expression while sliding a free hand under the t-shirt and feeling along the spine, causing Jongwoon to shiver uncontrollably. He lowered his hand to caress along the waistband and pecked a hidden beneath the t-shirt, biting it between his teeth and tugging it gently. That was when the pink-haired boy finally found his voice again.


"W-Wait!! K-Kyuhyun, I thought you don't like men!!?"


His hand immediately stopped.


"True, I don't like men,"


He shoved his hand past the waistband and d a handful of the tender buttock.


"But I do like you, Kim Jongwoon."





"Jongwoon, how are you feeling? Was I too harsh?"

"... My whole body is ing paralyzed by extreme s and overstimulation. Do I look alright to you?"

"I promise I'll be gentler next time but in my defense, you're the one who begged me to you harder and asked for more. Remember? You even begged me to release it inside you. I have no idea that my dear roommate is such a y~"


Kyuhyun snorted at an irritated glare from his boyfriend that held no power, not when the pink-haired boy was blushing from head to toes. He then smiled in fondness and caressed the slightly sweaty shoulder. Spooning the smaller boy from behind on the bed, he kissed the slender nape and bit it softly with teeth, before whispering a confession against the healthily-flushed skin.


"Jongwoon, I love you. I probably had a crush on you since the first year but I was too prideful to admit it. Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"No problem, you've been acting like my boyfriend since forever anyway, just no . Speaking of that, are you seriously a ? How come you know exactly what to do and how to make me feel good?"

"I don't have experience but I know how to use the internet."

"Huh?" Jongwoon turned around to face him, "you search up and watch gay even though you don't like men?"

"I watch them while thinking that I'm doing it with you and help myself when you're not around."


The pink-haired boy's cheeks glowed in crimson.


"What!!? Y-You help yourself while thinking of me!!?"

"I also have many wet dreams and almost pounce on you countless times. That's how much you drive me crazy."

"But you were so stoic when I tried to seduce you... I almost thought that you're an aual..."

"Well, I fell in love with your beautiful heart for the most part. I only realized my ual attraction to you not long ago."

"Kyuhyun you idiot," Jongwoon pouted, "you should've pounced on me sooner! I'd gladly open my legs for you and I didn't have to pull off these stupid moves! Do you have any idea how ing cold wearing these shorts is!!?"

"My bad, it's my fault for trying to be a gentleman then."


Rolling his eyes, Kyuhyun propped himself up and climbed on top of the shorter boy. He felt his palm along the smooth thigh decorated by his bite marks and whispered to his boyfriend.


"I won't hold back the next time. I'll jump you whenever I feel like hearing you moan my name. I'll you until you're high on my and your little flat tummy is full of my . In fact, I already want to you again right now. You were so endearing rolling your eyes back and gaping when I tease your prostate."

"What the—" Jongwoon blushed darkly, "Are you really the tsundere Cho Kyuhyun!!?"

"This is who I really am. I'm sharp-tongued, sarcastic, prone to jealousy, erted, and stubborn. Knowing that, will you still choose me...?"

Jongwoon smiled, "Kyuhyun, I love your erted jerk side as much as I love your gentle and caring side. This is how I really feel."



Kyuhyun tightly enveloped the beautiful soul beneath him with his body until nothing could separate them. He nuzzled the small shoulder while humming. Jongwoon giggled and nuzzled back, and the action made his heart melt down into a puddle of love and gratitude. His time had stopped moving ever since his mother passed away. He hated himself as much as he hated his father and shut himself from the world, believing that a life of solitude was the best for him. Then, this amazing person, he kissed Jongwoon's neck, barged into his life and dragged him out to see how beautiful the world really was. His boyfriend thought that it was the hourglass that calmed him down at the time of nightmares, but it was actually the kind-hearted boy's presence that saved him. Kim Jongwoon was his hourglass who got the hand of time to move again. He couldn't thank the smaller boy enough no matter how many tender kisses he gifted the swollen rosy lips. So, he decided to go with the simplest way.



"Jongwoon, I love you. Thank you so much for jumping into that window on that day."




No one batted an eye when they announced their relationship. Apparently, he really had been acting like Jongwoon's boyfriend since ages ago as his beloved roommate said, although it hurt his ego a bit when Ryeowook looked at him with an "I told you" gaze. Nevertheless, he had never felt this contented ever since the tragedy. His days and surrounding had become bright and beautiful. He looked forward to spending more days with the pink-haired boy and experiencing many new things together. He celebrated the new year at Jongwoon's home and officially introduced himself as the boyfriend to Uncle Jungsu. The judge kindly blessed them while chuckling in a teasing manner but then asked him something that he wasn't ready to answer yet— does your father know about it? Naturally, he didn't want to see the man who called his existence a misfortune so he lied that his father didn't have time. He thought that he could avoid the meeting but his lover suggested being honest, and a whipped boyfriend like him could never say no to his cute beloved. So, a week later, he made an appointment with his father and took Jongwoon to his family's company on the weekend to inform his father about their relationship. However...


"I don't support this relationship. You two must break up immediately."


Kyuhyun couldn't believe what he just heard even though he expected it. Of course, his father who hated him would be against his happiness, just like how his dream was crushed. However, he wouldn't give up easily this time because he genuinely loved Jongwoon.


"Father, I'm not here to ask for your permission, just informing you about it. Frankly speaking, I was against telling you but it was my boyfriend who suggested this."

"Kyuhyun, I think you're being too harsh..."

"How so? I'm just being honest—"

"If you break up with this boy, I'll allow you to be a pilot."


Both he and his roommate were stunned by the older man's words. He was shocked and hesitant for a split second but quickly gathered his thoughts. How dare his father forced him to choose between his love and his dream!!? Isn't it enough that his dream was robbed but now this man wants to get rid of the only happiness in his life too!!? Furious beyond words, he hastily got up from the luxurious couch and tugged the pink-haired boy to leave with him. He heard the older man shouting after them but pointedly ignored it. He would never let go of this precious small hand. NEVER. He kept dragging his boyfriend until they arrived at the reception hall.


"Kyuhyun, calm down—"

"He told me to break up with you and you want me to calm down!!? He ing manipulates me! How can I—"



Jongwoon touched his face and lightly pinched his cheek. Then, the shorter boy bowed down to the left and right and Kyuhyun just realized that people were staring at them. He bowed too in shame and let his calmer boyfriend pull him to a deserted fire exit. When it was just the two of them, the smaller boy pushed him against the wall and kissed him eagerly, before stepping back to smile and wink in a flirtatious manner.


"Let's go back to the dorm. I think someone is in urgent need of releasing pent-up emotions~"




This is the exact reason why he will never give up on his boyfriend!




A few days later, Kyuhyun woke up and found out that his beloved boyfriend had left without telling him. He was about to send a whiny message but noticed a post-it note on the desk first. The message written in his roommate's cute handwriting told him that Jongwoon left early for an important business. Although he didn't understand why the other boy wouldn't tell him in person, he had complete faith in Jongwoon so he went to school alone (and annoyingly brushed off all the teasing from his classmates that Jongwoon dumped him). Classes went on normally and he paid more attention than usual. The last final exam of their high school lives was approaching and they would graduate soon. He was doing English exercises during a self-study class in the afternoon when Ryeowook suddenly snatched the book away. The shorter student then shoved a phone in his face.


"Kyuhyun!!! You must see this now!!!"

"What the hell Ryeowook? Don't you see that—"


Kyuhyun paused and gasped at the phone. The device was showing live broadcast news from his family's company. In front of the complex skyscraper, a lone boy in a grey student uniform was kneeling in front of the entrance even though it was snowing. White powder snow piled up on the boy's pink hair and his face was as pale as the snow, causing his heart to freeze too. That person... What is Jongwoon doing there!!? He ignored his friend and skipped the school, heading to the company as quickly as possible.




Arriving at the scene, Kyuhyun saw people gather in front of the company's entrance, even reporters. He pushed through the sea of people and found his boyfriend still kneeling on the ground. His small body was shaking from the cold. He dashed in and took off his suit jacket to cover the pink-haired boy. Amidst people's curious stares and whispers, he gently brushed off the snow from the boy's hair and rubbed his hands on the freezing cheeks to provide warmth.


"Jongwoon! What are you—!"

"Kyuhyun!" Jongwoon suddenly shouted, "I know that homouality is still frowned upon in our society but I won't let anything get in the way of our love!"


"You agree with me, right? Then, say something!"


It then clicked to him that his boyfriend was doing all of this to earn the public's sympathy. With people on their side, even his father wouldn't be able to separate them now! He nodded in tact and cupped the pale oval face, before planting his lips on the cool lips. He heard a loud collective gasp around them but ignored it, only focusing on conveying his feelings to the other boy.


"Jongwoon, I love you and I won't let anything get in the way of our love too."

"Wow, um, I love you too, Kyuhyun, but that kiss was really unexpected..."


The pink-haired boy murmured while blushing. His pale face was now dyed in crimson contrasting with the snow. Kyuhyun chuckled and kissed the rosy cheeks. He decided to kneel in the snow too until their relationship was approved. While they were hugging and sharing warmth, a middle-aged man came out of the company and approached them— his father's secretary. The man informed them that his father wanted to meet them. Exchanging a victorious smile, he stood up first and pulled his boyfriend up by tugging the adorable small hand. However, Jongwoon immediately collapsed on the snowy ground. The pink-haired boy pursed his lips and tried to push himself up, only for his legs to instantly give in. That was when Kyuhyun realized that his roommate had been kneeling on the frozen ground for God knows how long so his legs were probably numb. Without hesitation, he put his arm under the smaller boy's knees and wrapped the other around the back before standing up, carrying his boyfriend in a bridal style. He couldn't help but smirk. He finally got to get back for humiliation on that day in the second year! He watched his boyfriend blush adorably while following the secretary into the building.


"Kyuhyun, I can walk just fine so—"

"Shut up and let me take care of you."



Kyuhyun cut whatever nonsense his beloved was about to say and secured his hold, all the while happily admiring the pink-haired boy's flushed face. His chubby cheeks were now glowing in the same shade of pink just like his hair. He nodded in approval as he looked at the flustered boy in his arms.



He wouldn't mind carrying Jongwoon as they walked down the aisle.




Author's note:

It was supposed to be 3 chapters (1 chapter per school year) but the last chapter was too long and contained many main points so I decided to divide them. I hope you don't get bored of this story yet~

Annnnnnnnnnd our Kyuhyun finally fully evolved into a erted leopard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  Poor Jongwoon might regret flirting and seducing Kyu soon xD  The scene where Kyu bit Jongwoon's thigh is my most fav so I hope you like it too hehehehe. Now neither of them had to hold back anymore so they gonna had great time together as a couple *wink wink nudge nudge*

The only conflict left in this story and their relationship is Kyuhyun's father. Will they successfully convince him? Plz look forward to the ending next week!

Take care and love you  <3

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Lunayaa #1
Chapter 43: More pleaseeee
396 streak #2
Chapter 43: Aaaaw!!!!! ╰⁠(⁠*⁠´⁠︶⁠`⁠*⁠)⁠╯

It is a great story! It's so fun to read!

Eniwei my hotel's air con was broken too! With Bali's weather, it's so damn hot ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
_MyName_ #3
Chapter 43: Yay, it's been a while since you updated this series! Haha, Wookie the hero even as an aircon xD I was lurking on Twitter when you posted the poll about these stories and I was very wrong with my first thought about the plot.. once again you know how to surprise :D
(I'm waiting for spring, but it seems it's taking it's sweet time.. this morning it was -12 degrees and we have about 40 cm of snow.........)
Elf_cloud24 #4
Chapter 43: Please make more kyusung hehe

I love this story its funny and fluffy, honestly its bad for my heart (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I love that even when Wookie is an aircon he still favors and on his Jongwoon hyung side ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠˂͈ ⁠)
396 streak #6
Chapter 43: Nooooo! I need to sleep coz I have flight to Bali tomorrow! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

I really REALLY want to read this, but my son told me to sleep, so yeah, see you later!

I'm sure your story would be great just like your other stories! ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
Chapter 27: my fav chapter aaaa im so inlove TT cute cute cute
396 streak #8
Chapter 17: Babe~ Where's the sequel? T^T
Chapter 39: Yesung was actually really annoying at the start, but of course Kyuhyun is mostly just pretending or in denial.