
Objects of Love

What was the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?



Mommy helps me I hit my head UwU 



Was it as weird as what he was facing right now?



Mommy I can't get out help me (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)



Jongwoon crouched down and picked up the stuck Roomba out of the space between chair legs. He put it down and watched it moved in circles with a deadpan expression, especially at a small rectangular LED screen on top of the machine where a message was displayed.



Wheeeeee I'm free! Mommy is the best \(‾▿‾\) (/‾▿‾)/



Seriously, what the actual ?





Four hours ago...



Jongwoon was taking a walk in a public park near his apartment when he came across a second hand market fair. He checked it out of curiosity even though he didn't want to buy anything in particular. However, he changed his mind after stopping at a booth that sold cheap electrical appliances and gadgets. There was a robot vacuum that caught his eyes. It was an old model Roomba of the famous brand iRobot that still looked as good as new. What caught his attention was the LED screen on top of the appliance that he had never seen on any other Roomba. Maybe it was a trial product or something? Although he had no problem cleaning his house by himself, he still bought the strange Roomba because it was cheap anyway. While the vendor was giving his change, he learned that the vendor got the Roomba from a drunk college student who sold it for quick money to buy more sojus (and he thought that it was the stupidest reason ever). After buying a few more stuff, he left the fair and went home. He plugged in the Roomba and let it charged while he did something else. Then, when he saw a green blinking light indicating a fully-charged battery, he started the machine to let it clean the living room.


He didn't expect it to suddenly talk to him.


Hwenllo is that you daddy? <('o'<)


There was a message displaying on the LED screen when he turned the Roomba on. The circular vacuum machine turned left and right for a few times, before moving towards him and hitting his foot. Jongwoon stood stunned and could only utter a stupid "what?" while staring at the Roomba. Upon hearing his voice, the Roomba backed away and ran to hide behind a couch. He followed it thinking that he might see things but a new message on the screen told him otherwise.


You're not my daddy! Daddy told me not to talk with a stranger!   ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴


"Daddy? You have a daddy? Is he even a human?"


Of cuz! Daddy is the most handsome man on earth! He's also very smart and charming!  ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)


Didn't you just say that you won't talk to me? Jongwoon snorted at the Roomba that seemed slightly airheaded. Daddy, huh? He wondered if the silly Roomba was talking about its previous owner. Now that he thought about it, the vendor did tell him that he got it from a college student. Maybe this Roomba was some computer student's project? But would you really sell your important college project no matter how drunk you were?


"Did you know that your daddy sold you to a second hand shop?"


Daddy sold me off!!?  Σ(゚゚;)


"Yes, he wanted some money to buy sojus, if I recall correctly."


Daddy you idiot! I hate you!  ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚


The Roomba kept hitting the couch as if it was venting out its frustration. Worried about both his couch and the airheaded Roomba, he picked it up and put it on the couch before sitting down beside it.


"Stop, you're going to hurt yourself, though I doubt you'll feel any pain..."


Mister stranger, are you worried about me? ⊙_☉


"Uh... yes, I guess so...?"


The Roomba was quiet for a second. Then, it made a weird whirling noise and started to repeatedly tackle his thigh lightly.


You're worried about me even though you don't know me. (´;︵;`) That's it! I don't have a daddy anymore! Mister stranger, what is your name? (◕ ˬ ◕✿)


"Um... I'm Kim Jongwoon... Nice to meet you?"


The Roomba made a short ding sound and Jongwoon saw his name on the screen above a chart that had a straight line in the middle— a sound wave chart? Then, it disappeared and was replaced by a new message: name and voice registered.


Ding-ding! I've registered your name and your voice~ My name is Ruby and I'll work here starting today. Please look after me mommy!  *:・゚✧(ꈍᴗꈍ)✧・゚:*


"What? Why am I a mommy?"


Yes, of all the absurd things that happened up until now, that was what bothered him the most.




Kyuhyun woke up with a head-splitting hangover. He groaned and forced himself to sit up. Looking around the living room, he saw his friends sleeping and sprawling on the floor. It seemed like they partied too hard last night. The room was very messy with empty soju bottles and snack crumbs scattering everywhere. He stood up after a long while and woke his friends up by kicking them. His wasted friends got up from the floor and went back to their room or bathroom. After he was done picking up the bottles, he called his Roomba.


"Ruby, vacuum the living room and kitchen."


Only silence answered him. Kyuhyun frowned and started to search around the dorm for his Roomba, but he couldn't find it anywhere. Even its docking station and charger were all gone. Panicked, he knocked on each of his friend's room to see if someone had any clues and it was Changmin, the most sober one among them, who had the answer.


"You carried it out last night saying that you'll sell it for some sojus. I thought you were kidding so I didn't stop you. I'd have realized that it was strange when you came back without it. Sorry, Kyuhyun."


Kyuhyun wanted to jump out of the window. That Roomba was his precious final project to graduate from college! Why the hell did he sell it!!? After swearing to himself that he won't drink himself wasted like last night again, he quickly brought the laptop and opened the program for checking the Roomba's status. What he read on the screen made him want to bang his head on the table.



Ruby's Status Report: Who's daddy? I only have mommy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



What the hell did that report mean!!? And since when did his Roomba have a mommy!!? Kyuhyun cursed at his stupid Roomba that threw him under the bus faster than light and tried to find its location next by using the innate GPS. However...



Ruby's location: For mommy's safety, this function is currently prohibited (∩`-´)⊃━━☆゚.*・。゚



"You little rascal!!!"


Kyuhyun shouted while pulling his hair in frustration. It seemed like he had no other choices but finding this "mommy" if he wanted to take his Rommba back.




One week later...



"Ruby, I'm home."


Jongwoon took off his coat and put it on a hanger. He smiled when he saw a robot vacuum dashing towards him.


Welcome back, mommy! (っ◕‿◕)っ


He laughed at the silly Roomba that happily circled around his feet like a dog greeting its owner. He picked her up (yes, he was convinced that Ruby is a girl) so that he wouldn't step on her and headed inside the house. Once arriving in the living room, he put it down on the floor while throwing himself on the couch in exhaustion. Ruby moved to the couch and tackled his foot to get his attention.


Mommy, I vacuumed the first floor sparkling clean today! ⸜( ˙˘˙)⸝


"Really? You did a great job, Ruby. I can leave my house in your care."


Ruby is happy when mommy is happy! (ㅅꈍ ˘ ꈍ)


Jongwoon fondly petted the Roomba even though it probably didn't understand the meaning of his action. It had been one week now since he bought this unordinary Roomba that was somewhat sentient. At first, the robot vacuum named Ruby weirded him out, especially the way it called him mommy. However, he soon got used to it and even came to enjoy its company. The chatty robot made him feel less lonely living alone in a big city. He grew fond of her happy-go-lucky and slightly airheaded personalities that he no longer minded being called mommy.


"Ruby, did your daddy try to find our location again?"


Yep, but I already blocked him this time! Ruby will protect mommy ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


Jongwoon praised the Roomba while smiling. Two days after he bought the robot vacuum, Ruby informed him that her original owner (aka the daddy) tried to locate her location, probably to get her back, but he told Ruby to keep it a secret. That's right, that good-for-nothing daddy didn't deserve an angel like Ruby! It was that guy's fault for selling Ruby in the first place anyway. So, even if this college kid came crying and begged him to sell Ruby back, he wouldn't let it happen. He wouldn't let anyone take his daughter! Jongwoon made an oath to himself before getting up. He headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge to look for something to drink.


"Darn, I forgot to buy milk."


Mommy, are you going out to buy it now? ὸ.ό


"Yes, don't worry, I'll just go to the nearest convenience store and hurry back."




Kyuhyun was finally able to find the second hand shop where he sold his Roomba after a week. While searching for it, he also tried to locate Ruby's location but to no avail. His A.I. suddenly became very smart and disabled its location. He even got blocked the last time he tried to do so. Him, the developer of the program, got locked out of his own program!!? For that reason, his last chance lay with the second hand shop.


"Do you still have the Roomba I sold you? I want to buy it back."

"Sigh, kids these days. That's why you shouldn't drink and, no, I don't have it. Someone already bought it at the local fair last week."

"What!!? Do you know who they are or where I can find them?"

"How should I know? I take the money and that's it."

"Please, anything about the buyer, it's really important to me!"

"Hmm, well, he sure is very good-looking and his pink hair is quite unique."

"He's a pink-haired man?"

"Yes, he's tall but slim and he has this aura, you know, making you want to protect him? That's all I can think of."

"I see... Thank you."


Kyuhyun left the store feeling disheartened. The information he got was pretty useful but it wasn't enough. Although pink hair was rare, finding one among a million citizens living in Seoul was still impossible. He had no chance finding Ruby now. Unless he turned around this corner and happened to bump into that person...



"Oh, sorry! I didn't look where I was... going..."


Kyuhyun was speechless. The person he just bumped into was a cute guy with pink hair that gave off "must-protect" aura. He was tall but still shorter than him and his slim figure made him look even smaller. The pink-haired man looked gorgeous even in casual t-shirt and jeans. His hand, cute and small hand, was carrying a grocery bag and Kyuhyun had a sudden urge to hold it.


"It's fine. Just be more careful next time."


The stranger spoke up and Kyuhyun's heart skipped a beat at the unique deep voice. Everything about the pink-haired man attracted him and he couldn't take his eyes off. The shorter man frowned at his silence before stepping aside to leave, but he caught the slim wrist first.


"W-Wait! Don't go yet!"

"What do you want?"

"I, um, do you want to go get some drinks with me?"

"Sorry," the stranger pulled his wrist off, "but my daughter is waiting for me at home."


Kyuhyun almost thought that he was heartbroken before even starting. However, the shop owner's words crossed his mind and he carefully observed the cute stranger— pink hair, tall, slim, very good looking, and "must-protect" aura. Could it be... Kyuhyun quickly jogged after the man.


"Excuse me, could it be that your daughter is a Roomba named Ruby?"


The stranger stopped walking at once and turned around to glare at him, and Kyuhyun was left speechless by the mesmerizing dark eyes.


"How did you know Ruby? Wait, don't tell me that you're the good-for-nothing daddy who betrayed her trust by selling her for stupid sojus?"

"Ouch, guilty as charged, yes, it's me. So, my Roomba is with you? Can I buy—"

"I'll never give Ruby back. Now, go away and don't ever approach us again."


The cutie said coldly before leaving. He followed after the man and tried to change his mind.


"I know I'm a total jerk and I do regret my stupid action. Will you forgive me and let me see Ruby?"

"Leave me and my daughter alone."

"But she's my daughter too!"

"Not anymore. Go away."

"Please, at least she deserves to meet her daddy again, right?"

"She already has me so she doesn't need you."

"But then our family won't be complete!!"

"What family? Who's your fam—"


Kyuhyun smirked seeing realization hit the pink-haired man. Right now, the pedestrian all looked at them as if they were enjoying themselves. He bet that their conversation sounded vague to outsiders and if the cutie didn't want to be embarrassed...


"Urgh, come with me. I'll take you to my house and let Ruby tell you herself that she doesn't want to go back with you."


Kyuhyun nodded and happily chased after the pink-haired man who had both his Roomba and his heart.




"Ruby, there's a guest who wants to see you."

"Ruby! So this is where you've been. Do you know how much I was worried about you?"


At first, the Roomba headed towards him with the speed of light but when she heard a voice not belonging to him, Ruby immediately changed her course to the said guest and angrily tackled his ankle.


Get behind me mommy! Ruby will protect mommy from the bad guy! (ง •̀ゝ•́)ง


"So I'm a bad guy now, huh? You don't love daddy anymore?"

"Ha, I told you that she hates you. Now, leave us alone."


Jongwoon scoffed at the college kid who had the nerve to look heartbroken. The taller man crouched down and put his hand on the Roomba to stop it from attacking him, before looking up and smirking.


"If I want to make mommy happy, am I still a bad guy?"

"What the hell was that?"

"Well, daddy admits that he did wrong and he sincerely wants to reform, because daddy wants to make mommy and Ruby happy."

"Did you seriously believe that it'll work?"


Instead of answering him, the brown-haired man smirked and gestured at the Roomba. Ruby went quiet for a very long while as if she was processing the old owner's words.


Anyone who wants to make mommy happy can't be a bad guy. Ruby will forgive daddy only if daddy promise to protect mommy! (๑•̀ -•́๑)


"What? No! Ruby, don't fall for his scheme!"

"Of course, daddy promises to protect mommy and make him happy."


Still smirking, the taller man got up and whispered to Jongwoon.


"I'm the one who developed the program so I know how Ruby's thought process works. Now, what will you do, mommy?"


The annoying college kid winked at him and Jongwoon wanted to remove that smirk so badly with his punch. Then, maybe he should punch himself once for even thinking that the brat was handsome. However, he didn't want to use violence in front of Ruby so he could only glare at the younger man.


"I still won't give Ruby back to you, brat."

"Brat? C'mon, don't be a stranger!"

"Mind your language, brat, I'm older than you."

"What? You're kidding, right? How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-six this year."


The younger man looked at him in disbelief for a brief second. Then, the college kid shamelessly checked his body from head to toe before winking at him, causing his heart to skip a beat despite his annoyance.


"It's fine. Older men are my type!"

"Can you stop talking nonsense for a second? And leave my house already!"

"Fine, fine~ How about a shared custody? Ruby can stay here with you and I won't buy her back, but you have to allow me to take her to my uni when it's necessary. Oh, and let me come here every once in a while too! You know, maintenance stuff?"


Will daddy come here again to see mommy and Ruby? (つ✧ω✧)つ


At first, Jongwoon wanted to kick the brat out but he didn't have a heart to disappoint Ruby. So, he reluctantly agreed to the younger man's offer. The Roomba was very happy with his decision that it started to circle around their feet. He smiled fondly at the adorable robot vacuum while being careful not to step on it, not knowing that he had stepped into the taller man's arms. By the time he realized it, the annoying brat already had his arms loosely around his waist and was smirking mischievously.


"Mommy, are you trying to seduce daddy?"


Jongwoon "accidentally" stepped on the younger man's toe.




A few weeks later...



Jongwoon's quiet days had changed drastically after he met a sentient robot vacuum named Ruby and its developer, an annoying flirty brat named Cho Kyuhyun. Usually, he came home from work to a quiet house. Now, however, he always came home to the sight of Ruby working hard vacuuming and Kyuhyun making dinner for them.

At first, Kyuhyun's blatant attempts to flirt with him was unwelcomed but he eventually came to endure it, or enjoying it, even. Although the brat often threw innuendo speeches and gestures at him, he never actually crossed the line and stopped when he was told to. Jongwoon had to admit, having a handsome younger man who cooked delicious meals for him and always looked at him with a dreamy gaze, it felt... great..., not to say that Kyuhyun always knew when he was feeling down and tried his best to cheer him up. All in all, Jongwoon came to enjoy Kyuhyun's company to the point that he probably didn't mind dating the brat, though he would never admit it to Kyuhyun.

As for Ruby, Jongwoon had nothing left to say for the funny sentient robot vacuum that made his days not boring anymore. The Roomba's messages and emoticons were very entertaining, especially when arguing with her daddy. He never got tired watching the airheaded Roomba ran into furniture or got stuck in a weird place. More often than not, Ruby loved circling around their feet forcing him to stand very close to the younger man or be in his arms. Sometimes Ruby loved catching him off guard by bumping at his feet from behind, startling him and making him fall into the grinning Kyuhyun's arms. He suspected that Kyuhyun was behind it but the younger man always denied it. Since he didn't have any proof, he could only glare at the brat while blushing from the large hands on his waist.



Just like that, his days passed peacefully and joyfully until one day...





Jongwoon came home from work with a very bad headache. He worked as a freelance photographer and had a fashion magazine shooting at the park today. He didn't bring any coat or jacket with him because he thought it shouldn't take long. However, the irresponsible model arrived very late and ruined the entire schedule. He stayed in the cold weather of December for hours just trying to get the job done. By the time he arrived at home, his body was freezing but his forehead was burning.


"Ruby, Kyuhyun, I'm home."


Jongwoon called out to his additional family members but got no response. Then, he recalled that Kyuhyun went to the college with Ruby today, something about having a meeting with his professor regarding his final project. It had been a while since he came home to an empty house so he felt very sad. His sickness made him feel even more lonely without Ruby's cute messages and Kyuhyun's charming smile. Shaking his head, he dragged his heavy body to the second floor but the headache attacked him on the way. In the end, he couldn't make it to the bedroom and lost consciousness while climbing the stairs...




Jongwoon woke up to an eerily quiet and dark house. Groaning, he pushed himself up from the stairs to sit and lean on the rail. That small action was already too much for him in this state and he couldn't move a muscle after that. Checking his wristwatch, he found out that he fainted for an hour but Kyuhyun and Ruby still had yet to come home. The darkness and exhaustion made him become pessimistic. He started to think that Kyuhyun had left him because he always pushed the younger man away, that Ruby didn't like him anymore because he was mean to her daddy, that he was left alone to live a lonely and miserable life as he deserved... He started to tear up at the negative thoughts and sobbed quietly. Crying made the headache worsen but he couldn't stop. He never realized how lonely he was until Kyuhyun and Ruby left him...


"Why is it so dark in here? Hyung, are you on the second floor?"


Jongwoon raised his head up from his knees at the familiar voice he missed so badly. He tried to call the younger man but only a hoarse sobbing noise came out. The voice from the front door was quiet for a second, before becoming impatient footsteps heading towards him. In less than a second, Kyuhyun came to stop at the last step of the stairs. The younger man quickly rushed to him with worry apparent in his voice.


"Jongwoon hyung! What happened? What are you doing here? Oh no, are you crying? Why? Please tell me what happened— oh god! You're burning hyung! Did you catch a cold? Here, let me take you to—"


Jongwoon ignored the barrage of questions and hooked his arms around Kyuhyun's neck, before pulling the younger man down and kissing him. While Kyuhyun was standing still in shock, he poured his feelings into the clumsy and wobbly kiss that made his body feel strangely lighter and made the headache feel slightly better. 


"Kyuhyun..." Jongwoon whispered after breaking the kiss, "don't leave me..."


That was the last thing he said before fainting again.




Jongwoon woke up feeling much better. His body no longer felt heavy and his head no longer felt foggy. Although he still felt sluggish, he definitely was on his way to fully recover. Looking around, he noticed that he was in his bedroom on the second floor. He slowly got up and saw a familiar Roomba on the bed beside him. When he patted it, the screen lit up and the little robot happily greeted him.


Mommy! You woke up! You scared me and daddy so much 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。


"I'm sorry, Ruby. How long have I been passed out?"


You were asleep for one night and one day mommy. Daddy never left your side! (Ɔ ˘⌣˘)♥(˘⌣˘ C)


"Kyuhyun did that...? Then, where is he now?"


Daddy said he had a feeling that mommy will wake up soon so he left. Daddy said mommy probably didn't want to see his face after that. Mommy, did something happen? (☉_☉)


After that? What happened? Why would Kyuhyun avoid him—


"Kyuhyun... don't leave me..."


Crap. Did he really say that to that brat!!? And even kissed him!!? Jongwoon groaned and hid his face in his palms when he recalled the embarrassing event last night. Normally, he wouldn't reveal his feelings and keep it hidden. However, he accidentally said it all because the sickness made him valuable.


"I can't bring myself to see his face now!"


Daddy? Why? Did mommy hate daddy? (。•́︿•̀。)


"No, I didn't hate him..."


So, mommy loves daddy right!!? (///∇///✿)


"What!!? No! I didn't lo—"


Jongwoon stopped. For some reason, he couldn't say that he didn't love Kyuhyun. His heart raced so fast that he started to feel dizzy when he thought about the brat. He glanced at Ruby and sighed.


"I don't know, Ruby, I don't know..."


Mommy doesn't know? So, there is a point between love and hate? (´・ω・`)?


"I guess so? Well, I used to think that Kyuhyun is really annoying but I don't think so anymore. Where does that put me then?"


Hmm... Does mommy enjoy being with daddy? (゚ω゚)


"Well, I think so? I never got bored being with him."


Do you look forward to get off work to go home and meet daddy? (・∀・)


"Hmm, perhaps? I mean, I'm often unable to focus when it's time to get off work. I keep wondering what Kyuhyun makes for dinner."


Do you miss daddy when you're alone? (灬╹ω╹灬)


"A bit...? I'm already used to his company that it feels weird without him by my side."


Does mommy hate it when daddy holds your hand or hugs you? (´∀`)♡


"No, I actually like it when he hugs me whenever I feel down. It's... very comforting..."


Then, what if mommy woke up one day but daddy wasn't here with you? (๑•́_•̀๑)


Jongwoon didn't have to try hard to imagine it because he already experienced it. Even though it was only a short time, he felt like he had lost a part of himself without Kyuhyun. His chest felt so empty and hollow while his heart ached for the younger man. Then, when he saw Kyuhyun again, he felt as if he just stepped out of a dark tunnel. Just seeing Kyuhyun's smile and hearing Kyuhyun's voice were enough to make him forget the loneliness... Jongwoon grasped his shirt. Just now, his heart stopped beating for a second when he imagined his life without Kyuhyun. But when he thought of Kyuhyun's gentle smile, the heart rate returned to normal and even increased slightly. He looked at the robot vacuum that was smiling at him through its message.


Mommy, you got the answer, right? (*^▽^*)


Jongwoon nodded while feeling his cheeks heating up slightly. Who would have thought that the day that he had to consult a Roomba about his love life would come? But he was glad that he did.



Thanks to Ruby, Jongwoon found the answer that he had been looking for.





Kyuhyun was watching tv on the first floor when he heard faint footsteps heading towards the living room. He sprang out of the couch after seeing the older man who should be lying on the bed. The shorter man placed the robot vacuum on the floor beside him and coughed awkwardly.


"Ahem, Kyuhyun, I haven't thanked you yet for taking care of me while I was sick."

"No need to thank me but, hyung, you should get more rest."

"Not yet. Kyuhyun, there's something I must tell you no matter what."



Could it be...? Kyuhyun waited excitedly for his crush to say something, something that he had hoped to hear ever since he fell in love at first sight with the older man. However, a few minutes had passed with the sound from a commercial break in the tv playing in the background but Jongwoon had yet to speak up. The pink-haired man kept fidgeting his hands nervously. He constantly switched between staring at Kyuhyun and casting his eyes down at the floor. When another five minutes had passed, Kyuhyun sighed and spoke up first.


"Hyung, you don't have to force yourself to say it if you're not ready yet. I'm willing to wait for you."

"No! I'll say it. I can do it, I mean— ah!"

"Jongwoon hyung!"


While Jongwoon was hesitating to speak, the Roomba tackled him from behind causing him to fall into Kyuhyun's arms. Just like a scene in a cliche romantic drama, the two men stood stunned while getting lost in each other's eyes. After a while, Jongwoon blushed and tried to step away but Kyuhyun held him tighter. The younger man smiled and pressed his forehead against the older man's.


"Be careful, hyung, you're going to step on our daughter."


Jongwoon glanced over his shoulder and saw the small robot vacuum right behind his feet. Ruby moved forward menacingly, forcing the shorter man to shift even closer to the taller man. Kyuhyun's grin almost reached his ears as he happily indulged in their close distance, chest pressing against chest. Kyuhyun whispered teasingly to the older man.


"Jongwoon hyung, you're turning red and I can feel warmth radiating from you. Is your fever returning?"

"Shut up. You know all too well that it's your fault."


Kyuhyun chuckled at the reddened cheeks of the older man who was pouting. Then, his brain temporarily short-circuited when something very soft touched his lips and quickly pulled away. He stared dumbly at the older man who was now hiding his face in his chest. Despite that, he still saw those ears turned pink and made the fluffy pink hair pale in comparison. His heart inflated so much from happiness that he was afraid of exploding.


"Jongwoon hyung..." Kyuhyun kissed the cotton candy head, "can I interpret the kiss as I want?"

"What's stopping you? Plus, it's not like you can interpret it any other ways..."


Jongwoon murmured while snuggling closer and Kyuhyun gladly reciprocated the act. They stayed in each other's embrace while the Roomba circled happily around them, causing the two men to laugh at their silly daughter. Ruby then suddenly stopped circling and tackled Kyuhyun's heel instead.


Daddy! I won't forgive you if you ever make mommy cry! (๑•̀д•́๑)


"Calm down! Daddy promises that he'll take care of mommy so stop attacking me!"

"You will?"


Kyuhyun smiled and pecked the tip of Jongwoon's nose.


"Yes, definitely, that's what I promised on the first day we met, isn't it?"



"Daddy wants to make mommy and Ruby happy."



Such a silly promise but Kyuhyun still remembered it, and Jongwoon was sillier for believing it. He pecked Kyuhyun back on his cheek before speaking up: "then stay with me. I'm happy when I'm with you and Ruby."

"Luckily, that's my intention to begin with. Hyung, I'll make you the happiest man on earth."


Kyuhyun promised while carrying the older man up into his arms and headed to the stairs. His nose buried in the soft pink hair, nuzzling it gently. Jongwoon lay his head on the taller man's shoulder and stifled a yawn. He almost forgot that he hadn't fully recovered yet. He hugged the Roomba that he picked up earlier and slowly closed his eyes...




Many hours later, Jongwoon woke up and found himself becoming a small spoon in Kyuhyun's arms. He glanced around the bedroom and smiled seeing a familiar Roomba beside the pillow. He placed his hand on the machine.


"Let's stay together, the three of us."


Jongwoon whispered and patted the robot vacuum, before falling asleep again in his true "home".







Two months later...



Jongwoon accidentally ate an expired strawberry pie. So, he had been feeling sick since the morning. He often felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom to vomit, only to spit nothing but saliva out. He also felt dizzy that he couldn't walk straight and relied on his boyfriend to carry him around, not that Kyuhyun minded it. Kyuhyun and Ruby who were worried about him tried to talk him to see a doctor but he stubbornly refused. He didn't want to admit that he was an idiot who mistook the first number as a date instead of month.


Mommy, are you really not going to see doctor? (´;д;`)


"Mommy will be fine. I already took medicine."


Jongwoon replied while rubbing his cheek on Kyuhyun's chest like a cat. Right now, he was sitting on his boyfriend's lap and listened to the man's heartbeat to calm the nauseousness. At the same time, Kyuhyun kept kissing the older man's head while rubbing his back soothingly in circles.


This is Ruby's fault! Mommy is sick because Ruby has been a selfish girl! 。・(ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣ ꞈ˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)


"No, Ruby-ah, how come my sickness is your fault?"


It is! Because Ruby asked for something very selfish from daddy... ゜:(つд⊂):゜。


For some reason, Kyuhyun suddenly stopped kissing him and rubbing his back, but Jongwoon was too preoccupied with his daughter to notice it.


"Huh? What did you ask?"

"Jongwoon hyung, honey, I think you should rest—"


Ruby wanted a younger sibling so daddy promised that he'll impregnate mommy! ♡(◕ᗜ◕✿) 


"Kyuhyun will... impregnate me...?"


Yeppie! And mommy is sick right now because you're pregnant, right? That's why it's Ruby's fault! If only Ruby didn't ask for that ( ˃̣̣̥﹏˂̣̣̥ ✿)


"Honey, I can explain—"

"Cho Kyuhyun,"


Jongwoon smiled sweetly at his boyfriend while caressing his cheeks. Then—


"OUCH!!! Ayung!!! It's aurt!!!" (hyung, it's hurt)

"Suit yourself! What the hell did you teach our daughter!!?"


Jongwoon pinched Kyuhyun's cheeks and pulled it, causing the younger man to whine in pain. However, Jongwoon didn't have mercy on his erted boyfriend and continued to scold him for teaching vulgar stuff to their daughter, all the while Ruby was trying desperately to stop the quarrel.


Mommy! Daddy! Don't fight! Stress is bad for babies in your tummy! p(●`□´●)q 


Unfortunately, the Roomba's words reached no ears as her parents were busy having a one-sided fight— Kyuhyun was doing everything to calm down his furious future wife while Jongwoon kept pulling his boyfriend's cheeks...




Author's note:


I've always been a fan of emoticons xD  I love it more than emojis and stickers cuz I think it better shows your emotions (and cuter!). That's why I had so much fun writing this chapter~

Also, I was very shocked to see that the Mug chapter got an overwhelming response! It's by far the most comment received chapter of the series. I can't stress enough how happy I am. Thank you so much for your love! Many people requested for a sequel when Jongwoon found out the truth so I'll try to come up with something (no promise though xD )

Believe in KyuSung and stay safe! Love you all! <3

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An update after a long while! Nice to meet you here again! ><


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Lunayaa #1
Chapter 43: More pleaseeee
394 streak #2
Chapter 43: Aaaaw!!!!! ╰⁠(⁠*⁠´⁠︶⁠`⁠*⁠)⁠╯

It is a great story! It's so fun to read!

Eniwei my hotel's air con was broken too! With Bali's weather, it's so damn hot ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
_MyName_ #3
Chapter 43: Yay, it's been a while since you updated this series! Haha, Wookie the hero even as an aircon xD I was lurking on Twitter when you posted the poll about these stories and I was very wrong with my first thought about the plot.. once again you know how to surprise :D
(I'm waiting for spring, but it seems it's taking it's sweet time.. this morning it was -12 degrees and we have about 40 cm of snow.........)
Elf_cloud24 #4
Chapter 43: Please make more kyusung hehe

I love this story its funny and fluffy, honestly its bad for my heart (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I love that even when Wookie is an aircon he still favors and on his Jongwoon hyung side ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠˂͈ ⁠)
394 streak #6
Chapter 43: Nooooo! I need to sleep coz I have flight to Bali tomorrow! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

I really REALLY want to read this, but my son told me to sleep, so yeah, see you later!

I'm sure your story would be great just like your other stories! ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
Chapter 27: my fav chapter aaaa im so inlove TT cute cute cute
394 streak #8
Chapter 17: Babe~ Where's the sequel? T^T
Chapter 39: Yesung was actually really annoying at the start, but of course Kyuhyun is mostly just pretending or in denial.