Cookies (2/2)

Objects of Love

"The third story is kinda confusing and vague because it happened a really long time ago. So, this gym used to be a yard before. During the land leveling period, construction workers often saw a little girl carrying a black cat staring at them from a distance. They thought she was a student or a kid who lived in the neighborhood so they didn't bother with her presence. It was only when many workers saw her disappearing right before their eyes that they knew she was a ghost. One day, they found a skeleton of a kid and a small animal buried in the yard. They knew that it was the little girl and her cat's remains but no one knew how they ended up there. They were given a proper burial but despite that, the ghost of the little girl and her cat still wandered here, in this gym."


Jongwoon dribbled an old ball that barely bounced and shot it. However, the ball flew weakly and landed a few meters away from the hoop. It continued to roll very slowly and stopped, before rolling back to the black-haired teen...


"Hey, I guess the floor is uneven!"


Nope. It wasn't the floor. It was the little girl ghost who pushed the ball back. The girl who stared curiously at them wore casual clothes stained by blood and... bullet wounds...? Even the black cat ghost that stood by her feet also had bullet wounds on its body. Kyuhyun felt sick to the core because what kind of monster could harm something so innocent like a small kid and a cat? Disgusting. He truly hoped whoever did it was rotting in deepest hell right now.


"Yeah, they deserve the worst punishment for hurting them. Poor girl and poor kitty..."

"Huh? Jongwoonie, did you just read my mind?"

"It's all over your face, Kyuhyun-ah."


Jongwoon sat down so Kyuhyun followed suit. Silence embraced them as they were preoccupied with their thoughts. His crush stared at the ball in his hand before pushing it forward. The girl pushed it back with a small happy smile while her cat crouched down ready to pounce. They kept pushing the ball back and forth like that while Kyuhyun watched over them with a fond smile. His adorable Jongwoon might not realize it, but he just made the little girl's time a bit better by playing with her. He guessed that she must be lonely after all those years.


"I promised to help him," Jongwoon suddenly spoke up while his hand still kept pushing the ball.


"The reason why I've been trying to see ghosts. It's because I promised someone that I'll help him."

"Help? How?"

"Well, it happened when I was eight. Jongjin-ah got bad flu so eomma took him to a hospital. I tagged along because no one was at home to look after me and that was when I met him. I was taking a walk in the garden and saw him sitting under a tree while crying. I had to give all of my cookies and hug him to make him calm down."


Kyuhyun frowned. Why did it sound so familiar?


"He told me that he can see ghosts and he hates it. He told me that he didn't want to see them anymore but had no idea how to make it stop. So, I promise him that I'll help him, that I'll find a way to make it stop. So, I began researching about ghosts and I realized that, in order to know how to stop seeing ghosts, I must see them first. The rest of the story you can probably guess."



Kyuhyun was too shocked to say anything. That kid whom he met when he was eight was none other than Jongwoon? And Jongwoon had been doing all the ghost hunt stuff to help him? Even though it was a silly promise between kids that even he, the victim, already forgot? He first met Jongwoon because of ghosts and they also met again because of ghosts. It was almost as if everything was predestined— his cursed gift...


"Jongwoonie... actually... I—"

"Anyway!" Jongwoon cut him and stood up, "tonight will be my last attempt. If I still can't see ghosts then, though it's a shame, it'll be the first promise I can't keep."

"...Why do you suddenly give up?"


Jongwoon glanced at him before looking away.


"I just think it's time to focus on the present and treasure what I have now, rather than worrying about the past."


His heart jumped crazily in his chest as he stared at the love of his life in disbelief. Although Jongwoon turned his back at him, he still saw that his ears were slightly red; and he couldn't stop grinning thinking that he was the cause.



That his feelings weren't one-sided.




"You definitely have heard of the last story because it happened not long ago— the boy in the four-zero-four-room. So, a boy was abused by his father and got bullied at school. A teacher tried to help him but got fired because one of the kids' parents was a prominent local politician. However, the boy didn't know that and thought that he was betrayed. One day, he got bullied as usual in here, his classroom, but he didn't sit still this time. He stabbed the bullies with a box cutter, injuring three and killing two. When teachers tried to stop him, the boy cut his own throat and committed suicide. The creepiest part was, that evening after his death, police went to the boy's house only to find the corpse of the father who was brutally stabbed to death. However, the time of death showed that the father just died not long before police arrived which only meant that..."


Jongwoon shivered and looked around the dim classroom in nervousness.


"Kyuhyun-ah... I changed my mind. Let's go home. I have a bad feeling about this classroom..."


Kyuhyun couldn't agree more. He had seen a lot of ghosts but he had never felt this scared before. He felt suffocated while his heart sped up in fear that it almost jumped out of his chest. There was something ominous about this room. The air was eerily still. No light could pass through the foggy windows. The dirty floor looked like it would swallow him and the dusty ceiling looked like it was closing in. He especially had a splitting headache when he looked at the corner of the room, probably the place where the boy...


"Jongwoonie, you're right, it's bad news here. Let's go home. Now."


Kyuhyun called his dear friend but got no response. Jongwoon was staring wide-eyed at the door with fear and guilt obvious in his eyes. However, he saw nothing there. He tried shaking his crush's shoulder but still got no response. Jongwoon ignored him and only looked at the door. His face turned paler and paler as he spoke up with a trembling voice.


"W-Why are you here...?"

"Who? Jongwoonie, focus, there's no one—"

'Y-- b-tr-yed -e.'


A childish but cold voice sent shivers down his spine. The gurgling voice sounded really strange as if the speaker couldn't speak properly like they were drowning. He quickly looked around but saw nothing. It was just the two of them in the classroom. Jongwoon still stared at the same spot when the voice spoke up again.


'-ou sa-- th-t -ou'll h--p me but y-- lied. Y-u r-- a--y. -ou -eft m-. Y-- BET--YED ME!!!!'

"N-NO, I didn't!" Jongwoon screamed while clutching his head, "I didn't betray you! I've been searching but I can't find anything!!"

'Y-- BET--YED ME!!! -EC--SE OF Y--!!! --CAUSE -OU BET--YED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!'

"No!!! I didn't!!! I didn't do that!!! It's not me!!!!"

"Jongwoonie! Snap out of it!"

"It's him..." Jongwoon murmured in tears, "that boy, it's him. H-He died because of me... Because I couldn't help him... I betrayed him..."

"No! Don't let it fool you! That thing lies to you!! That boy... the one whom you met at the hospital garden... it was me! Jongwoonie, did you hear me!!? That boy is me!! I'm the one who can see ghosts!!!"


Kyuhyun shouted but his voice couldn't reach the shorter teen. Tears trickled down his cheeks as Jongwoon stared at the door in regret but Kyuhyun still couldn't see anything. For the first time in his life, he really wanted to see ghosts. What happened? Why did Jongwoon see it but not him? What did it do to make Jongwoon think that it was the boy in his promise? What—


"Jongwoonie! Don't go after it!!"


Jongwoon suddenly ran out. Kyuhyun moved to chase after his heart but the door slammed shut at his face with a loud bang. He impatiently shook the doorknob but it wouldn't turn no matter how many times he tried. Then, he cursed out loud and jumped in surprise when he saw that it was thin dark threads— hair— that coiled around the doorknob, preventing him from turning it. He tried kicking and shoving and pushing and pulling but the door was still shut tight. Worst of all, the hair began to spread and cover the door until he no longer saw the wood. He tried the windows next but immediately gave up. Just like the door, the hair had spread out and covered the windows until he was engulfed in darkness. He took out his phone and a flashlight, and cursed when the beam of light shone on a pool of dark crimson liquid. Blood was seeping through cracks on the cement floor and slowly flooded the room. A droplet of blood fell on the back of his hand so he looked up. And he cursed. Blood was also seeping through the ceiling and rained down dyeing the classroom in red. He would definitely drown in blood and died if he didn't find a way out, now. He also had to hurry because that thing lured his Jongwoon away, and he doubted it did so with good intent.


"Damn it!! You bastard ghost! We've got nothing to do with your death so let us go!"


Blood from the ceiling soaked his hair wet and trickled down his face while the blood on the floor raised to his ankles.


"Give my Jongwoonie back!! I'll kill you again if you dare to lay a finger on him!!"


His knees were submerged in blood.


" you and your pitiful life! You have no right to drag innocent people into your mess! You hear me? you!"


The blood rose to his chest level now...


" off! I won't let you hurt the person I love!"

'I told you, didn't I? Don't let him out of your sight.'


A somewhat familiar monotonous voice startled him. Kyuhyun turned around with difficulty in the large pool of blood and came to face a shadow standing tall behind him.


"You...? The science lab ghost...?"

'You made a grave mistake. Your beloved one, he has such a pure soul, making it all easier to trap him.'

"What do you mean...?"

'We ghosts cannot directly harm humans but we can influence them— swaying a corrupted person and trapping a righteous person. Your beloved one, he got trapped in his own guilt, of being unable to save the boy in his promise, and Taejoon is taking advantage of that.'

"Taejoon? That bastard ghost?"

'Don't blame him. His soul is corrupted by vengeance and he cannot hear anything but his own misery, whispering at him to inflict pain upon whoever he got his hands on.'

"Then I must save Jongwoonie! Hurry up and let me out of this place!!"

'That I cannot.'

"Why!!? Are you going to do nothing and watch two innocent people die!!?"

'I cannot save you if there is nothing to be saved from to begin with. Do you remember what I said?'


For the first time since he stepped into the cursed classroom, Kyuhyun actually stopped thinking and took a deep breath. He counted his breathing to calm down even though the blood had risen to his chin now. Breathe in. None of this was real. Breathe out. There was no blood nor hair. He stood in an empty classroom. The door wasn't locked and he was about to open it. Now.


Kyuhyun opened his eyes to the empty classroom. No blood. No hair. His clothes and hair were perfectly dry. He turned the doorknob. It wasn't locked. He pushed the door open and finally left the damn classroom. Although he didn't expect to come out and face the boy from the music room and the girl from the gym.


'Yunsung, Hana,' the shadow spoke up from behind him, 'assist him. We must not let the blood of innocent life befall onto us.'

The boy nodded, 'I will go get them!'

'And I will take oppa to his boyfriend!' The girl turned to him, 'follow me. I know where he was taken to!'


Kyuhyun nodded and ran after the girl and her cat, though not before thanking the shadow for their help. His heartbeat echoed in his ears and his legs screamed at him to give up, but he kept pushing himself to run up the stairs leading to the rooftop. Although he was curious about who the boy ghost referred to, right now, he only wanted to focus on his beloved Jongwoon.


'Here! He's beyond this door! Oppa, I can't go with you, no one can. So, do your best and save your princess!'

"Don't worry, I will," he nodded at the girl, "thanks for helping us."


Kyuhyun pushed the door and stepped out into the rooftop.






Kyuhyun called out to his beloved crush as soon as he stepped into the chilly night. Then, his heart dropped to the floor when he saw Jongwoon standing on the ledge with one leg already stepping out into nothingness. The shorter teen flinched and turned towards him, and he almost had a heart attack watching his crush spinning around on his heels on the narrow ledge.



"Yes, it's me, Jongwoonie. You don't have to do this. Come to me and let's go home."


He carefully pressed forward worrying about startling the other teen. With an outstretched hand, he begged Jongwoon to step down from the ledge, from the vicious ghost's trap. The conflict was apparent in those alluring eyes as Jongwoon stared at his hand longingly. A dainty hand rose up then fell down beside the shorter teen. Jongwoon thinned his lips before averting his eyes from him.


"I can't. Kyuhyun-ah, it's my fault that he died so I'm going to pay for it with my life."

"No! Don't let the ghost fool you! That boy is still alive and you didn't do anything wrong!!"

"Alive...? How did you kn—"

'No. -ver---ing is y--r f-ult. -our very e-ist--ce is y--r -ault.'


Jongwoon flinched at the voice. The dark-haired teen closed his eyes while covering his ears with a painful expression.


'Y--r p--ents l-ve y--r li--le bro--er -ore. Y--r fri--ds --ink --at y-- are -isgusting. Even --at man -ver --ere th--ks --at -ou are a -uisance. -ou are w--thless. U--less. -iece of trash.'

"You damn bastard ghost!" Kyuhyun shouted angrily, "stop spouting nonsense! Unlike you, Jongwoon is loved by everyone!"

'He is -ying. He -ies bec--se -our -eath will be a bur--n to him. Y-- kn-w it too, r-ght? --at no one -oves y--.'

" off! Don't listen to it, Jongwoonie! I, I love you!!!"


Jongwoon who had been struggling to block both sides of voices slowly opened his eyes to look straight at him. The fog in those beautiful dark eyes was gradually replaced by a shining gleam that showed his conviction, and Kyuhyun's heart almost burst out at the sweet smile his crush gave him.


"K-Kyuhyun-ah, I, I also, I lov—"


Suddenly, a head popped out above the ledge, and Kyuhyun almost vomited at the disturbing sight— a boy whose eye sockets were hollow but he could still sense a hateful gaze from it. There was a hideous gash on his throat where blood gushed out non-stop. Whenever the boy's lips moved, more blood spilled out of his mouth making his voice gurgle. A pale hand dyed in crimson then appeared out of the thin air and grabbed Jongwoon's ankle. Startled, Jongwoon tried to shake it off but lost his footing instead. Kyuhyun's heart literally stopped beating when he saw the love of his life falling backward off the ledge.




Kyuhyun screamed at the top of his lungs while dashing in with an outstretched hand. However, he failed to grasp the small hand and Jongwoon continued to fall down. He jumped over the ledge and leaped to his crush without any hesitation. He successfully reached Jongwoon and pulled him into his arms just as they fell past the third floor. He hugged Jongwoon who had fainted protectively. He also flipped his body in the air so that he was under Jongwoon, ready to take the impact once they smashed against the ground. He closed his eyes as the sky got farther and farther while hugging Jongwoon tighter. At least they got to be together in their last moment.


"I already said this but I want to say it again. Jongwoonie, I really do love you."


Kyuhyun said his last words as his body made contact with the hard ground.

















... Kyuhyun fearfully opened his eyes when he felt nothing, even though he was supposed to feel immense pain. He found out that he was still hugging Jongwoon who lay on top of him, still fainting. What happened...? They fell down from the five-stories building. They should be dead by now but...


'Me sorry. Me should be sooner.'


He looked around searching for a familiar voice and yelped loudly when he saw a pair of abyss-liked ovals staring at him. A large head made of dark matter cast a shadow over them but Kyuhyun felt strangely calm, almost as if he was basking in the spring morning sun...


"You... that ghost during the lunch break...?"

'You can standing?'


Kyuhyun sat up while holding Jongwoon close to him and realized that they were sitting on the creature's giant palm. He nodded and let the thing gently bring them to the ground. He got down on the land safely and pulled his fainted crush to sit on his lap while staring at the ghost— their rescuer.


"Who exactly are you...?"

'Deity. Guardian. Protector. God. Ruler. Judge. Me have many names.'

"What? Like, you're a good spirit that protects this school?"

'Not school. Me protect the town.'


Kyuhyun's jaw dropped. Did he just meet the legit god of the town? And he gave the said god homemade cookies as if the other was a pigeon! While he broke into a cold sweat at the shocking truth, the deity shifted their attention to the rooftop. He glanced up curiously and saw a small figure standing on the ledge. Even though he couldn't see his face properly, he knew that it was definitely the ghost that almost killed them. Even from very far away, he still saw a sinister aura surrounding the boy ghost very clearly.


'-ou! H-w da-e y-- -et in my -ay!'

'Han Taejoon. You cross line. Humans. Not their time yet. Must not interfere with way of nature.'


As soon as the deity finished their speech, they snatched the boy ghost with their large hand in a blink of an eye. The boy screamed as he tried to struggle out of the iron grip but his attempt was futile. If anything, it only prompted the deity to squeeze the ghost harder that it let out a bloody scream that pierced through Kyuhyun's ears. When the boy realized that he couldn't escape, he began to sob and beg the deity instead.


'P-Pl--se let me -o! I pr--ise I -on't -o it a--in!'

'Misery not excuse harming others. Or else you no different from evils that harm you.'


Ignoring the ghost's pitiful beg, the deity slowly widened their mouth until their jaw touched the ground. The boy screamed louder as if to compete with the painful and miserable cries echoing from deep within the deity's mouth.


'Repent and atone for your sin.'


After the declaration, the deity bit the ghost's torso and tore its body into two pieces. The boy ghost screamed in immeasurable pain as he got chewed alive (or death?). Both the sound and the sight were too gruesome that Kyuhyun had to look away before vomiting. Despite that, he still felt really nauseous just hearing the boy's heartbreaking scream and the deity's crunching noise ...


'May you find peace in purgatory.'


When he heard the deity's words indicating the end of the punishment session, Kyuhyun dared to turn around and sighed when he couldn't see the boy. Everything had already ended. They were safe now... He hugged Jongwoon in relief that they came out alive, though he didn't forget that he still had the deity to thank.


"Thank you, I mean it, you saved us."

'This my duty. Thank you no need.'

"Still, without you, Jongwoon would have... that's right! Jongwoonie! Why hasn't he woken up yet!!?"

'His soul exhausted. But he fine. He wake up soon.'

"I see... Thank god."


Kyuhyun traced his thumb along the contour of the man he loved before kissing his pale cheek. Then, he realized that he was the one who put the love of his life in danger. Jongwoon wouldn't step into this side of the world if they hadn't met ten years ago. No, if he wasn't cursed, if only he couldn't see ghosts, then none of this would happen.


"Jongwoonie, I'm sorry. It's my fault that you got dragged into this... even though I'm supposed to protect you..."

'Me can help.' 

Kyuhyun looked at the deity, "what do you mean...?"

'Ghosts. See no more. Me can help.'

"Wait... You can remove it? My cursed gift?"


The deity nodded their big head and pressed their palm on his head. Their touch was surprisingly warm and gentle like a parental touch.


'Me can. But with price.'

"What price?" 


The deity patted his head.



"Memories? About ghosts?"


"Will I forget everything about ghosts? Wait, what about Jongwoonie? Will I forget about him too? Because our lives revolve around ghosts..."



Although the deity only said one word, Kyuhyun still knew that his memories about Jongwoon would be gone as well. On one hand, he didn't have to see ghosts anymore. But on the other hand, he would forget about Jongwoon... his beloved Jongwoon... 


'Me can help?' 

"...No, thank you for your kind offer but no."


Kyuhyun stared at his beloved Jongwoon lovingly.


"Yeah, I've always despised this ability but at the same time, without it, I probably never met Jongwoon, never got to know him, never fell in love with him..."


He smiled at the deity.


"Those memories are very precious to me so I won't trade it with anything, not even a chance to get rid of this curse."

'Me see.' The deity patted his head again, 'then, me bless you. You two. Tonight. Not happen again.'

"Thank you for everything, truly."

"Kyuhyun-ah, who are you talking to?"


Startled, Kyuhyun looked at the man in his arms and found Jongwoon staring back at him. His beloved crush got up and moved out of his lap to sit down in front of him.


"Jongwoonie! Since when did you wake up? How much did you hear...?"

"I heard you blaming yourself for what happened tonight, something about a cursed gift, and that you can see ghosts."

"So... basically everything?"

"I guess so. Kyuhyun-ah, why don't you tell me that you can see ghosts? If I know, we wouldn't have to be here and maybe I can save that boy..."

"Jongwoonie, listen to me, the boy in your promise is fine. He's alive and very much happy."

Jongwoon smiled sadly at him, "you don't have to lie to me, Kyuhyun-ah."

"No, I didn't lie. I can say that because I'm the boy in your promise. It was me, Jongwoonie, the boy you met at the hospital garden ten years ago."


His beloved crush looked at him in disbelief so he took it that Jongwoon didn't hear him the first time he said it, although it was unsurprising considering the circumstance at that time.


"Wait, really? You didn't lie to make me feel better, right?"

"You wore a TMNT t-shirt with shorts and a cap with some basketball team logo. The cookies you gave me were made by your mother and it was chocolate and vanilla."

"Y-You really are that boy! Oh my God! What a coincidence!"


Kyuhyun laughed along with his dear friend at how unbelievable their story was. Though he soon frowned when Jongwoon suddenly looked sad.


"Kyuhyun-ah, I'm sorry. It must be hard, right? Growing up seeing things you don't want to see. I try to help you but couldn't come up with anything. Actually, I even became a burden and almost endangered us tonight... Sorry..."

"You don't have to apologize, Jongwoonie. Just knowing that you care about me is the best cure I could ever ask for. I can live with this cursed gift, as long as I have you by my side."



With reddened ears, his adorable Jongwoon cast his eyes down while his small hands fidgeted nervously, before speaking up quietly. His cheeks were painted in rosy pink.


"So... if the fact that you can see ghosts and that you're the boy in my promise are true, what about that? Is it true too...?"

"What's that?"

"Well... you know, when we were on the rooftop, when that ghost told me that no one loves me, umm, I mean, that, the thing you said, is it true...?"

Kyuhyun chuckled fondly, "when I said that I love you?"

"Yeah, you know, that," Jongwoon mumbled while casting his eyes lower.

"Of course it's true. I love you, Jongwoonie. I fell in love at first sight and fell for you impossibly deeper each passing day."


Kyuhyun smirked while lifting Jongwoon's chin up to make the shorter teen look at him in the eyes.


"What about you, Jongwoonie? The thing you said on the rooftop before falling down, was it 'I love you too'?"

"What else can it be..."


Jongwoon still tried to avoid his eyes so Kyuhyun changed to cup his face instead. He leaned until their foreheads pressed against each other and stared deep into a pair of mesmerizing eyes that stole his heart at the first glance.


"Jongwoonie, I love you."

"I love you too, Kyuhyun-ah."


Jongwoon whispered back shyly before slowly closing his eyes. Kyuhyun's heart almost leaped out of his chest as his gaze focused on the plump lips. And it threatened to stop beating when he felt Jongwoon's warm breath against his lips...



'Can me have more cookies?'



...And he missed it. Kyuhyun cursed under his breath when he kissed Jongwoon's cheek instead of those tempting lips. He pulled away and glared at the deity who failed to read the atmosphere. To hell with offending god, he just missed the perfect chance to kiss his Jongwoon!


"Hey! Can't you read the mood!!?"

'Mood not books. Cannot read.'

"That's not what I— Gah! You know what, I'll give you as many cookies as you want, maybe tomorrow or something, just, leave us alone for now!"


"Yes! Absolutely truly, alright!"

'Understood. Then me leave.'


Kyuhyun kept glaring even after the deity had disappeared, just making sure that they wouldn't disturb him again, and sighed when they showed no sign of coming back.


"Kyuhyun-ah, who were you talking to?"

"Sigh, they're the deity who protects this town and the one who saved us from that vengeful ghost. I gave them cookies during lunch period and they asked for more, probably getting addicted to it now."

"So, they're our savior then? Kyuhyun-ah, we should hurry up and go find cookies for—"


He sealed Jongwoon's talkative mouth with his lips, before the tempting bottom lip when Jongwoon tried to stop him by hitting his back. He didn't stop though. Instead, he deepened the kiss after locking Jongwoon's nape in place and kneaded the sweet lips until a soft moan escaped.



Be it the deity, ghosts, or cookies, he couldn't care less about them.



Right now, he only wanted his Jongwoon.




In case you had a problem figuring out the boy ghost's speeches:

- You betrayed me.

- You said that you'll help me but you lied. You ran away. You left me. YOU BETRAYED ME!!!!


- No. everything is your fault. Your very existence is your fault.

- Your parents love your little brother more. Your friends think that you are disgusting. Even that man over there thinks that you are a nuisance. You are worthless. Useless. Piece of trash.

- He is lying. He lies because your death will be a burden to him. You know it too, right? That no one loves you.

- You! How dare you get in my way!

- P-Please let me go! I promise I won't do it again!

Sorry for making it confusing and hard to read! But it's necessary for the plot cuz, well, his throat (vocal cords) was cut  :p


Author's note:

That's it for my first horror + fluff fic!! How was it? Did I manage to scare you?  :D  If you felt scared even for a second then my mission is successful! I really had fun coming up with the ghost stories and their looks cuz, as I said last week, horror is my second fav! I once considered something more extreme like legit murder and death but decided against it in the end. I think I want to keep our precious kyusung away from those twisted scenarios xD  Also, a head-up that next Sunday and maybe Sunday after the next one I'll post something else instead of an update of this series! See you! Take care of yourself and stay healthy!

Fun fact 1: Remember the crooked girl from the first part? That's actually based on a true story of a ghost at my high school that I saw...

Fun fact 2: The TMNT t-shirt that kid Jongwoon wore is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt.

Fun fact 3: If you're curious about how the boy's father died even though ghosts couldn't directly harm humans, he got influenced to stab himself to death  :) 

Fun fact 4: Yes, Kyuhyun kept his promise and baked more cookies for the deity with Jongwoon's help  xD

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An update after a long while! Nice to meet you here again! ><


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Lunayaa #1
Chapter 43: More pleaseeee
394 streak #2
Chapter 43: Aaaaw!!!!! ╰⁠(⁠*⁠´⁠︶⁠`⁠*⁠)⁠╯

It is a great story! It's so fun to read!

Eniwei my hotel's air con was broken too! With Bali's weather, it's so damn hot ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
_MyName_ #3
Chapter 43: Yay, it's been a while since you updated this series! Haha, Wookie the hero even as an aircon xD I was lurking on Twitter when you posted the poll about these stories and I was very wrong with my first thought about the plot.. once again you know how to surprise :D
(I'm waiting for spring, but it seems it's taking it's sweet time.. this morning it was -12 degrees and we have about 40 cm of snow.........)
Elf_cloud24 #4
Chapter 43: Please make more kyusung hehe

I love this story its funny and fluffy, honestly its bad for my heart (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I love that even when Wookie is an aircon he still favors and on his Jongwoon hyung side ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠˂͈ ⁠)
394 streak #6
Chapter 43: Nooooo! I need to sleep coz I have flight to Bali tomorrow! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

I really REALLY want to read this, but my son told me to sleep, so yeah, see you later!

I'm sure your story would be great just like your other stories! ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
Chapter 27: my fav chapter aaaa im so inlove TT cute cute cute
394 streak #8
Chapter 17: Babe~ Where's the sequel? T^T
Chapter 39: Yesung was actually really annoying at the start, but of course Kyuhyun is mostly just pretending or in denial.