Day Twenty

All I Want For Krismas Is Wu

Hot Cocoa Kisses

“Appa, make some hot cocoa now, please?” Sehun asked for the tenth time that day as soon as the first snow had started falling outside. The little tike had dragged his Appa’s boyfriend, Mr. Wu, into the living area and asked the man nicely to fix the Christmas tree and all the decorations that were unlit at the time. So Yifan, being the nice boyfriend that was already head over heels for his boyfriend’s son, happily obliged. Junmyeon was still in bed when that happened though.

And now? Junmyeon was awake and he and Yifan were in the middle of cleaning up breakfast.

“Why do you want hot cocoa so bad, Sehun?” Yifan asked, putting the dirty dishes into the sink before turning to the five year old to listen to his reasons.

“Because Appa always makes me hot cocoa when it snows,” Sehun grinned widely, but there was a bit of sneakiness to it. Something that Yifan threw a glance over at Junmyeon in question.

Junmyeon laughed softly, “We’ll make you some hot cocoa, Sehun, go and find a Christmas movie to watch while you drink it, okay?”

Sehun looked warily at Yifan, “Are you sure Mr. Wu knows how to make it like you do, Appa? He won’t make it taste bad, will he?”

Yifan’s cheeks flared up while Junmyeon shook his head with a growing smile, “He won’t make it taste bad, I promise.”

“Okay…” Sehun still didn’t seem convinced but took off running towards the living area.

Yifan joined Junmyeon by the sink to start washing some of the dishes, “I’m not that bad at cooking to where I can’t even make hot coca… right?”

Junmyeon winked at him, “With a little practice, you can be good at cooking, Yifan, but with hot cocoa? It’s simple,” he set down the dish he was washing to dry his hands before walking over to the cupboard and pulling out a box of instant hot cocoa. “All you need is this packet and hot water.”

Yifan stared at the box before chuckling to himself, “I think I can handle that. Why did Sehun think I couldn’t?”

Junmyeon returned to the sink to continue washing the dishes, “Because I tell him that I add the right amount of love to it and he enjoys it every time I make it.”

The taller man smiles softly before reaching over to place a kiss on the top of Junmyeon’s head, the two continued washing dishes until the last one was dried and put away.

“He was pretty insistent about the hot cocoa though,” Yifan commented, pouring the hot water into the two mugs, watching Junmyeon fix up Sehun’s Batman cup with the chocolatey liquid.

Junmyeon laughed, “You’ll see why as soon as he takes his first sip. It’s something that I did when he was… three, I think? He’s been doing it ever since when we have hot cocoa.” Yifan nodded slowly, wondering what it was that Sehun did, he supposed he’d just have to let himself be surprised. Junmyeon looked up at Yifan, “Also, Yifan… I’m really glad you wanted to spend the holidays with us. I realize we haven’t been dating that long but—”

Yifan leaned down and pressed his lips to Junmyeon’s, silencing the man, “I wouldn’t to miss this for the world… I really hope we spend more together in the future too. You, me, and Sehun.”

Junmyeon blushed, “I hope so too.”

As soon as they walked into the living area to the sounds of Rudolph The Red Nose Reighdeer playing, Sehun’s eyes lit up and he bound over to his father for the Batman cup.

“Now be careful, it’s still warm so you’re going to have to blow on it before sipping, okay?” Junmyeon reminded him as the little tike nodded, happily grasping the cup and moving back to his spot on the couch. In the dead center so Yifan and Junmyeon could take their seats on either side of him.

He blew over the rim of his cup, before finally taking a sip, “Appa, you made this, didn’t you?”

Junmyeon glanced over at Yifan with a small smile, shaking his head, “Nope, it was all Mr. Wu this time, did he add the right amount of love to it?”

Yifan’s eyes widened slightly, Junmyeon made the hot cocoa for Sehun but he’d play along with the little white lie. “Did I, Sehun? I tried my best…”

Sehun looked back and forth between them, before turning to Yifan, “You did, Mr. Wu, it tastes just like Appa’s hot cocoa that he makes for me.” He took another sip before reaching over to press his little lips to Junmyeon’s cheek and then repeating the actions to Yifan, “Hot cocoa kisses! Now you two have to give me one and then give each other one!”

And well, Yifan couldn’t argue with that, he glanced at the hot cocoa and then seeing the way that Sehun seemed all too happy about his actions. This must’ve been what Junmyeon was talking about. The reason why he kept asking for hot cocoa.

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2441 streak #1
for a Jun who loves Christmas so much, istg any au on this whole collection he loves Christmas so much... the proposal is sure gonna be one of his most memorable Christmases ever! AND IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM! no need for all the extra setup, it wasn't even night time, usually when "romantic proposals" happen... it was straight Yifan proposing to him first thing after waking up... it was simple but it was sweet and romantic as well! I LOVE IT!

anyway, i cannot thank you enough for this whole drabble challenge/collection! rarely do KrisHo challenged like this get completed til the end! i think it's really a first for me! HAHA but thank you for this wonderful Christmas gift! and as i said before, since i really love Christmas, i just somehow love and appreciate this whole thing even more... thank you for pouring time and and effort and completing this challenge! it was definitely something i looked forward to this December! :)

1489 streak #2
Chapter 25: Awwww!! That's so sweet, a marriage proposal as a christmas gift!

Happy Chistmas! Thank you for this fic!
lilykizaki #3
Chapter 25: ❤❤❤ merry Christmas
2441 streak #4
Chapter 24: Christmas is definitely for kids, but i love it just as much as an adult... so cute to see the kids so eager to open their presents already! HIHIHI i was always like that when i was younger!

ahhhhh it's the last update tomorrow... why can't Christmas be all year round! HAHAHAHA
1489 streak #5
Chapter 24: Christmas family fics really makes me melt with how adorable and sweet they are. I can see kiddy!Soo, kiddy!Tao and kiddy!Hun all up early and excited as they drag their Appa and Baba. Hnnnghh! So much cuteness!
2441 streak #6
Chapter 23: if the goal was to get the kids to eat veggies, then it sure failed big time! HAHAHAHAHAHA
but since the goal was for Yifan to enjoy the fireplace while it's a snowy Christmas, and the chopped wood was necessary for that, then it's a success!

i just love how the kids didn't find it reasonable to toil for wood like that when they could just turn on the heater and it'd be warm already as well! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO NEED FOR VEGGIES THEY SAID COZ THEY WON'T CHOP WOOD ANYWAY! HAHAHAHAHAAH BUT KIDS VEGGIES ARE GOOD FOR YOU!!!

anyway, this is all Jun's fault coz he was the one who told the kids that they could just turn on the heater... so yeah, the burden of having to make the kids eat brocolli and spinach should be on Jun! COZ YIFAN SURE TRIED! HAHAHAHAHAHA
1489 streak #7
Chapter 23: Family fics like this really makes me go uwu with how soft and warm and adorable it is.
1489 streak #8
Chapter 23: Family fics like this really makes me go uwu with how soft and warm and adorable it is.
2441 streak #9
Chapter 22: Yifan you wimp! the whole school knows it already coz you'reso obvious! HAHAHAHAHA
why does it seem like it's always Jun who does the first move in whatever universe they're in on this au?
2441 streak #10
Chapter 21: oh i love how Jun loves Christmas so much... coz i really love Christmas a lot too! the only difference is that I'm too lazy to do what Jun would do here HAHAHAHAHAHA