Day Nineteen

All I Want For Krismas Is Wu

“If I hear one more Christmas song, I’m going to shoot myself.”

It was just one mission before the holidays that he and his partner had taken on. After this? It would be a nice relaxing time at home, or a hotel room, either way, he didn’t care. All he cared about was soaking in his large bathtub with hot water and maybe some bubbles, or maybe chill in a hotel jacuzzi, either way, as long as he was ing into his partner before the soaking was done, he was fine.

But what was pissing him off even more now that he and his partner were on the scope out, was the Christmas carols that filled the car and his partner singing rather loudly to them. He was worried about blowing their cover at first but then he realized any stupid gangster wouldn’t give two thoughts about a couple of guys in a car singing along to Christmas carols.

While he did like hearing his partner’s voice, more so when it was screaming his name, or even nagging him like a spouse, if he had to sit through one more song about Christmas, he was going to lose it.

The carol currently playing, I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, finally came to an end, and then the next song started up, to which his partner never missed a beat. “Have yourself a Merry little Christmas, let your heart be light…” okay, Bing Cosby’s voice wasn’t too bad mixed in with the soft voice of Junmyeon’s. But still. This was, what, the fiftieth song he’d heard tonight alone.

Kris couldn’t help it, he had to end it now. He cut the radio off and killed the ignition. Before Junmyeon could protest, Kris was already scowling, “If I hear one more Christmas song, I’m going to shoot myself. Leave it off,” he glared at the hand on the keys in the switch.

Junmyeon glared back, “But it’s Christmas! Well, will be in a few days but why are you being such a grinch?”

Kris rolled his eyes, “Oh, I don’t know, I find it hard to get into the Christmas spirit when we’re about to enter a building as soon as our guy shows up and blow a few brains out before heading home.”

Junmyeon scoffed, “Maybe if you had been singing along with me then, you wouldn’t think that way. Put a little jingle in your life for once, you’re always such a hardass.”

“If I wasn’t then I wouldn’t be in this line of work,” he noticed the little itching of Junmyeon’s fingers going for the ignition again, “I said leave it off, Junmyeon.”

Junmyeon sighed, admitting defeat as he raised both his hands up, away from the steering wheel and key ignition. “I want music though, it’s boring just sitting here listening to each other breathe while we wait til god knows when for the er to show up.”

Kris spared a glance over at the man to see him pouting now, and there was one thing he hated seeing more than their boss’s face. It was Junmyeon’s bottom lip poked out so far that Kris just wanted to snatch hold of it with his teeth and kiss it back into place. Replacing the pout with a smile again, or a scowl. Either or, it was basically the only two looks he gave Kris.

He sighed, “Fine, you can listen to the ing music…” he saw the way that Junmyeon’s hands quickly went to start up the car again, he smirked, “if you come back to my place tonight after the mission.”

Junmyeon paused, glancing over at Kris, “You act as if I wasn’t already planning to crash at your place tonight anyway.” He quickly cranked the car and the sounds of another Christmas song filled the car. “I can sing Santa Baby to you while riding your tonight if that makes you happy.”

“You do that and I’ll never get off tonight. Literally as soon as you pipe out the first note, my will deflate just like that,” he snapped his fingers, emphasizing it. But from the sneaky glint in Junmyeon’s eyes, that was probably going to be exactly what he does once they go back to Kris’s place. “If you start just one note, Junmyeon, I’ll just have to keep ing you hard enough so you can’t even remember the words to the song.”

Junmyeon side-eyes him, pausing from singing to the song, “You weren’t that impressive last time. I could still remember the ing fight that caused that to happen, you prick. So I guess the dicking wasn’t that good.”

Not taking the bait, Kris simply smiled, “We’ll see if you’ll still be saying that after tonight’s over with.”

Junmyeon was about to retort when a black SUV pulled up outside of the nightclub, he and Kris knew who that was. “It looks like it’s showtime, we’ll catch up on this tonight, Santa Baby.”

The two cocked their pistols and started out of the car. It was time.

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2441 streak #1
for a Jun who loves Christmas so much, istg any au on this whole collection he loves Christmas so much... the proposal is sure gonna be one of his most memorable Christmases ever! AND IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM! no need for all the extra setup, it wasn't even night time, usually when "romantic proposals" happen... it was straight Yifan proposing to him first thing after waking up... it was simple but it was sweet and romantic as well! I LOVE IT!

anyway, i cannot thank you enough for this whole drabble challenge/collection! rarely do KrisHo challenged like this get completed til the end! i think it's really a first for me! HAHA but thank you for this wonderful Christmas gift! and as i said before, since i really love Christmas, i just somehow love and appreciate this whole thing even more... thank you for pouring time and and effort and completing this challenge! it was definitely something i looked forward to this December! :)

1489 streak #2
Chapter 25: Awwww!! That's so sweet, a marriage proposal as a christmas gift!

Happy Chistmas! Thank you for this fic!
lilykizaki #3
Chapter 25: ❤❤❤ merry Christmas
2441 streak #4
Chapter 24: Christmas is definitely for kids, but i love it just as much as an adult... so cute to see the kids so eager to open their presents already! HIHIHI i was always like that when i was younger!

ahhhhh it's the last update tomorrow... why can't Christmas be all year round! HAHAHAHA
1489 streak #5
Chapter 24: Christmas family fics really makes me melt with how adorable and sweet they are. I can see kiddy!Soo, kiddy!Tao and kiddy!Hun all up early and excited as they drag their Appa and Baba. Hnnnghh! So much cuteness!
2441 streak #6
Chapter 23: if the goal was to get the kids to eat veggies, then it sure failed big time! HAHAHAHAHAHA
but since the goal was for Yifan to enjoy the fireplace while it's a snowy Christmas, and the chopped wood was necessary for that, then it's a success!

i just love how the kids didn't find it reasonable to toil for wood like that when they could just turn on the heater and it'd be warm already as well! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO NEED FOR VEGGIES THEY SAID COZ THEY WON'T CHOP WOOD ANYWAY! HAHAHAHAHAAH BUT KIDS VEGGIES ARE GOOD FOR YOU!!!

anyway, this is all Jun's fault coz he was the one who told the kids that they could just turn on the heater... so yeah, the burden of having to make the kids eat brocolli and spinach should be on Jun! COZ YIFAN SURE TRIED! HAHAHAHAHAHA
1489 streak #7
Chapter 23: Family fics like this really makes me go uwu with how soft and warm and adorable it is.
1489 streak #8
Chapter 23: Family fics like this really makes me go uwu with how soft and warm and adorable it is.
2441 streak #9
Chapter 22: Yifan you wimp! the whole school knows it already coz you'reso obvious! HAHAHAHAHA
why does it seem like it's always Jun who does the first move in whatever universe they're in on this au?
2441 streak #10
Chapter 21: oh i love how Jun loves Christmas so much... coz i really love Christmas a lot too! the only difference is that I'm too lazy to do what Jun would do here HAHAHAHAHAHA