Coffee & Mangoes

Coffee & Mangoes

My first kiss, bitter taste of coffee with the sweetness of mangoes.


She was beautiful and forever will be beautiful. I don’t know how she became so beautiful but damn she was beautiful that even the Goddess of Beauty will be ashamed if they ever crossed paths.

We met on the first day of college, i was just sitting peacefully near the window while listening to music when someone open the door and revealed a woman.  She was panting, indicating that she must have rushed her way to the class so that she won’t be late. She was wearing a simple black longsleeves paired with demin jeans that showcased her long toned legs. She was scanning through the whole room looking for a vacant seat. Too bad, the only vacant seat available was the seat beside me and the seat where a lot of hungry wolves are located looking at her as if she was their prey. Looking at her face, she has this desperate look. I took a glance around and saw the scenario. Scenes started appearing in my head, a lot of what ifs. What if I let her sit with them? What if I let her be? What if...? What if...? I looked back at her; she still has this desperate look. I still wonder why she hasn’t taken the seat yet or ask me if she could sit beside me. Before she could ask me, I unconsciously moved the chair back and looked at her straight in her eyes, like I’m inviting her to sit beside me. She quickly took the chance and sit beside me, putting all her belongings at the table. Letting out a big sigh, she glance at me and thanked me with her small voice, if I wasn’t paying attention to her I doubt if I would noticed it.

A minute after the encounter that feels like hours the professor finally came. He was an average looking man, nothing special. I thought we were going to introduce ourselves in front of everybody since that is what we do in every first day of school during high school years. But luckily it wasn’t the case, it was only the teacher that did the introduction. Looking at my side, looking at her, I can see the way she wrote her name and some facts about her in a paper, it feels like she was preparing what she was going to say. So when he said that we don’t have to, she let out another sigh. Wow, this girl sighs a lot I thought. The professor only oriented us on what are we going to do in his subject and some future activities that we might do. After he said what he has to say he left, leaving all the students behind.

Some were already talking with each other, some are very noisy laughing like there’s no tomorrow. Some are in there own world, and there’s us, in a comfortable silence. I, doodling. Her, sitting prettily. Then the bell rang.

I packed my things, including my phone putting it inside my bag. I was ready to go until I felt a tap on my right. Looking at her, she was already packed and ready to go.

“Hmmmm?” was all I can respond.

“Ahmm... What’s your name?

Looking at her, she was nervously smiling. I really want to laugh at her for looking like that but it would be so rude of me and we only met today. I don’t even know her name.

“O...Okay... I’m Chaeyoung, Son Chaeyoung. You can call me anything you want.” I said while smiling.

“...Mina...Mina... Myoui Mina... I’m Myoui Mina.”

She looks so cute stuttering like that. We just looked at each other. Then we started laughing, giggling at each other’s antics.

“Well... Mina, Mina, Myoui Mina, I’m Myoui Mina nice to meet you. Would you like to come with me?” I asked her teasingly.

I received a playful punch to my sides. I looked at her and she was blushing. She really looked cute.

The hallway was crowded when we got out of our room. We were walking side by side. I could see people staring at her. I doubt I would too.

It was still noon when we finished our first class. It lasted for four hours and the next thing we have to do was to pick our clubs which was mandatory in our curriculum which we have to do in the next three hours.

I felt hungry so I invited her to eat with me which she quickly agreed.

She let me decide where we were going. I chose a restaurant near our university that offers full course meal. Scanning through the menu, everything was expensive so I just chose the most cheapest food I can find. Of course, I have money but I was saving. She ordered a toast like bread that I don’t even know how to pronounce. We were chatting like normal.

Seeing her up close like this, face to face; she has a lot of beauty marks all over her face that looks like constellations it made me want to trace it. Her lips that she tends to bite in-between her stories that made her look so hot. Her gummy smiles that she tries to hide everytime she laughs though I prefer her not to hide them like that.

Both of us lost the track of time, I already know that she was Japanese, can also speak Japanese fluently. Studied in one of the most prestigious school ever established and was hella rich. I became shy knowing that she was out of my league. I only came from an average family with an average income. Got to the university through a scholarship that I fought for. But she never laughed, mocked or pity me in anyway. I thought rich people  would most likely pity and sympathize with me knowing my story but she was different. She praised and made me feel on top of the world, maybe she was an exception.

After eating, it was already the time for enlisting to clubs. We sure did lost the track of time.

Before going to the university I already know what club I want to join. Photography Club. I saved all my allowance during high school for this, just to buy a camera. It wasn’t the most expensive, it wasn’t the most cheapest, it was just right. Working part-time jobs was worth it. On the otherhand, Mina was telling me that she will be joining the Dance Club. Guess I will be seeing her dance then.

Filling up the form, I was the most excited between me and her. I could see her smiling at me which made me shy at first but I started teasing her for looking at me.

After the whole thing, it was over. It was time to say goodbye. I don’t hate goodbyes but seeing her waving at me, the only thing I could do was waved back at her. Wishing that we could see each other again. I’ve never felt this way before, wanting to stay with her much longer, wanting the time to stop just to be with her. I just can’t explain it. At that moment, I already knew that she will be someone special. Someone I will deeply cherish.  

Overall, it was a fun and unforgettable day. My first day.


The next day; when I opened the door, I can see her waving at me while smiling. Her gummy smiles that is much brighter than the sun outside. I sat beside her, damn I can smell her from here. No, she doesn’t smell bad, it was the opposite, she smell so nice that you just want to squish all the perfume out of her kinda type. She smells like vanilla with an extra pinch of jasmine, a scent that is calming.

Before I could ask her about her day the professor suddenly came, alerting all the students. Looking at him, we already know that he’s one of those strict teachers. Well it was never a shocker to me, I’ve already prepared myself for this. We’re already in college and also taking a medical course to add that.


Days turns to weeks and weeks turns to months, we were closer than ever. I am now starting to doubt if our closeness is just basely from friendship or for something else. We would always be texting and calling each other, even during weekends and the reason was “missing each other”. When we meet, there is no awkwardness anymore, we already pass that. We can now do skinship anytime, anywhere.


Waking up from my alarm, I noticed that the room was a little bit dark. I let it slide since I have to hurry or I’ll be late to class.

When I got outside, the sky was gloomy. I checked my bag and looked for my umbrella, incase there’s a downpour later.

On my way to school it started raining, bus and trains are packed. Luckily because of my size I made it pass through the crowded pack. I admit I’m small but not that small but still small. Okay I’m small.

Walking inside the university carrying my umbrella, I saw a familiar car parked near the road. I was going to check it out since I already know who’s the owner of the car but the door suddenly open a woman started running full speed covering her head with a bag. I started chasing after her while holding my umbrella.

“Mina.... MINA.. MINAAAAAAAAAAAA”. I shouted as loud as I can.

“Oh, Chaeyoung. What are you doing here?”

“Chasing over you, isn’t that obvious?. Come here, you’re wet?”

She quickly cling to my side, her perfume still the same. Very comforting.

I can’t deny but Mina is way taller than me but since I was the one holding the umbrella she has to crunch down a little bit. We were walking slow, avoiding the water puddles that come in our way. When we reached the building she let go of her hold. I already missed her warmth beside me.

We rushed to our classroom, unluckily for us, when we got to our room the intercom of the school announced that the school was cancelled and we can decide if we want to stay in school or we can just go home.

I heard her grunt.

“They should have announce it earlier so we don’t have to go to school and be wet.”

“Well, between the both of us, you’re the only one that is wet.” I said teasingly.

No kidding but she was really wet, literally wet from head to toe.

We decided that we would go to the nearby cafe to heat ourselves up.

Sitting near the window, it is now our favourite place. Every place we go, we always choose a seat near the window. Maybe its because of the ambiance or just our feet leading us there, I still don’t have a clue.

The waiter came and asked for our order. Mina ordered her Americano, or the way I call it “minaricano”. This girl is as sweet a diabetic candy but she likes bitter stuff. So confusing sometimes. While I ordered my favourite Mango Graham Shake. It has been my favourite ever since I was young. We enjoyed our time together.

It was getting dark and I received a text from my dormmates that the way to our dorm was flooded and adviced me to stay at someone else’s house. I looked at Mina with a horrified look. Getting the hint of what my face have contoured, she offered me to stay at her apartment. I was declining at first but she was insisting leaving me no choice but to agree. Her smile even wider than before.

Mina has her own car, her own apartment. Like I said before she’s one of those privileged daughter of a rich business man. Its not my first time in her apartment, infact I’ve been here more than you can ever imagine, but its my first time to sleep over.

Good thing I was always ready, having an extra undergarments in my bag incase of emergency. She let me use the bathroom first, she said she will be making dinner while I took a bath, understandable. After I finished my shower, I rushed myself to Mina’s room and saw some laid out shirts and shorts. She must have picked this out for me. Putting them on, I went to the kitchen, seeing Mina already finished cooking dinner.  She looked like a housewife, with her apron and her hair tied up in a low pony tail. How I wish Mina to be my wife.

“Oh Chaeyoung”

I just posed with my hands in rock n’ roll stand.

“What are you cooking?”

“Just chicken with veges”

“Oh you can cook?!!” I said while tasting the food she cooked.

“What do you think of me?!!”

I just laughed, I really love teasing her.


We ate deliciously, thanks to Mina’s very good cooking skills. We were full in just minutes. I offered to wash the dishes while she took a shower.

It was already around nine o’clock in the evening when we finished everything including our assignments and activities. Mina was kind enough to lend me her laptop for me to use to finish all of it. She is definitely an angel.

Both of us were sleepy, I started walking to the sofa and lay myself in there but Mina quickly grabbed my hand.

“Lets sleep.”

“Okay... I’ll just stay in the sofa.” I said

“Lets sleep..... in my bed.” She repeated.

Before I could protest, she was already dragging me to her room. Its not my first time inside her room but its definitely her style, minimalist kinda type of room. She sits on her bed and point to the other side.

“You’ll be sleeping on the left side of the bed”

“Okay, thank you, really appreciate it.” I mean who wouldn’t. I’m sleeping with her, sleeping beside her. That’s one of Mina’s fanboys and fangirls dreams and her I am, Mina offering it to me.

“Make yourself comfortable, you know it gets lonely sometime inside this bed. Its so big but I’m the only one sleeping in it.” She said in a sad tone voice.

I didn’t respond, instead I went to the left side of the bed and settle myself. Mina’s bed was big and soft. Smells exactly like her. It takes all of my strength to keep myself from sniffing through her pillows.

She turned off the lights and I can feel the bed dip on my right side and I can feel her getting in the comforters.

Hours after hours, I still can’t sleep. Maybe its because I’m in a new environment or is it because Mina is sleeping beside me. No clue.

I fished out my phone and started playing on it, scrolling through twitter. The rain isn’t gone but instead its getting stronger with thunder and lightning. It was getting colder in a second. Pulling the comforters up, I felt a hand in my stomach. I stopped my movements and looked at the hand. It was Mina’s hand, resting on top of my stomach. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stay still and waited. It took a more than a minute to find courage to move myself but the hand only tighten and grip my shirt. Mina was also snuggling herself in me. It feels like she was seeking warmth from me and who am I to deny that. I let her clung to me, her body facing me. I can feel her breath in my neck, it send shivers in my body. But seeing her so peaceful in a very stormy night made me calm too. Making me comfortable with her warmth beside me. I drifted to sleep after.

I woke up alone in her bed. I looked through my phone and saw that it was already nine o’clock in the morning. I quickly stood up making dizzy and fall to the floor. I heard someone calling my name and when I looked up I saw an angels face. The angel was staring at me worriedly and asking some questions that I can hardly decipher since I was still dizzy. When I came to my senses, the angel that I was talking about was Mina. She was worried about me since she heard a loud drop. She told me that classes were suspended again because of the bad weather. Looking outside her window, the sky was still crying.

“You know, you shouldn’t stand up quickly when you’ve just woken up.”

“Yeah, I know. I was just in a hurry. I can’t afford being absent it might affect my scholarship.”

“Yeah yeah yeah yeah.... Just remember that.”

I gave her a thumbs up.

She cooked me breakfast. Damn, it feels so nice to be taken care of. I looked at her, she was still wearing her cute pajamas with penguin designs on them.

Later that day, I decided that I will be going back to the dorms. She didn’t want me to but she has no choice. The flood had already subsided, it was a quick ride to my dorm to her apartment.

Laying in my bed, replaying the moments in my head during my stay in Mina’s apartment. I kept thinking about the look on her face. Her face when she was sleeping so peacefully by my side. The way how she snuggles herself in me more. The way how she worries about me. Everything about her makes me crazy. I want to be with her all the time. She makes me selfish for her and I like every second of it.

I love her.


After the storm, something changed and both of us knew it. We act normal with our friends, classmates and everyone associated with us. But its different with her. Everything she does leaves a big impression to me. The way she walks, talks, laugh and dance they’re just too perfect. Damn, even the way she eats is perfect. I’m too whipped for her at this moment.

Months came and its been different since then. I don’t know for her but for me it is.

Mina invited me to watch their ballet performance. Did I forgot to mention that when Mina joined the Dance Club she actually joined the Ballet Club. I haven’t personally seen Mina doing ballet since she’s too shy to show her skills but based from rumors that I’ve gathered she was one of the best ballet dancers in the school.

Receiving the ticket that she reserved from me, I can tell that there was a hint of sadness in her voice especially when she said she wasn’t the lead in their ballet performance.

“Its okay, I know you did good, and you’ll always be number one in my eyes.” I said that without realizing how it might sound different to Mina.

She didn’t respond, instead she just kisses my cheeks and runaway from me.

I couldn’t move, every cell in my body just stopped working. She left me with a kiss on my cheeks. I was still holding the ticket that she gave me.

I started walking with a dumb smile on my face. I bet who have seen that was jealous of me. I feel so happy, I could die.

I rushed to the Photography Club and saw no one. I sat near the window and started punching the air. If someone was gonna walk on me that moment they might think I’m crazy but who cares.

I keep the ticket in my wallet and continued my work in the club while still having that dumb dumbest smile.


The day of the performance came, I wore the best outfit I could find. Well its just jeans and t-shirt paired with a jacket but still, it was a cool one. I readed myself. Spraying myself with my perfume. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve checked myself in the mirror.

On my way to the university, I purposely dropped myself to a flower shop to buy Mina some flowers.

I was already inside the auditorium, it was crowded. Good thing Mina gave me a reserved ticket. It was located at the front, close to the stage. After a minute, the stage director alerted everyone that the performance was starting.

It was a slow performance to say the least. The lead was dancing to the center stage. She was alright, but she wasn’t the one I was eager to see.

 I waited and waited, and finally my angel was dancing. She was twirling, spinning, and jumping. She looked so elegant doing that, the way how her hands move, its so controlled. The way how her toes supported her body. She was the embodiment of elegance and no one can change that. She was moving like water, so fluid. She was moving like air, so freely. She was moving like earth, so gentle. And she was moving like fire, so fierce. She made me fall inlove with her more.

After the performance, I quickly rushed to the backstage where ballerinas were located. I keep looking for Mina and found her in her little corner. She was massaging her feet, pressing it with her fingers. I went to her and waved the flowers in front of her. She grabbed the flowers and quickly thanked me not knowing that it was me in the first place.

“Someone’s not in the mood.”

“CHAEYOUNGGG, I thought your not here.”

“What made you think that? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Its just... I didn’t see in the audience, so I thought you weren’t coming. After the stunt I did back then... I’m glad you’re here”. She said smiling.


She started packing her things. She was still in her white ballerina outfit that fits perfectly with her body. I tried not to look at those but my eyes won’t follow. She was just too beautiful to be looked away.

She invited me to her place, we rode on her car. So put on some chill songs. We were humming with the songs. we decided to go to a drivethru to get some foods and drinks. We got some fries and burgers. I actually don’t know how we manage to get an Americano and Mango Graham Shake drinks but somehow we did and I’m not complaining. Throughout the ride, I was praising and complementing her about the performance that she looked perfect. She kept blushing, and I kept talking.

We arrived at her apartment, it was quite as always. Mina opened her T.V. and let me scanned through her Netflix account. She let me decide on what we will be watching, so I decided to go with a romance movie.

We were silently watching the movie when a scenes pops up, it was a kissing scene. I suddenly remembered the way Mina kissed me on my cheeks. It suddenly made me hot and bothered. I couldn’t take anymore so I ask Mina about it.

“Why did you kissed me Mina?”


“You don’t have to answer”



“I don’t know”

“... Okay.....”

“I just felt like it”


“I’m sorry”

We stayed quiet for like hours. No one dared to talk. Both eyes are focused on the television.

Fries and burgers where no where to be found. Mina was drinking her Americano and I was drinking my Mango Graham Shake.

“You don’t have to be sorry, I liked it.”

“..You did?” shocked was evident in her voice.

“Yeah, I did.” Looking at her straight in her eyes. “Mina, only if you knew how happy I was when you kissed me.”

We were now both facing each other. I looked at her, her eyes was watery. I put both my hands on each side of her face, caressing her face.

“I love you so much Mina. I love the way how you talked to me with those sweet voice of yours. I love the way you smile at me everytime we meet. I love the way you touched my hair and ruffle it round and round until its out of style but always there to fix it after. I love you so much. I just love you.”

Tears starting to fall from her eyes, I wiped it using my thumbs. She was crying. She looked so beautiful while crying.

“Chaeyoung, I love you. I love you. I love you.” was all Mina could say at that moment.

Our foreheads pressed against each other. Feeling Mina’s so close to me. I swallowed hard and went for it.

I kissed her.

I kissed Mina.

She’s kissing me back.

Mina’s kissing me back.

It was slow, full of passion. We were both inexperience but it wasn’t a problem. Its like our body already knows how to do it. We just went with the flow. The kissed tasted like a bitter coffee with a pinch sweetness of mangoes. It must be because of the drinks. But it was wonderful. I never want to let go. It feels like I was getting addicted. But we have to part, we released each other from the kissed, both were panting heavily.

I looked at her and she was smiling. I too, was smiling. It was the best.

“We should have done it sooner Mina”

“We wouldn’t be in this situation if it wasn’t for me” she said while smiling.

“Yeah, your right. But you should have kissed my lips not my cheeks.” I said while laughing.

We just the moment pass, the movie long forgotten. We started kissing again. We can never get enough of each other.

The next day at school, were just like any other day but the thing is that were now official, holding each other hands. Stealing kisses from each other when no ones watching. It just so perfect and I’m contended.

Mina my love, my angel, thank you for coming into my life.

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