☆50 chapter challenge [You and Taemin/Gongchan one shots]☆


50 chapter challange using 50 random objects which is based on You with either Taemin from SHINee and Gongchan from B1A4. Even chapters will be Gongchan and odd chapters will be Taemin. Please enjoy!


50 random objects!

1. cake Taemin

2. spoon- Gongchan

3. bottle cap- Taemin

4. blanket- Gongchan

5. chopsticks- Taemin

6. candle- Gongchan

7. ice cube- Taemin

8. slipper- Gongchan

9. thread- Taemin

10. glow stick- Gongchan

11. needle- Taemin

12. stop sign- Gongchan

13. blouse- Taemin

14. hanger- Gongchan

15. rubber duck- Taemin

16. shovel- Gongchan

17. bookmark- Taemin

18. model car- Gongchan

19. sticky note- Taemin

20. rubber band- Gongchan

21. tire swing- Taemin

22. sharpie- Gongchan

23. picture frame- Taemin

24. photo album- Gongchan

25. twister- Taemin

26. tooth paste- Gongchan

27. bath fizzers- Taemin

28. tissue box- Gongchan

29. buckle- Taemin

30. cookie jar- Gongchan

31. rusty nail- Taemin

32. drill press- Gongchan

33. chalk- Taemin

34. word search

35. thermometer- Taemin

36. face wash- Gongchan

37. paint brush- Taemin

38. candy wrapper- Gongchan

39. shoe lace- Taemin

40. leg warmers- Gongchan

41. wireless control- Taemin

42. boom box- Gongchan

43. quilt- Taemin

44. stockings-Gongchan

45. card- Taemin

46. tooth pick- Gongchan

48. shawl- Taemin

49. speakers- Gongchan

50. key chain- Taemin


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Thanks guys, I'll update soon!~
Alladin #2
The spoon story was beyond adorable! :)
>0< Kyaaaa so cute
Haha, thank you so much^^ It took me a long time to write! Kekeke~ I hope the upcoming ones will be cute too^^~
Aww the spoon story was cute :D
@Chae_Ri08 Haha, yeah! I was on the last word as well >.<
So cute! :3
No problem~ Oh, I hate when that happens :C All that hard work gone to waste! >.<
@Chae_Ri08 Thank you^^:;, actually the first one would have been updated yesterday but then it decided to refresh the page.. -_-''
I'm looking forward to reading this! ^^