Strawberry Milk

Strawberry Milk


Hyukjae pov

"It's hurttt..." I screamed annoyed.

It's been a week since I got this pain in my throat. Everything that I swallowed just made my throat felt more pain.


"Yah!! Hyukjae!! Stop scream or else you will never drink that milk anymore!!" my sister snapped me out, while I pouted.

Ever since my sister heard me cough repeatedly on that night, she threw away my all collection of strawberry food. Start from strawberry milk, strawberry cake, and strawberry waffle.


"It just makes your cough worse and worse..." she reasoned.

She really mean it, even she know better that I can't live without my strawberry food.


"Noonaaaa... Let me taste the strawberry milk a little bit, ne? Just once, ne?" I whined while sent her my gummy smile.

"That's smile will not gonna work now!!!" She said clearly, and then left me with teary eyes in a kitchen.


I walked lazily towards the refrigerator and found nothing.

I sniffed disappointed.

Then I walked back to my room, and planned for slept early since it's almost 8pm now.


"Aaaaahhhh.... I want my strawberry miiiilllkkk!!!" I whined loudly, thus gain some hard knock on my wall from Noona’s room (her room was beside me). I palm my lips quickly before another bad thing happen to me from my Noona.

She's such a scary Noona if she in this state.


I closed my eyes tightly tried to reach my dreamland, but what I saw?


1 strawberry milk


2 strawberry cakes


3 strawberry waffles


4 back to strawberry milk


5 continued to strawberry cakes, and then I felt I've lost my conscious.






6am in the morning.

"Hyukjae!! Wake up!!"


I was slept on a strawberry sea when I heard Noona sound called me. 

Then I feel the rain pouring on me. I'm wet now and it felt so real.

"Hyukjaeeee!!!! Wake up alreadyyyy!!!" She shouted again and louder, thus made me quickly sat on my bed, confused.


"What? What?" I murmured while I looked around to see my strawberry sea, but I saw nothing.

Only me my room and Noona who stand beside me.

"Aaahhhh... I'm just dreamiiing..." I yelled disappointed.


Then I felt something wet on my stomach.

"Noonaaa... Did you pour the water on me??" I asked him pouted.


"Nee!! I've been calling you waking you up in many times, but you didn't give me a sign to wake up soon, so I have no choice then..." she said then sighed.

"Just quickly take a bath then get dressed!" she scolded me, "use a warm water!!" she added then walked off from my room.


I nodded slightly.


"Aaahhhh... Such a delicious dreeaaammm.. *cough... *cough..." I whined softly then entered my bathroom.

I stripped myself then quickly open the water knob and started the bath.


After 5 minutes, I walked out, quickly dressed out then drain my hair.

I grabbed my bag and ran down just to sniff something delicious.


I entered the dining room and widened my eyes and I saw strawberry bread.

"Kyaaaa... Noonaaaa.... Is it for meee?" I asked while jump around happily.

She nodded smiley.


I was about to eat that delicious bread when suddenly she added "just one bite!!"


I pulled a bit that bread, gaped.

She smirked to me, "you said that last night, ne? Just once..." she said then grinned.


I gulped.


Ish she so meany.

 I bite the bread once and taste it.


'uuhhhhmmmmm.... Sooo strawberry'

I was about to enjoy my strawberry time, but then suddenly Noona grab my bread, thus made me pouted annoyed.

"Just go to school already!! You'll be late..." she snapped me again.


"Ye! I'll go, Noona!" I replied still pouted, I puffed my cheek then walked out the house.

"I need my strawberry miiilllkk..." I whined while walked school.


@ school.

I walked weakly towards my class then put my bag on a table while I slumped down on there.

"huuuufftttt... *cough"


"Yah! Hyukkiee... What's wrong with you? So gloomy for a bright morning eh?" someone approached me.

I lifted my head to see who's that, even I can guess who's that only by the voice.


"Haeeee...*cough..." I whined with teary eyes.

"Eeyyy... Why are you crying now? Are you sick Hyukkie? You're cough" he asked me while caressed my hair.


Ah... Hae's touch is always made me felt something weird in my stomach.

Actually I have a crush with him.

But I think he didn't know about it.

I hugged him, wrapped my arms around his neck when he sat beside me.


"Ne... I got this stupid cough... And noona prevent me to drink or eat something sweet, include my strawberry milk, strawberry cake and friends..." I said still whine.

I lean my head on his shoulder then I stiffened a bit when I felt his lips on my hair.


"Noona do it for your own health, Hyuk... Be patient now, ne?" he soothed me thus made me nodded agreed.

Then I released myself from the hug, sniffed my tears back.

"Thanks Hae... But I really want my strawberry milk..." I thank him but still whined, craving for my strawberry.

He just chuckled while stared at me warmly.


"Ok class... Back to your seat please... We'll start the lesson..." Mr. Park yelled loudly from the front class.

This lesson was boring as well. I turn my gaze to Hae who stared straight to the board.

A second later he was looked at me, gave me his innocent smile, that -as usually- success made my heart thumped crazily.


'Easy heaaart... Easy... It just Hae...' I put my left hand on my right chest while look down, hid my red face.


After 60 minutes filled my brain with some lesson that I don't really care about, finally the bell rang.

Time to reeeest.

Everyone stepped out of the class after Mr. Park left the class room.


"Hyuk! Let's go to food court!" Hae pulled my hand slowly, and then I stood up lazily and followed him to the food court.

"I will buy you a soup. Which one you like?" Hae asked me when we took a seat on one of the table in the food court.


"Is there any strawberry soup?" I asked ridiculous.

Hae raised one of his eyebrows.


"Would it be delicious??" he asked me again. I shook my head.

"Let me choose it for you, ne?" he offered and I nodded agreed. Then he left me slumped on a chair alone.


"Hyuuuukkk!!!" someone called out my name.

I raised my head and saw Sungmin there, walked towards me.


"Ne! Come here..." I said loudly, then leaned weakly on a table again.

"Aish... What's the matter with you?" Sungmin asked while took a seat in front of me.

"I'm siiiick...." I answered weakly.


"Hey, Sungmin! Where's Kyu??" Hae finally back and greet Sungmin.

He put a bowl of a soup with a glass of warm water in front of me thus make me pouted and puffed my cheeks annoyed.


"He will be up soon... The teacher called him for a task... What happen with hyuk?" Sungmin replied and asked about me to Donghae.

"He got a cough... His Noona prevent him to eat or drink sweet things... So that he sulking along this day..." Donghae explained while motioned me to start eat my food. He sat beside me.


"Aish... You must be suffered now!" Sungmin tried to be sympathies. I nodded while my eyes got teary.

"I'll buy something for me to eat. I'll be back..." Sungmin said while put his bag on the table and walked away.


'I need my strawberryyyy' I screamed mentally while huffed.

I saw hopeless to my only food in front of me and started eat.

It taste good, but will be the best if only I have my strawberry milk. I thought.


"How it taste, Hyukkie?" Hae asked me softly.

 I swallowed the soup before answered, "it's good..." I said shortly.


Hae already finished his meal.

And now, he took something from the black plastic beside him.


"What was that, Hae?" I asked curious and a second later my eyes got widened since I saw Hae put strawberry milk in front of him.


"Aaaahhhh.... Strawberry miiiiiilllllkkkk...." I screamed happily.

He stared at me questioningly.


"Did you buy it for me, Hae?" I asked hopefully.

But he shook his head.



So what was the reason that strawberry milk laid innocently in front of us now???


"But when you start like the strawberry milk instead the chocolate milk??" I asked again curious.

"I don't like it, Hyukkie... Do you like this that much?" he answered me, make me tilt my head confused.

I nodded excited.


"I want it!" I whined while I still stared at the strawberry milk which now fly up and end up in front of Hae's lips.

Hae started to drink the milk non stop, ignored me who locked my sight to that strawberry milk while swallowed my saliva.

Then he pulled the milk away and stared at me while pointed the carton of strawberry milk, he raised his eyebrow as he asked "you want it?"


I nodded.


"I want it! Now!" I said clearly.

But the second later, his moved just make me stunned.


He stared deeply on me while moved closer to me then lean down to captured my lips.

I widened my eyes, but his kiss just too much for my poor heart to accept it.

I closed my eyes enjoyed the kissed. His lips were so delicious, taste like strawberry.


So yummy...


Then he pulled his lips away and stared at me while smile wider.

"Do that to me once again..." I whispered.

He drank the rest of that strawberry milk and closed the gap between us once again.


"Nggg... Are you two were officially a couple??" Suddenly Sungmin asked thus make Hae end our strawberry kiss.

I stared at Hae, blushing madly, waiting for his react of Sungmin words.


"If Hyukkie accept it..." he said thus made me blushed.

I nodded happily.


"Hae ah... I-I a-a-accept it... I-I l-lo-love you, Hae ah..." I said while stuttered.

My face still too hot.

Bet its red already.


"I know that, Hyukkie... So, Sungmin... The answer is yes, we're officially a couple" Hae said while took out 1 little carton of strawberry milk and drank that again.

"Do that to me again, Hae..." I moved closer and kissed his lips to taste my strawberry milk on his lips.


"I love you, Hyukkie..." he murmured against my lips.







Hello helooo.... 

This is meeee.... Agaiiin ^_^... With another One Shot, And WOW, finally I can make One shot version for EUNHAE ^_____________^


reader : whaaaaat??? You upload a new fanfic??? You have one story to be continue sooon !!! 

me : uwaaaa... Mianhaeeeee... this story just popped up in my head and ta-daaaaaa in one day it finished.

         I will update soon for my story before ^________^...


Thanks for reading, and if you don't mind, please do comment ^_______^



Good nite all

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bunny_24 #1
Chapter 1: Cute oneshot <3 hyukie and his strawberry * sigh * OUO
agnes_yunita #2
Kayahahhahahaha another way of drinking milk.....being sure that noona gonna kill hae if she know...
but Hae ....SMART MOVE.....
Thank you so muuuchhh for like this story,CNUwifey,FangirlEunYoo.. don't die,luvkpopcoupleshehe ... I have another EunHae story... ^__________^
thanks a lot...
Omo!!!!..kyaaaaa...i just died due to cuteness overload!!!... ^^!!.. *kisses* fr da fic!!
Omoooooooo I LOVE this!!!!!
So damn sweet, fluffy, and cute!!!!!!!!!! <3<3
Kyaaa... Gomawo neeee..... ^________^
*( >^_^)> give you all a big hug *___*
Thanks for liking this story....
XDDD sweet haehyuk <3
monkey_fishy #9
Kyaaaaa!!! So sweet and fluffy!!!
awww so sweet ^^