Love or Revenge?

~SpinWebs~ Review Request Shop

Reviewer: minminXP

Story title: Love or Revenge?

Author: baesueji



Title: 4/10

The title is pretty clichéd. I can’t remember exactly where I have seen this variety of titles before, but I know that it’s very common. It’s not the kind of title that I would remember.

So far, Yoona seems to be pretty mad at someone with the surname ‘Kim’, who, I suppose, will be the person that she will try to exact revenge on in the future. So I’m giving you points for making that connection between the conflict and the title.


Storyline: 15/20

The story is only 2 chapters in and the conflict has already been clearly presented. One element that made the plot interesting was when Yoona slapped Myungsoo and accused him of arson just because of his extremely common surname. Although this was extremely unreasonably on her part, it piques the reader’s interest as to why she would do something like that.


Appearance: 5/5

Your paragraphing is completely fine, and you have a beautifully simplistic poster and background. Full marks for that.  


Writing Style: 5/10

I didn’t like the excessive usage of dialogue between the characters. Almost every single line was a spoken sentence. Sometimes, your sentences were really very choppy.

For example, “I sat down next to Jiyeon in the middle row while Suzy sat down with a strange guy. He was stealing glances at her. She looked uncomfortable. I nudged Jiyeon, who was staring out the window.”

The sentences were rather stiff and unnatural. For a more natural flow, try: “I sat down next to Jiyeon in the middle row while Suzy sat down next to a strange guy. He stole glances at her, which were clearly making her feel uncomfortable. Seeing this exchange, I nudged Jiyeon, who was staring out the window.”

The usage of longer sentences creates the illusion of the story flowing smoothly. Of course, short sentences are useful for dramatic situations. However, for this particular sentence, I feel that longer sentences are better.


Characterization: 6/10

You have shown quite clearly the relationships between each character. Unfortunately, I cannot judge on character development as the story has only just started.


Story Flow: 7/10

The story is not dragging, neither is it too fast. I have not many comments for this portion.


Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling: 4/10

Your grammar is incorrect at certain places, and I could spot errors here and there. Although it may not be extremely serious, I find that you are making one too many mistakes.

“I stared at the sky, wondering where he goes?” should be “I stared at the sky, wondering where he went/where he was.” In this context, the question mark does not make much sense to be placed there.

As a reviewer and a writer, I feel that accurate grammar is one of the most important aspects of the story. Without it, how can a reader understand what you are talking about?


Creativity and Originality: 10/15

I’m glad to say that your story wasn’t very clichéd. Yes, there was the oh-so-common orphanage. However, most stories make the orphanages turn out to be some horrible place. You made it seem like a wonderful home that the characters loved. Kudos to you for that!


Overall Enjoyment: 6/10

Overall, the story was pretty average. Being a very picky reader, I am only able to give you something slightly above a passing mark. Needless to say, I read only a very carefully selected number of stories.


Sub-Total: 62/100

Bonus: 2/5 

Since your story was pretty short, I couldn’t judge fairly, so here’s two bonus points for you.

Total: 64/100

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I requested a review and made a staff application! :3
About my review, I only have the foreword up, so I was wondering if you can just review that at the moment...
Sorry if it's too much trouble.
I requested for a review! ^^
GigiMaid #3
I made a staff application :) Please consider
seoul-dragons #4
I requested! Thanks in advance!
himalayancat #5
Hello :)
I've read your reviews and they seemed to be pretty good, I like them.
I've just requested and am now looking forward to your review.
Thank you ^^
I've read my review and will gonna credit on my foreword.

T_____T I knew it grammar, punctuation, dull title, predictable story line will cost me a lot.
I will work really hard to improve the story.. thank you for your review and point out my so-many-mistakes XDD I mean I can learn a lot from it.

and lastly, you were right.. the scene on first chapter is the exact same scene from 1996 Romeo and Juliet, I even put Leonardo D'caprio voice on the trailer XDD
I really like the scene.. so I decided to just put it on the story.. :))
AnnPark #7
I requested~
cathy4reals #8
*sigh* yeah i know, but the theme isn't horror yet. That'll come in around chapter 21. Krystal is going to be stronger later in the story, because she is still weak in the beginning having to depend on taemin. And trust me, she will get a little more psychotic later on in the story... *goes to my little lonely corner*
I've requested ^^
Thanks for the review...