You Belong With Me

You Belong With Me


You Belong With Me

JonghyunXKeyXMinho Oneshot


                Minho tried to tear his eyes away from the computer screen.  This always happened.  He always stared in awe when Key was in front of a camera.  Key’s eyes always flirted with the lens of camera making him envy the photographer every time.    Key turned his head to the side and did that lip bite thing that made Minho’s stomach fill with butterflies.  As cliché as it sounded, Minho found himself having to turn away.  His face was flushed and red as sweat developed on his brow.  He ran a hand through his chestnut locks trying not to stare at the handsome blonde boy any longer.  Before he could he could stop himself, he realized that Key had finished the shoot and was now pointing at pictures he liked the most.  Minho imagined sticking his hands into Key’s back pockets, not that there was enough room to in those tight jeans.  As if reading his mind, Jonghyun came behind Key and did the one thing Minho was fantasizing.  Minho could see Key’s shocked expression through the faint reflection from the monitor.  Key turned slowly and laid a kiss on Jonghyun’s lips.  Minho could feel the burning sensation in his eyes that how become too familiar in the last two years.  Minho retreated to the dressing room.  The last thing he needed was for everyone to see him cry.  He was the charismatic rapper.  Crying didn’t equal charisma. 

                When Minho opened the doors, Onew was sitting in the room.  It was too late to stop it.  The tears were coming and he couldn’t hide his feelings.  Minho slammed the door shut and laid face-first on the couch.  Onew sighed closing a script for a commercial.  No matter how often Minho did this, it still bothered the older male every time.

“Why do you keep torturing yourself?”  Onew asked as he sat at Minho’s feet.

“He’s torturing me.  Why did they have to find the iest guy to put in Shinee?”  Minho complained, as usual.

“Maybe if you made your move earlier…”  Minho sat up.  His eyes pink but he still looked handsome.

“Earlier?  Key always loved Jonghyun!  Since trainee days they had been flirting.  When he and Key got serious the company put Jonghyun with Shin Se Kyung to dissuade rumors…”  Minho’s usual speech was interrupted by Key barging into the room.

“TYPICAL!”  He shouted slamming the door.  Key folded his arms and glanced at Minho.  His angry gaze softened.

“What’s wrong, Minho?”  Minho stared at Key, he looked so handsome when he was upset.

“Minho?”  Key asked again.
“Huh?”  Key bent down to where Minho was sitting on the couch.

“You were crying, why?”  Onew cut in to save Minho.

“He was crying at my rendition of a song.”  Minho breathed a sigh of relief.  Thank God for Onew.

“Oh really what song?” Sh!t. Why did Key have to ask questions?

“Oh! by SNSD.”  Minho facepalmed in his head.  He took it back, Damn you Onew.  Onew proceeded to sing his cover of the SNSD song and while the 91-line watched painfully.

“It was better before.  You had to be there.”  Minho said quickly,  “But what about you?  You came in pretty upset.”

“Jonghyun and I were supposed to go out to the new Italian restaurant tonight.  But he decided he’s going to go out with the she-devil.”  That’s what Key called Se-Kyung when she ruined his and Jonghyun’s dates.  On all other terms he admired her.  “He knew I really wanted to go.  He didn’t even make the reservation and the place is already booked.  I don’t deserve this…”  Key whispered towards the end.

“No you don’t.”  Minho said causing Key’s head to jerk up.


“Nothing…Just meet me here at seven okay?”

“Here?  At seven?  B-but…”  Key looked at Minho slowly, the light hitting his face gently.  The charisma was kicking in.   What’s the big deal, if Jonghyun could hangout with friends so could Key.

“Sure.”  Minho smiled and they both stood up.  They hadn’t even noticed Onew had left the room after his “performance.”  Key hugged him,

“Thank you, Minho.  You have returned the smile back to my face.”  Minho blushed and hugged back before allowing Key to leave.  Minho danced around the dressing room with happiness.  Taemin walked in as the hyung leaped into the air like a ballerina.  Taemin backed out of the room, not wanting to hear the answers to the many questions running through his head.

                Key stood outside the studio.  It was dark from the outside since no one was using it.  He wondered if they could get in trouble for even being in there.   Key walked up the steps and knocked on the door.  He was wearing a stylish black and white outfit consisting of chains, vintage boots and many accessories.  He felt bad dressing up, since he hadn’t even planned on it for his and Jonghyun’s date.  The door opened and Minho was wearing a dress shirt with two buttons undone and skinny jeans.  His hair was tousled and Key hated to admit it, but he looked attractive.  More than usual of course.  Minho smiled,

“Go upstairs.” Key nodded.  The hallway and staircase were illuminated with tiny little lights.  There was a traditional Italian music soundtrack playing throughout the studio.  Up the steps the room was lightened only by candles.  There was a spread of fettuccine alfredo and two glasses next to a bottle of red wine.   Their table was in front a window that overlooked the city lights of Seoul.

“Minho…”  Key breathed out slowly,  “I can’t believe you would do this…”

“I did it for you, Key.  I hated seeing you so sad.”  Key’s heart began to pound.  How he had longed to hear Jonghyun say those words to him.  Before they started dating, Jonghyun was more romantic.  Now, he was always giving excuses for standing Key up.  Minho was always the one who would take Key to the movies or arcade when Key would enter their apartment angrily.  But this was on a larger scale. 

                Key sat down to eat and the food was excellent.  After learning how to cook, he had was able to appreciate food even better now.  Minho smiled as he could see the delight in Key’s face.  It was moments like these that made his feelings so much stronger for him.  This would be the time where Key would look up at Minho and Minho would attempt to tell him his feelings.  Then Jonghyun would call with chocolate cover strawberries and a reservation at a hotel and none of the members would see either boys till the next morning.  Key’s phone rang.  Minho placed his chopsticks down. Jonghyun was earlier than usual.  Key picked up the phone and pressed the end button.  Minho couldn’t believe his eyes. 

“Hmm.”  Key said still eating, “Can you pour me some wine?”

“Who was that who called?”  Minho asked doing as he was told.

“Jonghyun.  That looks expensive, pour some more.”

“Doesn’t he want to make amends?  Maybe you should—“

“I’m tired of making amends.  It’s obvious Jonghyun wants a girl and I want a man.”  Minho’s cheeks flushed.

“Key, I-I…”  Minho found it harder to say than he thought it would be.  Key continued to drink his wine.


“I-I love you.”  Key  began to cough, nearly drowning in his beverage.  Minho freaked out and stood up immediately taking his rejection like a man.  “I understand if the feelings are not mutual I just…” Key took a deep breath.

“No, no!  You just laid it on thick there, so quickly.  I just wasn’t expecting it.”  Key bit his lip and Minho felt his stomach again.  “I am probably going to break up with Jonghyun tomorrow morning.  I don’t want you to be a rebound.  You’re too amazing for that.  Look at this place.  You are the charismatic prince.” 

“But don’t you get it, Key?  I did this all for you and I can only do it for you.  Every moment I spend with you is like a dream, I just want it to be a dream for you too.  I understand that you don’t want me to feel used but it’s okay if I’m being used by you.  Wow, that sounds disturbing…”  Minho continued to ramble on, not noticing Key was standing in front of him until he was kissed.  Minho broke apart and whispered,

“I’m glad you see that I’m the one who understands you.  I’ve been here all along.  Don’t you see that you belong with me?”  To that Key only responded with another kiss.

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neko-uke #1
so sweet, please write a sequel i want to read more!!!!
Thank you^^