Chapter 3

Read To Me

Mew and Gulf were in the dressing room after getting hair and makeup done for their latest live together. This was one of their sponsored lives where they were going to be promoting a product.

They were currently waiting around as they had a bit of time to kill before the live started since they arrived early. Mew called Gulf to come over before he yanked Gulf's chair closer towards himself.

"We're starting chapter three." Gulf's eyes widened, ready to hear more. He gestured for Mew to open the fanfiction.

"Were you trying to take a shower?" Mew questions and the catboy takes a step back, sending a silent invitation for Mew to join him inside. "Do you want me to help you?" As the young man nods, Mew takes his clothes off under the staring of the golden eyes. He doesn't debate with himself, if he wants to do it, then why shouldn't he?

Mew chuckles. "Remember when we had to shower together for that one Shopee live. Gulf nodded in remembrance. "I also remember how you dropped the soap and made me bend down facing you to get it." Mew smirked, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Besides he never told Gulf to face away from him to pick up the soap. 

"Naughty Yai Nong showed me his all by himself. Don't blame it on Phi now. I just told you to pick up the soap." Gulf blushed before scrolling further down on Mew's phone so he could continue reading. 

"I can only imagine if you'd try to have with someone." Max starts with a playful smile, eyes alternating from looking at Mew to Gulf. "He'd block you for sure."

Gulf scoffs. "I would never. I don't need to, you're way too busy to even find time to look for someone to have with anyway." Mew tilted his head in a sort of agreement to what Gulf is saying, "I mean, you're not wrong." Gulf laughed at that. 

"Be careful with your sausage, Gulf hasn't eaten yet." Tul jokes as Max is walking out of the living room.

Gulf gags in disgust. "I wouldn't put P'Max's in my mouth. I'm not sure where it's been and I don't plan on finding out." Mew doubled over laughing and holding onto Gulf, his face buried somewhere by Gulf's thigh.

"Don't you think that's a little mean?" He asked in between his loud laughter. Staff members walking by were looking at them weirdly before shaking their head at the typical behaviour both Mew and Gulf were displaying. 

"I don't have anything against him as a person, I just don't want to know what his tastes like." Mew started a whole new round of hysterical laughter, his mouth open wide and his hands gripping the bottom of Gulf's t-shirt as he lay across his waist from his chair onto Gulf's. 

"But you wouldn't mind tasting Onsen eggs with me would you?" Mew teased. Gulf felt his signature blush that only Mew caused to appear. "You brought up going to an Japanese onsen in the first place." 

P'Mew looked him dead in the eye. "Yes but you implied eating me and specifically eating eggs. You knew damn well what you were insinuating. Everyone understood you wanted to have and blow me in and onsen. N'Gulf, you say you're innocent but you're a naughty boy."

Gulf gave him a disapproving look. "Who's the one who said they like to eat chocolate and that if I were a food I would be chocolate since it's dark and sweet." Mew just smiled knowingly. 

Gulf is running fast in the living room, chasing after another cat. A black cat Mew has never seen before.

"Where did this black cat come from all of a sudden. Gulf shrugged.

"The little devil bit me." Max eyes Gulf and Mew senses the feline's agitation.

"Max is most definitely the black cat." Gulf says with certainty, "Why he is able to speak and doesn't have ears and a tail is what I don't know."

Mew looks towards the top of Gulf's head where his hypothetical cat ears would be. "Tua-aeng looks so adorable with cat ears. Why don't you meow right now?" 

"Meow meow meow."

The catboy's eyes don't leave his own, like he is trying to tell Mew something. Then, out of nowhere, the catboy pecks him on the lips, innocently. Mew blinks, slightly surprised and scratches him behind the ears.

"I imagine this is something like when you first kissed me during workshop. I was really surprised at that time." Mew teased. Gulf snorted, "Say whatever you want Phi. The fact of the matter is that you kissed back and it helped us get comfortable with kissing each other."

Mew beamed, "Every kiss after that was real."

"Kitten?" Mew questions again, voice soft and full of carefullness. "Are you Gulf?"

"You've been making out and showering with me as a catboy. Now I don't have to worry about you committing on a poor innocent kitten. It will be just like when we filmed for the special episode. I wonder if you'll put on your doggy ears." 

Mew held Gulf's hand in his and smiled. "I hope so. Besides you really are too cute to resist with those cat ears on, I don't blame fictional me at all."

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imma33 #1
Omg i can imagine this and gulf just show this to his khunphi with his sweet smile