Trust Me

Bad At Love

„So, what do we do?” Siyeon asked. She was back in her apartment, Bora sitting next to her.

They had talked for a few hours but there was still one thing that bothered Siyeon. They still had to tell Yoohyeon.

“We tell her the truth,” Bora replied. She knew it wouldn’t be easy and that Yoohyeon would think she was crazy. But there was no point in trying to make up a story about her return. Everyone knew it was impossible for Bora to be alive after getting shot twice and disappearing for multiple days.

Siyeon let out a soft sigh. She wasn’t really prepared for Yoohyeon’s reaction, after all, she still hasn’t completely recovered from her shock when Bora suddenly appeared in front of her. Telling her they were dating would be the least of their problems.

Eventually, Siyeon agreed and texted Yoohyeon to come over as she had to tell her something.

Bora stayed in Siyeon’s bedroom when Yoohyeon arrived. Siyeon wanted to prepare her for what was about to come, as best as she could at least.

The vampire looked at herself in the mirror. Her fangs weren’t really out as she wasn’t that hungry at the moment, but her eyes still had their red color. JiU told her that it was normal, once some time passed and she got better control of her abilities, they’d return to their normal color. Siyeon loved those brown eyes that radiated warmth and kindness. Yet, she wasn’t frightened by her red ones, but she knew Yoohyeon would be.

“What did you want to tell me?” Yoohyeon asked. Her voice was hoarse and she looked exhausted. None of the bright energy she usually had was left, not that Siyeon could blame her.

“This might be weird and a lot to handle. Just promise to hear us out?” Siyeon asked and Yoohyeon frowned in confusion. “Us?”

Siyeon only nodded. “You can come out,” she called out and Yoohyeon only looked at her friend before she gasped once she saw the other woman standing there. “Bora…”

“That’s me,” Bora said softly. She didn’t want to scare the woman, even though she knew it was difficult considering her appearance and the fact she was even here.

Yoohyeon stayed silent. She stared at Bora, hesitantly taking a step closer towards her. “Your eyes…” she whispered, her own widening slightly.

Yoohyeon’s heart was racing, Bora could hear it.

“I’m confused,” the younger woman muttered.

“I know,” Bora replied. “It’s a lot, isn’t it? Why don’t we sit down, so I can explain everything?”

Yoohyeon nodded. She turned her head towards Siyeon, who only gave her a look as if to say “it’s okay”.

Once they were seated on the couch, Bora started to tell Yoohyeon the story of what happened after they had left and how she met Siyeon a few hours ago.

It was a lot, Yoohyeon had to admit. She wasn’t even sure if this was real or if her lack of sleep only made her imagine things. But it felt too real to be a dream, or a nightmare, Yoohyeon didn’t know yet.

While Yoohyeon took her time to process everything, Bora tried to get used to Yoohyeon’s scent. Her senses were heightened now and because it wasn’t that long since she had been turned, every time she was close to a human, it was hard not to be tempted by the smell of them and their blood. Yoohyeon was a friend, someone she would never hurt. She didn’t want to bite her, she just had to get used to it.

“Well, what do you think?” Siyeon asked after a few minutes passed.

“I don’t know,” Yoohyeon honestly replied. “I mean, I’m happy you’re here,” she said as she looked at Bora. “But you’re a vampire. That’s…it’ll take some time to sink in.”

“I understand,” Bora said. “Take as much time as you need. Just know I’ll never hurt you or Siyeon.”

Yoohyeon nodded. “I know. I trust you,” she said.

Bora was relieved to hear that and see the small smile that was spreading on Yoohyeon’s lips. It would be a long way until everything would feel normal again, but she was sure they could get through this together.

“There’s another thing,” Siyeon suddenly spoke up, getting the attention of the other two.

“Bora and I are dating.”

Siyeon waited for a hint of surprise in Yoohyeon’s expression, but all she got was a grin and a “finally” from her.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say this. I can’t believe the both of you were so oblivious for so long, it was almost painful.”

“You knew we liked each other?” Bora asked and Yoohyeon only rolled her eyes.

“I think everyone knew before you. But I’m happy for you,” she added before hesitating to ask something else that was on her mind.

“How are you two going to do this with Bora being a…”

“We’ll figure it out,” Siyeon said. She wasn’t sure herself but she was confident that she and Bora could make this work. It would take time and a lot of trust and communication, but Siyeon knew they could do this.

“All that matters right now is that we’re all here, alive,” Siyeon said, her voice breaking at the end of her sentence as tears threatened to fall. Bora noticed this and pulled her girlfriend into her embrace, careful not to hurt her. She couldn’t imagine what Siyeon and Bora went through, thinking they left her alone to die.

“And no one is going anywhere, I promise,” Bora whispered. “It’s okay.”

Yoohyeon looked at them and slowly, her walls started to break down too. The emotions she didn’t want to feel the last days all seeming to hit her at once. She joined the hug, needing to be close to her friends. She wasn’t scared of Bora or the risks of being close to her. She trusted her, just like she did before the incident. Nothing could separate them.

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
update please author nim🥺 ❤
Chapter 7: When there's Jiyoo, there's angst
Chapter 5: Yoohyeon best girl
Chapter 4: I like this
1192 streak #5
Chapter 4: Ohh no this is so interesting please update soon
Taitai84 1228 streak #6
Chapter 3: The sudden killing was abit confusing...
Chapter 3: Aww glad that Siyeon is still standing by Bora
sooyeonjung #8
Chapter 2: so bora is a vampire too asksksnsk
Chapter 2: this is gooood
Chapter 2: Ooh this is getting interesting. Revelsomnias unite!