The Black Abyss of Passion - A Yesung Fiction

The Black Abyss of Passion - A Yesung Fiction

You've prepared the food, the ice cream was chilling away in the freezer and now you have just enough time to change before he gets here.

You choose a nice blue vest top and your favourite black jeans. There's a sudden knocking at the door and your heart does a little more of a flip than you were expecting. "That's odd" you thought, "He's only a friend" You open the door, and there is Yesung, in the black jumper with the purple skulls on it that you like because it fits his sculpted body so well, and some baggy jeans. He looks so much ier than when you last saw him, much more...grown-up. You're slightly shocked for a minute. He smirks at you as he says 'hello'

"Hi! Come on in!"

As you followed him into the room to prepare the food, you felt your cheeks flare up. He seems different, more confident. He was smirking at you in a way you hadn't noticed before.

You two had always been close, one New Year, he even gave you one of his earrings as a bizarre little present. But now, something electric was in the air, and you wanted to know what it was.

You both finish your meal together, both laughing and talking about his recent adventures. You envied him and his travels, when all you got to do was paint. He called you "bebe blue" sometimes, because it reminded you that the first time he met you, you were covered in blue paint after having decorated his dance studio.

You smirk to yourself, remembering you silently had a thing for Yesung a while back when you were first becoming acquainted, but through time nothing had ever happened, so you'd just accepted your friendship as it was and just being there for him when he needed you. As far as you were aware, the boundaries were clear and you had no intention of crossing them.

"HeeChan-ah! You make such good food." He praised, applauding the meal. You bowed at his praise and got up to clean the bowls. Yesung followed you into the kitchen as you went to get the ice cream. Suddenly, his arms wrapped around your waist and your whole body tingled as his chin snuggled into the curve of your neck. You gasped with suprise, totally at a loss for what to do. It was strangely comfortable, so you did not protest.

"Oppa! What are you doing?" you whispered,

"I've missed you. A little more than usual" Yesung breathed the words onto your neck, as if speaking to your skin itself. You turned to face him and looked into his deep, black diamond eyes, you realised he was serious. His arms were still around you, he pulled you closer to him. You breathed in his scent as your face touched the warmth of his clothed chest. One of his arms loosened just for his hand to trace your arm up to your neck and jaw; he lifted your face to his and kissed you with a kind of tender shyness.

When you felt the warmth of his lips against yours, you kissed him back a little, your hands playing with his shaggy dark hair and the nape of his neck. His hand left your face as he kissed you harder, pushing you up against the door and your collarbone, then your waistline, then your hip.

Finally, your lips broke apart and he said breathlessly, "I want you…"

Those words were music to you as you melted into his grasp like never before, suddenyl it was all flooding back. The attraction, the flirtatious heat that surrounded you, the flame in your heart that was supposed to have burned out ages ago. It had all returned but this time, in ultra high definition, sharp as a razor and more potent than the deadliest poison. You inhaled deeply and tried to steady your swimming brain that was drowning in all of the meaningful word you wanted to say, all of which would be pointless at this point to try and string together.

With a soft gentle glance, you looked into those enigmatic, sultry, dark eyes, like blackholes in outer space, your heart up into them never to be seen again.

You pulled his face towards yours. "Yesung?"



You wanted to say more, but the words just did not want to come out. Your tongue became stubborn and held in every word you tried to draw out. Finally, you gave up and surrendered to the dark, sweet abyss of this impossibly magnificent situation.

As you went to kiss him again, he lifted you up so you would wrap your legs around his waist. Your arms wrapped around his constricting back muscles and your cheeks suddenly felt white hot. Yesung's body was obviously very muscular, but never before had you experienced it with anything other than your eyes. You his firm shoulders with one hand and held on with the other so he could carry you effortlessly to your room. You giggled through endless hot kisses, you stopped thinking outside of what was happening.

This was the most alive and happiest you'd ever felt and you knew it was only going to get better as he laid you down on your soft black mattress. Feeling a slight oppurtunity, you bit his lower lip and heard a short, gentle growl from Yesungs throat.

He moaned into you as one of his strong hands slid down your waist to your thigh, visibly enjoying the exploration of the parts of your soft body he had never seen before.

"Heechan-ah..." He whispered.
At the point of him saying your name, you were overcome with a sense of extreme serenity, knowing once and for all, that he was the one.

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Chapter 1: LOVE IT!!!!!!! can u make a sequal for this...
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
suju-elf #3
ahhh i loveeee ittt plzz write moreeee