Knowing You and the Cheater

Love and Hate

The next day, you actually kind of wanted to go to school. As soon as you arrived, you saw six figures pacing in front of your locker. 

"Jongup?" You walked up and tapped his shoulder. He turned around with a pretty smile and waved. 

"Hey, ~" He beamed, showing off two rows of gleaming white teeth. "What's up?" His smile made you blush, and you looked down, trying to hide the fact that your face was growing red.

"Nothing... Um, why are you standing in front of my locker?" You bowed your head slightly and kept in a smile, afraid to show them. You were a bit too afraid to push through the guys to try to get to your locker. Especially since Bang Yong Guk was at the front, and he wore a determined expression that did appear slightly scary. 

"We wanted to see you, silly!" Zelo popped out from behind you and used his 'kitty' aegyo, bringing out the color in your cheeks. You stared at the ground. "What's so interesting about the ground?" Zelo lifted your chin up to look into your eyes.

"Hey, back off. I got her first." Jongup stood in front of you protectively, shielding you from Zelo. The boys all laughed, except for Daehyun, of course, who stood silently. 

"Power... D-" Himchan sprinted forward and covered Zelo's mouth, muffling his words. You tilted your head, something you always did when you were confused. 

"W-" You started. 

"Nothing, nothing." Himchan waved it off like it was no big deal. He smiled in a slightly nervous way and let out a nervous laugh. "Haha, we have to go now. Uhh... our lockers... they're on the other side!" he was babbling now, making up random stuff and talking extremely fast. At this rate, he could be a rapper. He finished rambling and turned, running as quickly as he could down the hallway, dragging Zelo with him.

"Yeah... I think we have to go." Jongup smiled and quickly ruffled your hair. Along with the rest of the members, he sprinted away, leaving you confused.


At lunch, the boys were there to keep you company again. They seemed to be really curious about you, for some reason. And they were always trying to get close to you. Not just mentally, also physically. 

"Yaahhhh! That's my rice!" Zelo pushed Himchan out of the way and sat down, eating the bowl of rice. 

"Wait, you're just going to eat the rice?" Jongup joked. "No vegetables, or kimchi, or ANYTHING?" To this, Zelo quickly shook his head and continued to wolf down the rice like he hadn't eaten in weeks. He didn't even have any time to reply to the questions or contribute to his hyungs' conversation. 

"Hey, guys?" You stood up. "I'm going to buy a fruit," you said while pointing to the direction of the counter where they sold food. Strangely, BYG slapped Jongup's arms repeatedly and gestured.

"Y-yeah, I'll go with you," he said, smiling venomously at BYG. He stood and followed you towards the food stand. These days, it seemed like they weren't really your friends--rather your stalkers-- in the way that they constantly kept an eye on you and made sure they knew where you were going and what you did. It also seemed like they kept a mental note of everything you said. You would be afraid of identity theft, but then again, you weren't that big of a deal. Who would want to steal you identity? 

"Do you want anything?" You pointed to the row of colorful fruits that were arranged perfectly. 

"Hmmm... No thanks." Jongup shrugged and smiled. "I'll buy one for you." He tapped his chin, and took an apple off the counter. It was kind of plain, but you shrugged.

"Alright, let's pay-" you started, but Jongup took another fruit from the counter. "Hey, wait... What are you doing?" Jongup held a finger to his mouth, and beckoned for you to wait. So you did. After he took a few apples, he picked a gleaming one. You could tell that this one was probably better than the rest. It looked so much better, too. A nice round shape with smooth shiny skin. Unlike the other ones that had a few dents or bruises, this one was smooth and perfect. 

"Okay, let's pay!" Jongup grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the register. He paid for your fruit and dragged you back to the table. 

That's when the queenka of your school walked over. She usually left you alone, and didn't really bully you or anything. But it looked like she wanted something, and that something was what you had: the boys.

"Aw, Jongup," she attached herself to him. "You're doing charity work for the poor? That's so sweet~" she smiled, ignoring you completely. 

Wait, you thought, isn't she already dating Himchan? Just the other day, you had seen them walking together. They had separated with a hug before leaving. You took a look at Himchan, who was staring at his food like it was the most important thing in the world. His lips were stretched into a thin line. 

"Poor?" Jongup tilted his head. Evidently, he didn't get that she was indirectly insulting you.

"Oh, do you work out?" she changed the subject. "You have really nice muscles!" She giggled and you held in laughter. That sounds so creeper-ish...

Jongup grinned. He looked at the other boys and they all yelled, "MOON-TO!" Except for Daehyun, who was always silent. And Himchan, who looked like he was ready to punch someone but at the same time, burst into tears. They cracked up. Confused, the girl decided to change the subject yet again.

"By the way, I'm Hwayoung." She winked and did aegyo, which was pretty much ignored by the rest of the boys. 

"A pretty name for a pretty girl~" Jongup returned the wink. 

"Can I have a word with you?" BYG grabbed Jongup's arm and pulled him away. You could hear him whisper fiercely, because you were sitting right there in front of their "secret" spot. "Are you kidding? Keep your eye on the prize! It's not her! We have to finish this, remember?" 

At these words, you stiffened. Prize? Who's her? What do they have to finish? You shook your head. No... it's none of my business anyway. At least I have some new friends! I'm always too shy to go up to people and talk to them... 

"Ugh. Hyunnnggg!" Jongup whined. "Why can't I have some fun while I'm at it? Jeez." To this, you felt slightly insulted. However, you still ignored it. 

"Zelo, I'm going to leave," you whispered. As usual, he told you that he would follow you and he did. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Zelo bounced up and down. 

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." You shook your head and let out a sigh. "Hey, but what about Himch-" at the very mention of his name, the blonde boy came stalking down the hallway, clearly angry. He slammed his back against the locker and slid down, unhappy with himself and full of unexpressed rage. Zelo's eyes widened and he shushed you, whispering softly. 

"He's not used to this concept of "Love". So... I guess that girl isn't either. I think we should cut him a break," he explained. You nodded. "So we're just going to turn around and walk away and not mention this-" 

You were already walking, ignoring Zelo and his pleas not to go after Himchan. 

"Himchan?" You bent down slightly, offering a hand. He ignored it, his eyes blank. You felt like he was elsewhere. Sighing, you sat down next to him, sliding until you were sitting alongside him. You could feel his warmth next to you, and for a second there it-

Focus. You cleared your throat. "Are you okay?" He didn't say anything. Of course not, you thought. He was just plain ignored by his girlfriend. You thought for a while. "Hey, well at least you got to experience love."

"And I lost," he said dully.

"'As the gambler said of his dice,'" you recited, "'to love and win is the best thing, to love and lose is the next best.'" 

"I would rather not love at all." 

At this, you looked down and felt tears prickle your eyes. It made you sad that Himchan was upset, sad that you couldn't cheer him up, and sad because- "I've never loved at all," you said softly. "Love has always left me alone." You felt Himchan shift a little but you couldn't look up, in fear that you would cry. 

He lifted your chin up to look at his. Through your watery vision, you could see that his eyes were once again filled with emotion. His features had softened, also. "Look at me," he replied softly. "Don't worry. Every guy out there is really missing on something amazing."

"Yeah right," you muttered. Still, you were happy with the fact that you could do something to change the way that Himchan looked at things. 

"Really." Himchan smiled a little. Even though you didn't believe him, you were happy that he was alright. 

"Himchan, I think we should go now." Zelo peeked around the corner and grinned sheepishly. 

"What?! You were listening?" The boy's face grew red and he hid behind your back. 

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be protecting me?" you pushed him back in front of you. Laughing, you three made your way to class and arrived on-time. 

The boys were making your life more interesting and fun. 

This isn't so bad after all, you thought. 



New chapter. ^^

Aish, aren't the boys of B.A.P. so cute? Lol I'm totally obsessed. XD And of now, I'm also writing Boyfriend fics too cos let's face it-- they're adorable. (Yes, please ignore me and my obsessive habits here)

Anyway, comment, subscribe, add me, whatever. :P Thanks for reading~ (YES, TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK~!)

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Chapter 5: Nice story! Zelo is a robot?! Hahaha! Update soon ~
Chapter 1: hello eunni !wow ~! As expected ~!
WHAT THE?! they're ALIENS? o_______________o
i'm srsly getting confused on what's happening :(
i'm now confused O_____________O
i'm interested on what will happen soon. please have some time to make another chapter..since i can't say (update soon) XD
KoreanKitKat #7
I can't wait to see what will happen next :) Update soon!
Why is this so hfhjdklak? You are a writing genius, I seriously can't believe I stumbled on such quality. I'd almost given up on this site. :) I anticipate the next chapter.
Lulubell #9
Love it:)