Chapter 33

A Race To My Heart
“What?” Max asked out loud as soon as he heard what Michael said.

The other DBSK boys who were sitting nearby were also surprised.

“How come she’s suddenly marrying him?” Max asked again with a quivering voice. He felt like all the energy in his body had suddenly disappeared.

Michael shook his head. “I don’t know either. I am quite confused as well. She wouldn’t even dare go alone on a date with him. So I know Norman’s lying. I know something is wrong. I think Norman is blackmailing Fate… Max, we have to do something quick. Their wedding is already set. I just don’t know when exactly. Norman is really keeping a tight lock on all the details.”

“Of course, I will help. I am certainly not going to let Fate marry another man. She belongs to me. I know I have a lot of things to make up for. And I was just giving her some space and more time to heal herself before I court her again. I would die first before anyone takes her away from me again,” Max said with fire in his eyes.

The other DBSK boys stood up and quickly clapped their hands.

“Finally our boy has woken up,” Junsu uttered with a wide smile on his face. He was happy that Max had finally decided to act.

“Whatever you guys are planning, don’t forget to count us in too,” U-Know added with a smile as well.

Max looked at his friends. And it was that exact moment that he felt his strength and courage had returned. He only hopes that he still had a chance to get back what he had lost…


Fate was in the balcony of her room and staring out at the garden below. She smiled after seeing the beautiful effect that the moon had as it shone in the sky and cast a soft light over the entire garden.

How she remembers she would sometimes play hide and seek in the garden with some of her friends whenever there was a full moon.

How she wish she could return to being a child again. Everything was so simple and there were no complications.

She let out a long sigh. If she could only wish for everything to be all right, how she wished she didn’t have to marry Norman.

“Don’t tell me you’re thinking about Max again?” a man’s voice suddenly uttered behind Fate that made her turn around with fright.

Norman laughed at Fate’s reaction. “Why? Am I that scary now? Do I look like a ghost?” he asked as if teasing.

Fate’s reaction quickly changed into a cold one. “Oh, it’s you… Actually a ghost is nothing compared to you,” she sarcastically answered.

Norman smiled, then clapped his hands. “Bravo! My girl is already learning how to bite. That’s what I like about you. Feisty!”

“What do you want? Just say what you want to say and then get out,” Fate said with an irritated tone.

“I will be gone for the whole day tomorrow. I just want to remind you about our agreement. Just in case, some crazy idea gets into that pretty head of yours,” Norman announced quickly with a serious tone.

Fate lightly laughed. “What do you think of me… an old woman that you have to keep on reminding or repeating instructions to? I know what I agreed to. I just hope you stick to your end of our agreement. Because if you don’t…. I promise you…. I will make your life a living hell.”

“Ohhh… I’m already shivering in fear,” Norman replied in a mocking manner as he slowly turned around and laughed again before finally leaving the room.

Fate just kept on staring blankly in front of her even after Norman left. It was as if she was remembering something that happened the day she disappeared… the day her whole world changed…


“What do you want Norman?” Fate asked out loud. “Have you thought about this? Do you know kidnapping is a crime?”

Norman placed on an evil smile. “Whoever said this is kidnapping?”

“Take me back! Michael is surely looking for me already. Aren’t you afraid of the consequences? I have already told you a million times… I can only offer friendship… nothing more, nothing less. So just find another girl. I am not the one for you,” Fate said with an angry tone.

“Do you really think I would easily give up? I have spent so many years courting you. And this is what I get? A useless person … a nobody gets you easily and I end looking like a fool? Do you know what kind of embarrassment I got after your relationship with Max was exposed to the public? My friends constantly made a laughing stock out of me. All my business associates who knew I was courting you even made jokes that I was already too old and you were better off with someone younger. Do you know how hurtful that was to my pride and reputation? Do you think I can let you off so easily?” Norman said with a crazy look in his eyes.

Fate instantly felt fear after seeing the strange reaction that Norman had on his face. “You’re sick! I think you should see a doctor,” she tried to hide her fear and put on a brave face.

“See a doctor? Like the ones you went to?” Norman said with a wicked smile. He then started to mock Fate. “Help me to decide… will you? What kind of a doctor should I visit first? A doctor where I can consult about my past aborted child… or my sudden insanity… or better yet about my inability to bear children? What do you think?” he asked with a laugh.

Fate was stunned. Her whole body shivered. “How? How … did you know?” she managed to ask out loud.

“Nothing can be kept a secret… especially if money can make people talk,” Norman replied.

Fate felt hot tears were trying to escape her eyes, but she still tried to keep them in…

“You’re a monster. So what if you know… I don’t care. You want to scatter the news about me? Be my guest… I don’t care and I am not afraid,” she uttered with anger.

Norman laughed. “Are you sure? Are you thinking straight? What do you think will happen when the news about you being pregnant and having a sudden abortion because of an accident…. suddenly broke out… Do you think Max’s fans will accept it? He will surely be blamed by everyone. Poor guy! Don’t you know Japanese fans will surely condemn him and put all the blame on him especially when the news about you going into a mental institution broke out… They will surely pity you and hate him…” he said with a loud laugh. “And then after all the scandal fades out… your beloved Max will be left without a career and his friends will surely be affected as well. What a pity!”

“God… you’ve really thought about this haven’t you? You’re blackmailing me with this?” Fate asked out loud.

“Yes! And honestly, it’s quite fun and entertaining to do so. Because no matter which way I took or decide on, I will always end up being the winner,” Norman answered coldly.

“All this evil plans just to get me? Aren’t you even concerned about the last part you stated yourself… I… I can’t bear anymore children… It was the main reason why I couldn’t go back to Max even if I wanted to… and why I just decided to commit suicide…. I feel so useless right now… It’s like my sense of being a woman is already gone. What is a woman if she can’t bring a child into this world…” Fate said as her voice suddenly softened.

“Like I said before… what I want… I always get. I had always wanted you… Children? Who needs them? I can have a child with any woman, anytime I want. Your condition doesn’t bother me at all,” Norman uttered.

Fate looked at Norman. “So you’re willing to accept me?”

Norman smiled. “I will accept you anytime… any day… I have never been this crazy about a woman before… And I assure you, I will certainly take care of you, not like the way that foolish Max did.”

“But I don’t love you Norman…” Fate uttered.

“Love? It’s just a word… A simple word that can be taught and forgotten… So who cares…” Norman uttered with a maddening laugh. “The only thing I need is your word that you will be my wife and you will always stay by my side.”

Fate lowered her head. “If I say yes, promise me… you won’t let the news about what happened to me get to the press… especially my physical condition?”

Norman smiled. “I promise… “

Fate stared at him again. She was somehow making sure. “Michael and even my father don’t know about my condition and I want it to stay that way…”

“I will never say a word… provided you give me what I want,” Norman replied.

Fate lowered her head as a sign of defeat. “Fine, I will marry you. Just promise me, you will leave Max alone and keep my secret.”

An evil smile appeared on Norman’s lips…. “I promise.”

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CassieIndo #1
awwww finish already T_T
finally they are together at the end ..
thanks for this great story ^^ /go to ur next story xD/
CassieIndo #2
Chapter 42: Another awesome story authornim,, i just write long comment abt how great ur story on your another story,, and now i found another great story of yours,,
I rlly dont know what i must say, u'r rlly one of the great author,, please updte this story soon, and your another story as well,, pleeaasseesse... i beg u T_T
yuncasso #3
Chapter 42: Its been a while.glad that you finally update..hope u continue thisss...i' m a fan
Please please please update this? Pleaseeeee~~? (:
OMAIGAWD...found it!
Please continue this.. I cried a bucket on this fic before TT ilovehisfic, daebak! :)
love it read all the chapters cant wait for the update ^_^