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Two short saida drabbles.

"You were there. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched you. I looked at you and for a brief (but sublime) second, time itself slowed to a stop."

"You were there. In that brief moment, I saw you looking at me. But only for a second. For a brief but beautiful second. Why did you look away so fast? Our eyes couldn't even meet."



If you've stumbled upon this work, it is not new. I originally uploaded it to Twitter around the new year (Dec 2019/Jan 2020).

I was inspired by a gif on Twitter and a few words just came out.

see the gif and original posts here:




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Asianfanficreader1 #1
Chapter 2: Wow I was a bit sad at first, but ty for this final haha <3
Ty so much for these amazing fanfics
1436 streak #2
Chapter 2: Aw I'm glad there was a happy ending, these two drabbles were nice