it's an awful noise, when you meet the ground


Heaven catches fever. It begins, as all things do, with Soojin.


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Chapter 1: Ohhhh! This is really good! So far, one of the best MiMin fiction I've read. I really love how you create this picture in our head through your words. It's simple—a little vague—but it works perfectly in giving this almost poetic vibe in the story. Thank you for sharing your works with us! We love em.
Chapter 1: Can I just say how much I adore this story? This is just simply beautiful. _(:з」∠)_ Everything about it just perfect. I don't have much to say honestly as I'm still in awe. *laughs* pardon me. It's also amazing how you clearly narrate the whole story (and us reader pictured it) and your story didn't even take thousands of words. How amazing is that? Truly, amazing! Thank you for sharing your wonderful story! I hope you're healthy and well. ฅ'ω'ฅ