
"What I feel for you"
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That afternoon, Woo Hyun paces his room from side to side, feeling like a caged lion. By now, guilt is eating him up from the inside with each passing day, and Nam can't believe that it was all triggered by his sickly jealousy and stupid immaturity.
     He remembers Sung Yeol's words when he confessed to him what he had done, and he also remembers that despite his horrible deeds, his friend understood and advised him. Maybe because it's true that Woo Hyun has been out of his mind for a while; maybe because the pain of losing his parents completely blinded him, and Woo Hyun doesn't want to experience another loss. He's terrified of feeling alone again. Maybe that's why he has been so cruel and selfish to Sung Kyu and Myung Soo, but now he is totally sorry.
     Even with shame pouring out of his pores, the days gone by, he had a bit of courage to go to the university therapist for professional help, and he understood that the only thing that could get him out of that terrifying abyss of guilt is to tell the truth.
     He have to be honest with Sung Kyu; reveal to him the stupidity that made him fight with Myung Soo and why he abandoned him. But, how will he do it? He is just recovering the 'friendship' that the older one offered him a few months ago, and that is why Woo Hyun does not feel very sure that Sung Kyu will listen to him and that he will understand him. The only thing he can think of is that if Sung Kyu doesn't hate him, by telling him that, there is no doubt that he will. And Nam does not know if he will be able to bear it, however, he also understands that this would be the painful consequence of having hurt him without the older one noticing.

The next day and with his racing heart beating in his throat, Woo Hyun decides to go to Sung Kyu's apartment with the firm intention of telling him everything. So, he walks to the entrance of the house and, with his nerves on the surface, knocks on the door.
     It is not long before Sung Kyu one realizes, through the peephole, who has arrived.
     "Woo Hyun," the man whispers with his irritated eyes on his student when he opens the door. "What are you doing here?"
     Nam looks at him with pity and can't help noticing that Sung Kyu is still just as depressed, and suddenly, what he's thinking of saying to him doesn't seem like a good idea anymore.
     "I... I just want to know how you're doing. I am very worried about you. I can enter?"
     Sung Kyu hesitates for a moment, but finally lets him pass and invites him to take a seat in one of the wide armchairs.
     "Would you like some tea or coffee?" Sung Kyu asks in a hoarse voice.
     "A tea is fine. Thank you."
     Kim walks into the kitchen and Nam wastes no time looking around the house, which is a bit dark with the heavy curtains covering the window. Woo Hyun sighs and then notices a photograph on Sung Kyu's coffee table with Myung Soo by his side as the two of them grin a cute and loving smile. And guilt begins to rip inside him again when he thinks of

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I hope you enjoy the story, because my mother tongue is not English and there will be a lot of mistakes. Please try to understand me.
I invite you to read my other stories. Thank you!!


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697 streak #1
Chapter 16: re-read this 🥹
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 16: i read it again and like it alot
yulianichang #3
Chapter 16: this storyy so great
Simran20 #4
Chapter 16: I didn't expect it to end so soon. I am really glad that woogyu are together, also I am happy for sungjong.
Thank you so much for the update author nim.
Chapter 16: This is completed.... Yeahhh.. I am happy woogyu got together. Good for them and good for sungjong too. He found his other half. Thankyou for writing this beautiful story. Loved reading this story.
Chapter 16: ewwww 😭😭so beautiful thank you for this lovely story keep going author nim
Chapter 16: Whattt
It's end 00
So why it didn't has completed title
Maybe has extra character(s)?
Simran20 #8
Chapter 15: Don't know if sungyu is thinking straight. Hope there won't be any misunderstandings between them. I don't want woohyun to hurt anymore.
Thank you so much for the update author nim ❤️.
Chapter 15: Awww😍😭
Will sunggyu be able to love woohyun besides the hole thing he did?
I hope so
Thanks for the update💛