Another internal mini-battle of chess

The Inevitable Bet
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Hi all!!

Thank you really really really really once again for all the feedbacks for ch1 and 2!! 

I have decided to update today rather than my planned date because I will be a tad busy in the next few days aaaaa but I'll still aim to update weekly regardless! Thank you for the understanding in case of future delays!

Once again, I hope you'll like this chapter!! Feel free to leave comments!! I love reading them all for reall!


P.S. There's one comment here that matches almost exactly to what I was planning in the story SKSKSK I was entirely surprised! Thank you for the in-depth analysis of the story, I'll message you soon!

P.S. Thank you very much as always to twt users @redsummer0801 and @Ultramarine_WR. I love you guys!!




[Day 2]


Have you ever had a day when you just want to completely rest, with no care for the world and forget about the horrors of tomorrow?

Five more minutes - That was what Son Seungwan thought as her whole body was completely enveloped by the softness and warmth of her bunk bed in an early sunny Friday morning.

Yesterday’s events have drained her a lot of energy. Despite the curious glances from the block, Seungwan returned to her afternoon schedule as calm as possible right after her stressful lunch with Kang Seulgi.


As calm as possible...


And by being as calm as possible, that includes turning off her message notifications when she has received a brief haunting text message from an Unknown Number.



[ Save my number. ]



She doesn’t need to guess anymore who’s the sneaky witch behind this Unknown Number.





After that, she instantly shoved her phone inside her bag and proceeded to focus on her afternoon classes and to avoid another raging headache all throughout the day.

Now that she thought about it, she hasn't checked her phone yet since yesterday afternoon till now.

Usually, it won’t concern the brunette especially since she was notorious from being a private person. It was a known nickname within their block for their favorite bubbly Top 1 scholar to be a ‘seenzoner’- and she.. doesn’t really deny the allegations. Using a mobile phone is such a bother for her studies.

Mobile phone: It is an evil force that will destroy her in her pursuit of her steel-like focus for high academics - that’s what she inferred.

In the case of her best friend, it is in their routine for that fluffy bear to crash within her building to spend the glorious lunch time with her so communication was never a problem within them.

…To be honest, she only started using mobile phones because of Park Sooyoung before - to have a chat with her, send her selfies, send her song covers at night, send her all kinds of love that can fit in within the small rectangular shaped object called a cellular phone.


Until she figured that it was still not enough.


That is why waking up in a morning without a mobile phone in her hand might have felt strange lately, but she realized she was finally, slowly gearing back to what she was before - right before she fell in love, and it is a solid proof that she was healing.

She was proud.

Seungwan rolled around her bed with her body facing downward. During Fridays, her first class starts at 10 o'clock so she was in no rush to wake up.

She still wants to make the most out of her sleep in peace -


An excited voice resonated around… near the door to her room, she guessed. Probably that girl just wanted to bid farewell. Oh well, she doesn’t need to respond.

Time to continue her dream. What was it again? Oh, right. She’ll make the most out of her sleep in peace -

“Yah, Wendy-unnie..!!!!”

The voice was heard closer to her, like the girl was in her room already.




“...Arghhhh, Yerim-ah!!” Seungwan clicked her tongue loudly, not even hiding her irritation. “Woman, this better be important, I swear. I’m going to kick your leg if it isn’t-”

“It is important!!” Kim Yerim - her 1st year college dorm mate - is now shaking her shoulders violently. “You won’t believe this, Wendy-unnie. This is an emergency. You need to see this. Right. Now!! I can’t get out of the dorm because of it!!”

“I get it, I get it - Stop pushing me!!!” Seungwan growled at the blonde woman as she sat at the left side of her bed. “I get it. Now, what’s this all about?!”

“Wendy-unnie, you’ll be - like - super surprised!!” Yerim squealed.

Seungwan doesn’t like the term “super surprised” recently.

She had been in too many ‘super surprised’ situations in the past two days that she doesn’t know if another event will overthrow her past experiences.

Well.. by past experiences, she meant all the horrendous events since two days ago.

And it seems that Son Seungwan, once again, became too confident.

Seungwan felt her spirit ascend to the Milky Way when she heard the young woman’s next set of words.


“Our Central Student Council President is standing in front of our dorm, and that’s not all!!” The blonde covered her lips out of excitement.

“She’s holding a bouquet of flowers!!”





“What…? Student Council Pres- What??” The brunette felt like a bucket of cold water was dumped onto her face. “What… Bae Joohyun?? B-Bae Joohyun is here?!?”


“And she’s holding a-What!?”

“A-A bouquet of flowers…?!” Yerim widened her eyes gradually when the brunette was holding her shoulders heavily. “A-Anyways, the Landlord was actually trying to approach her but she's…” The blonde raised her right hand holding her mobile phone. “She’s too focused on her mobile phone so…”


Mobile Phone…?


Her eyes slowly scanned around her room to see her tote bag with a dim light inside.

Probably a ringing mobile phone.


“Oh !!!”


Seungwan instantly felt the horror like her life depended on a little harmless mobile phone.




The brunette stumbled to all of the things scattered around the floor - why the hell are they even scattered in the first place!? Damn it!!! - just to reach for her bag and desperately grabbed the currently vibrating object.

What she saw then has put all of the horror films Seungwan watched into shame.


[ 23 Missed Calls ]

[ Unknown Number ]


[ 68 Messages ]

[ Unknown Number ]


The brunette then opened the latest messages while the panic was slowly sinking in within her body.



[ Are you ignoring me? ]


[ Yah. ]


[ Son Seungwan. ]




[ You’re really testing my patience. ]


[ Okay, so that’s the game you’re playing. ]


[ Ready your Life Insurance, Son Seungwan. Don’t even think about getting out of this alive. ]



Seungwan gulped. She blinked numerous times while reading the last message multiple times.


[ In 10 mins and I don’t see your face yet I’m going to ask everyone around here where is your room. ]



The time is currently 8:27.



Ahh, Lovely Heavenly Angels. I’m going to ascend today.



“Y-Yeah…?” The blonde slowly inquired.

“Take care of my Manen, okay?” Seungwan slowly turned around while looking at her stuffed toy as her lasting saving grace before seeing the road to purgatory. “I’m going to be found lifeless in a ditch after a few minutes.”




Not even wearing decent clothes, she rushed to the entrance of their dormitory with a speed rivaling a Mach20.


Hair? She'll just pull up the hood of her hoodie to cover it.

Clothes? Well, a jacket is and will always be presentable in any situation. Hoodies MVP.

Breakfast? She’ll take it later, maybe on the way to her first class.

and Sanity?

Well, it's slowly disappearing after seeing a certain individual while opening the front gate of their dormitory.

Along with the waves of the leaves dances the long, silky black hair, accompanied with a formal blazer hanging on her arm, which was perfectly blending with her cool beauty, her cold brown eyes and her aura of sophistication, Seungwan was left with no words.

She didn't even care about her own appearance right now because of her.

If perfection isn't the right word to describe her, then she doesn't know any anymore.

Her trance was broken when the opposite person finally started to speak while holding a gorgeous bouquet of roses.

“I thought you’re not going to show up.” Joohyun smirked. “I was almost ready to call the crowd out.”

“You’re unbelievable…” Seungwan huffed a tired breath while balancing herself with her hand on her knees. “You’re freaking unbelievable.”

“Good morning to you too, Son Seungwan.” The other woman strutted until they’re only a few inches away.

The brunette saw the bouquet of roses dangling in front of her face.

“W-What the hell is this…?!”

“A bouquet of roses for you.”

What the freaking hell?

“Is this some kind of a sick joke!?”

“What’s the problem with roses?” Joohyun raised the bouquet with her right hand with a frown. “Isn’t this what people usually give to their lovers on their first meet?”

“Where the hell did you learn about that stupid idea?!-”

“This is what they always give me on the first date.”

Freaking figures.

Bae Joohyun pouted. “..You didn’t like it?”

Goodness Gracious. Does this woman think she can get away from trouble by just a single cute pout?!

… Well, actually… Almost.

“I-It’s not like I don’t like it a-and I don’t hate it either, I---damnit.” Seungwan closed her eyes out of frustration. “Can’t you see how many people are crowding over us and overwhelmed at your sudden actions?! Don’t you really have any care about public decency?!”

Joohyun eyed all of the people with interrogating gazes around them slowly.

And then she shrugged her shoulders slowly.


“They’re not you, though.”


“I don’t care about them. You’re my girlfriend, not them.”

Seungwan swore her heart can compete with Super Mario with how many times it had jumped with the way Joohyun called her as her Girlfriend.

“You’re crazy.” The brunette bafflingly ran through her hair. “You’re making me crazy, Bae Joohyun.”

“Good, then.” The other woman stepped closer causing the frustrated woman to stiffen. Joohyun gave her a smile she won’t probably forget the whole day. “I like it. Be crazy over me, Seungwan-ah.”

This nasty, sneaky witch!!!

“T-That’s not what I meant!! Y

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Desirsenja #1
Chapter 4: Author waiting for your update 🥹
Renebaechu #2
Chapter 4: please author continue this😭
Chapter 4: I would beg every saint just for you to continue this.
Chapter 4: Continue it!!!
Chapter 4: this is very hanging please continue this story 😭
Chapter 4: Oh my god! 👀👀👀👀
Nblash #7
Chapter 4: I'm glad that I found this story.. waiting with respect !!
Lialac_ #8
I just saw ur twt today and see that you stop writing already and I’m really sad. I’ve always wanted to read a wr complete story with this prompt and always love your writing … still, thank you for the beautiful stories. Had a really great time reading yours :(
ShinHye24 1340 streak #9
Chapter 4: Waiting with respect!!
Anthenesia #10
Chapter 2: Author sobs when!??? Rereading again cause cliffhanger is killing me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭