Yewon week #2: single dad

Yewon short stories collection
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“ what am I doing... “ 


Choi Siwon, the famous actor who decided to take a break for at least a year from being in front of cameras. He stayed in his new apartment where he thought he would just rest and do nothing all days until he believes it was enough and go back to read script, live a life as different characters everyday instead of himself again. 


But his peaceful day wasn’t an option for long...


“ I think I’ve lost my mind. “ the tall man stared at all bags of flours, fruits, eggs and all kind of expensive baking equipment lying over his counter top.


Last night he suddenly got the urge to order all of these and got them delivered to his apartment in the morning. Even the bakery story owner offered him free membership card because she thought he was opening a new bakery


“ I would’ve thought the same... why did I buy this much... “


“ I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO BAKE! “ he wanted to yell and rip his own fading ash blonde hair off his head.


It all started from yesterday when he decided to discuss with his close friend about what has been bothering his heart for at least two weeks already. 


“ Now that I think again... why did I even take teukie-hyung’s advise?? He had been single for who know how long? 20 years??? Oh my god I screw up— “ the actor took a deep breath to get rid of his mental break down and turned to all the ingredients lying in his kitchen again.


“ but maybe he’s right... nothing I can’t learn right!? Yeah! We all start from zero point! “ he nodded to give himself some encouragement before rubbing his hands together 


“ all I need is to follow YouTube video, whisk some eggs and throw them into oven! Easy! You can do it! “


“ no challenge, no change, Choi siwon! After this you might even open a bakery! Who knows ! “ he pointed at his own reflection on the refrigerator while his eyebrows knitted together forming a serious and determining expression 


“ now... what kind of dessert that kids like ...? “ Siwon talked to himself as his finger scrolled down for a perfect recipe to try on from his phone. He needed to impress the kid as much as the father who he has a huge crush on. 






And that was the day Choi Siwon accepted not everything was easy to make as people said, and not everything can be learned to do right.


The actor sat down on his floor, his face and hair covered in flour and coco power, his counter were filled with messy broken eggs, wasted cake batter and burnt dessert bar that was the result of his previous failure...


“ I- I spent 8 hours here... “


He stood up, staring at the disastrous of his whole kitchen that he barely used before. He forgot what time it was as he was too busy FAILING with his cooking.


“ I followed the whole recipe and scaling! What is going on... “ he sighed, and he thought just one more try and he would just completely give up on everything and jump back into his giant lonely bed, start crying alone like a real adult—




The door bell made Siwon jump in surprise while he was busy staring at the new batter in his oven and praying for it to be okay this time. 


He was sure he didn’t expect any guests but seeing the face of the person who just rang on his doorbell, Siwon’s eyes grew double bigger he went panicked since his face and house were being a whole mess.


His brain made a quick decision by making him ripping the apron off his body to rub and clean roughly over his face and hair hopefully to wipe off all the powder and everything that exploded in his face before.


He didn’t want the hot dad next door to see him failing and being clumsy like

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392 streak #1
Chapter 8: awwwww, sweet!!!! >___<
392 streak #2
Chapter 7: Heechul knew something hmmm...
392 streak #3
Chapter 6: Ah! That kind of workout! Good to know XD
Chapter 4: Oh my. This is beautiful Nana. 😊
Chapter 3: Oh that kiss was so HOT Yewon is hot * ^ *
392 streak #6
Chapter 3: Can I try it too? XD
Chapter 2: Woaah!!! I love the stories. ??
392 streak #8
Chapter 2: wuaaaah, I need moreeeeeee from this chapter T^T
392 streak #9
Chapter 1: LOL it's so rare to read about Siwon being the immature one XD