She is Ours


Pairing: GTOP
Rating: PG later chapters R
Warning: Boy x Boy action
Disclaimer: I only own these boys in my dreams


Seunhyun is not happy with Jiyong's actions and wants to know what is wrong but will he be able to handle the news that Jiyong brings the next morning.

Why does the news make him so angry?

He is suppose to support and care for Jiyong during his time of need but his feelings of jealousy and betrayal, which he does not know where they came from, prevent him for doing so.


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Chapter 4: Pls updaate sooonnnn :)
Atenais #2
This story is really entertained. I'm curious, but I think I already know about Jiyong's secret. I hope you update soon.
Thank you!
lovelydarling #3
I think I know Ji's secret but I am not 100% SURE. Please update love :D
.....Im pretty sure I know exactly who this 'her' is. But Im not gonna say anything in case I really am right, I mean, think about it this 'her' could only be- *train passes by*

Lol, cant wait to see what happens x3
lovelydarling #5
Ahhhhh what is Ji's secret. Please update soon.
elisechoi #6
I love this.
OMG! Jiyong's pregnant! .........

sorry my brain ran away with my mouth. Lol.

I can't wait for another update!
Lol the last line xD

"What can he say? He likes Jiyong's girly cursive handwriting."
Lol, suuurree. Let's go with THAT Mr. Possesive-Choi-Seunghyun!! XD

And I dont think I need any thanks, the story looked/looks like it's gonna be awesome, and I just got the chance to comment first xD
So just keep being awesome o3ob <3
bloodymoon #9