
hey now we'll be okay

unedited hence pardon all grammatical and spelling error. been keeping story deep in my archive and finally it got to see the light. this was originally me writing gibberish due to my anxiety about the pandemic outbreak but i am fine now so i decided to share this with my fellow shippers. happy reading! x.





“Yes unnie?”

“I have bad news. My company laid off several employees due to financial reasons, and…I am one of them.”

The short brunette haired girl let out a small breath before erased the distance between them. Not even a few seconds, a pair of arms wrapped around Joohyun, pulling her closer towards the Seungwan’s torso.

“It’s okay, we can figure this out. We’ll be okay.” A small sigh escaped from Joohyun’s mouth before she lightly placed her head against the crook of her girlfriend’s neck. Troubles and frustration still at the pit of her brain, but being in Seungwan’s arms gives her new surge of calmness. Just like a soft light grazed her life after a long storm.

They’ll be okay. Joohyun trusts Seungwan.



“Many people have lost their jobs or seen incomes being cut due to the coronavirus crisis. Unemployment rates have increased across countries’ economies as a result-“The news anchor’s words being cut off when Seungwan turned off the television before gave disapproved looks towards the raven haired girl.

“I told you to stop watching news, we both know how you always worried more whenever you see the update about the virus.” The said girl picked up the cushion from the floor that fell off from the couch before neatly places it besides her girlfriend.

“I-I can’t help it, Seungwan. I just want this to end.” Joohyun replied before threw her head back against the couch before let out a harsh breath. “When will this end, Seungwan?” She raised her head slightly, dreadfully stared at the said girl. She knew Seungwan doesn’t know when this will end. She knew. She just need Seungwan to lie to her and keep saying how they will be okay and this will end soon.

Among them two, Seungwan was the worrier between them. Joohyun is just Joohyun. She was normal person, she knows when to worry and when not to. But she knows her group of friends probably disagreed with her because they knew how she always didn’t give a damn about the world. It’s like Joohyun lived in her own bubbles, not interested in other people’s lives. So, seeing her like this make Seungwan’s heart writhed in pain. She walked close to her girlfriend before cups her cheeks softly, before leaned closer. Brushing their noses against each other cautiously, letting Joohyun knew she is here. She will always be here.

“Joohyun, we will be okay.”



‘Milk…Butter…Mustard…’ Seungwan repeating the lists of groceries they need to buy while her eyes scanned through the aisle, searching for the specific dairy products before she realized her other half not besides her make she halted her steps and looked back to the aisle they passed just now. There was Joohyun standing at the end of the aisle while one of her arms wrapped around her torso. Seungwan knew that body language. Joohyun was anxious or nervous. She didn’t know why but she going to find out soon when she pulled the cart back to where Joohyun stood.

“Hey, love? What happened?”  Seungwan approached the oldest among them thoughtfully before parked their cart several feet from the said girl.

“It just… I am scared.” Joohyun’s reply came out like a whispered. Fortunately, Seungwan caught the words before slowly her hand rubs the side of Joohyun’s arm, offering a small gesture of comfort.

“Want to talk about it?”

“It was silly. It just I felt anxious to go groceries shopping right now…not in this situation.” Joohyun successfully muttered out the words after being silent for few seconds.

Seungwan stared at her with soft eyes before slid the hand that was rubbing Joohyun’s arm to her clenched fist. Forcefully slipped her fingers between her girlfriend’s fingers, letting their hands entwined. Seungwan massaged the girl’s hand slowly before pulling her closer. “It was not silly, I understand where you came from. It was your first time going out after the outbreak.”

Usually, Seungwan will be the one who went out from their complex and bought all groceries for them throughout the quarantine. Mostly, she didn’t have heart seeing how Joohyun still freaked out about the pandemic. But today, Joohyun insisted she following Seungwan to buy groceries, of course Seungwan declined several times but she surrendered when she knew she can’t win over Joohyun when her girlfriend had that fire in her eyes. Fire of determination; which swept away after a few steps in the grocery shop.

“I-I am sorry, Seungwan.” Seungwan can’t see half of Joohyun’s well sculptured face due to the mask covering her face. But Joohyun’s eyes are the window of her soul. Seungwan can see deep in her hazel coloured orbs how her girlfriend beating herself over these stuffs. She let her thumb rubbed Joohyun’s hand softly before smiled at the said girl. She probably can’t see Seungwan’s smiles but she knew not when Seungwan’s corner of eyes crinkled slightly.

“We will get through this, come on. Milk can’t buy itself.” Seungwan said before slightly pulling the other girl back to her cart. Joohyun still anxious every time they went for groceries shopping, but she knew she will be alright when Seungwan was there with her – always.



The door creaked open make Joohyun startled with the sound before abruptly stared at the culprit that stood at the door frame, “Seungwan! Don’t surprised me like that.”

“Sorry, love. Just checking on you. How are you?”

“Take a guess, Seungwan. I have an interview another few minutes. I almost my pants.” Irene said before winced to her own harsh words. She took a deep breath before stared at her girlfriend apologetically, “Sorry. I am just nervous.”

Seungwan chuckled seeing her girlfriend’s antics before headed closer to Joohyun before rubs her shoulder slightly, “It’s okay, I understand how sassy you can be when you are nervous. Don’t fret too much okay? Take a deep breath and drink the chamomile tea I gave to you just now to calm your nerve. You got this.”

Joohyun took another deep breath with closed eyes before opened her eyes again. Seeing a lovely image of her girlfriend staring at her with such warmth makes her heart beat normal again. As Seungwan said, she got this. She had been busting her updating her resume and sends several to the companies that hiring. After four months unemployment, an email came to Joohyun. Calling her to interview via internet video call. As a not technology savvy person, Joohyun almost freaked out the first time she signed up the account for the certain application for her interview. Luckily, Seungwan was there patiently guiding her throughout the process of signing up for the account. And here they were, in the study room. With Joohyun sitting on the office chair near the desk while her girlfriend stood in front of her with encouraged smile.

“Feel better now?”

“Yeah. Although, I won’t be complaining for a lucky kiss before the interview.” Seungwan rolled her eyes hearing the playful tones in Joohyun’s statement but still complied with her girlfriend.

“Alright, alright. I don’t want to jinx whatever you saying.” The words drawled in between Seungwan’s lips before a soft pair of lips claimed against hers. After a few seconds, the girlfriends pulled back with soft pants breaths among them but still happy smiles drew against their lips.

“Good luck, my love. I will be waiting outside okay? Tell me what happen after.”

“Okay, Seungwan.”

Seungwan caressed her lover’s rosy cheek before walked to the door. But before she closed the door, she called out her girlfriend’s name make the raven haired girl turned around to her.

“You’ll be okay.”

“We’ll be okay.” Joohyun replied before threw last soft smiled towards Seungwan before turned back to focus on the coming interview.



“Hey, what are you doing?” Joohyun approached her lover while her hands busily drying her hair with the towel.

“Hmm, just reading my e-book.” Seungwan answered deliberately before tore away her attention from her iPad to the raven haired girl. “You took a long time in shower tonight.” Seungwan stated before raised her eyebrows.

“Warm shower makes my nerves calm. I thought I blew the interview today Seungwannie.” Joohyun lazily draped the now wet towel against the arm rest and showing the visible pout against her lips towards her girlfriend. Seungwan chuckled hearing the pet name Joohyun called her, knowing Joohyun only called her that when she wanted to show her cute side towards her make her cooed inside seeing this adorable sight which a bit rare since mostly Joohyun just kept her resting face or nonchalant expression on.

But Seungwan knows the best, the nonchalant only stick on her expression but Joohyun is always the warm person she fell in love with.

“I think, you killed it though? I heard you from the door and all your answers were on point. Don’t worry about it okay?” Seungwan comforted her lover before grabbed the wet towel from the arm rest and stood up to hang it. She knew when Joohyun was on her lazy mode, this towel would not be move until tomorrow.

“I made you hot chocolate. Drink it okay?” Seungwan said before walked to their shared bedroom.

Joohyun grinned excitedly like a child seeing her favourite hot chocolate with whipped cream that being sprinkled with cookies crumbs presented on their coffee table.

“You are the best, Seungwannie!”

Seungwan’s response brought out another small grinned from Joohyun once again before she started to devour her hot chocolate.

“Always, my love. Always.”



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XFruitNinjaXP #1
Chapter 1: This is nice. Times are hard in a situation like this but it’s great to have someone give you comfort and reassurance that things will be okay and get better. Wendy being that for Irene was heart warming. Reading about how Irene was feeling and how she is overcoming it with Wendy also gives me hope and I’m sure it also comforts others who are going thru these tough times :) thanks for the lovely story
1694 streak #2
Chapter 1: We will be okay indeed