Kings and Queens of Promise

Who Needs Tomorrow
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Here's another update! I'd also like to thank everyone supporting this story. You guys are awesome.

Again, sorry for the errors. I didn't have time to proofread and edit it because of work. I'll probably do that once I'm free. Enjoy!

Lisa did not come home until it's 3 AM. After her argument with Jennie, she decided to walk her irritation off. She has never been into a serious relationship so when Jennie and her argued she didn't really know what to do. She's a newbie and even though they are just pretending, it doesn't mean that she doesn't have any right to be mad. What pissed her off more than anything is the ring. She really thought that Jennie took it off. Why? She does not know because she did not give the brunette a chance to explain. One of Captain's many advice is to fix whatever fiasco's happening between her and her wife but he also reiterated that they do it when they are ready to talk. And that's exactly what Lisa did. Her mind is all over the place and any attempts for a serious and matured conversation will only result to an even bigger issue. Just like what happened earlier.

When Lisa decided to go back to their unit, the room was dark and she let out a sigh of relief. She's nervous to face the brunette because she knows that her attitude towards the Korean is not acceptable. She could have been the bigger person but then again her inexperience got the best of her.

The blonde woman took off her beach slippers then quietly entered their shared bedroom and there she found the Korean sleeping but her brows furrowed when she noticed that the girl is sleeping on her side of the bed while hugging a pillow. Lisa thinks that even when Jennie's asleep, she looks beautiful. Too beautiful for her liking. Too beautiful that she's starting to feel something in her that's changing. Whether it's a good change of a bad one, she doesn't know. At least not yet. She remove her gaze from the brunette's sleeping figure and went to the closet to change her clothes. Once she's done, she decided to not sleep beside her 'wife'. Instead, she took two pillows and went to the living room and settled on the couch. She looked at the clock and it reads 3:20 am. She should be sleeping by now but she can't seem to find a comfortable position. She turn and turn but nothing. She glanced at the clock again and only 5 minutes has passed. She doesn't know if the reason is because she's not comfortable on the couch or because her mind is clouded by the thoughts of Jennie but she chose to believe in the former.

"This isn't working." She sighed before deciding to sit up. She looked around the room to find something to do but there's really nothing interesting in the room. She looked at the television but she thought that it will only shoo Mr. Sandman away if she watch a show. She saw some magazines but there's really nothing interesting to read. She looked at her phone thinking of disturbing her friends then she realized that her friends are loud and they could potentially woke the brunette up.

Her eyes fell on the sliding doors to the balcony. Based on the moving leaves of the coconut trees, it's quite windy. She decided to sit outside and enjoy the fresh air and wait for sleep to come and take her. She placed herself on one of the recliners and leaned back with the wind blowing her blonde hair softly.

Few minutes has passed but the blonde is still wide awake. She looked once more at the time and it's only 4 o'clock. She decided to just ditch sleep and wait for the sunrise. Since it's their last day here. She might as well enjoy the serenity and the view.

She was humming to a song and completely wrapped around her own bubble when suddenly she caught a movement beside here.

"Holy !" She almost stumbled off her chair as she held her chest in surprise and looked at the intruder with wide eyes. The cat-eyed woman is looking down at Lisa who's obviously stifling her laughter based on how her shoulder is shaking and the redness on her face. Fixing herself to save her pride, Lisa swallowed whatever explicit word is on and looked away. Jennie saw the blonde's action and she immediately stopped her silent laughter. She cleared and her hand in front of the blonde.

"Here." She looked at what the brunette is holding and saw what seems to be a can of Bud Light. Her eyes went to the Korean's face and she nodded her head as if telling her to take it. Lisa suddenly became confused. They both made it clear that they are both upset with each other earlier but now Jennie's offering her a drink. With a little caution, she took the offered drink letting out a silent thank you.

"You mind if I join you?" Jennie hesitantly asked and the blonde shook her head. She sat on the other recliner beside Lisa with a glass of wine which the taller woman didn't notice earlier. The Thai internally smiled at the thought that Jennie remembers her preference. She mentioned that small detail about her when they were drinking. Yes. It was before Kai came.

They were just sitting there while casually sipping on their drinks. Both wanted to say something but scared of what the other's reaction could be. Few more minutes passed and they decided to just let it out.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm wrong."

Both blurted out at the same time with Jennie starting with an apology and Lisa with an admission.

"Go ahead." Jennie offered.

"No, you go ahead." Lisa started. She's curious with what she's apologizing for. Jennie glanced at the blonde who's looking at the beer in her hand.

"I just really wanted to say sorry." Jennie paused. She suddenly felt nervous. "I have said hurtful things to you which I really did not mean."

"Yeah?" She asked indifferently. When the initial shock of their argument wore off, that's when she felt the impact of Jennie's words. She might be a prick but she's not heartless. The words that she said to the Korean aren't friendly either but it's like a defense mechanism. As much as she hates to admit, Jennie is growing on her. Or maybe she's allowing the brunette to wound her way in her life. Maybe this is no longer just a ploy. Maybe she's letting her in more than she should be. Lisa knows that it's gonna blow out of proportion if she continues to let the brunette get to her. Does she really want that to happen? She doesn't know.

"Yes. I don't mean it. We may argue a lot but I know that you're not as bad as I think you are." Jennie paused then adjusted on her seat to face Lisa. "About the ring..."

The brunette trailed of but Lisa spoke up.

"It's fine, Jennie." She answered, still not looking at her pretend wife. "I am wrong to make you do things that you are not comfortable of doing. It's just a ring after all."

Lisa took a swig on her beer. The conversation that she's having with Jennie is draining maybe because it's her first time to ever care about something outside her family and career.

"No." The brunette frantically responded. "Our ring, it holds a meaning."

"Seriously. It's fine. If it makes you feel less guilty. Here. I'll take off mine too." Lisa placed the beer that she's holding and pulled the ring out of her finger.

Jennie's hand quickly snatch the blonde's left hand where the ring is located.

"Don't!" Jennie clutched it tightly earning a weird look from Lisa. "Lisa, even though we started on the wrong foot, our wedding is a wedding too. Legal, binding. I agreed to go through it with you so don't take it off."

"Why not?" She carefully eyed the brunette.

"Because I don't want you to take it off." Jennie bit her bottom lip still not releasing the Thai's hand. "I promise, I'll find mine. And when I find it, I'll never take it off again."


"Uh huh!" Jennie released her hold on the blonde's hand and lifted her pinky finger up. "Here."

Lisa looked at the offered finger and back to the Korean's face who seems really into it.

"What's that for?"

"Pinky promise." The brunette tried her hardest not to roll her eyes at the blonde. "I pinky promise you that once I find the ring I won't take it off and I also promise to be nice to you, hear you out and be more patient."

"What are we? Three?" Lisa said but still took the brunette's offered pinky and wrap her own. "I prefer a kiss though. Might be more effective."

"Lisa!" The blonde smiled at the woman for the first time today.

"Do you forgive me?" She asked after a few seconds.

"If you forgive me for being an first." Lisa said releasing Jennie's finger. "I've been getting in your hair the past weeks, aren't I? I don't do relationships that's why I at it and I only know how to piss people off so will you forgive me? A do over perhaps?"

Jennie tilt her head to the side and eyed the blonde. A do over? Sure. If it will make everything better.

"Okay." Jennie smiled brightly at the blonde and Lisa felt so captivated by her gummy smile. This is one of the reasons why she likes to tease the brunette. Jennie's frown are better than her smile. Why? Because everytime she smiles, it does something to Lisa. A flutter in her stomach and a tug in her heart. And she doesn't know if she likes where this is going or not. Instead of wracking her brain to find answers, she pushed the thoughts aside and decided to figure it all out in the future.

"You don't like Kai. Do you?" The Korean suddenly spoke up. It definitely sounded more like a true statement rather than a question.

"Does it matter if I like him or not?" Lisa picked up her beer and finished it. She glanced at Jennie and saw her looking at her expectantly. Like she's waiting for a real answer and not a question so Lisa sighed and humored the girl. "I don't know why I don't like him. Maybe because I think he's a jerk."

"He is a good guy." Jennie started and laughed at Lisa who scoffed not so subtly. "Sure he's a bit cocky and arrogant at times but when you get to know him, he's a great guy."

Lisa hummed in acknowledgement contemplating whether she should ask her the questions that's on her mind but decided that she'll never know the answer until she asks her.

"What if we're not married and he asks you for a chance? Will you give him a chance?" She asked with uncertainty evident in her voice. Little did she know, the guy already asked Jennie for a chance.

Jennie looked at Lisa and saw how her forehead creased as she anticipates for an answer.

"I don't really know." The brunette answered truthfully. "It was nice seeing him but I really haven't thought about giving him a chance. I was okay being single."

"He's still in love with you." Lisa stared in Jennie's eyes as she waits for the brunette's reaction but she got a little disappointed for the lack of.

"I know." She agreed. Her conversation with Kai proved that he is but he's willing to settle down to being just friends. "Maybe I'll reconsider and think about all of these things when things are a little less complicated."

Complicated. That's the most overused word that perfectly describes their situation. A web of lies, a series of complications but they're thriving.

"I have a confession to make." Lisa said as she pulls out her phone and scrolled through her files. "I've been doing my research and came across these videos and compiled them."

She handed her phone to Jennie and the brunette saw a couple of video clips.

"Those are the videos that I gathered. I paid a private investigator to gather some evidence about the day we got married." She paused and saw confusion on the brunette's face. "Don't worry. I made him sign a contract to never reveal any information about this or else he'll be in trouble."

The blonde pulled her chair closer to Jennie's.

"After watching these, some of the memories from that epic night came back. I suggest you take a look and see if anything comes up."

She did what was told and as if a switch has been , fragments of what happened came in.



GDA went by smoothly with BTS winning the Album of the Year and Lisa Manoban bagging the Song of the Year award. Lisa and her managers are over the moon and reporters were all trying to get to her for a quick chat but thankfully, Mr. Yang informed them that they'll release an official statement as soon as they got off from their high.

Meanwhile, Jennie could not be any happier after the event was done. She trudged her way to her cousin to ask her if they could go home only to find her engaged in a conversation with a man in formal suit.

"Oh there she is!" Jisoo exclaimed when their eyes meet. Her cousin instantly looped her arm around her and introduced her to the guy. "This is Mr. Park. He is a business associate of your parents and fortunately for us, he is extending an invitation to the after party."

"Pleasure to meet you Ms. Kim. I've heard so many things about you from your parents." The guy offered his hand to Jennie and as much as she wants to escape the place and ignore the guy, she couldn't for it will not only make an impression on him but also, this might reach her parents. After all, they are business associates.

"Please is mine, Mr. Park." She gave him a tight lipped smile before excusing her cousin. "Do you mind if I borrow my cousin for a second?"

"Go ahead. See you at the party!" He smiled at them before moving to another celebrity.

Jennie led her cousin to a less populated corner and glared at her and before she could lash out on her cousin, she beat her to it.

"Hold on. Before you get mad, I didn't agree to his invitation!" Jisoo said with her left hand raised to stop her cousin from ranting. "In fact, I told him that I'm with you and that we have an early schedule tomorrow but the prick called your parents and asked if

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hitomihagiwara #1
Chapter 15: i am already reread this story 3 times.huhuhu.
hitomihagiwara #2
i miss you author. come back please.
QueQazira #3
Chapter 8: Please update soon author! I love this so much!
danyels_Lulu #4
Chapter 15: Please update soon author! I'm anticipating for it ♥️
Chapter 15: I miss your updates Athornim.. 😔🖤
Lochlynnh #6
Chapter 15: I love this so much! I’m so invested I can’t
kathsone #7
Update soon author-nim!😊 I really love your story❤️
kathsone #8
Update soon author-nim!😊 I really love your story❤️
AnDEUSAgrega #9
Chapter 15: They are a big big mess
Napink143 #10
Chapter 15: They're both making things complicated ugh