Mr. Brightside

Who Needs Tomorrow
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Hello! Thank you for your continuous support! I love reading your comments and messages so keep it coming. Here's another update. Enjoy!


Lisa's POV

"Lisa, we're low on supplies. We have to go and buy some groceries." I heard Jennie call out from the kitchen. It's been more than a week since that night. As hard as it is, I tried my hardest to act like nothing happened between us. Like that night did not happen. When I left their house that morning, instead of meeting with my friends, I went straight to the gym and wasted all of my energy hitting the punching bag until I can no longer lift my arms. When I returned, I took the liberty of packing some of our stuff and took it back home along with Kuma. I sent Jennie a message informing her about it and to head back to my house. I am sure that she's dreads returning to the house with me but she's got no choice.

"Alright, let me change first." I got up from the couch beside the sleeping dog and went to my room to change into a yellow hoodie and a dark shorts. I was about to head out but I caught sight of my eyeglasses and wore it.

"Prepare yourself, Jennie Kim." I told myself before closing the door.

As soon as I reached the living room, Jennie's eyes automatically met mine and I gave her a charming smile before walking past her to head to my car. "Don't forget to lock the door."

"Are you ready for our photoshoot?" I asked her to break the silence. She's been awfully quiet since we left the house. "It's going to be on Monday, in case you forgot."

Jennie glanced at me then back to the window. "Yes. I did my research and I think I'll be fine."

"Good. There's going to be a few people there so I hope you won't feel uncomfortable." I told her. Even though it's going to be an indoor photo shoot, there are times that the photographer brings out a couple of people to help with the production.

"I hope not. Is it okay if I bring Irene and Jisoo Unnie with me? You know for moral support."

"I think that's fine." I said as I drove the car to an empty parking space. "As long as they'll behave, I'm sure that they'll be allowed to watch."

Jennie did not wait for me to open the door for her. The moment I parked my car, she immediately stepped out and waited for me at the entrance. I swear, this woman is doing the exact opposite of what I am doing. Ever since that night, she's been feeling awkward around me which I am not sure if it's a good thing or not. Here I am doing my best to show my interest and there she is building a wall around her.

"Here's the list of what we should get." She showed me a piece of paper that contains a lot of items which I am not sure if it will fit on this shopping cart that I am pushing.

"That's a lot." I commented as I followed her to the isle for liquid beverages.

"When was the last time you opened the fridge?" She paused and waited for me to answer but when I did not she continued. "If you only care about the contents of your fridge, you'll see that it's only stashed with beers and stale milk. The pantry's empty and there's nothing nutritious in the kitchen."

"Like I said before, I don't know how to cook and I'm almost always not at home so there's really no point in buying all of those." I shrugged as she placed a gallon of milk and different sorts of food and drinks in the cart.

"What if somebody makes a surprise visit? What are we gonna feed them?" She turned to me with her hands holding two different brands of soy sauce. "Which one is better?"

I shrugged my shoulders because I really don't know which one is better and she rolled her eyes at me. "We can always order pizza and some chicken."

"And if it's my parents?" She asked moving to the next isle to get some canned goods while I trail behind her.

"We'll take them to a fancy restaurant." I grinned at her who is clearly upset with my answer.

"What a great host you are." She sighed as she place another item on the cart. She took a final glance on the shelves before facing me. "You need to learn how to do your own groceries. Follow me and I'll teach you."

We walked to the fruits and vegetable section of the store. My eyes widened at the variety of fruits and vegetables present.

"Here." She took my hand and placed the list on my palm. "Go pick some of those. I'll check on you after a few minutes. And don't forget the magic word. 'Fresh'."

She started walking away leaving me with a task.

"Where are you going?" I called out before she can go any further.

"I'll check the meat section." She answered with a raised eyebrow. "I'll be back."

I watched as she rounded the corner and disappear leaving me to get the remaining items on the list.  With no options left, I started to walk to the vegetable section. I checked the first thing on the list and it's Enoki Mushroom. I looked around only to see that I am surrounded by cabbages. I look back on the list to see if she listed a cabbage and voila. There's one. Without thinking, I immediately took the one closest to me and dumped it on the cart. I moved to the next isle and I found the mushroom that Jennie has listed.

"This is easy." I told myself as I start to pick the vegetables one by one. After a few minutes, I am left with one more item on the list but this time it is a fruit. Avocado to be exact. I went back to the fruit section and stare at the pile of avocados in front of me. I looked at the tag and who knew that there are different types of avocados. "Aish! This is so confusing."

I must have stood there for too long 'cause I heard a woman chuckling beside me.

"Can't decide which one to pick?" I looked at her and I was greeted by a stunning brunette with piercing eyes who's smiling at me.

"Yeah. I did not know that buying avocados can be confusing." I scratched my head confusedly which made the woman laugh.

"Maybe I can help you with that. I love avocados and I think I can teach you a few tricks that I know."

"Cool!" I smiled back at her. "You look familiar. Have we met before?"

"Yes, Lisa." She answered then removed the cap that she's wearing. "I'm Tzuyu. We worked together at one of your music videos."

She explained but I really can't remember her. Instead of saying that, I moved the topic back to the avocados before things get awkward. She explained a few things to me and told me which variety is best to pick.

"I think these are enough." I pointed at the fruits inside my cart. "Thank you for your help, Tzuyu."

The woman smiled at me then laid her hand on my forearm and stepped closer effectively invading my personal space. Of course I know what this means. If I am not married and not protecting my reputation I will not hesitate to give in to her advances.

"If you want more lessons, we could take it to my apartment." She dragged her finger from my forearm up my shoulder. "What do you say?"

"I'd say back off if you still want that finger to be of value." Jennie's ice cold voice sent shiver all over my body and in response, I immediately stepped back creating a few feet of space between Tzuyu and I. Jennie walked to me and placed herself between us facing the other brunette. "Why would you invite a married woman to your apartment?"

Tzuyu must have lost her mind on her way or maybe her mother dropped her when she was still a baby because instead of answering the fuming brunette, she looked past her and met my gaze. Something that I wont do if I am in her shoes. "My offer stands, Lisa. You know how to find me."

When the crazy woman left Jennie turned to me. She's wearing a poker face but her eyes are burning with annoyance. Before I can explain, she walked hurriedly to her small cart filled with different varieties of meat. Left with no choice, I hesitantly followed her while pushing the heavy shopping cart.

"What did I do this time?" I asked when I finally caught up with her.

She rolled her eyes but then gave me an answer. "The grocery store? Really, Lisa? You can't think of somewhere else to pick up your woman?"

"What? Are you crazy? I don't even know her." I explained. Her accusation doesn't sit well with me. "She was the one who came to me and volunteered to help in picking some fruits."

"Whatever you say." She whispered softly as some people pass us by. "Just remember that we are bound together by an agreement and if you really want her then you'll have to wait for another 11 months."

"I know that." I hissed. What does she take me for? I maybe a player but I know how to act accordingly. Sometimes. That is.

We went to the cashier and had our items scanned by the sales lady. Once done, I handed my card to her and paid for the items. We're about to move but the lady called me.

"Ms. Lisa can I have a picture with you?" She shyly asked me and her eyes darted to my frowning wife's direction. She's clearly still upset that I "allegedly" flirted with a random woman. "If that is okay with your wife."

"Of course. Come here" I placed my arm around her and posed for a selfie. "Sorry about my wife. You know how hormonal pregnant women can be."

I gave her a wink before leaving. I know that I shouldn't have said that but to hell with it. If she's acting like a kid then I might as well join her.

I am sitting on a chair by the center island with my head on top of my hand as I watch Jennie sort through all the grocery items that we bought. For some reasons, watching the concentration on her face is amusing. She's like putting together a very complicated puzzle.

"Instead of staring at me, why don't you make yourself useful and help me with this?" She told me without looking away from the pile of canned goods.

"And what? Accuse me of something I did not do after I help you?" I scoffed when I remember what happened earlier. "No, thanks. You really hurt my feelings, Jennie."

The woman stared at me. Like eye to eye with an unreadable expression on her face making me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"You're being overdramatic." She said after staring at me.

"Is that right? Says the woman who almost picked up a catfight in the fruit section of the grocery store." I smirked at her but instead of getting annoyed she just laughed at me.

"I must admit that it was a fun experience." She walked to the fridge and started to remove the unnecessary and expired items inside. "She's your type right? Brunette, fair skin, that's what you told me when we were in Hawaii."

That is true. I did tell her that but it was only meant to be a joke. If she has not yet realize it, I was describing her but again I was kidding. I don't really have a type.

"And your point is?"

She walked back to the center island to fetch the milk and some fruit juice but not before looking at me.

"That you deserve better. Not her. Not some woman who just pops out of nowhere in a grocery store."

"Right. Thank you, Dating Master Jennie Kim for the advice. I'll keep that in mind."

She did not answer me. She just continued what she's doing so I left the kitchen. It's warm day outside and instead of wasting my time to stare at the brunette, I decided to change to go for a swim. I made my way back to my room and changed into a black sport bra and a short swimming trunk then put on a rob. Terrorizing Jennie with my outfit is not a part of the plan although it's a welcome thought that I might execute later.

I walked back to the kitchen and saw Jennie washing the fruits.

"I'm going for a swim. You can join me if you want." I said and she just hummed in acknowledgment without looking at me then I walked to the back door toward the pool. As soon as I reached the pool area, I took off my robe and placed it on the recliner before jumping in the water. The cold water meeting my skin is enough to instantly cool me down. I looked through the kitchen window and saw my wife who's still transfixed on the task at hand. I will never understand how she manage to still look beautiful despite wearing simple house clothes. Then my mind went back to that sensual night that we shared. Her luscious body is to die for and I thank god that I am completely sober while we're doing it coz I got to experience her whole being. It is definitely one for the books. I might have been staring at her for a long time that she felt my gaze so when I saw her head slowly turning to me, I immediately looked away. A little scared of getting caught but more scared of my stirring appendage. It has been doing that a lot lately whenever Jennie's around. Too bad, it will have to wait a long time before it can taste heaven again.

Jennie's POV

I'm finally done stacking the fridge and the pantry with food and I am very much satisfied with how it looks like now. Lisa really took it to herself not to help me. She's been using her hurt ego as an excuse not to touch the grocery items.

I was washing my hands when I felt eyes on me and I am sure it has something to do with the blonde. The moment I looked up she averted her vision and started to swim. I can see her muscles flexing as she glide through the water. I pursed my lips as heat spread through my body when I remember her strong arms wrapped around me. How I scratched her back and moaned her name. If I am being honest with myself, I did not hate what happened between us but I also did not like it. Not because I don't find her y and attractive but because I am not ready for what's to come. When I told her that what happened was a mistake, I am sure about it. But when I saw the emotions that flashed in her eyes, I instantly regret my decision. It's a mix of disappointment, hurt, anger and disgust. I am just not sure if the latter is directed to me or if she's disgusted with herself for giving in to me. When she left, I was tempted to follow her and tell her that I did not mean what I said. That the way she praised my body is the best experience that I had. Not that I've done it a lot of times with other people because I have not, but with Lisa, I am more relaxed. She was gentle, she cared whether I am comfortable, whether I am experiencing the same amount of pleasure that she's experiencing and it scared me. It scared me to think tha

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This story is available on Wattpad with the same title. My wattpad username is Jill_In_The_Palace.


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hitomihagiwara #1
Chapter 15: i am already reread this story 3 times.huhuhu.
hitomihagiwara #2
i miss you author. come back please.
QueQazira #3
Chapter 8: Please update soon author! I love this so much!
danyels_Lulu #4
Chapter 15: Please update soon author! I'm anticipating for it ♥️
Chapter 15: I miss your updates Athornim.. 😔🖤
Lochlynnh #6
Chapter 15: I love this so much! I’m so invested I can’t
kathsone #7
Update soon author-nim!😊 I really love your story❤️
kathsone #8
Update soon author-nim!😊 I really love your story❤️
AnDEUSAgrega #9
Chapter 15: They are a big big mess
Napink143 #10
Chapter 15: They're both making things complicated ugh