31 – One in a Million

The Crown Prince | BaekYeon

As the Crown Prince laid on his deathbed, the Crown Prince’s enemies took the opportunity to turn things to their favor.

“I propose that we depose the Crown Princess, Your Majesty.”

“No, Your Majesty, let’s wait for the Crown Prince to wake up first before making any decisions!”

“Your Majesty, the Crown Princess’ late brother was involved in the assassination of the late Crown Prince. And now Her Highness almost caused the death of the Crown Prince. She doesn’t deserve to be our Crown Princess.”

“Yes, the Crown Prince is the only legitimate heir to the throne right now. We can’t risk it!”

“And the Crown Princess hasn’t been able to produce an heir. It would be quicker if another Crown Princess is selected to bear an heir.”

“Nonsense, holding another Crown Princess Selection Process is only a waste of time!”

Both parties started to argue with each other, causing people to raise their voices to get their voice across.


The King finally shouted amidst the chaos in the court. Everyone went silent and stared up at His Majesty, waiting for him to make a decision. The King swiftly glanced at his subjects and leaned back into his seat, his face scrunching into a frown as he thought deeply about what to do.

“How is the Crown Prince’s condition now?” he asked after a silent moment.

“His Royal Highness is currently stable. But he hasn’t woken up,” replied the Royal Physician.

“And are we sure that the Crown Princess hasn’t conceived an heir?”

“Their last consummation date was a month ago. And I have examined her last week, an heir hasn’t been conceived,” replied the Royal Physician.

The King nodded and straightened himself on the seat to face his subjects again.

His Majesty knew that his days were numbered. Although he looks fine in front of everyone, he had not been sleeping well at all at night. His Majesty’s condition had worsened since the Crown Prince’s attack, and he had started to cough blood that he could barely get up from bed to attend this meeting. But none of his subjects know it yet, because he didn’t want people to panic and take advantage of the situation and find a way to dethrone the Crown Prince.

Time is of the essence. And they were running out of it.

“We shall depose the Crown Princess from her title and position. If the Crown Prince wakes up, we shall select former concubine, Tae Ah Ra, as the next Crown Princess” The King announced. “So that an heir can be conceived.”


Because of her former status as the Crown Princess, the King did her one last favor to ensure their safety. His Majesty arranged a safe house for the former Crown Princess and her family to move to so that they can start over where no one knows who they are.

Taeyeon was grateful and thanked The King before she departed from the palace.

“I am quite fond of you as my daughter-in-law,” The King had said to her in private on the day she was informed about her deposition as the Crown Princess. “You have changed my son for the better. I’m sorry that things turned out this way.”

Taeyeon was surprised to hear the King of Joseon apologize to her. Never in her life she would imagine that the father of the nation would bow down his head to her and apologize. She nodded shortly and did a final bow to show her respect to The King.

“I quite miss living at home with family,” Taeyeon said one night as she sat outside her room, taking in the peace and quiet of living at a place away from the palace. “This place the King arranged for us is a few miles away from the village.”

“Yes, I think it is even better than our previous residence. That place reminded me too much of your father,” her mom responded to her quietly as she set down the tray between them and started pouring herself a cup of tea.

“I miss father too. If he was still here, I think he would joke and tell me I told you so,” she chuckled gently after imitating the way her late father would speak. “Before I became Crown Princess, he told me that I have to be careful because the palace will be filled with enemies.”

Her mother heaved a sigh and grabbed her daughter’s hand and placed it in hers above her lap. “Your father would toss and turn all night, worried about you from the moment you got married into the palace.”

“I apologise for making you two worry. You don’t have to be worried anymore, I am no longer the Crown Princess,” she flashed her mother a reassuring smile.

“Are you happy though?” her mother asked her after staring at her daughter in silence.

“What? Of course I am, we are finally safe.”

“Are you happy to live away from him?” her mother asked again, noticing how her daughter was trying to avoid the question. “To stay away from him forever?”

“Sure I can. I… I was happy before I met him too. I will miss him… but I think I can recover in years, maybe even months later. Just need to work hard and forget about everything that ever happened.”

“But with the right person, you don’t have to work so hard to be happy. It just happens.”

Taeyeon was silent as she stared up at the bright moon in the sky, she understood what her mother meant. All she wanted is for the Crown Prince to survive, she didn’t care if she had to lose her position as the Crown Princess. But now, living away from him and not knowing what had happened to him, she feared that a few months won’t be enough for her to forget about him. Her heart aches every day when she thinks about him, wondering if he had woken up or if he was thinking about her too.

“The Crown Prince was willing to sacrifice his life for you. He loves you. I can feel it from the way you described him,” her mother whispered. “And as much as I hated that your life was constantly in danger as long as you stayed in the palace, I also don’t want to see my only daughter crying alone at night, missing him.”

Taeyeon felt her vision go blurry as tears started to well up. She realized that her mother had found out even though she cried as silently as possible in her room.

“I love him, mother. A lot,” she buried her face into her hands, starting to sob uncontrollably. “I don’t think I can ever find another person that can make me feel the same way he did. He’s one in a million.”

“I know,” her mother wrapped her arm around her and pulled her into a warm hug. “It’s alright to cry it out in front of me. I am your mother, I will always be here to listen.”

“I am scared that I will only miss him even more as days go by. I don’t know what to do with myself,” she continued to sob into her mother’s arms. “I was just beginning to imagine my whole life with him. And now, all of it is gone.”

“It’s alright. You will get through this. We will go through this together.”


“What?” The Queen Consort slammed the table, causing the tea cups to shake and clatter against their plates. “The Crown Prince is awake?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. His Majesty, The King, is currently with him.”


“The Royal physician said that the Crown Prince’s body has grown immune to it because of all the injuries he had since he was young.”

“Okay. Leave and keep me updated.”

The Queen Consort started to bite her fingernails, desperately thinking if she had left any evidence behind that she was behind the plot to assassinate the Crown Princess. All she wanted was to take away the person the Crown Prince treasures the most, just like how he took her only son away from her.

But her plan was ruined when the Crown Prince got hurt instead. And now that he is awake, knowing him, he will not give up until he successfully finds the culprit behind his attempted assassination.

She flinched when she heard the window open and turned her head sharply to see that it was just one of her henchmen.

“So? Have you found him?”

“No, Your Majesty,” he quickly kneeled down on the floor and bowed. “The Crown Prince’s bodyguard might have taken him.”

“Tsk, there’s no use taking him. He won’t talk. I’m sure he won’t,” the Queen mumbled to herself, trying to convince herself that that was the case. She knew that her assassins all have the suicide pill ready in case a mission goes South. So she shouldn’t worry about anyone left alive to talk.

“But the Crown Prince and his bodyguard have probably already caught on and might do something to prevent it.”

“Have you found where the Crown Princess was relocated to?” The Queen asked. “As long as she is alive, she’s a great leverage for us to have against the Crown Prince.”

“No, Your Majesty. I suspect that she was moved somewhere outside the village.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Go and look before time runs out.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Once he left through the window, the Queen paced around her room and stopped in front of her mirror, staring at her own reflection. She was looking back at herself in fear, her face immediately gave away that she was anxious inside.

"No, quit worrying. No one will talk. And the Crown Princess will soon be found. All will work out in my favour eventually."


“He said that he won’t talk until he meets you. He will only talk when it is you, Your Highness.”

“He won’t even talk even when he is tortured?”

“I… didn’t torture him. Yet,” Soo replied solemnly.

The Crown Prince heaved a slow breath from his chest and placed his hand on his abdomen to check how much he had healed. “Tell him I will pay him a visit tonight.”

“But Your Highness, are you well enough to get up?”

“I have wasted enough time lying on this bed,” he said, slowly forcing himself to get out of bed despite how painful the injury was.

“Your Highness, the criminal isn’t going anywhere. I made sure to lock him up. You need to heal properly.”

The Crown Prince sighed and decided to lie back down.

“How…how is she?” he asked after a silent moment.

“I watched from afar. She was…” Soo trailed off, hesitating to tell the Crown Prince about what he saw. 

He was just there last night, keeping an eye on the Crown Princess and surveying the area for threats as usual. But when he was about to leave, he saw the Crown Princess’ mother coming out and joining her daughter. He tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation, but the Crown Princess suddenly bursted into tears, hugging her mother tightly and sobbing into her arms.


“She’s doing well,” he replied shortly. He didn’t want the Crown Prince to worry so much as he already has so much on his shoulders. “She’s surrounded by family.”

The Crown Prince nodded and said, “That’s good. I will rest here for a while and if I feel better at night, let’s go to the interrogation room.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”


“Have you heard? The Crown Princess was deposed because she was behind the assassination attempt against the Crown Prince.”

“No way. The Crown Princess wouldn’t do that.”

“How are you so sure? You have never even personally met her.”

“Last time she came to the village with the Crown Prince, she was so kind and beautiful. There’s no way someone like that can be a person behind this horrific crime.”

“Then why is she deposed?”

“It might be the Queen’s doing. Ever since the illegitimate Prince was banished, she might have been seeking revenge!”

"Why would the Queen do that? She's going to become Queen Dowager once the King has passed away!"

"How dare you say that in public? His Majesty is still healthy!"

"Have you not heard? The King was seen coughing out blood!"

Taeyeon shook her head lightly at the village men that had nothing better to do but gossip. But village gossip is her only source to get news from the palace, even if they are mostly rumours. She stayed behind to eavesdrop on their conversation, hoping to hear some news about the Crown Prince. Some news that he’s still alive or awake at least.

At least they aren’t talking about the Crown Prince. That means he must still be alive.

She thought to herself and quietly turned around to walk back home.

She nearly screamed when she was surprised to see a tall figure standing behind her, almost going into defense mode before realizing who it was.


“Pardon me, Your Highness. You shouldn't come out. Your life is still in danger.”

“I know. I just wanted to hear some news about the Crown Prince. Wait, why are you here?”

“His Royal Highness asked you to stay home and not go out.”

“He’s awake?”

Soo nodded quietly and gestured his hand in front of him for her to walk in front of him. Taeyeon smiled and walked in front of him. She used to force herself to smile, but now that she knows that Baekhyun is awake, smiling came easily to her.

“He’s still recovering?” she whispered as they walked through the quiet alley.

“Yes. His Royal Highness is well enough to walk now.”

Taeyeon smiled again, this time wider upon hearing that. Once they were near the house, Soo looked around to make sure the coast is clear before entering the house.

“Can you look after these two kids just for a while?”

“What?” Taeyeon was confused when she found two children sitting at the table, eating with her mother and brother.

“These two children will stay with you and keep you company.”

“Okay,” Taeyeon decided to take them in without asking any questions.

Soo bowed down at her and left quickly without a word. Taeyeon stared at those children, they didn’t look like they were nobles, whose kids are they and why has Soo asked her to take care of them?

“Taeyeon-a, come and eat. It’s getting cold,” her mother called for her, gesturing to the empty space beside her.

“Alright!” she grinned and quickly sat down beside her mother.

“Good news?”

“Yes, good news.”


“The Crown Prince has been awake since a week ago. How is it possible that he can’t walk by himself?” the Queen asked. “What exactly is his plan…”

“Maybe the Crown Prince is purposely delaying his betrothal with Lady Tae Ah-Ra.”

“Seems foolish. He can’t avoid it forever,” the Queen scoffed and stood up from behind her desk. “I will pay my husband a visit. His Majesty seems sick these days.”

“The King hasn’t been seen leaving the chambers recently. I heard from a Court Lady that’s serving him, that the King might not live long.”


“His Majesty has been consuming herbal medicine. But the last bowl came out half empty and there were signs of blood that was coughed out by The King.”

“How…unfortunate,” the Queen said nonchalantly as she left her room, leaving her henchman behind to leave through the window in her room. “Soon, I will become Queen Dowager. And I will become more powerful than ever.”

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Hello guys! I have switched to a second job, with more flex working hours and especially, no work on Saturdays!

I have already planned its ending, so no matter what, I will finish it.

Thank you everyone for staying with this story eventhough it rarely gets updated. ❤️


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staygirl309 #1
Chapter 31: Whoaaa what??? I thought the queen was nice??? Not???
_liah_ #2
Chapter 31: chapter 32 pleaseee
I'm so happy to discover that there are plenty of chapters here alr! I've just started reading this on wattpad just today and can't help but get hooked. thank you so much!! 🫶🏼
KpopKdramaKid2001 #4
Chapter 31: Thank you so so much for the update! This has made my week! Manifesting the other updates soon!
KpopKdramaKid2001 #5
Chapter 31: Wow. Did not see this coming in any universe of imagination.
Truly don't know what to expect with what's to come wow
Nlnz2016 #6
Chapter 31: I miss your story. Thanks for updating
kim_jongdae33 #7
Chapter 31: Poor Taeyeon, hope they will be reunited in the next chapter!
kim_jongdae33 #8
Chapter 31: So glad that Baekhyun sent Soo to send her a message, knowing that she will be worried about him. My parentssss
kim_jongdae33 #9
Chapter 31: I missed reading this, thank you so much for the update! ❤️
KpopKdramaKid2001 #10
Chapter 30: You have no idea the number of times I've thought - oh I'd like to know what Baekhyun's thinking - as I read this story.
This letter is literally PERFECT. It brought so much resolution and completeness to this already brilliantly written piece.
We really need him to pull through now omg