22 - Be Careful

The Crown Prince | BaekYeon

While Taeyeon is still grieving, the ministers gathered at the court in the presence of His Majesty The King and His Royal Highness The Crown Prince to discuss about a royal heir.

“Your Majesty, seeing as the Crown Princess hasn’t conceived an heir, I propose that the Crown Prince should bring in a Royal concubine,” suggested one of the ministers.

Everyone was worried that the Crown Prince doesn’t have an heir yet, and believed that if the Crown Prince has an heir, then things in the court would be more stable.

“Crown Prince, what do you think?” the King asked his son.

“The Crown Princess is still grieving about the loss of her father, I think we should be worrying about other things. I am still the Crown Prince and the King is still healthy to rule, the court shouldn’t worry about an heir from me when my place to the throne is already secured,” said the Crown Prince. “Instead, let’s discuss how although we have opened free clinics in the poorer areas, they are still not properly funded. Medicines that are needed to treat minor illnesses are limited, because all of them are reserved for the nobles. It defeats the purpose of providing free healthcare.”

“Your Royal Highness, but it worked. The people aren’t revolting against us, after we announced that there is free healthcare for the poor,” said one of the ministers.

“Did you think that we are doing all this just to get the public’s approval? No, we are doing this because, people fall into poverty because of illness. And because of poverty, people can’t afford to get their illnesses treated. It is a never-ending cycle unless we step in and provide a solution that works.”

Everyone in the room could see that the Crown Prince was quite passionate about his cause. The court started to murmur among each other.

“Does anyone here have any solutions on how to solve this problem?” the King asked as the court quickly quieted down.

Silence filled the room. The Crown Prince glanced across the room, nobody here dares to volunteer their ideas. It definitely isn't because they are scared that their ideas will get rejected, they are silent because nobody find this a problem.

“I suggest that we take a look at the financial records of the people’s taxes in the past year. See if we can save some budget to fund this project,” the Crown Prince spoke up. “Tax Minister Kim.”

Tax Minister Kim looked up at His Royal Highness.

“I understand if you want to take a few days off to grieve for your late father,” said Baekhyun. He and Taeyeon might not have a close sibling relationship, but they still share the same father, so whatever Taeyeon is feeling right now, Tax Minister Kim must be feeling the same way.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to look at the records to get some incriminating evidence against Prince Jung's corruption.

“Then after you are back, I want you to present me the financial records for the past year. I will personally cross-check them.”

“Your Royal Highness, thank you for your kindness. I will prepare the records for you once it is ready,” Tax Minister Kim bowed towards the Crown Prince.


Tax Minister Kim and Prince Jung usually meet at the brothel. Part of the reason why they choose to meet at the brothel is because of the entertainment, but also because the brothel is one of Prince Jung’s property, so their meetings there could be private.

“Can you forge the records and get them ready by the time the Crown Prince checks them?” Prince Jung started.

“Yes, I bought some time to grieve for my father. Should be able to get it done within these few days.”

"Good. Maybe you should hide them in your house, no one would dare to check there," Prince Jung suggested.

"True. Now that I am the head of the family, I can do so much more as I please," Tax Minister Kim said with a smirk.

“That day I bumped into your sister, she was really… something.”

“Why? What did she do?”

Prince Jung ignored the question and took a swig from his cup. Clanking it down on the table noisily before grabbing the pot to pour himself another drink. Thinking about it makes him angry, how dare she look down on him?

If she wasn’t the Crown Princess, he would circle his hands around and choke her to death when he had the chance.

“The Crown Prince has gotten a lot more alert ever since the ambush last time,” said Tax Minister Kim.

“That was our chance and you blew it. You could have sent better men while he was injured, can’t believe no one came back alive after encountering him.”

“He’s too good. We need to get rid of him before an heir is conceived.”

Tax Minister Kim watched as Prince Jung’s eyes glistened. “I have an idea. We can use the Crown Princess. To distract him or to threaten him,” said Prince Jung.

“The Crown Prince wouldn’t risk his life for her, he doesn’t care about her.”

“The Crown Prince and I may only be half-siblings, but I know what I saw. Something changed in him ever since your sister married him,” said Prince Jung confidently. “Want to bet?”


The Crown Prince found some time to go on a Royal outing with the Crown Princess, he decided that she needs some distraction and some fresh air outside the palace. Taeyeon was excited to leave the palace once again, after that day of crying in his arms, she finally saw him in a new light.

He’s always wearing a mask of ice inside the palace, making his subjects fear him and see him as a heartless and cruel man. Taeyeon saw him differently, he is simply a warm person inside who got hurt and betrayed so much growing up that he started to put on a mask to protect himself from getting hurt further.

She hopes that he will never get hurt again, if anyone deserves to be happy, it should be him.

Baekhyun took her to visit one of the clinics that is providing free healthcare to the people. On the way there, he told her about how the only problem now is not enough medicine is being distributed to the clinics because of funds.

It intrigued her how he’s so passionate about this and genuinely hopes that it helps the poor. When she first brought up the idea for free healthcare to him, it looked like he wasn’t paying attention to anything she was saying as they parted.

She let out a giggle thinking about it, Baekhyun then turned to look at her and mouthed “What?”.

“I just find it impressive that one simple idea can make such big changes. It may be partly because of the power you hold as Crown Prince, but also your determination to push forward the idea made it happen.”

Baekhyun just tilted his head to the side and looked away, feeling embarrassed to take the credit. Everything he has ever done, never gets acknowledged because it is simply his duty to do it. He isn’t used to getting praised.

“Well, it was your idea that started it,” he said after a long silence.

She simply smiled and looked down at her lap, finding herself blushing. It makes her feel giddy inside because of how he listened to her and didn’t disregard her ideas like her older brother or other men in her life. Other than her uncle, no one, including both men and women, actually took her seriously because she was female.

It is tiny details like this that makes her fall deeper and deeper in love with him every day.

He became someone that she thinks about before falling asleep and the first person she thinks about when she is awake. She can’t imagine how lucky she is to have married him in the end.

This Royal outing definitely cheered her up a lot because she saw how the people were utilizing the free healthcare. When they recognized the Royal couple, some even went as far as bowing down to them on their knees to show how grateful they are towards the Royal couple.

It was a meaningful outing and Taeyeon finally felt like she had the energy and motivation to move on with her life, while still having the precious memories with her father in her mind.

When night time came, Taeyeon decided to drink some alcohol. She had always loved alcohol, she used to drink at night with her uncle back when she worked in his clinic. But no matter how many times she drank with her uncle, her tolerance to alcohol is still very low, so she never drinks alone.

“Hui-ah, can you drink with me?”

“Sorry, Your Highness. I can’t as I am on duty,” replied Hui.
Taeyeon let out a sigh. She felt stuffy tonight and she really wants to drink some to sleep better tonight. Her eyes glistened with delight when an idea came to her mind.

“Is His Royal Highness in his chambers tonight?” she asked Hui, not expecting an answer from her servant as she abruptly stood up with the drink she ordered in her hand. “If a wife wants a drink, she should drink with her husband. Why didn’t I think of that?”

Taeyeon went to Baekhyun’s chambers, with Hui holding the tray of cups and the teapot behind her. When the servant announced Taeyeon’s arrival to Baekhyun, Baekhyun thought she had an emergency, so he immediately let her in.

Baekhyun looked up from his book and stared at her before diverting his eyes to the tray in her hands, and cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Crown Princess, I believe tonight isn’t consummation night.”

“No, it is not. I just feel stuffy and I want a drinking buddy,” she said, setting down the tray on the table, right in front of his book.

“Find someone else, I am busy," he muttered, pulling back his book by the spine in case she spills anything on it.

Taeyeon pouted at him and said, “I don’t trust anyone else to drink together. I came to you because I trust you.”

He was silent as he stared at her, Taeyeone could tell that he was trying to process her words, probably wondering why and how he became someone she can trust.

“If you don’t want to, then I will find someone else to drink with. But who knows what will happen, right?”

“Guilt-tripping me won’t help,” he said nonchalantly.

“Clever of you to see through it. But I am really serious about finding someone else to drink with if you don’t want to,” she said, smirking down at him, trying to challenge him.

They stared silently at each other, neither of them wanted to back down from the challenge.

Baekhyun finally announced defeat and broke the silence.

“Fine, just one drink. And you must go back to your room no matter how drunk you are.”

Taeyeon grinned and sat down in front of the table. “Why? Do you have something else to do at night?”

“No. But I wouldn’t like to have a Part 2 of you being drunk in my room like last time.”

“It wasn’t that bad last time,” she furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to remember what happened last time. “I just fell asleep.”

“No, you didn’t just fall asleep," he sneered. "You moved my furniture and my plant, did a whole commentary on my interior design before falling asleep,” he said, with a hint of irritation in his expression.

“Aren’t you glad that I helped revive your plant?” she asked, pointing at the plant not far away from them. She’s surprised that he didn’t move it back after she moved it to that spot where the plant will receive the most sunlight. Either he really took her advice seriously or he was too lazy to move it back. “Won’t you bump into it once or twice when you walk though?”

“You don’t say.”

She laughed as she started to pour a cup and pushed it towards him, before pouring herself a cup. 

“Thanks for arranging the outing to the clinic today. I didn’t get the chance to thank you yet,” she said before taking a swig from her cup and letting out a huge sigh.

“No need, it was just official business to make an appearance in public,” he also took a swig from his cup.

“Right,” she her lips to taste the alcohol that had stayed on her lips. “Do you usually drink?”

“Not on duty.”

“Then are you off duty now? Or are you on duty 24 hours 7 days a week?” she joked.

When he silently acknowledged it by nodding his head, Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and asked again. “Are you nodding to the first question or the second?”

“With my life constantly in danger, especially after the ambush, I do not allow myself to let down my guard. Drinking will affect my defense.”

“But you already have a bodyguard to protect you," she said. She had seen them train together a few times before, she thought that Soo is the one that is giving lessons to Baekhyun initially. But as she watched, both of them could be in the same level in sword fighting. "Oh. Did you ever find out who orchestrated the ambush?”

Taeyeon thought back to the time Kim Min Jun told her about his plan to overthrow the Crown Prince and help Prince Jung become the Crown Prince. She knows that her brother is an ambitious man, and he’s obviously one of Prince Jung’s underlings because of how he arranged her marriage to Prince Jung. Both of them must be benefiting from each other to work together.

What if the ambush was planned by Prince Jung and her brother?

“I am still looking into it,” Baekhyun replied simply.

Taeyeon pursed her lips as she stared down at the table, wondering if she should give him some hints about what her brother said. She doesn’t love her brother anymore, after all the cruel things he did to her, but he is still her family. And if he was really convicted, her whole family would be punished together.

“What are you thinking about?”

Taeyeon looked up to see the Crown Prince looking at her, his eyes regarding her curiously.

She took a swig from her cup and swallowed it down, together with the nervous feeling that came up in .

“What… What do you think about Tax Minister Kim? My brother. Where do you think his loyalty lies?”

Her finger drew circles against the table nervously, wondering if what she just said is enough of a hint to be cautious of her brother.

“Why do you ask?”

“Just wondering.”

She reached out to the pot to pour herself someone alcohol, but his hand clamped down on hers to stop her. She glanced up at him to see him gazing into her eyes, trying to see what she is hiding.

Taeyeon sighed and pulled back her hand from his, resting her hand in her lap. “My brother told me before that he wants me to help him to overthrow you and help Prince Jung become the Crown Prince.”

She didn’t dare to look up at him, fearing that he would start to interrogate her the way he interrogated his prisoners, or question her with a sword to until she admits to betraying him.

She could feel him staring into her, trying to see if she was telling the truth, and find out what she was hiding.

“Why are you telling me this?” he asked after a silent moment.

“Hmm?” she looked up.

“You are smart enough to know about the consequences if it is found that your brother has attempted to commit treason. Why are you telling me this?”

“Because…” she hesitated. “Because I want you to be careful.”

Baekhyun froze. The feeling of someone caring about his safety feels foreign to him. It has been a long time since he felt that. He cleared his throat and grabbed the handle of the pot, pouring some alcohol to both of their cups, before drinking from his cup.

Taeyeon blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed to indirectly admit that she cares about him.

As the night grew, Taeyeon completely forgot about how Baekhyun told her to walk back to her room even when she was drunk, she was on her nth cup when everything that came out from started to slur.

“Tell me, Byun Baekhyun-nim,” she called out his full name for the first time, surprising Baekhyun who froze in place as he stared at her. “Do you like me?”

Baekhyun stared at her for a minute before he blinked.

“I do.”

Although both of them had almost the same amount of drinks, Baekhyun didn’t look drunk at all. Even if he is drunk, he seems very good at hiding it. He just looks more relaxed, and his expression isn’t as closed.

“I’m glad to hear that,” the corner of her lips twitched into a smile, reaching forward to grab his arm, pulling him closer to her over the table. “I like you too.”

She wasn’t sure if it was because of the alcohol, but her face warmed saying that out loud.

“Aren’t you scared of me?” he asked her, not bothering to pull his arm back from her as he continued to lean against the table. “You called me sadistic before.”

She waved her free hand in front of her face and said, “Sorry about that. I was scared, but now I am not afraid of you anymore.”


She gazed up at him, seeing a hint of curiosity in his eyes. “Because I learned to see the real you. You are actually a warm person deep down.”

He stared at her, with an unreadable expression on his face. Slowly, he reached out his hand to touch the side of her face. Taeyeon blushed when she felt his warm hand cup her face, so gentle as if she was a fragile doll.

She suddenly felt a lot more awake because of the butterflies that had started to form in her stomach. 

As he drew closer towards her, she held her breath.

Then his expression hardened. He pulled his hands away and started to get up.

“Now that you are done drinking, I will call for someone to you back to your chambers,” he said without looking at her as he paced around his table.

She sat there stunned for a while, before hurrying to get up. “Oh, sorry. I will leave now.”

On the way back to her chambers, she can’t stop herself from blushing.

They almost kissed.

Taeyeon knew that the moment he held her face, he wanted to kiss her. She could see from the look in his eyes, he wanted her.

But why did he hesitate?

What was holding him back?

Why does it feel like he is purposely distancing himself from her?

“Your Highness, are you really alright? Your face is really red.”

“It’s alright, Hui. Don’t worry.”


“Your Highness, are you drunk? You don’t look drunk, but your face is slightly red,” said Eunuch Nam. After the Crown Princess left, Eunuch Nam came in to find the Crown Prince sitting in front of his table, with his elbow resting on the table as his hand supported the side of his head, looking deep in thought as he scribbled something into his private journal.

“It’s nothing. Just clean this up, and tell Soo I want to talk to him, now,” the Crown Prince ordered, followed by a sigh of resignation as he gently closed his book and put it back in his drawer.

Baekhyun had been suspicious about Tax Minister Kim funding Prince Jung when he found out that some of the tax records didn’t match and Prince Jung suddenly got richer. But he only suspected him as someone that was only funding Prince Jung, not someone that could potentially be involved in the late Crown Prince’s death.

He doesn’t even think that Prince Jung is smart enough to orchestrate the plan to murder the late Crown Prince, there must be someone who is smart enough to help him. But he didn’t think that it would be Tax Minister Kim as the last time he confronted Taeyeon about it, she cried and clearly didn’t know anything about it, so he thought it might be a coincidence.

He started to think back to the times when things were suspicious and slowly pieced the puzzles together, the way the Crown Princess’ father passed away was suspicious as well.

Could it be a planned assassination?

“Your Highness,” Soo bowed down as soon as he entered the room.

“I gave Tax Minister Kim a few days to grieve, but I think that just gives him more time to get rid of evidence of his crime. I want you to sneak to his house and see if there is anything that he is keeping to himself that is related to the death of the late Crown Prince. Especially mercury.”

“Noted, Your Highness. May I ask, why are you suddenly suspicious of him? He was removed from the list of suspects.”

“Nothing concrete yet, but I want to see if he is hiding something. If he is involved in his father’s death, there might be fresh evidence that he is hiding. Being the Tax Minister, I am sure he bookkeeps every illegal transaction he had with others. Something to protect him when things go south.”

“Understood, Your Highness.”

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Hello guys! I have switched to a second job, with more flex working hours and especially, no work on Saturdays!

I have already planned its ending, so no matter what, I will finish it.

Thank you everyone for staying with this story eventhough it rarely gets updated. ❤️


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staygirl309 #1
Chapter 31: Whoaaa what??? I thought the queen was nice??? Not???
_liah_ #2
Chapter 31: chapter 32 pleaseee
I'm so happy to discover that there are plenty of chapters here alr! I've just started reading this on wattpad just today and can't help but get hooked. thank you so much!! 🫶🏼
KpopKdramaKid2001 #4
Chapter 31: Thank you so so much for the update! This has made my week! Manifesting the other updates soon!
KpopKdramaKid2001 #5
Chapter 31: Wow. Did not see this coming in any universe of imagination.
Truly don't know what to expect with what's to come wow
Nlnz2016 #6
Chapter 31: I miss your story. Thanks for updating
kim_jongdae33 #7
Chapter 31: Poor Taeyeon, hope they will be reunited in the next chapter!
kim_jongdae33 #8
Chapter 31: So glad that Baekhyun sent Soo to send her a message, knowing that she will be worried about him. My parentssss
kim_jongdae33 #9
Chapter 31: I missed reading this, thank you so much for the update! ❤️
KpopKdramaKid2001 #10
Chapter 30: You have no idea the number of times I've thought - oh I'd like to know what Baekhyun's thinking - as I read this story.
This letter is literally PERFECT. It brought so much resolution and completeness to this already brilliantly written piece.
We really need him to pull through now omg