
Press the Play button

Notice: See the end for author’s notes~


Words in italics without quotations are inner thoughts of Nayeon’s.

Words in italics with "quotations" are  Jeongyeon’s words.

Words in the regular format without quotations are narrations.

Words in the regular format with "quotations" are dialogues that are spoken out loud.

On to the story, shall we?




Song recommendation: A soulmate who wasn’t meant to be by Jess Benko

Incheon International Airport Terminal 1

September 21, 2020

Monday, 11:11 PM


Calling the attention of the passengers of Korean Air Flight KR910 bound for London,England, kindly proceed to Gate 15. Again passengers of Korean Air Flight KR910 proceed to Gate 15. Your Plane is now available for boarding. Thank You


You were busy looking at Yoo Jeongyeon, your best friend, She is wearing an AllSaints black leather jacket, inside was a white YSL shirt with matching black ripped jeans, which made her modelesque physique flaunt, her Dr. Marten’s 1460 Leather boots, a silver Rolex, an Off-White fanny pack hanging on her back and a black ACG beanie atop of her blonde bob hair. As you were still immersed on checking her out. Yoo Changjoon, her dad, called her attention which made you stop what you are doing.


“Jeongyeon-ah, Let’s go?” He called to Jeongyeon.

“Just one minute, Dad.” Jeongyeon replied.

After that she looked at you. You refused to look at her. not wanting to meet her pleading eyes.

“Nayeonieee, please look at me.” She pleaded to you. You resisted.

“Come on, Please?” She asked again.

What was that Nayeon,it’s just a little pleading yet you’re about to give in? 


Sometimes, you wonder why bother on resisting her even if you know that in the end you won’t be able to. You sighed. Well, here goes nothing…

You finally looked at her. That moment when both of your eyes met, You saw how her dark brown orbs instantly shine bright like a kid’s eyes when they were given a treat.  You slightly smiled at her. She’s really a kid at heart.

“So, what is it?” you asked her.

She only smiled at you, her signature eye smile. Gosh,why is she so cuteee. You slapped yourself internally to stop yourself from ogling the cuteness of your best friend and pretended your irritated by it.

“Yah! Jeongyeon-ah,Do you want to just smile there or do you have something to say, you’re not cute at all,you know?” You irritatingly said to her.

“Wait! Here it is, can you calm down for a sec? You really have a short temper,Nayeonie.” She laughed at you then smiled sweetly.

You saw her turn her back on you and kneeled down. From your view, you saw her getting something from her bag. She stood up and faced you. In her hands was a small box wrapped in white and sky blue.



She was literally grinning at you that you couldn’t help but smile widely back at her.

My goodness, Yoo Jeongyeon! Your smile would someday be the death of me.

“What is this,Jeong?” You trailed your eyes on the box, still can’t believe what was happening.

“That’s my gift, of course. Duhh” She rolled her eyes at you jokingly.

“Go ahead, Keep being sarcastic.” You lifted your fist and punched her slightly.

“Ouch,that hurt! I was joking,Nayeon!”

”Stop being overdramatic, Jeong, It wasn't even that hard.” She laughed then you can't help but just laughed with her. Aishhh, your laugh is really contagiousous, Jeongyeon.


Calling the attention of the passengers of Korean Air Flight KR910 bound for London,England, kindly proceed to Gate 15. Your Plane is leaving in 30 minutes. Thank You


When the both of you heard the announcement again, you came back to the realization that she’s leaving, minutes before your birthday, You can’t help but smile sadly at her.

“I’m really sorry, Nabongs.”

There’s that pleading face again. You sighed and just silently reached for her. You hugged her as tight as if this would be the last time that you would be able to do this. You can’t help but think that this is what coming home feels like.

“Why don’t you go with us, you are a part of the family already. Mom, Dad, Seungyeon-unnie, and Seoyeon-unnie wouldn't mind, they would be really happy if you'll come.” She continued speaking to you while you’re in her arms.

“Jeongyeon, we’ve already talked about this.I really want to go to London too,It’s my dream place, we planned to go there together,right? But as much as wanted to, I can’t. My Mom, Dad and Sooyeon wouldn’t allow me, they want me to spend my birthday with them and with your family also, but you really have to go. This is the only time that you’ll be able to spend your entire time and attention to your family, this is the first time you went out of the country with your family,right? We are always together here in Korea, and we can go there together next time. You know that.”

“But we’ve made a pact ever since the day we met and became friends that we’ll be celebrating each other’s birthday together. It feels like I’m breaking a promise.” She whined at you.

You can’t help but laugh. Just minutes ago, you were the one who whined, this time, it’s her. Stupid mood swings.

You slightly moved away from her while still in her embrace so you can look at her. ”Well, it’s not your fault. We can do a post birthday celebration when you get back. And besides, I already have this.” You showed the box that she gave you minutes ago.

She just pouted at you.

“Stop being a baby, Jeongyeonie!” you chuckled at her and started pinching her cheeks. She always said that she hates to do aegyo but look at her. Gosh, She’s really cute.

“Ow. Ow. Nabongs! It hurtsh.” Her last words were slightly muffled, so you released your grasp from her now rosy cheeks.


Calling for the passengers of Korean Air Flight KR910 bound for London, England, please proceed to Gate 15. Your Plane will be leaving in 20 minutes. Thank You


“Jeongyeon-ah, we really need to go,now say your goodbye to Nayeonie, you’ll still see her after our trip, you’re being a baby again. Aigoo!” This time, Yoo Seyeon, her mom, called Jeongyeon once again. Then both of you looked at her. Jeongyeon just pouted at her mom’s words. Your eyes landed on her oldest sister, Seungyeon-unnie she’s laughing at her sister’s antics, she really loves Jeongyeon very much. Beside her was their second oldest, Seoyeon-unnie , busy taking selfies on her phone.

“Okay, Mom. Be there in a sec.” You heard her say and then she faced you once again.

“Thank you for this, Jeongyeon~ah. You know that you shouldn’t have—“ Whatever you’re going to say next was cut off.

“No, Nabongs. I can’t bear the thought that I’m not with you on your special day and also not giving a gift for you. Nope, not a chance.”

Gosh, Yoo Jeongyeon. You’re just too sweet sometimes.

You just smiled widely at her, slightly showing that bunny teeth of yours that she always tease you about.

“Anyways, there’s an instruction inside the box once you open it. Please, just this once follow my instructions? Please?”

“Yes, yes I’ll follow your instructions, I’ll be patient this time. But wait, why is that there’s an instruction? What’s really inside this?”

“You’ll see. And don’t open it while on your way back. When you’re already home, that’s when you open it. And before I forgot please wake up at 7:30 am tomorrow.”

“Huh? Why?”

“I am taking you on a date.”

But how?

You just nodded on what she said even if she’s not making any sense.


Last call for the passengers of Korean Air Flight KR910 bound for London,England, please proceed to Gate 15 now. Your Plane will be leaving in 10 minutes. Thank You


“Nayeon~ah, I really need to go.” She hesitantly moved away from you but not before giving you a soft lingering kiss on your forehead. For a second, you thought that you imagined it but the way that your head’s tingling and the way your whole body was suddenly engulfed in warmth says otherwise. I’m really going to miss this big baby.

“Have a safe flight, Jeongyeon. And try not to contact me and focus your attention to your family. We will see each other after 10 days.”


Last call for the passengers of Korean Air Flight KR910 bound for Los Angeles, California please proceed to Gate 15 now. Your Plane will be leaving in 10 minutes. Thank You


“I’ll try my best.” Then before you know it,she gave you that grin that you loved and hated so much.

“Stay safe,Jeong.” You were startled at the voice, you looked at its owner and was a little surprised, it was Hirai Momo , a slim girl,about your height with shoulder length dark raven hair, wearing her trademark black Nike sweat pants, black ADLV shirt, and a plaid red jacket around her waistand a pair of Nike Air max 95 triple white,Your suitor,and a Japanese friend of yours from the dance studio your working part-time in, You really forgot that she was the one who drove you to the airport to see Jeongyeon and her family before they depart to London. You simply slap your face for being stupid sometimes.

“You too,Mo, please take care of Nayeon for me.” Jeongyeon replied.

“Of course, you don’t have to mention it, she’s the most important to me, I will take care of her.” Jeongyeon just smiled on Momo’s words then run to where her family is while waving goodbye. Somehow you can’t shrug the thought that she seems a little sad as Momo said those words.


Picture this:

A petite girl with long dark-strawberry locks with brown eyes wearing a denim jacket and a floral dress inside, looking above as an airplane lifts into the starry night sky.” See you soonest, Jeongyeonie…”


Im Residence, Apgujeong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

September 22,2020

Tuesday, 7:14 AM


You turned off your alarm even before it actually ring. You’re quite surprised because normally you’re not awake until 10 am comes around. Well, unless some dork bothered you and rudely woke you up.

You slightly smiled because even she’s a thousand miles away from you, she never failed to make you smile even at the thought of  her.

You got up and did your morning routines. Jeongyeon’s instructions still ringing at the back of your mind.

“Wake up at 7:30 am. Okay?”

You sighed, Gosh Jeongyeon, the things I do for you..

You suddenly found yourself staring at the white and sky blue box that Jeongyeon gave to you. You can see the even cut of the tapes now that you’re looking at it closely. It seems that she literally wrapped this box with such carefulness. Jeongyeon will always be Jeongyeon. She’s always so cautious and do things orderly, no wonder she’s called the clean freak. You smiled at that thought.

Without hesitation, you quickly unwrapped the box. It was a simple cube about half the size of a shoebox decorated with a white bunny’s little face on it.  Dork...

You lifted the box’s lid carefully and examined what was in the box. Inside, you found a Walkman cassette player with a paper note attached to it, two cassettes and a tiny bunny stuffed toy. Once you saw the cassettes, your mind immediately flashbacked to the day when the two of you has watched 13 Reasons Why,  a foreign tv show on netflix just a couple of weeks ago. Your heart beats erratically at the thought. Shaking your head, you hastily picked up the note and breathed a sigh of relief when you finished reading it.

“Nabongs,this is not my suicide note. Don’t worry, HAHAHAHA. Anyways, please bring your backpack and grab your earphones and listen to tape 1.”

You get your earphones from your nightstand and plugged it into the Walkman and searched for the cassette labeled Tape 1. The tapes were labeled “Play Me” in Jeongyeon’s handwriting and denoted by numbers 1&2.

You placed “Play Me #1” in the player, making it sure it was on Side A, and pressed play.

“Nayeonieee! It’s me!.” For a second, you thought you’re about to be deaf at the sound of Jeongyeon’s high-pitched overly excited voice.

“I really hoped that you wake up on time, because if not, you’ll be dead once I came back, Im Nayeon. My plans for you will be ruined.”

You chuckled because you knew that she’s pouting while she recorded that.

 She’s so childish sometimes.

“And please don’t laugh at me because I pouted and how I am being childish, you know that I seldomly do it right? You should be thankful.” You heard her laugh afterwards.

You looked around your room ‘cause an irrational part of you thought that she’s in the room with you. Sometimes it really scares you how Jeongyeon can actually read you like an open book.

“Anyways, since I can’t physically be with you today, I spent the last week recording these tapes and preparing the best birthday you will ever have, I really begged Mina to help me with this since Jihyo and Sana are busy with the council thingy.”

So,Mina huh, no wonder I don’t see both of you hanging out with us after school time.

 You can’t stop yourself from feeling a slight pang of jealousy with the mention of Mina’s name. She and Jeongyeon prolly have something going on between them.

Snap out of it, Nayeon. Jeongyeon did all that she can to give you this amazing virtual date, stop thinking things and just focus on the date. You just shrugged the thought out of your head because you know you’re just overthinking things. 

“So now, lemme explain some rules. First things first, you will have to do whatever I say in these tapes or else it won’t work out. When I say pause, you’ll have to pause the tape. Don’t cheat and keep playing it. I made sure that you’ll get prompts to press play again through this date of ours, okay? And don’t forget , Replaying is not allowed.”

Wow, Jeongyeon, you never ceased to amaze me.

“Okay, now, press pause Nabongs, Go straight outside your house and let the fun begin! We’ll be starting at 7:45, Don’t forget the backpack. You’ll be needing it later. Bye, Nabongs!”

Jeongyeon’s voice disappeared and the tape ran silent.

You took it as a cue to press pause, then looked at your alarm clock. 7:36 am.

You then hurriedly get your Chanel backpack that was stashed inside your cabinet and put the remaining tapes inside. You also put all of your needed essentials whenever you go outside. You wear the Beige Misla polo shirt that Jeongyeon gave you and your Isabel Marant corsy jeans that matches your black Converse All star 70’s Ox and when you reached your dining room, you kiss your parents goodbye, they smiled at you like they know what was happening.

On your way out, you bumped into Seoyoon , your sister.

“Hey Unnie! Why are you on a hurry?”

“Jeongyeon made me do something.”

She seems a little bit confused until she saw what was in your hand.

“Ahh, I see. Well then enjoy your day Unnie, Happy birthday! See yah later!”

After that she went inside your house, You still seem to be quite confused that somehow your family knows Jeongyeon’s plan, but you just shrugged it off and went outside.

As soon as you’re at the front of your house, you pressed play. For a few seconds, you just heard a static noise.

“Hi Nabongsss! Welcome back to 'My Awesome Date with Yoo Jeongyeon!' ”

You almost tripped.

Gosh, Jeongyeon. One more time and I’m gonna punch you when you get back.

“I can almost see you tripping at your feet, Nayeonie! Hahahaha. Don’t worry, I won’t do it again. Peace! Anyways, our first stop is at Superzip. Start walking, while I ramble some nonsense topics to keep you entertained.” This is going to be a long walk.

You started your trek to Superzip. This is where the both of you likes to eat always, other than it has her favorite Tteokbokki, it’s the nearest from both of your houses even though it’s over a hundred meters away.

“ Yo, Nabongs. I wonder what you’re seeing right now? Is their many students roaming around? I doubt tho, since it’s still too early in the morning. I bet you’re only seeing students that were already late in their 8 am classes. I am also seeing students rushing too. But not on their way to school but to their respective homes. Well, I’m actually recording this in the afternoon in case you’re wondering too.”

You almost answered her but you remembered that you’re alone.

“Hey Nayeon…”

Her voice became solemn. A wind blew past you and you slightly shivered. It’s a really a bad thing that you only wore a short sleeve shirt but as long as it’s from Jeongyeon, it’s okay.

“Do you also wonder what will happen to the world when you die? I know that my question is egotistical, knowing that I’m just one of the billions of people who lived in this world. Honestly, I haven’t told other people about this but this is my ultimate fear. Leaving this world without making such a huge impact to the people around me.”

Now it made sense. You always wonder why Jeongyeon chose to remain silent in every issue that comes his way. People say that she got accepted in Seoul National University because her father was a famous chef that have connections with someone with high position in SNU even though she stayed up late at night to study for the entrance exam without her father’s help, People say she’s too boastful during their performance, when she is just so happy that she already achieve one of her dreams, playing with her band in front of many people. Some says that she’s a snob, when she goes out her way to be as accommodating to her fans, even if she’s dead tired.

Is that it, Jeongyeon?

“I just wanted my story to be told, you know? Not the TWICE, BLACKPINK or RED VELVET kind of thing, but I just wanted people to remember me on some things that I did that affected their lives.”


“You know what, let’s make a pact. Promise me when the time comes that I die ahead of you , you’ll tell my story. And don’t ask how could I know that we’ll be together ‘till the end. ‘Cause that’s a dumb question Nabongs! You’re my best friend in the whole world!!! So you’ll be stuck with me for the rest of our lives! Hahahahaha!”

Again, stupid mood swings. She can be very depressing as hell and be excited as a puppy the next.

“So, what do you say?”

Of course, Jeongyeon. It’s an honor and a privilege. But why are you talking about our deaths? We’re still too young, Jeong!

“Well, when I come back after 10 days, let’s have that pinky promise, kay?!”

You chuckled. She really is a child sometimes.

“Anyway, unless your really slow. I’m guessing you’re near Superzip already?”

Sure enough you see the Big “SUPERZIP” sign just meters away from you.

If it wasn’t for the fact that this food hub was a little far from both of your houses, you would have started wondering if the Walkman was really a walkie-talkie. Did she record this as if she’s going through this ‘date’ of yours? Was she walking the same path as you are now while she spoke to the cassette player?

“Some people will be meeting you there, alright?”

Across the street near the entrance you saw three familiar faces staring at you with their wide smiles.

“Side A is almost done so you don’t need to pause it. Just let it stop so that you can flip it afterwards. Remember , pressing Rewind is against the rules!”

As soon as she said that, the player clicked signaling the end of Play Me #1 Side A.

You crossed the street to meet those three people.


Picture this:

Two people, a girl in her mid 20’s about 5 foot 4 in height in a purple floral bikini that matches her purple slippers and a girl probably a year younger with a medium built, blonde bob waves, about 2 inches taller wearing her favorite MLB blue rash guard and black shorts that matches her black Adidas slides haphazardly piled over each other on a slippery path. Around them, was two pair of parents laughing out loud at them. Ignoring the laughter, the taller girl grins in mirth to the girl above her, despite her sore back. ”See? I always gotchu when you fall down even if you’re the one who made me slip in the first place.”


As you got nearer, you immediately decipher that it’s your three other friends.

“Nayeon-unnie! Happy Birthday!” that was Jihyo with her really loud and energetic voice.

And that was the cue of the other two girls to speak all at once.

“Happy Birthday, Unnie!”

“Unnie, Happy Happy Birthday!”

After the various greetings has been said and done.

Sana jokingly reprimanded you, “ You really walk so slow, I am really hungry, we waited for too long!”

“Sorry Sorry, Hahaha. Let’s go inside so that we could eat.”

The four of you went inside. You were giving them some money for your order, but they insisted that it’s their treat.

“Just find us some seats please? Jeongyeon gave us some instructions that needed to be strictly followed”

Jihyo pleaded to you.

“That’s right, unnie. Jeongyeon threatened us that she would not give us the free food for two weeks, that’s why you should just follow.” Sana added.

You just sighed and just followed them.

A few minutes later, while you were eating Jeongyeon’s favorite Tteokbokki, you can’t help but ask.

“So, all of you knew about the cassette tapes?”

“Yeah, She told us about it last week, I actually helped her with it, we spent a couple of days planning it.” Mina stated. 

Myoui Mina, Japanese,promising ballerina, one of SNU’s Campus crushes, daughter of the partner of Jeongyeon’s dad. She and Jeongyeon met a few years back on a company gathering and instantly became friends. Jeongyeon, introduced us with each other and Mina introduced us to her other friends, Minatozaki Sana and Park Jihyo and that’s when all of us started hanging out with each other and became best of friends. 

You didn’t realized that you spaced out for a moment, and you snapped out from your reverie when Jihyo spoke.

“Earth to Unnie, are you listening?”

“Ah yes, sorry. So, Am I the only one who didn’t know?”

“Yeah.” The three of them said in unison.

“So that’s why you keep on defending her whenever I looked for her.”

“Haha, Sorry unnie.But you’ll see that this would be worth it.”

Yeah. I have no doubt.

Jeongyeon is naturally sweet but there are times that when she really put too much effort on her work, you’ll be swept off of your feet. This is one of those times.

As the four of you finished eating. They gave you each of their gifts.

“Guys, you shouldn’t have bothered. Being here with me was good enough.” You told them but they ignored you and still gave their presents.

“Thanks guys, Can I open it?”

“ You can choose one and open the others when you get back.”

You agreed and chose Jihyo’s gift.

“Yah! Park Jisoo, this better not be a prank.”

In your group of five, Jeongyeon is the prankster but you can’t help but think that maybe Jihyo got influenced by Jeongyeon for spending too much time with the latter.

“Unnie, you know that Jeongyeon is the prankster one out of all of us. Why don’t you just open it and find it out? She replied with a little glint in her eyes.

Now you’re scared. Surely, she won’t try pranking you in front of many strangers, right?

You looked at the rectangular box in your hands and carefully unwrapped it.

What you saw inside instantly gives you tingles throughout your body.

You looked at Jihyo. You were lost at words.

“So, where’s my thank you? She raised her eyebrow at you.

She was surprised when you went for a hug instead.

“Thank you Ji, You don’t know what this means to me.” You whispered to her.

“I know Unnie, I actually know. And don’t worry about Mina and Jeongyeon, they’re just close with each other because of their dads being partners. She winked at you, you just smiled at her.

As both of you finished hugging each other, you faced the other girls and hugged them also.

“Thank you guys!”

“You’re welcome, Nayeon-unnie!” they hugged you back.

Now, our time is up. It’s time for you to go on your little adventure.” Sana said and stood up, the rest of the girls followed her.`

“Thank you again guys, but where is my next destination?

“Why don’t you asked your date? Mina answered. “We’ll see you later again, Unnie!”

“Okay..” You watched them saunter towards the exit. But a few seconds later, Sana came back.

“We almost forgot. Press play. Bye!”


Picture this:

A girl with long brown hair sitting inside Superzip. In her hands was a candid photo of her and another girl with blonde bob waves, sitting in one of the benches after a long walk along the riverbank of Han River. She was leaning her head on her best friend’s shoulder while the latter’s head was thrown back, the pair of them in mid-laugh. 

Too bad, I can’t remember what we’re talking about that made us laugh like this..


You carefully put the other gifts in your string bag and went outside.

“Hiii Nabongs! Welcome back! Did you enjoy your time spending with SaJiMi? Did you like my fave Tteokbokki? And, please tell me that you haven’t murdered Jihyo for thinking she’d pranked you Haha.”

You laughed out loud. You really wished that you could tell her what you’re feeling. But even if you shout she won’t be able to hear you.

“If they followed the schedule, it’s about 10:00 am already. Why don’t you walk with me to the streets of Apgujeong?”

You’re curious as to why that was your next destination. There’s nothing there. And at this time of the day, no people would be their because it usually opens at 1 pm. 

You started walking down the sidewalk. Jeongyeon stopped talking for a few seconds and you wondered if you should press pause. You waited a bit longer though, feeling comfortable because you could hear her breathing as she walked with you.

She may have recorded this tape a few days ago but that didn’t matter. She was still with you. You could feel her, despite the time difference, she still walked with you and it made you happy.

“I checked what the weather will be on your birthday and forecast said that it would be sunny. Although Arirang News cannot be relied on sometimes. Haha! Joke! Anyways, Is it sunny, Bunny? I really hope so. If not, then it would be really unlucky. But I really hope that God gave you blue skies. I don’t want your birthday to be gloomy.”

Yes, Jeongyeonie, your prayer has been granted since the sky is very blue today.


“I really wish I am with you today, Bunny. It’s really hard to talk especially when your alone with no way of knowing if you’re really listening to me. Maybe you’re already cheating during this time, you’ll be really dead if it’s true.”

Following you today has been the greatest decision that I’ve ever made. Just don’t make me regret it Jeongyeon!

“Anyways, are you there already? Now, press pause.”

You looked around and saw Chou Tzuyu, the neice of the owner of the dance studio you’re working in,but you became good friends with her. She’s standing near the entrance of a flower shop.

“Tzuyu-ah?” you called out.

“Hey Unnie! I was waiting for you like 20 minutes already.”

“Hahaha. Sorry, Tzuyu-ah.”

“It’s okay, here, take this, Jeongyeon-Unnie wanted me to give it to you.” She handed you three stems of sunflowers.

You gratefully accepted the flowers and thanked her.

“I’ll just give you my gift later, Unnie. Btw, Jeongyeon told me to tell you to search for the meaning of sunflowers. Bye, See yah later .”


And just like that she was no longer visible in your range of sight. You opened your phone and searched for thw flowers meaning.


Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity. Sunflowers are known for being “happy” flowers, making them the perfect gift to bring joy to someone's day.’


You can’t help but smile not just because of the flower’s meaning but because it indeed made your day joyful.

Thank you, Jeongyeon~ah for making my special day,extra special. 

You inspected the flowers and saw a card that was taped at the side saying.

“Press Play. –Jeongyeon”

You put your earphones back on and pressed play.

“Hey Nabongs , did you like it?” No, you dork. I love it.

“I just realize that I haven’t given you flowers so why not give you one on your birthday. Anyways, proceed to the next street.You’ll meet some people there again

The Walkman clicked, signaling the end of ‘Play Me #1’.


Picture This:

A canvas hangs on the wall. It has two distinct sides, one blue the other yellowish-orange. A girl with shoulder length hair walks farther into the background under the blue skies while the other girl with bob cut walks in the same manner but she’s under the warm glow of the evening sun. “No matter what the hue is, we still walk under the same sky.”


You wandered around the street for a while. You actually have no idea on who’s gonna meet you there. You just let your eyes roam around. It was a good ten minutes when you heard a white Ford Raptor stopping in front of you. The windows of the car was slowly rolled down and you grinned at the passengers.

“Hi Unnie!” the bob cut haired girl shouted at you.

Inside the car was Jeongyeon’s band mates, Son Chaeyoung, the band’s drummer and the other girl with skin white as tofu, Kim Dahyun, the band’s keyboardist. Jeongyeon being the lead guitarist and vocalist.

“Hi guys! I guess the two of you will be my companion this time?”

“Yes Ma’am, and we’re really sorry if we’re a bit late, our prof dismissed us 10 minutes after our actual dismissal.” Dahyun replied.

“Hop in Unnie, we’re going to take you somewhere.”

“Be careful on driving Chaeyoung or do you want me to hit you later?”

“Calm down, Unnie, if I’m not going to drive out of harm's way, Jeongyeon-unnie and that Momo-unnie of yours will kill me. Haha.”

You just chuckled at Chaeyoung’s remark.

“So, where’s our next stop?”

“In Starfield Coex Mall.” Dahyun answered facing you from the passenger seat.

“Huh? What are we gonna do there?”

“It’s a surprise unnie, so can you just relax there, we already told you where our destination is, and besides we are not allowed to tell you the rest.”

“Let me guess, Jeongyeon threatened both of you.”

“…” They didn’t replied and instantly you already know the answer to your question.

Gosh Jeongyeon, how can you bully this kids.

The three of you spent the drive talking about random things, when a thought popped up in your mind.

“So, Chaeyoung-ah how are you and Tzuyu?” you asked.

“H-huh? What do you mean, Unnie ?”

“Come on, don’t deny it. Just confess already.”

“I-is there something that I have to confess?”

“Then why are you stuttering?” Dahyun questioned, eyebrows moving up and down.

“No, I’m not.”

“Come on Bro, You’ve been knew already,just admit it.” Dahyun laughing at her bro and slightly punching her. 

“How about you Nayeon unnie,how are you and No-jam bro, and also you and Momo-unnie?”

That shut you up.

“We are already here guys!” you enthusiastically said.

Saved by the bell.

You suddenly found yourself in front of the arcade inside the mall.

“Seriously guys? Arcade?”

“Yes Ma’am. Jeongyeon said that you wanted to go here, but she was so busy at that time, so here we are, granting your wish.”

Gosh Jeongyeon, you still remembered it? That was last month already and I already forgave you, but I guess you couldn’t forgive yourself, huh?”

You shook your head.

“Let’s go guys, we should buy some tokens.”

Two hours later, the three of you found yourselves inside McDonald’s.

Dahyun stood up to go to the counter, You gave her money but she didn’t accept saying that it’s their treat.

5 minutes later, she came back with three pairs of chocolate sundae, burger and fries with coke. And the three of you started eating but the two of them ate like they didn't eat for a week.

By the time you finished your meals, you feel that you could not move anymore. You groaned, I need to jog in the morning tomorrow.

“Gosh! I’m so full.” Was all you could say.

“But it’s really good, right?” Chaeyoung responded.

You just nodded. You noticed the two of them looked at each other, before getting something from their respective bags.

“Happy Birthday!”

You blinked as the two of them presented their gifts to you.

“T-thank you guys.” You smiled at them and gave each of them a hug.

“I’ll just open it when I got home, okay?”

“Sure, Unnie. So we’ll get going now. Bye”

“By the way, Unnie, Jeongyeon said that you can press play after we left.”


Picture this:

The same girl that has a dark-strawberry hair standing in front of a mall, holding two gifts, while remembering with a serene smile the first time her best friend gave her a gift. 

That was the first time that you gave something to me and until now I still have that gift of yours in one of my memory boxes, Jeongyeon.


“What took you so long, Bunny?” 

was the first sentence you heard after you changed the tapes “Play Me! #2 Side A.”

Jeongyeon, you know that I’m with those to kiddos. They don’t ran out of energy that easy. It will really take hours before I can get away with them.

“Haha! Sorry, sorry. I know that they are so energetic. And you are a grandma. Are you tired already?”

You rolled your eyes out of habit.

“Anyways, walk with me first? We’ll go to Assouline Book Lounge. I heard that they have an event there that will start at 2:00. Hopefully, you finished at about 1:30?”

You checked the Rolex watch that she gave to you. 1:45, You still have enough time.

“Hey, Nayeon?”


“We haven’t hung out for a while now, huh? You know just the two of us?”

You try to remember the times that you’ve hung out and you come to the realization that she’s right. The times that you were together, SaJiMi, his friends or band mates were with you.

I just noticed it now. The last time that it happened was –

“…when you suddenly came over at my house to share the photos that you took for your photography class. I was shocked that day you know. It was raining cats and dogs outside and you were soaking, panting and clutching your camera inside your jacket in front of my doorstep. Even mom was a bit shocked, she thought that you had a fight with your parents. But in reality, you just want me to see the photos that you took.”

You remembered that day clearly. You’re so excited ‘cause you’ve been stressed out that you cannot find a decent shot to put in your project. You lacked the inspiration weeks before that day.

“I remembered telling you that the shots were really great after explaining and showing with passion on each of them. The way your face brightened up whenever I asked a question about a picture, I was mesmerized by you, you know? I’ve never see you that excited before…”

You blushed. You really seemed overexcited that day.

“Well, I really hoped that I will be able to see that face again.”

It might be sooner than you think,Jeong. When you get back…

“You might have heard this a thousand times, especially from Momo but you’re really beautiful when you smile, Nayeon. You make the whole world stop for a while.”

You stopped walking.

“Hmmm. I think this side of the tape is almost done. You should be near the Assouline Book Lounge now. Just look for my other friends. Haha. Later, Bunny.”

The player clicked while you stared ahead of you. Jeongyeon’s compliment kept replaying in your mind like a broken record.


Picture this:

Yoo Seyeon peered at a slightly open door. Through the small opening, two girls can be seen; the older girl was holding her camera and was showing something to the younger girl beside her; the younger girl was patiently listening and staring at the older girl talking animatedly. Both have wide smiles on their faces. “You’ll never know how beautiful you are to me…”

“Nayeon!” you snapped out of your stupor when you heard a familiar voice.

You looked up and saw three people, it was Jeongyeon’s friends from the Fine Arts department, Amber-unnie, Seulgi-unnie, and Lisa, they were walking towards you.

“Hey guys!” you greeted them as soon as they’re already in front  of you.

“Happy Birthday Nayeon!”

"Happy Birthday Unnie!"

“Thanks, guys. So what is the event that were going to?”

“Spoken word poetry.” Lisa simply replied.

“Really? I didn’t know that the three of you likes to watch this kind of things.”

“Nope. We don’t really a choice. Jeongyeon will kill us if we disobeyed her. She said that you like watching this kind of event And because we love her and you, we agreed to go. Seulgi-unnie replied.

Even if you’re not the oldest, they are really scared of you, huh, Your bond are really cute.

“Come on, guys the show’s about to start.” Amber called the three of you.

In a shaded spot near you, they were already people sitting on the grass near the stage,mostly teenagers. The four of you found a spot at the front.

You felt pity to the people behind you, those three are taller than the people behind all of you. You chuckled at yourself.


“Hey guys! Welcome to our event: Speak your heart out. So without further ado, let’s welcome our first performer to the stage.”

You watched as a long haired girl stood up from the crowd and went to the front.

“ Hi everyone, my name is Jennie and this poetry of mine is dedicated to my friend I’m secretly inlove with. This is entitled: The Art of Unrequited Love.

It was a couple of minutes ago after the first performer finished. Now the event has come to a close. The four of you went to Amber’s car. After that, they gave you their presents and dropped you back to your home.

"Thank you guys, I really enjoyed it."

"No problem,Nayeon, we'll see you later again. Bye" Seulgi-unnie said.

“Nayeon- unnie, just leave your things first inside your room then press play. Bye!” Lisa instructed. Then they left.


Picture this:

Yoo Jeongyeon and Im Nayeon stand back to back against a stone wall that separates them, holding their walkie talkies talking to each other. Both of them are smiling ear to ear. “Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.”


“So what did my friends get you, Nayeonie?” The recorded voice asked you as you walked up to your room.

Well, I haven’t had a chance to open them. Since they just gave them to me once we’re near our house and hastily left.

“Well, it’s useless to asked you since you can’t answer me right now. Haha. Anyways, I’ll know when I came back.”


Jeongyeon instructed you to leave your gifts inside your room and go outside again and walked your way to the park where both of you spent your childhood with.

That's where the first time I saw you Jeongyeonie,about 19? 20 years ago? Gosh,we've know each other for a really long time. And I'm willing to spend another two decades or more with you.

The journey going there was done in silence because you were too happy to care. The time you spend with your friends and family was so memorable and so enjoyable. Undoubtedly, this was the best birthday gift that you’ve ever had.

“I almost forgot before going to the park, I want you to go to the ice cream parlor near it, someone will special will meet you there.” Your heart beats erratically on what she said. You were hoping that the someone that he was talking to, was Jeongyeon herself.

“I heard that, Momo is courting you already?”

“…” You tightened your grip on the cassette player in your hand, just like how an invisible hand grasped your heart when you heard her talk about these things as if it didn’t affect her. 

“Come to think of it. She asked me about you sometimes which is really weird since She’s been your friend before we became friends.”

You’re dense, Jeongyeon! You are so dense!

“Just tell me if you’re finally going to say ‘yes’ to her, so I can at least intimidate her so that she won’t hurt you. No one hurts my beloved Bunny…”

She kept describing Momo’s personalities and traits to you. Apparently, she has been investigating her and says she approves of her. And it hurts you. It hurts you so much that she could speak about such a thing to you as she could easily let you go.

I love you, you dork! It has been you since the first time I saw you. It has been always you. I wish you’d open your eyes.

You pressed your hand to your lips to keep yourself from sobbing. For the first time since this day began, you didn’t listen to her and blocked her voice out.

You wiped the tears in your cheeks as you got nearer. You saw a familiar face smiling at you, while holding a box of chocolates. It was Momo, wearing a royal blue Ralph Lauren women’s linen long sleeved polo and black Alexander Wang jeans with matching Nike Air force 1 low triple white shoes. You felt a little disappointment that it’s not Jeongyeon that showed up.

“Hey Nayeon, Happiest Birthday. Here, it’s my gift for you.” She handed you the chocolates that she was holding seconds ago.

“I am really sorry that you were a bit disappointed, because you thought I was her.” She said with a sad eyes. You felt guilty.

“ That’s why, I pleaded her to talk this through today. I want you to know that I really really love you, but I guess, this love of mine is not the love that you’ve been wanting for too long. I don’t want to push myself to you because I know you will not be happy. I don’t want to stand on your way, especially if it’s your happiness that’s on the line. That’s why my gift for you today is to let you go, I’ll just pray for your happiness with her.” Momo paused for a moment then continued.

“...and for the last time, I wanted to say, I love you Nayeon. I really do,that’s why I’m doing this. You are free now, Nayeon,but remember that I’ll always be here,take care,okay?” With that, Momo hugged you really tight and turned her back on you and walked to the opposite direction. You saw her wiping the tears that’s she's been holding back all this time. You felt happy but at the same time,sad. You wished that Momo will find someone worthy of the love she’s always willing to give.


You stared at the chocolate box and saw the ‘Press Play’.

“So this is the last tape. I wonder what did Momo said to you. Did you said ‘yes’ already? Let me know when I get back huh.” 

Why are you like that, even Momo know that you’re the one that I love. Idiot

“I hope that you’re happy even if I’m not there. I’m expecting a really big hug and a kiss when I get back, Nayeonie, I prepared everything for you after all…”

“So what time is it for you, Bunny? I know it’s a long shot but just imagine if you’re listening to this the exact time I’m recording. It’s 5:30 right now, by the way and I’m recording this last bit the day before my flight. The sun is already setting and it’s a little old already.

You looked at your watch.

5:00 PM.

“Are you already at the park, Nayeonie? I’m sitting at our bench.”

You lifted your eyes, half expecting that Jeongyeon was waiting for you there, with her brightest eye smile. Despite not being able to hold a real conversation with her, you truly felt that she’s been with you the whole day.

“Come sit with me, Nabongs.”

You sat on the said bench and absentmindedly watched other people roam around the park.

“Tell me all about this when I get back huh. It really bugs me that I wasn’t able to spend it with you. This is the second best thing I can think of.”

Jeongyeon, you’re forgiven the moment that you left me with a kiss on the forehead at the airport.

“So what’s your birthday wish, Nabongs? Knowing you, you’d probably say to graduate and to get out of SNU already, get a good paying job and maybe a boyfriend or girlfriend, well if you already answered Momo then you have to scratch it out of your wish. Haha.”  Gosh, what a dense dork.

“And before I forgot, your dad will pick you up. You’ll have a birthday dinner in Doore, Dad’s Restaurant ,care of your mother of course! And I think they're already there.”

I knew it! How dare you bring my parents to this, Jeongyeon?

“She’s more than happy to obliged. Your mom’s really nice, just like you. You really got that attribute from your mom.”

“Just enjoy the rest of your night, okay? Momo will be in my place because I’m not there for now.” 

You can’t help but cry again, after hearing how she’s really inconsiderate on how you feel.

Shut. Up.

“Enjoy it as if I’m with you. Just imagine that I’m Momo!”


Why are you always hurting me like this, Jeongyeon?

“Momo will take care of you, in my place.”

Do you know how it hurts when you say this kind if things?

Your heart nearly stopped when the cassette player suddenly became silent.


“Happiest Birthday again, Nayeonie!” Her voice was soft, unsure, and almost afraid, 

I love you…”

The cassette player clicked the very second after she said those last three words, ending “Play Me! #2 Side B.”


“Sweetie! Here!”


“Are you okay?” your dad kneeled in front of you.

You hastily wiped your tears and nodded, 

“Yes Dad, I’m okay. I’m just happy.”

All of the pain that you’ve been feeling immediately disappeared as you heard Jeongyeon’s last three words.

“Let’s go? your mom, Sooyeon and your friends areo already there.”

“Yeah Dad, Let’s go.”


Picture this:

Carried by the cold wind, a crumpled ball of newspaper rolls behind the shoes of a dark-strawberry haired girl wearing a beige polo shirt and corsy jeans. It continues to roll until it hits a nearby lamp post. On it, written in a big black font.” 


Korean Air Flight KR910 bound for London crashed today, September 22, 2020 at 3:00AM. Possibly NO survivors.”


A pale tall girl wearing a plain white shirt inside a black leather jacket with matching black ripped jeans, leather boots, a silver Rolex, a fanny pack around her back and wearing a beanie atop her blonde bob picked the littered newspaper up with pale hands and watched the girl leaving the park together with her father. She looked at the newspaper and smile sadly.

“I’m sorry Nayeon~ah. I didn’t want to say goodbye this way....”



If only there really such a thing as PAUSE button in life.

If only we could simply press REWIND when we make mistakes,

Then we will be able to live our lives with no regrets.

But, alas! All we have is the PLAY button.

So be prepared,

To gain everything.

Or lose everything.

Because there’s no turning back,

No Pause,

No Rewind.

Therefore gather the courage to fight these odds,

All or nothing,

Now press the PLAY button.







Note: Hi guys,I just really miss Jeongyeon and the 2yeon moments so I decided to make a oneshot au,so I came up with this☺️ I do not own the plot of this story,it is from an author in a K:ON fanfic that I really love. The author’s username is ghikiJ. I just rewrote things to fit for 2yeon. This is my first time writing,so please bear with my grammatical errors. Thank you for reading, keep safe❤️



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Chapter 1: Along the way, i was expecting a tragic ending. And i was right. So sad coz whole Yoo family died. But beautiful tho. Damn
14 streak #2
Chapter 1: It was going so well but the unexpected ending got me... This story had me going up and down the roller coaster. I hope I can read more from you!!
chonganna #3
Chapter 1: This is such a good story but jeongyeon died it’s so sad ㅠㅠ
Authornim, could you create an alternate ending or something for this story cos it’s really heartbreaking because it was so sweet and then the ending just came like BAM
But thank you for the story, it was rly good
Ashasdfghjkl #4
kiddoatheartu #5
Chapter 1: Hear me out, just maybe they (Jeongyeon) survived the crash and still alive and just stranded at some island or something like that (。ノω\。) and she hangs on to her life because she still needs to see Nayeon (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) Plase make it happen author-nim! Or at least gave Nayeon her happy ending or closure .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
poltherium #6
Chapter 1: The pain..... Thank you for writing this. I don't really know what to say anymore......... T_T