

Happy Birthday Stephanie Hwang Miyoung
I'm sorry, my gift to my fellow taeny shippers is kinda angsty


"She's here Taeng, aren't you gonna meet her?" I yawned before answering Yuri. I know Tiffany's here in korea for some time now and she's meeting almost all of our members except me. Why is that? I don't know. She flew here in korea with her TA team along with Kev Nish. No matter how much i want to see her my pride won't let me. All the things that happened to us these past few months had been... Exhausting, mentally and emotionally.
"Were all gonna see each other soon right? I'll just wait for that day then." I heard Yuri sighed on the other line. 
"You guys are better than this, you've been together for like a decade don't let that years go to waste." 
"Then why did you let Jessica go?" 
"Yuri-ah, i'm just kidding. It's okay. I'll figure things out. Thank you for always being there for me." 


We all gathered in Yuri's cooking show and seeing her again after many months makes me happy. No matter what situation we are in, her presence will always affect me in every way possible. But it saddens me that we already reached the end. 
I avoided her gaze when she approached me. 
"Tae... why are you not replying to my messsges?" I cleared my throat before looking up at her. Prettier than ever

"Fany, let's talk later." Not now when everyone who witnessed our love blossom was also watching us fall apart.

I went the opposite way, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall, walking away from the love of my life.

I think I've seen this film before
So I'm leavin'out the side door

Tiffany was surprised to know that the passcode to Taeyeon's apartment unit has changed. Before it was their Anniversary date. She can't deny that it pained her a bit. So this is what taking a break means? Changing everything? Including apartment passcode. ​​​​​​She reluctantly pressed the doorbell. After a few seconds the door opened and it revealed a make up free Taeyeon. 
"Come in" was what Taeyeon said before turning back to her. 
Tiffany tried to fight back the frown from her face. No hug? No kiss? No welcome greetings? It feels like she was an intruder from the place she used to call home. 

"Did you drove here?" Taeyeon asked as she comfortably sat on the couch, she gestured for tiffany to sit as well. 
"Obviously. Where's Zero and ginger yah?" 
"They're already asleep." A moment of silence and staring contest between the two of them when Taeyeon spoke. 
"What? " Don't look at me like that i might change my mind
"Tae... What happened to us?"

Second, third, and hundredth chances
Balancin' on breaking branches
Those eyes add insult to injury

"Could you please sit down first? It seems like you want to run away even before we can even talk." 
Tiffany sighed. She sat beside Taeyeon and looked at her again intently. Tiffany dreaded this "talk" that she demands to have, she hope things will turn out well before their 13th anniversary. 

"Don't you think this the best for us Fany? I mean you're living in the U.S. now. And i'm here in Korea we both have different dreams to pursue in the moment and i - I don't want to -- "

Before Taeyeon could finish, Tiffany interupted her. "Tae we both agreed before that we're doing what we want to do for our future. OUR future together. Why are you suddenly like this?"

"A relationship would be just a hindrance to you." 
"You'll never be a hindrance to me Taeyeon!" 
Taeyeon sighed 

"Do you remember when we didn't talked properly for a week? You were so busy with your concert and schedules, I didn't said a thing when i saw your Instagram stories partying with your friends over there and my messages left unread." 

All this time
We always walked a very thin line
You didn't even hear me out

The petite girl tried so hard not to let her tears fall but she failed miserably. 
"Tae, i-i'm trying so hard to reach all my dreams and goals and one of that is having a future with you. This is- this is just one of challenges we needed to overcome right?" Their talk escalated quickly to emotional outburst between two hearts

"It will only be more confusing for us if we keep bringing this up when clearly we know that it's not gonna work anymore."  Taeyeon said, she glanced at Tiffany only to see the woman she loves crying quietly. She sighed, Tiffany crying was and is still her weakness. 

So step right out
There is no amount
Of cryinI can do for you

"Fany please don't cry. I only want the best for you. But can we just agree that it will be harder for us to communicate given that our schedules won't be the same anymore, and the timezone differences? Our priorities would change now. If ever things don't go on our way, it will just frustrate and hurt us. By taking a break in our relationship you could focus more on your career" Tiffany cried harder, she realizes that Taeyeon is right. Things will be harder for them and Taeyeon is just saving the both of them from a lot of pain in the future. But Tiffany wants to try harder 

"I'll come home to you whenever i'm free, i'm staying here in korea now, i want to get back the times i've neglected you love i'm here now.." She almost begs but she can't help it she doesn't want to lose Taeyeon. Not now, not ever. The woman who became her pillar of strength since she was young, losing her would be like cutting her oxygen.

"What about the next time you leave? our cycle will just repeat. We can still see be bestfriends, the relationship we have is something that we will treasure forever." The room was only filled with sniffing sounds and broken hearts

"Why are you pushing me away Taeyeon? I don't want to be just bestfriends with you! I don't want to lose you..." 

"No, i will always love and support you Miyoung-ah You know that, it's just that we need to let go the person we love in order for them to be happy." 

"But i am happier with you!" I am too Tiffany 

"Maybe..just maybe you can find someone else, someone better, a man whom you can build a -" 

"Taeyeon stop it! Is this what i think it is?" 
Tiffany scoffed, Taeyeon's jealousy issues with her friend and producer Kev Nish irritates her to no ends. 
Taeyeon only kept quiet. I only want to see you happy even if it no longer includes me 

All this time
I never learned to read your mind 
I couldn't turn things around

"I don't want someone else, I don't want someone better because i only want you! We can build our own family, we can live somewhere far away, continue our plans? Taeyeon don't you want that? Why are you being like this... I only love you."  The younger between the two of them continued to sniffed and cry, her tears falling like waterfalls and Taeyeon couldn't help but to brushed away the tears from the woman's beautiful eyes that she would forever adore. She tugged Tiffany's arms to embrace her. I'm sorry my love

"Miyoung, whatever is meant to be, is meant to be." Taeyeon removed herself from the hug and gently kisses the sobbing woman on the lips for a brief moment letting their tears fall along with the pain and sadness that fate brought upon them. 

I love you so i'm letting you go

You're not my homeland anymore
So what am I defendin' now?
You were my town
Now I'm in exile seein' you out
I ​​​think I've seen this film before
And I didn't like the ending



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Chapter 1: This can't be happening... no
Give me time to recover from this angst now :(
Etincelle #2
Chapter 1: sequel plss 🥺
Chapter 1: So sad . Sometimes love really hurts but I guess thats part of the price . Thank you for the hard work
Chapter 1: how can you do this to me right in front of my salad :'(
need a sequel please :')
omg it’s one of taylor’s song xD can’t wait to read it!