will i ever know how it feels to hold you close

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Alcohol and feelings is never a good combination to begin with. It's always best to drink without a heavy heart.




... memories flashing behind heavy eyelids like movie with no happy ending.




some wenrene for alcohol-addled minds



will post a pt. 2 since my dear readers want to :)


some wenrene (again) for hangover mind.



xoxo /@wannieXbunnie





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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 2: Yup, still hurting over this!
revelnc #2
Chapter 1: ah yes, in spain without the s.
Gowther75 #3
Chapter 2: i actually love wr stories whether it's angsty or nah, that's why i will accept and read it if the author wants it to be angst. This fic is quite vague to me, I really want to know what happened to them and understand more. I can really feel joohyun's hatred or pain, and i really appreciate you with that... ugh this is one of those stories that is a bit frustrating but still loving it. Anyways, thank you for writing <3
Chapter 2: Oh my god :(
Anyway thank you!
mklarisse_ #5
Chapter 2: SADNESS
1696 streak #6
Chapter 2: They could been so beautiful together :(
I guess we can't have all happy and rainbows ending Huh, thank you for this story
Chapter 1: Ugh! My heart :( Can we have a sequel?
ShinHye24 1340 streak #8
Chapter 1: I'm hurt :(
Wafflemayser11 #9
Chapter 1: Damn, pls author can we have a sequel? ;^;
1696 streak #10
Chapter 1: Can we have bonus chapter author? This shot is so interesting, I want to know what happen next