billboards and orange flavored jello

Power of Five's

Chapter 1

Nayeon really does not like the orange-flavored jello at Seoul hospital. She thinks it has way too much gelatine and not nearly enough orange flavoring. Nayeon didn't waste any of it though. She downed the rest of the jello and stared at the empty plastic cup for a moment before crumpling it up in her hand and throwing it across the room.

"So much for our eco-friendly image," Jihyo said under her breath while walking through the door, seeing the garbage her best friend just angrily discarded. She picks up the plastic container and tosses it into the trash can next to the hospital bed. 

"That stupid promotion was the most idiotic thing I ever had to suffer through. I swear they made me repeat the same corny catchphrase a hundred times, it practically motivated me to litter more." Nayeon said while rolling her eyes, remembering the excruciatingly long hours her group spent on the advertisement to stop littering at beaches.

Jihyo grabs a chair from the corner of the room and pulls it next to Nayeon's hospital bed. She sits down with a long sigh, cupping her hands over her eyes, massaging her forehead. 

"Nayeon, what are you doing?"

"I'm laying in a hospital bed? Hopefully leaving soon, I've never been more bored in my entire life," Nayeon says while reaching to rip off the IV on her wrist, trying to get up. Before her hand even reaches her skin, Jihyo stops her.

"Nayeon," Jihyo wraps her hand around Nayeon's wrist and settles it back to her side, forcing Nayeon to lay back down, "You're making my life really hard these days, you know that?"

Nayeon turns her neck to face the window. She could never bear to look at her best friend's face when she was disappointed in her. She remembers the last time Jihyo looked this upset at her. It was when they first debuted. The group of five was walking back from eating lunch when a man started following the group. They were newly debuted and having a small fanbase, they didn't think they would be an issue to sneak out of their dorms without the managers and get food. However, when a man in a black cap came up right behind them, they started to pick up the speed. They walked a whole block before the man suddenly jolted forward and grabbed one of the members. 


Nayeon's flight or fight response kicked in (or rather just her fight response). Without thinking, she ran up to the man and punched him straight in the face. Nayeon thinks she gained some sort of adrenaline rush then because she doesn't remember being strong enough to knock out a man. Unfortunately, such violent actions don't go unnoticed, and the group of five girls were quickly surrounded by a group of civilians. Cops were called to the altercation and JYPE had a storm of PR to deal with. Nayeon was lucky there were a lot of bystanders who witnessed the incident. At first, the backlash was rough, everyone calling Nayeon erratic and unstable, even calling for her removal from the group. But when civilians who witnessed the incident came out, calling Nayeon a hero for saving a fellow member. Quickly, the mob mentality shifted and the support for Nayeon became immense. They called her a hero, portraying her as a badass, and Nayeon definitely gained a lot of female fans. She was seen as the it-girl, the girl that saved a group member and the girl everyone wanted as their best friend. The comeback after the incident was a wild success and they quickly rose to the top. Before all that love though, was a disappointed Jihyo staring at Nayeon as she was getting stitches on her busted knuckles. It's funny how they're in the same hospital as five years ago, with that same disappointed look on Jihyo's face and Nayeon on a hospital bed. 

It must have been pretty hilariously ironic to Nayeon because she starts laughing.

Jihyo looks at her with disbelief. 

"You think this is funny?" 

"Kind of.... yeah it's hilarious Jihyo."

Nayeon must be suicidal because Jihyo looks like she's about to jump out of her seat and murder her. 

"Nayeon, yo- you jumped out of the window and landed on your head, pretty ing hard actually. The doctor told me you have a moderate concussion and a sprained wrist. You could've been hurt worse if you didn't land on the grass. You are so lucky we had the meeting on the second floor instead of the fifth. You could've died." 

Nayeon smiles and crosses her arms, a cocky look planted on her face. 

"Maybe if you guys talked about actual important matters instead of wasting time boring me out of my mind, I would stay. Jesus, you could have at least invited the rest of the members to keep me company. Sana loves making fun of the board members with me. Mr. Kim has the most congested voice ever, he should seriously consider contacting an ear nose and throat doctor, he might have a possible sinus condition." 

"Nayeon," Jihyo stands up and starts to pace around the room, "Why are you acting like this? You've been avoiding every meeting about this and it was worrying me before, but now you jump out of the window? Like, come on Nayeon what is going on with you?"

Nayeon asks herself the same thing.

What is wrong with me?

She was never really was one to take things seriously. 

"Jihyo I knew we were on the second floor. I knew I wasn't going to die and look I'm fine now," Nayeon motions her arms to show her body, "I'm still as hot and beautiful from before." 

"Nayeon if you were fine, you wouldn't have jumped out of the window for no reason, especially in the middle of an extremely important meeting about your safety. Which now seems stupid because you ended up getting hurt anyway." Jihyo says, ignoring the older girl's narcissistic comments. 

"I wouldn't have jumped out of the window if Secretary Hwang didn't suggest the most idiotic idea ever," Nayeon says while throwing her arms up, "I don't need a stupid security crew to follow me everywhere and stand outside my door every hour of the day. I'm sick of the worrying and the unnecessary hours spent trying to solve a problem that isn't even a problem."

"Nayeon, there is a man who is convinced that he is in love with you and that he is your soulmate and you think this is fine? He said he would kill you if you fell in love with someone else and that he would not stop until he can be alone with you. You okay with that?" Jihyo looks at the older girl.

Nayeon has heard the same drill for the last few weeks by literally everyone in her life, she thinks she could fall asleep.

What an interesting lullaby. Nayeon thinks to herself.

"I don't see an issue with that, to be honest. It's pretty easy to fall in love with me," Nayeon says, showing off her bunny teeth in the process, "He's all the way in some other country, making mindless threats. Giving him control over where I go is an absolutely unnecessary thing to do and I refuse to have a whole security team follow me."

Jihyo sits back down in the chair and takes a long sigh. 

"Nayeon," Jihyo looks like she's struggling to speak, "The meeting yesterday wasn't just some standard meeting about Ryan."


Nayeon hates that name. It's the name that has been a thorn in her side for months now. 

Nayeon was relaxing in her dorm when she first heard of him. She had just finished showering and was unwinding after a day full of promoting her new song. She walked into the living room and saw Dahyun, Tzuyu, Sana, and Jeongyeon watching youtube videos on the TV. Nayeon was scrolling through twitter, looking at TWICE memes, not paying attention to the younger members fooling around online. Tzuyu was now in charge of picking the next video to play. She was scrolling through her recommended page when she saw an interesting title.

Please get this Video to Nayeon!

"Hey guys, look at this video," Tzuyu said to the group.

Nayeon looked up from her phone and slowly put it down on the armrest next to her. 

"Press on the video, I wanna see what it is. " Sana says.

Nayeon didn't really think much of it, seeing hundreds of adoring fans every day just like him made her almost immune to the attention. 


The video was cute. It was a man, maybe in his late twenties, talking about his love of Nayeon. He had blond hair and murky blue eyes. He was sitting down, but Nayeon could tell he was tall. For a Brazilian, he was surprisingly good at Korean. He was asking their fandom, ONCE, to share and like his video so that Nayeon could see the video and respond. Of course, Nayeon wouldn't respond. Nayeon loved her fans and appreciated them for all the love and support they gave to her. She knows all the opportunities her fans had given her and she would respond if she could, but if she responded to his video, she would have to respond to everyone's videos. There would be a civil war in the fandom and the company definitely would not appreciate the rampant fans, demanding their video from Nayeon as well. So when the video ended, it became Dahyun's turn to pick a video and the Nayeon admirer became an afterthought in Nayeon's brain.

That's when really started to hit the fan.

Nayeon heard the news second, the first being her bandmate Dahyun. She still remembers the look on Dahyun's face when she came up to her with her laptop.

"Nayeon, you should look at this."

Nayeon probably has never had a more uncomfortable experience than this one. All her members gathered around her, watching a video of a guy very explicitly stating how he wants to marry Nayeon and that if she doesn't marry him back, he would come to Korea and force her to marry him. For the next four months after that, he releases video after video, making threats to the CEO of JYPE, calling him a homewrecker, and preventing him from contacting Nayeon. He would threaten suicide and even showed videos of himself punching walls in anger. 

To Nayeon, Ryan is only a minor inconvenience. 

However, everyone else seemed to disagree with her mentality because her fans and the company have been freaking out. Countless meetings and conversations have been made to address the issue at hand. Nayeon has really been going insane the last few meetings and Jihyo could tell. They were even suggesting a hiatus until they could control the situation. 

That really got Nayeon annoyed. 

"You want to go on a hiatus because of some obsessed fan? This is literally what he wants. Attention. Why can't we go on as business as usual?" 

"Nayeon, it's more than that now," says CEO Park, "He hacked one of the JYPE database websites and he leaked your dorm address. He's getting more aggressive now, this is serious." 

Nayeon has never let out such a sarcastic laugh in her entire life. 

"You're joking, right? That's the reason why we might possibly go on hiatus? I could've pulled a better reason out of my ," Nayeon got up from her seat and started to pace around the room, looking accusingly at the board members, "He lives in Brazil. What is he gonna do? Teleport? It's obvious he's just trolling, there's no way in hell he's coming to Korea. This is ridiculous! Half of our Korean fans already know our address and camp outside all the time and we've never had any issues."

After that, it was clear that Nayeon wouldn't be cooperative at company conferences anymore. CEO Park backed off for a while, letting Nayeon steam in her own stubbornness. For weeks after that, Ryan continued to harass Nayeon online. He would text TWICE member's families, messaging them on Instagram and Twitter, begging them to ask Nayeon to call him or see him. It got to the point where they had to delete all their social media accounts, since every time they blocked him, he would just create another account. 

Nayeon isn't big on accountability. She was never good at apologies. 

So she sends a fruit basket to Tzuyu and Dahyun's brothers and skincare products to Jeongyeon's sisters. It's the least she could do for the inconvenience.

"The meeting today wasn't a routine meeting Nayeon," Jihyo says, snapping Nayeon back to reality, "There been a recent update on the whole Ryan situation."

Nayeon sees Jihyo fiddling with her fingers, obviously hesitant.

"Nayeon, Ryan is coming to Korea." 

To think a concussion was the worst thing that happened to Nayeon that day. 

"What? You have got be kidding me," Nayeon sits up from her hospital bed, "How do you know?"

"He uploaded a video yesterday on twitter, of his passport and ticket. He said he's coming to live in Korea indefinitely until he gets to see you. I know we forced you to block his channel on youtube, but we still see his new videos." Jihyo pulls out her phone and plays the video.

It was a vlog of Josh packing his bag. He was scheduled to come to Korea in one week. 

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" 

Jihyo puts her phone back in her pocket as the video finished.

"I was going to tell you during the meeting, but then you jumped out of a window!" 

"Maybe if you started with that, I wouldn't have had to do that!"

"Now, will you accept the offer for a security patrol to trail you?" 

Jihyo has known Nayeon for so long, she typically knew her response before it left . Nayeon wasn't a predictable person, but when you spend a good seven years with someone, you typically know their general mannerisms and behavior. That's why when Nayeon responded, Jihyo thinks old Nayeon must have died in the concussion. 


Jihyo has know Nayeon for nearly seven years. They first met in front of the JYPE's main building in Seoul. Jihyo was an intern at the time and she had been coming back from a coffee run when she saw a young girl standing in front of the building, looking up at the billboards plastered all over the fourteen story building.

She was small.

No. That's not the right word.

She was scrawny.  

Jihyo knew she couldn't have been a pound over 90. 

That was the first thing she noticed about her.

The second thing she noticed about the girl was her smile. She had this wide, confident smile. Unfazed. Her front teeth were big, like a bunny. 


The third thing Jihyo noticed was her clothes. She was wearing old, worn jeans with a distressed white tee. Her shoes, which were probably white when she bought them, were now dirty brown. 

Jihyo must have been staring at the girl for a while because suddenly the girl stopped staring at the billboards and focused her eyes on a certain coffee-holding-intern.

"Good morning."

Jihyo stares back quietly, unable to respond. The girl has a smooth, calm tone to her voice. Her voice exudes pure confidence and nothing else. 

"You work here?" 

Jihyo only nods, almost afraid to say anything. Jihyo wasn't used to being speechless. She graduated third in her class in high school and got into a prestigious college. She got her dream internship at one of the biggest entertainment companies in Korea in her freshman year of college while still getting good grades in her classes. She was learning the insides of the entertainment industry from some of the masterminds in marketing and public relations. Confidence was expected to ooze out of Park Jihyo pores.

Yet here she was, unable to respond to a girl that clearly needed to eat a burger and wash her clothes more often. 

"You know one day, you're gonna be buying coffee for me." 

Jihyo didn't expect that. 

"And I'm gonna be on that billboard," the girl says while pointing upwards, "Right in the center, so everyone in ing Korea can see my face."

Jihyo really didn't expect that. 

The girl goes back to admiring the billboard, the same hazy smile on her face. Ignoring Jihyo again.

Jihyo doesn't move for the next couple of seconds until she realizes what she was sent out to do in the first place. She wipes the shocked look off her face and quickly starts to walk back into the building, praying the coffee was still hot. 

JYPE security needs to start patrolling outside the building, way too many crazies outside the building. Could be dangerous to the Idols and workers. 

Jihyo takes note of this suggestion and contemplates if she should mention it in the next group meeting while she continues on with her day. Life was pretty mundane for Park Jihyo and that's the way she liked it. 


So when she had interruptions, she wasn't happy. 

The girl in front of the JYPE building quickly became one of those interruptions that Jihyo tried so hard to avoid.

The day after the first altercation with the girl in front of the building, Jihyo was asked to go on a coffee run once again. Jihyo walked to the coffee shop that was on the same block as the building and ordered the same six coffee's for the same six superiors she brought coffee for the prior day. She was walking back to the building when she saw her again. 

The girl staring at the billboards. 

"Good morning coffee girl." 

Jihyo responds this time.

"Good morning billboard girl."

The girl is wearing the same worn jeans, distressed white tee, and dirty white shoes. 

"My coffee order is a medium caramel iced coffee with skim milk. Just for future reference, you know." The billboard girl says while sending a quick smirk to Jihyo's direction.

If Jihyo wasn't wearing an expensive pantsuit and wasn't holding six coffee's in her hands, she thinks she would've lunged at the girl. It wouldn' t be hard anyways, Jihyo looked like she weighed a solid fifteen pounds more and had two times the muscle. 

Can't get fired for fighting with a civilian Jihyo, just ignore her.

Jihyo continues to walk into the building, ignoring the girl's last statement. As she opens the main doors, Jihyo turns around to see the girl looking back up at the billboard, eyes never wandering. It was like she was etching herself into the steal billboard with her eyes, glaring so hard, as if it would somehow bringing her closer to success. 

Man, they really gotta deal with these crazies in the front.

Jihyo saw the girl every day, like clockwork, staring at the same main billboard. It slowly became part of Jihyo's routine, exchanging good mornings and the occasional snarky comment with the stranger on the road. They never exchanged names or spoke more than a few sentences to each other, both being too immersed in their individual tasks. 

It wasn't until one stormy day, they had their first real conversation. 

Jihyo was heading out of the JYPE building at her usual time to pick up coffee. She ordered the usual order of six coffee's. When opening the door to exit the cafe, she noticed it was pouring. Jihyo internally groaned as her phone received a flash flood warning. 

I need to get back.

So Jihyo braced herself and decided to sprint back to the building, making sure not to slip on the sidewalk. She sprinted through the main entrance and quickly ran to the bathroom to dry herself off before delivering the coffees. It was only when Jihyo finished wiping herself down, did she remember her new "friend". She had been running so fast, if the billboard girl was there, Jihyo didn't see her.

She shouldn't be here.... not in this rain. 

Jihyo's already running late with the coffee's and she should probably be getting to her station.

One look wouldn't hurt, right? Wait, there's no way she's here. You would just be wasting your time Jihyo, let's go.

Jihyo grabs the coffee and starts to head to her floor. She gives her superiors their coffee, getting a few "damn out little intern never gives up" when they see how drenched she was. She is the of a few more jokes before she goes to sit down at her work station. She pulls out her binder and starts to do the work assigned to her from the day before. 

Jihyo had never had a more unproductive morning.

One peek out the window wouldn't hurt, right? 

Jihyo assesses her surroundings, making sure no one was around to watch her get up and head to the window.

She peeks under the blinds and looks down at the sidewalk. 

Jihyo doesn't expect to see a drenched billboard girl, staring upward like always. 

Jihyo is so lost in thought, she doesn't notice one of her superiors coming up behind her. 

"What are you doing?"

Jihyo flinched at the sound and quickly lifts her head out of the blinds.

"Um, just looking at the rain. It's really pouring out there. I hope the rain stops soon, sunbaenim." 

Jihyo's superior looked out the window as well.

"Oh, she's still out there. I guess some things don't change right?"

Jihyo gives him a questioning look. 

"Oh right, you don't know about her yet," he says, while grabbing a chair to sit on, "That girl on the sidewalk has been standing outside of our building for about..."

He stops to think about it. 

"Well, I guess the first time we saw her was about three years ago? Oh wait, she showed up around the time Woohyuk joined the company so I guess it's been four years now," He stops speaking for a moment, thinking about the last few years, "At first she only came once a month, but after a couple of months, she started to come every week and eventually every day. Rain or shine, she comes and stands in front of the building. She seems to especially like the rain, she tends to stay an extra few hours when it rains." 

"Who is she?" 

"No clue," he said while starting to stand up, "She's kind of like an inside joke around here, like a mysterious figure. None of us really know her name or where she's from or even why she stands outside the building every day. None of us have ever spoken to her before either."

Jihyo watches as her superior leaves back to this office, claiming to have some work to get done, and waits until he leaves. She goes back to the window and pushed the blinds out of her way again. 

Jihyo very carefully examines the girl. She does seem happier, more excited, in the rain. 

It was only after ten more minutes of staring at the girl when Jihyo realized she needed to get back to work.

Jihyo got off at work at 5 P.M. The rain was still crashing down and it didn't seem like it was to be going away anytime soon. Jihyo typically exits the building from the backdoor, being closer to the station then the front. Usually, the billboard girl would be gone by the time Jihyo left for work (Jihyo left through the front entrance the first day she saw the scrawny girl too see if she was still there). But Jihyo remembers her superior stating that she stays later on rainy days. So, she took the front entrance exit, and as she predicted the billboard girl was still standing outside, looking up at the building.

"What are you still doing here?"

The girl doesn't respond to Jihyo, continuing her staring contest with the JYPE building.

Jihyo walked record-breakingly close to the girl, probably closer than anyone working in the building has. When she got close, Jihyo noticed that the girl was shivering. 

"What's your name?" 

The girl snaps her eyes to look at Jihyo this time, not noticing how close she was. 

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just curious." Jihyo kept her answers short, not wanting to reveal how much the girl had been on her mind the last few weeks. 

Nayeon usual confident smile turns into a soft one and Jihyo soon finds herself being hugged. 

"My second finally came to me." 


"According to Pythagoras, the number 5 was the perfect number of human microcosm," Nayeon says while taking another bite of her cake. Jihyo decided that standing in the pouring rain wasn't the best way to talk, so she took the girl to the cafe she usually gets coffee from. Nayeon would only give her name to Jihyo if she bought her a cake. A justifiable purchase in Jihyo's opinion, she was curious.

"Robert Anton Wilson also believed that everything that happens in the universe has a connection to 5 or a multiple of five." 

"What does that have to do with me being your second?" Jihyo says while sipping her coffee.

Nayeon doesn't respond right away, instead, taking another massive bite of her cake. 

"It just means you're my second sign," Nayeon gulps her water down before continuing, "Don't worry about it." 

"I didn't buy you cake so I could get these halfassed, ambiguous answers."

Nayeon doesn't look up from her cake, finishing off the last bite. She stares at the empty plate with an unreadable expression. It was probably the least confident Jihyo has seen the girl look.

It was a quick flash of vulnerability because in the next moment she was back to being billboard girl. The calm and confidence was back.

"Buy me that sandwich and maybe I'll consider telling you." Nayeon says while pointing to the counter. 

Jihyo spends $29 dollars on food that night and she's not sure whether it was worth it or not. 

She learned five new things about the girl. 

1) Her name was Im Nayeon and she was 19 years old ($7 Strawberry cake)

2) She believed in signs from the universe. ($6 Sandwich).

3) Jihyo was her second sign out of five. ($8: Two Rasberry scones).

4) Nayeon knew Jihyo was her sign because of the anomalies of the day ($6 doughnut).

5) Nayeon did not go to college and she didn't have a phone ($2 Soda).

"Wow, this soda is great. Perfect way to finish dinner." Nayeon says while staring at the drink. 

"How do you eat so much? Like I love food too but, damn.... you sure can put it away." 

Nayeon lets out a massive burp before responding. 

"Standing burns calories Jihyo, I stand for hours remember?" 

"Yeah but not enough for all of that," Jihyo says looking at all the empty plates on their table. 

"It fits, don't worry," Nayeon says while smiling. 

Jihyo thinks it's because the lighting is better or maybe because she's so close to the girl, but notices that Nayeon is really pretty. Jihyo has seen her fair share of pretty people. She works in a company full of gorgeous girls, all having perfect features and perfect bodies. But getting closer to Nayeon, it made it easier to see how uniquely beautiful she was. 

"Tell me more about the anomalies," Jihyo asked. 

"Really? I thought you would be more interested in me not being in college," Nayeon takes the last sip of the fizzy blue goodness, "I guess we all have surprising things about our personalities." 

"What do I need to buy next? You know, for the answer?"

"You don't need to pay this time, I guess my answer before was a bit vague," Nayeon says while getting up to throw out her trash, "I can be like that sometimes."

Jihyo noticed how the girl walked. She didn't notice as they were running in the rain before, but when Im Nayeon walked, she glided. It was like she was a trained model. She walked like she was a princess, conditioned to be perfect. 

Nayeon sat back down and got started. 

"Signs are more literal than you may think Jihyo. You just know when a sign comes to you in life, at least that's how I determine mine. I get a feeling and I just know. Being a professional sign seeker comes in handy." 

"So, are you like constantly looking for a sign?"

"You can't look for signs, Jihyo. They're supposed to come to you. If you seek something that you weren't meant to see, it's probably a false sign."

"I still don't see how that makes me a sign."

Nayeon adjusted her legs and leaned in closer to the younger girl.

"Jihyo, do you know many people have asked me what my name is in the four years I spent staring outside the building? Zero. I spend hours every day, outside that building and no one ever asked for my name. Some workers say hi, most ignore me, but no one ever asked for my name."

"That doesn't mean anything Nayeon. What if I was just a curious girl who happened to ask? Or what if your proclaimed sign was a guy who thought you were pretty and wanted your number? Just because someone asks for your name, that doesn't make it a sign."

"Exactly! That's why build-ups are necessary!"

"Build ups?"

"They're like minor signs that lead up to the big one. This morning when I woke up, I had a stiff back. The route I took to get here was under construction. Then I get a call from my job telling me that I have to work overtime tonight. And then, after all of that, it's a flash flood! These are all signs from the universe, telling me something is coming. It's the universe giving me friction. I still wasn't sure though, until you came. You come up to me and ask me for my name? That's basically the universe screaming at me SIGN SIGN SIGN."

"I mean, I guess you could see it like that?" Jihyo says still skeptical of the older girl's theory, "What is this even a sign for anyways? To buy a new car? Dump your boyfriend?" 

"That's for next time," Nayeon says, getting up from her seat, "It looks like the rain is starting to clear up. You should be heading home too, it's getting late. I'll see you around Jihyo." 

Jihyo watched Nayeon leave the cafe, disappearing into the dark of the night. It had stopped raining completely, so Jihyo decided to walk home instead of taking the bus. It was only after arriving at her house did Jihyo remembered a question she had for Nayeon. 

Why do you stand outside of the JYPE building every day?

Jihyo internally punches herself for forgetting. It was probably the most pressing question she had, yet she forgot about it in the midst of Nayeon talking about her so-called "signs". Jihyo makes a note to ask Nayeon tomorrow morning.

Except Jihyo didn't see Nayeon the next day in front of the building. Or the day after that. 

Jihyo didn't see Nayeon again until two months after their talk in the cafe.

It's funny how the world brings people together sometimes. 

Jihyo still remembers that first conversation she had with Nayeon. It was a change. Something exciting. Jihyo needed someone like Nayeon in her life. Someone erratic.

So when Nayeon responds with a simple "fine", Jihyo is left confused. This wasn't her stubborn Nayeon. This was a grounded, common sense-full response, and it didn't belong in a conversation with Im Nayeon.

Maybe Nayeon has changed. Maybe this concussion has matured her. Maybe this is a good thing.

"Get your notepad though, because I got a lot of conditions."


author's note:

The majority of the rest of the characters come up next chapter. Also, there's a lot of flashbacks, so if you get confused, I can clarify what I mean for you guys. This is my first fic ever so yeah I'm pretty excited for what's to come. 

P.S. Slow burn. like really slow lol












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sibbie #1
Chapter 4: i just finished reading this now and its unfortunate that this was discontinued. its really good
I really like this fic and keep coming back here for months. As much as i miss this fic I hope you’re okay and doing well author :)
Chapter 4: cant wait for the nxt chapter. thanks authornim
Chapter 4: i really love nayeon's character in this story i kept laughing on her personality. this so good and i'm so intrigued about the signs i want to read more and moreeee huhu T_T
twcnc1101 #5
Chapter 4: 4th sign? my one brain cell canT
twcnc1101 #6
Chapter 4: Bunny unnie im ifn softtt and one-star punch what
twcnc1101 #7
Chapter 4: Laughing at how you wrote nayeon's theory Chaeyoung the nerd Mina the jock ???
Wivern #8
Chapter 4: Bunny unnie and star. :D
Chapter 4: 4th sign... at the 5th she stops?
twcnc1101 #10
Chapter 3: Can't wait for them to meet haaaaaassddshsbsb