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Another old one-shot. Hehe. Hope you’ll like it! ( ◡‿◡ *)


With a stubborn and hardworking Donghae, Eunhyuk can’t do anything else but watch and trust him.


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1726 streak #1
Chapter 1: Oh I remember this concert. It was so hurtful seeing all the pictures of vulnerable Donghae on the net. You created a very beautiful and touching story around this scenario. Thank you.
And I miss Chullie on stage, too T^T
MyeolchiHyuk #2
Chapter 1: Such a nice and lovely story... Hyuk is so caring and hae please dont push it to much. Don't you get hurt...
LeeLenaMx #3
Chapter 1: Loved it! Is really sweet! Thank you for sharing
Chapter 1: thank you so much for sharing this lovely and heart warming non au fic authornim~ ≧ω≦ you never fail to amaze me when it comes to your non au fics, it is all wonderful and i loved it all :3 looking forward for more of it on the future~~ fighting and stay safe ♡__♡
14Katebeckett #5
Chapter 1: Loved this!! Thank you for sharing!!