The meeting

A New Beginning

It was a brand new morning. The way of the meeting finally came and Wheein had a mix of emotions going on in her heart. She wouldn't know whether to feel excited, nerevous or anxious with who she would meet, if they were a cold person and if they would say no. All of these thoughts made Wheein pace back and forth in the kitchen while she made breakfast.

While she ate, she looked up at the clock on her wall and noticed she still had time to sing for an hour or so. She quickly finished breakfast, washed the dishes and grabbed both her bags to walk to her usual spot. After everything set up, she did the usual greeting and started singing.

When Wheein looked up at the crowd, she noticed a woman that stood out in the crowd. She had long and wavy black hair and was well dressed, with a white t-shirt, tugged in her ripped jeans. She tilted her head and offered the woman, who seemed to be about her age, a gentle smile, that was corresponded. Wheein noticed the woman walk closer to her, towards the box with all the tips and placed a bill that didn't seem to have the same value as the usual, more like it was worth a lot more.When the woman stood back up, Wheein gave her a small nod and the other female nodded back, before walking away, gently waving at her.


After being lost for a few minutes, Wheein finally reached the big building of MoonStar Entretainment. She took a deep breath and opened the big glass door and walked towards the secretary, behind the little counter.

"Good morning, I have a meeting with Ms. Moon for an audition. My name is Jung Wheein." She said, slightly leaning foward.

After some typing on her vomputer, the woman looked up and nodded. "Ms. Moon will have you in a second. You can sit down on the couch and I'll let you know when she calls."

"Okay, thank you." Wheein nodded and walks towards the large couch, sitting on the corner, placing her bags on the floor, between her legs.

She took her phone out of her bag and started playing a random casual game she had to relax while she waited. She played for a while before she sent a text to Yongsun, to update her on the situation.

I'm going in soon. My leg is shaking ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)
- Wheein

Everything's gonna go well! I know it. If they say no, they're deaf 
- Yongsun

Her texting was interrupted when she heard a female's voice from the distance and lifted her head to find where the voice came from, to figure if it was her time to go. She tilted her head and raised her eyebrow when she recognized the outfit from earlier. It was the female that gave her a gentle tip earlier. She looked up and down the woman before looking back at her phone, wondering how a woman like that could ever stop and listen to her, even giving her that amount of money.

"So you're the girl Byul is excited to meet, huh? I didn't know you sang on the streets as well" Wheein lifted her head from her device and met the other's eyes, making her jump a bit on her seat. That made the black haired female hold her laughter, only showing a smile. "Never thought I could be scary."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to react like that. Uh, yeah I work on a coffee shop part time so I can sing on the streets in hope someone would notice me and make me audition on their company while I send demos to some already." Wheein nodded and tilted her head, taking a better look at the other's face. "You're Hwasa, right?"

"Indeed I am. But you can call me Hyejin. And by the way, I really loved the way you sang my song Twit." Hyejin smiled at Wheein and tilted her head.

"Thank you, I'm glad you loved it. Oh, and I'm Wheein. Nice to meet you."

"I can say the same about you, Wheein" Hyejin looked away from the blonde girl and looked at the secretary, that was calling for Wheein. "Looks like you gotta go. I need to go too. If Byul doesn't approve of your singing, let me know so I can talk some sense into her. You sing really well."

"Alright, thank you Hyejin!" Wheein grabbed her bags and walked towards the door the older woman behind the desk pointed at.


"Wheein-ah!!" Yongsun ran from behind the counter and ran towards Wheein, wrapping her arm around her, when she noteiced the pther walk in the coffee shop. "How was it? Tell me everything"

"Well, how can I start... first of, I met Hwasa. She listened to my singing of her song and then we met again at the lobby. She's really nice, and-"

"Hold on, you met Hwasa?? And you're speaking that naturally?!" Yongsun looked at Wheein with her jaw dropped, with her eyes open wide.

"Yes, now shush. Let me finish. After that, I walked in the room and spoke with the CEO. She's incredibly young. I thought it would be an older person. Well, we talked and she really liked my singing. She said she would contact me in the future to tell me if I'll go solo, in a group or i don't fit on the company's type and then I'll need to find another one."

"Ah, I'm sure she'll accept you. Now, let's go do some work, then we'll go out and celebrate. I'll pay, end of discussion." Yongsun gently ran her fingers through Wheein's blonde locks, messing them up and walked back to her spot.

Wheein just stood there for a minute, contemplating everything that had happened earlier, with meeting her favorite musical artist and finally seeing her dream turn into reality. All of that made the brightest smile appear on her face before she snapped out to reality and followed her friend, starting to do her work, even though the place had little to no clients in there.

The girls were both cleaning the counters when they heard the little bell above the door ring, making them immediately lift their heads and turn to see who it was. Wheein's eyes opened wide when she noticed it was Hyejin walking closer to the counter.

"Guess my gut never fails. I knew you'd be working on the nearest coffee shop to where you sing." Hyejin chuckled and tilted her head, noticing Wheein's light blush starting to appear on her cheeks.

"Yeah, I do. Will you have something or are you here to simply find where I work to see me more often?" Wheein asked in a teasing tone with the bit of courage she had in her.

"Daring today, are we?" Hyejin had a small smirk appear on her lips before she looked up to look at the menu. "I'll have some iced coffee to go please."

"Coming right up" Yongsun nodded and Wheein turned her back to start working on the drink with the other.

After the drink was ready, Wheein handed the cup to Hyejin, who held it while grabbing a couple of napkins, in case she'd need them.

"Thank you girls. I'll see both of you again some day." The black haired woman placed a bill, whose value was close to the drink's actual value, along with a small napkin turned upside down.

Both Wheein and Yongsun went back to clean the counters and, while Wheein was cleaning the zone was at, she put the bill in the registrer drawer and grabbed the small napkin, only choking when she turned to read what it said.

"What? What is it?" Yongsun turned back to her best friend and looked downa at the paper. It had Hyejin's phone number and "I really liked meeting you. Hope we can hang out more often - Hyejin" written on it. "I see a possbile love interest for my Wheeinie the Pooh. Just don't forget your dearest best friend Yongsun."

"Hush, you idiot. I'd never forget about you." Wheein playfully rolled her eyes and nudged her shoulder on the taller girl's.

"Ha! You didn't deny the love interest thing. You guys make a cute couple. I can feel it." Those words cause Wheein to lightly scoff while she slipped the piece of paper on the back of her phone, in the phone case before heading back to work. 

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sorry i haven't been updating T^T i got little to no inspiration, then school and the lack of mental health came along, so that happened. again, forgive me


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Chapter 4: This is a cute story. It’s fast paced in a few areas but tbh the fluffiness is great to read. Wheesa have developed a friendship pretty quickly, I’m curious to see how it furthers into a romance :)
pikibear #2
Chapter 3: Yay another update
pikibear #3
Chapter 2: This is really nice, wheein sings in the morning on the streets? Isn't busking usually done in the evening/at night?
velahohoho #4
Chapter 1: Oooo
velahohoho #5
Im looking forward hehehe