Chapter 2

His Rebound

"We're here for a good time, not a long time so just drink it!" Joy yelled as she was obviously getting tipsy 

Seulgi gave one more glare before downing her shot of vodka 

"wohoooo!" Yeri yelled in excitement "that was so cool of you unnie!" 

With the loud music in the background, Seulgi was bearly able to hear what Yeri was saying 

"guys my head hurts" Irene admitted while rubbing her temples "I wanna go home" 

"stop being a boomer " yeri laughed 

the noise got louder as the dj played his own music 

"let's go dance!" 

"now you're talking! Wendy come lets go"

and just like that, Joy and Wendy dissaperead onto the crowded dance floor 

"I could never dance comfortably between those sweaty bodies" Irene said looking disgusted 

Yeri laughed "you're so boring!"

"I am not-"

"yes you are" 

the girls mini argument was cut off as Seulgi dramatically fell out of her chair and hid under their table 

as if on reflex, Yeri and Irene followed her right under 

with her neck bent Irene whispered at Seulgi "why are we hiding under the table?" 

"LOOK!" Seulgi said as she pointed at the entrance 

walking in through the entrance was Jimin, Jhope and Rm, the last people the girls were hoping to see

"dammit what the heck" Yeri shrieked 

"we have to get out of here" 

"well duh Seulgi, but what about Wendy and Joy? They don't know that they're here?!" 

"who's Wendy? Who's Joy? All I know is that I'm going to get into serious trouble if Jungkook finds out I'm here!" Yeri said as she was planning on making her escape 

but Irene held her back "uh-uh, we are leaving all together, if you plan on making your escape by yourself then I'll just tell Jungkook myself that you were here"

"ohhh unnie!!!!" Yeri moaned 

but Irene gave her the 'mother glare' 

"okay you know what I'll go find them, you two stay here" 

"but Seulgi what if Jimin sees you?"

 Seulgi sighed "it won't be that big of a deal compared to him seeing you guys, so stay I'll go find them" 

Yeri was about to speak up again but just kept quiet 

at that Seulgi crawled out from under the table and dusted off her hands before making her way through the crowded dance floor 

as Seulgi was getting squished between hot bodies, she suddenly found herself agreeing with Irene's statement about not being comfortable in a situation like this 

"Aish where are these girls!" She exclaimed 

she accidentally bumped into someone causing them to spill their drink alittle 

"woah woah woah" the guy said

"oh gosh im so sorry!" She shrieked 

"that's fine-"

Seulgi's eyes bulged "oh..... hi Jhope" she said awkwardly 

"Seulgi?! What are you doing here?!" Jhope replied in disbelief 

But Seulgi managed to spot Joy and Wendy dancing their hearts out near the dj booth"

"nothing...I- gotta go, I'm sorry" Seulgi said in a rush

She started mentally cursing herself as she made it to the dj booth, meeting Joy and Wendy there

"girls we gotta go, the boys are here!" 

"WHO?" Wendy said at the top of her voice, basically screaming as she tried to overpower the loud music 


"OH SH*T" Joy cursed as she started panicking 

"come let's go!"

Seulgi grabbed both Wendy and Joy helping them manoeuvre through the crowd and back to their table 

"we're back-"

Seulgi barely managed to finish her sentence as she saw Jimin, Jhope and Rm sitting at their table, with Yeri and Irene sitting next to them, looking stressed 

"why did you's get caught!" Joy aggressively whispered to Irene and Yeri 

"We can hear you" Jhope smiled at Joy 

"aish seriously" Joy scoffed

an awkward silence fell upon them all

"what now?" Wendy spoke up

"we're waiting for the boys to come pick you's up" Rm replied 

"snitches" Yeri said under her breath 

the boys laughed at her cuteness 

"you know Jungkook's going to be mad, as a matter of fact they're all probably worked up right now" Jhope said, laughing 



"yeah shes here"

"what? Are you for real? Put Yeri on the phone please" 




Jungkook sighed, "what are you doing there?" 

Yeri couldn't really say the reason out loud, so she began calling out all the other girls who came 

"Irene, Joy, Seulgi and Wendy are here too!" She snitched, earning a pinch from Irene 

"yah how can you snitch on me like that?!" Irene said, which was audible through the phone 

"Yah daebak, Seokjin Hyung Irene's at a club" Jungkook yelled out, catching the attention of all the boys in the lounge 

"huh?" Seokjin said, getting off the couch 

"Wendy and Joy noona is there too" Jungkook loudly announced 

at that all the boys basically pounced at Jungkook to find out more 

"Yeri were coming to pick you's all up soon wait there" Seokjin said in an over-protective older brother voice "Irene, wait for me okay?" his tone then switched to a confused boyfriends voice 

"nehhh~" Yeri and Irene said at the same time as the hung up 



 *Back at the club (present)*


"Seulgi, can I talk to you please?" Jimin said as he and Seulgi walked outside of the club

"what?" She said as they were in the parking lot

"I want to tell you the truth" Jimin said 

Seulgi then laughed 

"What is it? Is it that I'm just a 'plan b' to you"

Seulgi was going to pour out all her thoughts, with no regrets 

"it's not what you think-"

"no, it's exactly what I think, but you're not man enough to admit it"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

she took a deep breath then ultimately decided to hold in all her thoughts "you know what? Let's just be strangers Jimin, cause whatever is going on between us looks like it won't work"

"what's up with the sudden decisions? I'm not agreeing with anything your saying, I'm not just going to forget you and become strangers cause that would make no sense" 

"what also makes no sense is this little game you're playing with me, if you wanted to live the party life you're living then you should have just left me alone" 


"no! You seriously don't have a clue about how all the stuff you've done has affected me, why are you like this?"

Jimin's eyes began swelling up "I- I honestly don't know"

Seulgi shook her head "see, that's the problem, you don't even know what's going on, or what you want and since you can't make any decisions I'll make them for you, whatever we over" 

"no Seulgi-"

"don't touch me Jimin" Seulgi bit back as she walked back into the club

"...but you're all the happiness I have left" 




Seulgi went running into the girls bathroom as she felt all her emotions start to stir up again 

Luckily the girls spotted her and ran right into the bathroom after her

Seulgi leaned on the bathroom sink for support as started crying 

"Seulgi!" Irene said as she walked up to her and gave her a hug  

this time, all the girls could feel Seulgi's heart officially break into two 

"Why?...why do I feel so weak now?" She barely managed to say 

the girls all gather up to hug her and give her support 

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I’m sorry about the huge delay, this whole time I thought I posted this chapter, just to find out it was still in drafts HAHAHHA OOPS


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Yuan_Page #1
Chapter 3: please continue to write this..
Yuan_Page #2
Chapter 3: i agree with the comments below. they need space. a relationship isn't like that jim. she's not a temporary girl who you can use when you're boring only. you have to respect each other.
kenlouis #3
Chapter 3: I also agree with the comments below. What they need is space although I do want her to be a baddie ;)
kenlouis #4
Chapter 3: I also agree with the comments below. What they need is space although I do want her to be a baddie ;)
pinkypn #5
Chapter 3: I'm glad she is staying firm about end things with jimin. He did not treat her right.I also do hope the girls keep their word and support her decision and not eventually agree with their boyfriends to get then back together. I can't believe the boys tried to blame the girls going clubbing on each other girlfriends. If jimin wants her back, he needs to change is playboy ways. He also needs to work hard to earn her trust back.
kenlouis #6
Aww that was mean :( I was so hype that there’s finally a new story that’s suit my taste only to wait for more than 3weeks lmao. But it’s worth it.

Don’t feel pressure and safe safe❤️❤️
kenlouis #7
Chapter 2: Yeri doe lmao.
kenlouis #8
Chapter 2: I’m still not over this chap sjksjsks but I’m glad she did what’s best for her. They obviously need space to sort out their thoughts.
kenlouis #9
Chapter 2: Wow jim u big baby. She’s ur girlfriend not a temporary girl where u can u use once in a while.
kenlouis #10
Chapter 1: I’m so scared but curious for the next chap.

I don’t have enough tissue SJSKSBSDJHS