A Small Incident

A Small Incident


“Wah! Late again!” I shouted as I run to the bathroom to clean up.

“Umma! Why didn’t you wake me up? Aish! I’m late again!” I shouted to my mom as I run to the door.

I run in haste, panic, fear and all to the bus stop. Whew! Thank God I was born lucky. I still managed to catch up with the bus. I quickly helped myself up on the bus. Really lucky…there was still an empty seat on the back portion.

I hurried and sat. Whew! That Korean drama starring Jung Il Woo really got me! AISH! Look what have you done to me!

As I reminisce the sweet scenes I have watched, the bus pulled over to the next stop. Here, there are more people waiting so I expect the seat beside me to be filled. And that was the first time I saw him. The bus was full and he was left standing. Our eyes seem to meet and I quickly look away. There he stood in the aisle of the bus. Ow! How I wish to just kick this person next to me and pull that cute, hot, heart melting and at the same time body freezing jaw dropping guy here to sit beside me! Gosh! God! You are really great to bless my day this early. During the whole trip, I keep stealing glances at him. He was really cute and I can feel a connection between us. I hope he can feel it too. Whew! Am I in love?


I had a bet with my friends that if I see him again for the third time…well; it’s really meant to be. How I wish that day would come. But to my disappointment, months passed and still no sign of him.


Wah! Late again! I rush in panic for the bus stop! Come on RAE IN! Why do you have to be always late?

Gosh! I missed the bus!…and my phone?...and my mp3 player? Yah! Why does it have to be this way? Ow! how I wish the next bus would be here for I have already missed my first class! And the long wait is over (even if that was only for about 5 minutes…)! The bus is here! I


wearily climbed inside the bus. Aish… I have nothing to listen to… and so I started day dreaming…


I imagined I broke off with my boyfriend just before Valentines Day and I was so depress to be single on hearts day. Seeing my misery, my best friend sent a letter to a television program that fulfills fans wishes. It’s like guerilla date. Well it’s really a rare opportunity to be picked on that program but my best friend still hoped her letter will get picked. And so was destiny’s game. I got picked without me knowing. The next thing that happened is that Key was walking on the bus’ aisle and singing “love letter for you” TO ME!


I look dreamily on the aisle of the bus I was riding. Because of my spazzing out, I did not notice that we were on another stop and people are crowding on the bus. And I saw a familiar face. And my heart started beating like crazy. I hold on to my chest and look intently at that familiar face. I was like a fool or somewhat someone who had just seen a ghost. In a moment, he was seated beside me. And how I felt my cheeks burning red! Can you just imagine how I managed to stay calm? No you can’t! Because I can’t remain calm! I was freaking not calm! He was beside me and his arm is brushing slightly against me as people start to fill the bus. Well, I forgot all my miseries. I think he was a piece of heaven here on earth or was he heaven himself? I would badly love to put super glue on our seats so that we can forever be like this. And is he also stealing glances at me? Speak a single word and I might suddenly blurt out “I will marry you!”.


I followed him with a stare as the bus stopped and he got off. I selflessly said..” I  just want to know your name.” and I continued to look at him. I just can’t take to not look at him and now he seems to notice. Gosh! Is he going to look this way? And Rae In why are you not looking away to avoid his gaze? Well, I guess my heart ruled. I want him to look at me... BADLY! Then he got something from the back pocket of his pants and looked at the bus. Then the bus suddenly starts to move. Ow…ajushi! Why are you being so bad? You are ruining my moment. Suddenly the bus pulled to a full stop and I bumped my head on the seat in front of me. Aish! Ajushi! I hate you! Someone got on the bus and I’m prepared to plant my strongest “I-hate-you forever stare” at whoever made the bus stop that almost caused me to have amnesia. I was crossing my brows intently. And there he was. I guess I take back all those curses I had in mind and the fiery hell I was picturing in my head became a field of yellow daffodils on top of a mountain. And he was walking towards me. Gosh! Did he forgot something? Or is he mad at me? Rae In! You are so busted! Then he started to say something. I think my heart is beating louder than his words that I can’t hear him.

“miss?” he repeated again.

“ah?” I just replied dumbfounded.

“you dropped this last time” he said as he reach to me a white handkerchief.

“Th-tha-thank you.” I stammered.

And he started to walk away and stop the bus again to get off. But before he can really get off he looked at me again with a smile on his face.

What again?! You know what? You’re gonna kill me of a heart attack with those stares.

“My name is Dong Jun. See you around.” And he waved his hand for a good bye.

I look blankly in space then I noticed my handkerchief in my hand. I held it delicately up and something fell. It was a piece of folded paper. Seems like a letter. I read the letter.

 To miss simply irresistible,

                The first time I saw you… I felt something wrong. My heart skipped and I almost choked. When I got down from the bus, I took this picture of you beautifully looking out from the window. How I love to talk to you but I was so shy. I ran after the bus but it was too late. I grab my friend’s bike and followed the bus. Whew! Lucky I caught up. I got on the bus but you already left and all I can see was a white handkerchief lying at the back seat where you were supposed to be seated.  How I wish to see you again.

 I was soooo freaking out and say LORD give me another shock of my life and I might just faint! I looked at the picture he mentioned in his letter. It was a picture of me staring blankly at the window. I was curious and I flipped the picture to see if there were any inscriptions. How badly I wish there were! And yes! Something is written on the back. I read it intently with a smile crazily playing on my lips.

To miss simply irresistible,

                Would you like to go out on a dinner with me? ^_~

And there was the address of a restaurant. And is he asking me out? Is he? Is he? And is that a wink? From him? Wah!!!!

I sighed deeply and everything seemed spinning and I fainted.

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