My lucky charm

My lucky charm

"Yo woo, your fanboy is here again."

Wooyoung lifted his head to look at the crowd when Yunho made that comment. There weren't a lot of people, since it's was just a small competition at a small school. But, scanning the crowd it took him two seconds to spot the guy Yunho was talking about. Wooyoung always saw him, at every swimming competition or practice. At first Wooyoung was creeped out, thinking he's like one of those crazy girls who followed him home sometimes, because they thought he was handsome and wanted to date him. But seeing that he never approached him and only came to cheer him on, Wooyoung got used to seeing him. At some point he started to believe that this guy was a lucky charm, since every time he came to one of his competitions, Wooyoung won. He wondered why the boy never approached him, but he assumed he was shy so he let it go.

When his eyes landed on the boy, their eyes met and the boy looked away, slightly blushing.

Omg cute, Wooyoung thought while he was looking at the boy.

After a few seconds the cute boy looked at his direction again, their eyes meeting one more time. This time, before the boy looked away, Wooyoung winked. The boy's eyes widen and he blushed even harder, but offered a small smile and a thumbs up. Wooyoung smiled and nodded making the boy's smile widen. 

"YA WOO IT'S YOUR TURN". Yunho yelled.

"Bro why are you yelling? I'm right here." Wooyoung turned his attention to Yunho.

When he did that he saw Yunho smirk. It was never good when Yunho smirked. The last time he did that, Wooyoung ended up with the worse hangover and a pink goat in his dorm room.

"I called you three times but you were too busy flirting with your admirer, so you didn't hear me." Yunho said.

"I-I didn't flirt with anybody Yun."

"I don't understand why don't you just go talk to him? You clearly like each other."

"I don't think he likes me. He's just being a good supporter of our swimming team." Wooyoung said, getting ready for his turn.

"Fine, how about this: if I win on my turn, you have to go and talk to him." Yunho was still smirking.


"Swimmers to positions please." A voice announced.

"It's a deal then." Yunho said pushing Wooyoung towards his spot.

Wooyoung didn't have time to respond cause he was already in his spot, seconds away from the blow of the whistle. He started getting stressed about his competition, there were good swimmers today and they were really impressive. It might be a small school, but their swimmers were twice the size of Wooyoung. He sighed feeling his nerves getting the best of him, when he heard a loud shout.


Looking in the direction that the scream came from, he saw him. The cute boy. He was standing on his tippy toes, his face red from screaming. But his voice radiated determination and pure belief in Wooyoung. Wooyoung smiled widely at the boy and turned his head just in time for the whistle to blow. 


Wooyoung won the competition and so did Yunho. Wooyoung thought that's the happiest Yunho has ever looked when winning. Probably because now Wooyoung had to go and talk to the cute boy. Granted, Wooyoung wanted to talk to the cute boy anyway. They were standing to receive their gold medals, the crowd cheering for them loudly. But Wooyoung only cared about one voice, about one person. The one person who looked so happy right now that you could have mistaken and thought that he was the one who won and not Wooyoung. He had a giant smile on his face, clapping enthusiastically. 

How is he so cute,  Wooyoung thought smiling widely as well.


After receiving the medals, Wooyoung went straight up to the cute boy. Not even going to change, in worry of the guy leaving before Wooyoung had the chance to talk to him. He was practically running towards him, seeing as the cute guy was going down the stairs. Wooyoung dodged people, stopping right before he slammed into the cute boy. The cute boy almost fell from the sudden movement, tripping backwards. Wooyoung instinctively wrapped his arms around the cute boy, steadying him. From this close, Wooyoung could see how beautiful the boy really is. He was beyond beautiful, he was stunning. He had soft blond hair, strands of his hair being clipped back with bobby pins so he could see properly. He had cat like deep brown eyes that radiated warmth and kindness. His lips were pink and he had a lip ring, which was unexpected. Looking at him now, Wooyoung saw he had a lot of piercings in his ears as well. How come I never noticed that?

"Um, are you gonna keep holding me?" Wooyoung heard a soft voice speak.

He looked up, making eye contact with a very embarrassed boy. Wooyoung realized he was still holding him around his waist, so he let go quickly. 

"O-oh yeah I'm sorry. It's just that you were gonna fall and I was trying to protect you, not that you asked to be protected of course, but falling isn't something everyone wish for themselves, unless that is What you wanted, and in that case I won't judge you of course it's your life and I-"

Wooyoung's awkward ramble was stopped by the sound of a beautiful laugh. He even laughs beautifully, thought Wooyoung. The boy's laugh sounded like bells and sunshines. Wooyoung found himself smiling despite being embarrassed. He wasn't sure why he was rambling either, he was usually good at this flirting thing. But, something about this boy just made him feel like a shy and awkward highschooler and not like a 21 year old man. He looked at the cute boy, noticing that he had dimples. And they made him look even prettier when he laughed. He realized that everything about this boy was just so beautiful and delicate, like a water flower. 

"You're cute." Wooyoung blurted out, making the boy stop laughing and blush.

"Thank you. You're not too bad yourself. Though cute is probably not the word I would use." The boy said, looking at a still shirtless Wooyoung.

Wooyoung blushed a little at this boy's bluntness. But then he regained his composure, a small smirk appearing on his lips. 

"Oh, do you like what you see?" He moved his arms a little making them flex.

The boy checked him out shamelessly, and for the first time since Wooyoung started as a succeeding swimmer, he didn't mind being looked at. Quite the opposite really, he was enjoying this boy's attention on him.

"Don't get cocky." The boy said with a giggle, clearly enjoying the view.

"Well you're the one who's checking me out and you haven't even told me your name." Wooyoung smirked. "Isn't that kinda rude?"

The cute boy pouted a little. "Are you saying I'm rude?"

"Never, but I would like to know what your name is." Wooyoung smiled, making the boy smile as well.

"I'm San, and don't tell me what your name is, I wanna guess" San pretended to think for a second, making Wooyoung chuckle.

"I got it! Your name is Wooyoung right?" He said excitedly, all sparkly eyes and dimples for days.

"Yes! But how did you know?" He said in fake shock, making San giggle.

"It's a talent really." San smiled.

"Well, talented San," San giggled. "Would you like to get out of here and go get some food?" Wooyoung asked.

"That depends."

"On what?" Wooyoung asked curiously.

"If it's a date or not." San giggled. "Oh! And if we're getting burgers or not."

"Do you want it to be a date?" Wooyoung asked with a smirk.

San didn't seem effected by it at all. Well maybe except for the blush slightly tinting his cheeks.

"Well I've only come to every single competition and practice of yours for like five months, so yeah I think I want it to be a date." A pout appeared on his lips again.

"If you won't stop pouting I'll have to make you stop." Wooyoung spoke before his mind realized it.

San was quiet for a second. He then smirked a little and came closer to Wooyoung, but didn't touch him.

"Is that a threat? Or is it just your desire?" San said in a low voice.

Wooyoung gulped, moving his hands to San's waist just when the latter pulled apart. Wooyoung almost whined, unhappy with the distance. San looked at him pouting and smiled.

"Aren't we going to get food? I'm sure you're hungry after winning today." He said innocently.

"I gotta go change first." Wooyoung said still slightly pouty. "Unless you want me to come like this." He added with a smirk.

"Don't flutter yourself too much." San said. But his giggle and the slight blush showed that he enjoys the view very much. Wooyoung turned to towards the showers when he suddenly remembered something.

"Hey san?" 


"Today, when you shouted my name and cheered me on," a dark blush appeared on San's cheeks. "I really needed that. I was too nervous and started having doubts about winning. But, you cheering me on gave me the confidence I needed. So what I'm trying to say is, thank you." Wooyoung said rubbing the back of his head.

San was silent for a few moments. He then giggled cutely.

"And then you say I'm cute. I'll be here to cheer you on every time, you have my word." He said with a smile.

"In that case I'll never lose. Cause you're my lucky charm." Wooyoung smiled, making San blush again.

"Shoo shoo go change I'm hungry." He whined, making Wooyoung chuckle.

"Bossy much?" Wooyoung joked and San hit his arm gently.

Just before Wooyoung turned to leave, San got on his tippy toes and kissed his cheeks shyly. Wooyoung was frozen, he could barely breathe. It was just a kiss on the cheek, but San's lips felt so soft. He thought what kissing him would feel like and almost choked.

"Omg! Are you okay?" San asked worriedly, gently tapping Wooyoung's back as he coughed.

"Y-yes I'm fine. I just choked on air." 

There was silence for a few seconds and then San burst out laughing. Wooyoung couldn't even feel embarrassed when he laughed so prettily so he just joined him and laughed as well.

"Okay okay," San said after a few moments. "Go get changed please, or I'm going to eat without you." He said with a playful smile.

"You wouldn't do that now would you?" Wooyoung asked in mock offense.

"I just might if you don't get your to the showers right now."

"So you've been staring at my now huh?" Wooyoung raised an eyebrow.

"You wish, now please go before I'll leave you here." San crossed his arms.

"Okay okay, just one more thing." Wooyoung said.


Wooyoung took a step forward and kissed San on the corner of his mouth. They stayed like that for a few seconds, with Wooyoung's hands on san's waist. When he pulled away, Wooyoung saw that San's cheeks were extremely red and his eyes open in slight shock. He smiled at San.

"You're cute, now! I'll go change. Wait for me?" He asked a still frozen San.

"Y-yeah of course." He said with a smile that slowly grew bigger and bigger.

"Okay I'll be back!" Wooyoung found himself smiling again.

"I'll be waiting!" San called after him.

And so Wooyoung left to the showers to get changed and go on a date with the one he never thought he would. With his one and only lucky charm.

Wooyoung drove them to the nearby McDonald's. The whole ride they listened to loud music with the windows down. The sun was slowly sinking in the horizon, while the moon coming out to play. Wooyoung, personally, preferred the night time. There's something oddly comforting about the moon, and it's always so peaceful and quiet. When they got there, Wooyoung parked the car getting out and coming to open the door for San before he even moved. San flashed him a dimpled smile.

"Well aren't you the sweetest." He said squeezing Wooyoung's bisep. 

Wooyoung smiled thinking to himself that he never did that for any of the people he 'dated'. But San didn't need to know that now. He let San lead them inside, walking right behind him. They ordered and went to take a seat, choosing to sit next to each other rather than across. They were sitting close to each other, their thighs touching. 

"So I just realized I don't know much about you." Wooyoung said making San giggle. "So tell me about yourself a bit?"

San nodded.

"Well, I'm Choi San. I'm 21 and I'm a music major. I also learn contemporary, but not as a major."

"Woah you dance?" San nodded again. "I'd love to see you dance sometime."

"I'm not that good though." San blushed, lowering his gaze.

Wooyoung held his chin, gently making San look at him.

"I'm sure you're amazing and I'd love to see you dance." He gave San a comforting smile.

"You're too nice Woo." San pouted, looking away from Wooyoung.

"I'm just being honest is all." 

At that moment their names were called and Wooyoung left to get their food. When he came back, he noticed San was slightly shaking.

"Are you cold?" He asked sitting down next to San.

"A little bit but I'm fine." 

Wooyoung took off his swimmer's jacket and placed it on top of San's shoulders, petting his hair gently.

"Is that better?" He asked softly.

San looked him in the eyes for a long moment. Just looking without saying anything. After a moment he gave Wooyoung a genuine smile and patted his thigh. 

"Thank you I appreciate it." 

"Of course it's no biggie." Wooyoung said.

Truth is, it was a big deal. Swimmers didn't give their jackets to anyone. Giving someone the jacket usually meant that you're possessive and protective of that person. It might sound ridiculous, but the jackets were usually given to the swimmer's spouse. Wooyoung has never given his jacket to anyone. Never, not even when he dated that girl for over three months. And here he was so easily offering his jacket to a guy on their first date. Not just any Guy, he thought. It's to my lucky charm. 

He saw San munching on his food cutely and started eating as well. They ate in silence, too focused on their food to talk. But, their thighs and hands kept touching every few seconds. They didn't mind the non existent space between them. They enjoyed being close, and so they just ate in silence, enjoying each other's presence. When they finished eating, Wooyoung turned to San.

"I feel like eating some ice cream. Are you in the mood?" He watched as San's eyes sparkled at the mention of ice cream.

"Yes! I love ice cream!" He looked at his hands. "I wanted to suggest that, but didn't want to take up too much of your time."

"For you? I have forever." 

San's smile slowly turned into a small smirk. He placed his right hand on Wooyoung's thigh, moving closer to him. 

"You're a smooth one huh? Good with words? I bet you have everyone falling at your feet." His lips were almost touching Wooyoung's ear, sending a tingle down his spine.

Wooyoung gulped again. He was being played. This guy was not what he looked like. Or rather more than he looked like. He wasn't just cute, he was feisty and a flirt. And Wooyoung loved it. He gently placed his hand on the hand that was resting on his thigh. And turned his had towards San, smirking.

"You sound jealous." He made eye contact with San. "Is that was this is about? You don't like to share huh?"

San didn't even flinch when he simply said. "No I don't like sharing. Not even one bit." 

Wooyoung smiled.

"That's perfectly fine, since I don't like sharing as well." 

San smiled back and went to pull his hand back, but Wooyoung held onto his hand. He intertwined their fingers, looking at San with a fond expression. San looked at their hands for a moment, smiling to himself.

"So, ice cream?" Wooyoung asked, making San's smile grow bigger.

"Yes please!"


They reached this cute ice cream shop not far from where they ate. The place was painted in soft pastel colors. They ordered their ice cream, Wooyoung looking weirdly at San as he ordered mint chocolate chip ice cream. San noticed someone staring at him, he turned to look at Wooyoung who was speechless.

"Did something happen Woo?" He asked with an entertained look. "You look shocked."

"How-how can you eat that?" He looked slightly disgusted. "Isn't it like eating chocolate with toothpaste?"

"Nope, it tastes delicious." He looked at Wooyoung playfully. "Do you want a bite?" He offered him his cone.

"No thanks, I'll pass." Wooyoung said, biting his cookie dough ice cream.

"And you look at me weirdly for eating this flavor when you bite your ice cream?!"

They both burst out laughing, when Wooyoung noticed that San had some ice cream on his lips. He was staring at his lips while San was still giggling. He came closer to San, making his giggles disappear.


"You have some ice cream on your lips." Wooyoung said mindlessly, moving even closer to San who was stunned into silence.

He got so close that their noses were almost touching. He stopped there, one hand slowly coming around San's waist. He looked him in the eye, thinking his eyes held the whole galaxy. 

"Do you mind if I clean it for you?" Wooyoung whispered on San's lips.

He saw San gulp and tremble a little in his hands.

"Yes please, now hurry." His voice was barely over a soft whisper.

Wooyoung looked at him for one more second before crushing their lips together. His hand bringing San impossibly closer, leaving not even a speck of light between them. San wrapped his free arm around Wooyoung's neck, pulling him closer as well. San's lips were softer than Wooyoung imagined. It was like kissing pillows, just better. When Wooyoung gave San's waist a firm squeeze, San gasped granting Wooyoung the access he wanted to his mouth. Wooyoung slided in his tongue, San's tongue coming to meet his. They kissed feverishly, their ice creams long forgotten. That was until Wooyoung's phone started ringing loudly, drawing them apart. Wooyoung looked at his phone in annoyance. He saw that it was Yunho so he picked up, still standing as close as possible to San while the latter had an arm around his shoulders. 

"Ya Yun, that better be important."

"I understand things went well with your lover boy huh?" Wooyoung could hear the smirk in Yunho's voice.

"I'm hanging up now bye."

"Wait, just one thing."

"What?" Wooyoung said impatiently.

"Is he a good kisser? Did you buy him dinner before starting to chewing him?"

"Get lost." Wooyoung simply said.


Wooyoung hung up and looked at San who was giggling. 

"This guy is high like half the time so please ignore that." He said with a smile.

"I can't wait to meet him. He sounds funny." 

"When you'll meet him bring your red headed friend along cause Yun has has a crush on in the size of a planet." He smirked.

"Omg he has a crush on Gi? Cause Gi has a crush on him too!"

"Wait for real??" San nodded. " This is gold!" They both started laughing again.

When they calmed down Wooyoung noticed that it was getting late. So he offered to take San home. San happily agreed and so they threw away their melted ice cream and went to Wooyoung's car, while holding hands. As they drove back, Wooyoung took San's hand in his, not taking his eyes off of the road. He felt San lift their hands to his lips and kissed Wooyoung's hand. Wooyoung smiled and squeezed San's hand. 

When they got to San's apartment, Wooyoung turned to him.

"I had the best time Sanie. I hope you enjoyed it too." He said, still holding San's hand.

San smiled shyly. " I had a blast Woo, that's the best date I had." He looked at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung smiled softly, moving his face closer to San's. San returned the smile, his dimples on display.

"My beautiful lucky charm." Wooyoung whispered just before he kissed San.


The endಥ‿ಥ

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18 streak #1
Chapter 1: This was soo cute
Chapter 1: That's so cute. I love San in this fanfic!
Chapter 1: I'm Yunho, fr. But this is so cute. I love it~
I need more fics this cute, but also dirty. <3
Chapter 1: OMG, OMG; THIS WAS SO FRICKIN' CUTE! Yunho is so hilarious in this, lol, my favourite moment of him is when he calls Woo when he's on a date with San. Also, I wonder what plans Woosan are going to hatch to get Yungi together.
I've never actually read a Woosan swimmingau, but this Fanfic made me wanna read loads of them ~ one after another. I really enjoyed it!
Woosan are so cute and fluffy together! ♡♡♡